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Pack-a-Punch => Neue/Lustige Waffennamen


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Mir ist gerade aufgefallen das wenn man einige Waffen Pack-a-Punch'd, diese dann teilweise lustige Namen erhalten ^^


EN FAL => EPC WN (Epic Win)

AK74u => AK74Fu2 (Fuck you too)

Gibt es noch andere Waffen bei denen solche Name rauskommen?

Und wenn ja welche? ^^

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List of Pack-a-punched Weapons


M1911 = Mustang & Sally- Becomes dual pistols that fire grenades semi-automatically.

Python = Cobra- Increased damage, recoil settles more quickly, each cylinder holds twice as many rounds.

CZ75 = Calamity- Increased damage, becomes full automatic, each mag holds an extra 5 rounds.

CZ75 Dual Wield = Calamity & Jane- Increased damage, both fire full-auto, both have 20 round mags, 0.5x more spare ammo.

Sub-Machine Guns

MPK5 = MP115 Kollider- Bigger Magazine, More Damage.

AK47u = AK74fu2- Custom Red Dot, Bigger Magazine, More Damage.

PM63 = Tokyo & Rose- Dual Wield.

Spectre = Phantom- Increased damage, gets a custom reflex sight, 1.5x mag size, holds more spare ammo.

MPL = MPL-LF- Bigger Magazine, Custom Red Dot.

MP40 = The Afterburner- 64 Round Magazine, Slight rate of fire increase, Increased damage.

Light Machine Guns

HK21 = H115 Oscillator- Increased damage, each mag holds 25 more rounds, extra 100 spare ammo.

RPK = R115 Resonator- Increased damage, increased rate of fire, 0.25x extra rounds per mag, 0.25x extra spare rounds.

Assault Rifles

M16 = SkullCrusher- Increased damage, gets an underbarrel grenade launcher (has 9 grenades), becomes full-auto.

M14 = Mnesia- Doubled Magazine, Higher Damage, gains grip.

Famas = G16-GL35- Gets a custom red dot sight, increased damage, each mag holds 1.5x more ammo.

Galil = Lemantation- Increased damage, gets a custom red dot sight, almost double spare ammo.

AUG = AUG-50M3- Increased damage, adds a Masterkey attachment (shotgun, with 6 shells loaded and 30 spare), increased rate of fire, about 1.4x extra spare ammo.

Commando = Predator- 40 Round magazine, 320 Carried ammo, Dual Mags, Damage Increase.

FN FAL = EPC WN- Gets a custom red dot sight, increased damage, fires in 3-round bursts, each mag holds 1.5x more ammo, double spare ammo.

G11 = G115 Generator- Increased damage, fully automatic, scope has no sway any more.


Olympia = Hades- Higher Power, Longer Range, Incendiary Rounds.

SPAZ-12 = SPAZ-24- Increased damage, increased rate of fire, faster reload speed (the reload animation loads all 24 shells by only putting in one), holds 3x as many shells, holds 3x more spare ammo.

HS10 = Typhoid & Mary- Increased damage, becomes dual HS-10s, both reload faster, each holds a couple more rounds than the regular HS-10 and spare ammo becomes a little more than doubled.

Stakeout = Raid- Bigger Magazine, Reloads 2 Shells at a time, Longer Range, Higher Damage with grip.

Sniper Rifles

Dragunov = D115 Disassembler- Increased damage, scope now has variable zoom.

L96A1 = L115 Isolator- Increased damