$ilberfuchs Geschrieben 17. Februar 2011 Geschrieben 17. Februar 2011 Ich habe mich mal etwas umgeschaut zum Thema Blade Tisch und einen guten Guide gefunden leider nur in Englisch. Ich denke er wird trotzdem dem einen oder anderen helfen Part 1 Flow of time & energy: The first thing to understand about this table is the day/night cycle, and how energy works. During the daytime, most shots will restore a small amount of energy. You gradually lose energy during nighttime, and most shots expend a small amount of energy. The flow of time is not a constant, it is dependent on your energy level. During the daytime, time moves faster the more energy you have. During the nighttime this is reversed, as time moves slower the more energy you have but will speed up as you spend it. The Chronometer above the left slingshot shows you how far away the next cycle change is. This will be open as long as a game mode is not currently active. Time does not advance during most game modes. While the chronometer is open, the player may hold the plunge/launch button to advance time at a greatly accelerated rate. The table will automatically change from day to night when the player has 99 energy and is not in a game mode. Likewise, the table will change from night to day if the player is reduced to 0 energy, and not currently in a game mode. It is also important to point out that completing any of the Deacon Frost missions will reduce the player's energy to 2 or 3. Flippers: There are 2 flippers in the standard spot you find on most tables just above the center drain. There is a horizontal shot flipper on the upper right side of the table, just below the right orbit. There are also 2 flippers on the mini playfield accessed via the citadel ramp at night. Slingshots: These are located directly above each flipper. The left slingshot displays the chronometer, while the right slingshot displays the status of the Darkhold chapters. Inlanes and outlanes: The outlanes on this table are fairly forgiving, and both can have kickbacks activated. There is 1 inlane on the right side of the table, and 2 inlanes on the left. The right inlane, and the left-most inlane are referred to as the 'slash' lanes by the game. Ramps: This table has 3 ramps. The citadel ramp is on the left side of the table. It's entrance is past the bumpers. The alley ramp Is located on the upper right side of the table, between the 2 orbits. The sewer ramp is on the mid-right side of the playfield. The entrance is just under where Hannibal is located, just to the left of the locker. Orbits: The main orbit is located on the upper right side of the table. The left and right entrances are on either side of the alley ramp. The fire orbit is on the small upper playfield, with an entrance on either side of the mission hole. Skill Shot Holes: These are located on the lower left area of the playfield. They are a bank of 3 holes. The diverter on the plunge lane aims the ball at these holes. Lair Hole: This is located just under the bottom-right bumper. Bumpers: There are 3 bumpers located on the mid-left area of the playfield. These serve as obstacles in the way of the citadel ramp. Hannibal Locker: This is a hole located directly under the platform Hannibal sleeps/stands on. Workshop targets: There are 2 of these. They are located on the left and right post of the alley ramp entrance. Shrine: This is located at the top of the lower playfield, directly under the upper playfield drain, and to the left of the left orbit entrance. Deacon Frost Targets: These are located to the left of the shrine hole. The upper-right flipper is aimed at these. It is important to note that these are holes during the daytime, and excluding a couple game modes, are targets during nighttime. Hidden Hole: This is located on the far left side of the table, past the bumpers. It's a little hard to see in most views. I would suggest using the free view cam to locate this hole if you have a hard time finding it. Darkhold Chapters: These are 8 drop targets that rotate around the mission hole on the upper playfield. Mission Hole: This is on the upper playfield, in between the 2 fire lanes. At first this hole is protected by the 8 Darkhold chapters, but as you hit them they will disappear and the hole will be revealed. Part 2 Rewards, Missions and Game Modes Anytime rewards and modes: These can be done no matter what time mode the table is currently in. Skill Shot: At ball launch, one of the 3 skill shot holes will be flashing. Above where the ball is launched there is an diverter that oscillates back and forth. Time your shot so the diverter sends the ball into the flashing hole to hit the skill shot. After a successful skill shot, immediately shoot the alley ramp, followed by the hidden hole for a super skill shot. Kickbacks: 4 shots to the left orbit will light the kickbacks. Kickbacks on this table are always lit together, and stay lit until you use them, or lose your ball. Once either kickback has been used, the other will stay lit, and you can hit the left orbit 4 more times to re-light the used one, or re-light both if both have been used. These can also be bought from the workshop at daytime. Ball Save: 4 shots to the hidden hole will activate ball save for a short time. Visions: Hitting the bumpers will start to fill in the letters of Visions on the DMD. Once they have been filled, the magnet between the bumpers will capture the ball and Dracula appears above one of the bumpers. After which, Dracula will start teleporting around the bumpers as the magnet sends the ball flying between them. Starting this mode also lights the letter D in Dracula, needed to start the wizard mode. Advance Multipliers: This is available both day and night, but the methods differ. At daytime the multiplier can be advanced by rescuing all 3 bound captives, or bought from the workshop. At nighttime, they can be advanced by lighting all 3 targets under Deacon Frost. Extra Ball: There are 3 methods to activating the extra ball lights in the lair hole, and the 2 outlanes. Starting Daywalker multiball during daytime will light them. Collecting all 8 Darkhold chapters will light them, as well as advancing the multiplier to 10x. Perfect Slash: Hit the slingshot 10 times to light the slash lights in the right inlane and leftmost inlane. Roll over either of these while the slash lights are lit to execute a perfect slash for big points. Daytime rewards and modes: These can only be done when the table is in daytime. Talismans: Hit the right orbit during daytime to open the portcullis on the citadel ramp. Once the portcullis has been opened in a game it will stay open for the duration of the game. This will divert the ball to the left mini-playfield when the citadel ramp is hit during daytime. Once there, one of the 4 targets will be flashing. The object is to hit either flipper when the ball rolls by the correct target to push the ball through the gate. There are 4 talismans you can collect. Two of them add a permanent 100 points to all scores collected. One immediately collect 4 Darkhold chapters, if they are still available. One halves prices at the workshop. Once all talismans are collected, all targets on the mini-playfield will be lit. Hitting any of them will score some points, but will not give any of the talisman bonuses again. Collecting a talisman, or hitting one of the lit targets after all talismans have been collected will light B in Blade for Daywalker multiball. Treasure: Hit the lair hole during daytime to spot a treasure. This will make one of 7 holes flash. The 3 Deacon Frost holes, the 3 skill shot holes, and Hannibal's locker. Hit the flashing hole to collect the treasure and score some cash. Every time the lair hole is hit a new treasure location will begin to flash. Previously revealed treasure locations will continue to flash until collected, even if more locations are revealed via the lair hole. Once a treasure is collected that hole will remain lit, and no treasures will spawn at that hole until all 7 locations have had their treasure collected. Then they may be re-lit again. Collecting a treasure lights L in Blade to start Daywalker multiball. Bound Captives: Hitting the sewer ramp, or the alley ramp if the workshop is not open will briefly make the 3 Deacon Frost holes flash. Hit one of the flashing holes to release a bound captive. One a captive has been released at one hole, that hole will not flash again until a captive has been released from all 3 holes. Releasing a captive lights A in Blade for Daywalker multiball. Workshop: Hit both workshop targets to open the workshop. Once it is open, hit the alley ramp to go to the workshop. Here you can spend the cash you've earned to buy points or upgrades. Buying something from the workshop lights D in Blade for Daywalker multiball. Here are what's available for purchase: Friendly Handshake - $0 - Points Santa's Bag - $15 - Points Silver Bullet - $25 - Points Swirling Blade - $40 - Increases the value of the spinner Flame Thrower - $50 - Flaming ball (2x scores) Tearwood Dagger - $60 - Advance the ballout multiplier Garlic Essence - $75 - Points Kevlar Armor - $80 - Lights both kickbacks Twin Blades - $90 - Activate ball save Suppressing Darkhold Chapters: Hit the shrine hole during daytime to suppress 1 Darkhold chapter in your possession. If you do not have any chapters, or have already suppressed all of them, this shot will give you a decent boost to your energy. Any shot to the shrine hole during daytime will light E in Blade for Daywalker multiball. Daywalker Multiball: Light all 5 letters of BLADE to start Daywalker multiball. This starts a 3 ball multiball, and lights the extra ball at the lair hole and both outlanes. All shots to holes will add a small bit of cash, and every shot to the the alley ramp, sewer ramp, and both orbits will add a small bit of energy. The alley ramp, sewer ramp, and both orbits will start flashing in this mode. Hit any 3 flashing lanes to light the jackpot on the citadel ramp. Once it is collected you must light it again via hitting the flashing lanes. Each time the jackpot is collected, it's value increases. Nighttime rewards and modes: These can only be done when the table is in nighttime. Lone Vampire: Hit both workshop targets to start lone vampire. One of the ramps or orbits will begin flashing. You have about 25 seconds to hit the flashing lane for points and $50. Advance multiplier: Light all 3 Deacon Frost targets to advance the multiplier. Once this has been advanced to it's max, 10x, extra ball lights at the lair hole and both outlanes. Payback: Hit the sewer ramp 3 times to start payback. Hannibal loads the ball into his cannon and aims at the Deacon Frost targets. One of the targets will have a cross-hair on it. Hit the launch button when Hannibal is aiming at the correct target to win this mode. Hannibal Multiball: Hit the Hannibal locker to open up the ball locks. Hit the locker again to lock a ball. Once 3 balls are locked, Hannibal will shot 3 balls out of his cannon at Deacon Frost to start this 3-ball multiball. In this mode, jackpots can be collected on all 3 ramps. Hitting either orbit increases the value of the current jackpot. Each jackpot collected is added to the super jackpot value. To collect the super jackpot, hit the shrine hole. Once a super jackpot has been collected, the balls turn into UV balls (glowing) and all scores for the remainder of the multiball mode are doubled. UV Multiball: Light all 3 skill shot holes at nighttime to start UV multiball. This starts a 2 ball multiball, and turns your balls into UV balls (glowing). Ramps and orbits will defeat vampires, while all holes and the 3 Deacon Frost targets will seal a breach. Sealing 5 breaches will make Hannibal fire a 3rd UV ball onto the playfield. Once the 3rd ball is lost, you can get Hannibal to put it back on the table by sealing 5 more breaches. There is supposedly a bonus for sealing 100 breaches in this mode, but I have yet to do this. Darkhold Chapters: These are the 8 rotating drop targets surrounding the mission hole. Hitting them will collect them and add them to your inventory. During daytime you can hit the shrine hole to suppress 1 chapter in your inventory for a decent amount of points. This value increases for each chapter you have already suppressed. Flaming Ball: Shoot either fire lane on the upper playfield 3 times to light your ball on fire for a short period of time. All score earned while your ball is on fire will be increased by about, but not always, 2x. Vampire Lair: Hit the lair hole once to activate the compass. Once this is active, hit any ramp to light this mode at the lair hole. Hit the lair hole while lit to locate a vampire lair. This will light one of the ramps or orbits for about 25 seconds. Hit the flashing ramp/orbit to start the vampire lair mode. In this mode there are 5 vampires you need to defeat. These will be located at the sewer ramp, alley ramp, citadel ramp, and both the right and left orbits. Once a vampire has been defeated, the remainder will start moving counter-clockwise around the ramps and orbits about every 2 seconds. Defeat all 5 vampires to win the mode. You have 20 seconds to make a successful shot, with each successful shot resetting your time limit to 20 seconds. Successfully completing this mode will light R in Dracula, needed for the wizard mode. District Sweep: Hit the Shrine hole twice at night to open up District Sweep at the shrine hole. Hit the shrine hole while this is lit to start district sweep. This is a video mode mini-game. The DMD will show a picture of a vampire, and then 4 portraits will appear. You must use the flippers to highlight the portrait that matches the vampire you were shown to capture him. This mode has 4 rounds, with each round requiring you to catch 1 more vampire than the previous mode. Once all 4 rounds are complete, shoot the shrine hole again for a big point boost. Completing any round of this mode will light A in Dracula, needed for wizard mode. Deacon Frost Missions: The following 4 missions are started at the mission hole on the upper playfield. To get your ball up here, you must shoot the citadel ramp when no other modes are running. All Deacon Frost missions with the exception of Mirror Images is timed, with the time limit based on how much energy you have. Completing each of these missions lights one of the DRACULA letters needed to start wizard mode. Personal Differences: All ramps and orbits begin flashing in this mode. All you need to do to complete this mode is hit any 3 different ramps/orbits before your fatigue bar empties. Your fatigue is refreshed after each successful shot. A successful shot on a ramp/orbit will light that lane, and it will no longer be an active target. Nocturnal Visitors: In this mode, one of the ramps or orbits will be flashing, all other will be lit. The object is to shoot the flashing ramp/orbit without hitting any of the lit ones. You must score 3 successful shots to win this mode. 3 shots on an incorrect ramp/orbit will fail the mode. You can also fail if you run out of fatigue. Each successful shot will replenish your fatigue. Mirror Images: This mode starts a 2 ball multiball. All holes and ramps/orbits will begin this mode flashing. The object is to hit any 3 different holes, and any 3 different ramps/orbits. Once this criteria is met, you need to lock either ball in the shrine hole to complete the mission. This mode is not timed, and the only way to fail is to lose the multiball. Cathari Katana: The object of this mode is to collect the 4 pieces of the Katana from the alley ramp, sewer ramp, and right/left orbits. Once a piece is collected, you must hit the citadel ramp to join it to the rest of the katana. Once the citadel ramp is hit, the remaining ramps/orbits that have not had their piece collected will begin flashing again. Repeat this process for 3 pieces of the katana, and the mission will complete when the 4th piece is picked up. You do not need to hit the citadel ramp a 4th time to complete the mission. You will fail the mission if you cannot successfully make a shot before your fatigue bar empties. Your fatigue is replenished on any successful shot. Also note the bumpers disappear completely for the duration of this mode, making the citadel ramp significantly easier to hit. Wizard Mode: Light all letter of Dracula to start this mode. Here are the criteria for each letter: D - Activate Visions R - Complete a Lair A - Complete a District Sweep C - Complete Personal Differences U - Complete Nocturnal Visitors L - Complete Mirror Images A - Complete Cathari Katana The Wizard mode on this table has 3 phases. Phase 1: Dracula will start draining your energy. You have until your energy is completely depleted to make 15 shots. All holes, ramps, orbits, and the Deacon Frost targets count. Also note that unlike the rest of the nighttime modes, the Deacon Frost targets open up and catch the ball as a hole, like they do during daytime. You will fail this mode if you are not able to make 15 shots before losing all your energy. Phase 2: In this phase the citadel ramp diverts to the mini-playfield used for collecting the talismans. The object here is to hit all 4 talisman targets. This is made difficult by a gate at the entrance to the citadel ramp, that will constantly open and close, blocking your shot. In addition, anytime this gate or any of the bumpers is hit, the visions magnet will catch the ball, and fling it around the bumpers a bit. This phase is not timed. Phase 3: This phase starts a 3 ball multiball. I'm not exactly sure what the objective here is, or if there even is one. The DMD offers no guidance, and every target on the playfield is flashing. I usually hit a couple shots and this completes phase 3, which sends the table into the reward phase. Reward Phase: In this phase, the table shifts from night to day. You keep your multiball from phase 3, and all shots on the table are worth millions. This mode lasts until you lose your multiball. At which point the DRACULA letters reset. Part 3: Tips and Tricks The first thing a player should know about any table is how to keep their game alive. Always try and keep your kickbacks up, as these will save a ball draining from either outlane. I wouldn't recommend shooting for the ball saver, as it does not last long enough to be all that useful, even the 'long ball save' from the workshop. Plus there are almost always better things to buy. It is also worth noting a bangback can be performed from both left and right drains with 2 well timed strong upwards nudges, but the timing is incredibly tricky. You also risk a tilt unless you currently have no tilt warnings. Always go for the extra balls when available. Collecting the 8 Darkhold chapters is the easiest way to light them, but this can only be done once unless you suppress all chapters and complete the wizard mode, at which point they will re-spawn. Daywalker multiball is your best bet for a reliable way to rack up the extra balls. This goes hand in hand will the basic strategy of the table, as Daywalker multiball is the best method available to safely increase your energy. You should also understand the limits the game has on awarding extra balls. You may only earn 2 extra balls per numbered ball. This means while on ball 1 you may only earn 2 extra balls. Since draining a ball and starting an extra ball does not increase the ball #, if you gain 2 extra balls on your first ball 1, then drain and start your second ball 1, you will not be able to earn any additional extra balls until you have drained both extra balls and advance to ball 2, at which point you will be able to earn 2 more extra balls. Be aware of how energy works. This is very important, as your time limit for most modes in nighttime are dependent on how much energy you have. You also can spend more time at night the more energy you have. It's fairly easy to increase your energy at daytime, but if you want to max your energy fairly safely, abuse Daywalker multiball. All ramps/orbits except for the citadel ramp will increase your energy. The longer you can go in this mode and continue to hit those lanes, the more energy you will have going into the next nighttime. This is especially vital when going for the wizard mode, as your energy is drained very fast. If you want a good shot at getting the 15 shots necessary to complete phase 1, you need to go into it with as much energy as you can muster. Also note that completing most Deacon Frost missions will leave you at 2 or 3 energy, with only a few seconds before it drains to 1 and daytime starts. This is the perfect time to start a vampire lair, as the time limit on this mode is not dependent on your energy level, and since time does not move when a mode is active, this lets you squeeze in an extra nighttime game mode out of a night cycle after completing a Deacon Frost mission. Know how the day/night cycle affects the table. Not only does it completely change the missions and modes available, but certain aspects of the physical table change as well. At night, the Deacon Frost holes close, and do not capture the ball. During daytime, there is a capture hole at the base of the citadel ramp and the alley ramp, which will catch the ball on a ramp rollback. Also during nighttime the bumpers can disappear. Some modes they disappear from the table for the full duration of the mode, and certain shots will remove them for a very brief period of time. This is useful as it makes the citadel ramp much easier to hit without the bumpers in the way. Always start flaming ball before sinking it in the mission hole when wizard mode is lit. The phase 1 shots are worth a LOT of points. You will get a significant boost to your score going into it with the flaming ball. Scoring on this table is a little weird. Repeating shots and modes will earn more points, but there seems to be some sort of hidden multiplier for certain point values that will continue to increase throughout the duration of the game until it eventually maxes out. I do not know what increases this multiplier, or what all scores it can affect. The main scores I've noticed it affecting are Visions, and defeating vampires, either lone vampire, clearing vampires out of a lair, or vampires in UV multiball. This is why I do not give exact score values for the various modes and targets, as most of them change throughout the course of a game. The ballout bonus on this table can be quite significant. Exrta ball awards aside, it is well worth maxing the ballout multiplier when you can. Most important targets on this table can only be hit from a certain flipper. If you need a shot on the opposite flipper as your ball is on, you can perform a rolling pass by letting the ball roll down the undesired flipper, and giving the table a strong upwards nudge as it rolls across the middle of the flipper. This will cause the ball to jump off the undesired flipper, onto the one you want to shoot with. If performed correctly, you will be able to cradle the ball once it gets to the opposite flipper to line up your shot. The left orbit is a very dangerous shot, as often when you hit it, the ball will return from the right orbit entrance, and rocket straight down the middle. You must divert the ball's direction with the upper flipper after hitting this shot to prevent this situation. When I am shooting for the left orbit, I hold the right flipper out and let the ball roll off the upper flipper into the bumpers. This way I don't have to worry about hitting the upper flipper too late and having the ball roll off and into the drain. Related to the tip above, NEVER let the ball roll off the upper flipper in the dead position. This almost always sends the ball straight down the middle. Use time to your advantage. As long as you are not in a mode, you can hold the launch button to rapidly increase the flow of time. This is incredibly useful if you find yourself in daytime, with a lot of energy and not much to do. There is no point in wasting shots and risk a drain when you want to be in night mode. On the flip-side, if you are in night mode and are low on energy, it's worth skipping back to daytime to recharge before tackling some of the harder missions, especially the wizard mode. Also if you do not have an extra ball ready and find yourself in nighttime, and the Darkhold chapters have all been collected, it's much easier to skip back to daytime and get an extra ball out of Daywalker multiball than trying to max the ballout multiplier. This isn't related to strategy, but I find it amusing. Keep an ear open for the Castlevania 2 reference when Dracula is defeated. Meine Quelle war hier das ZEN Forum
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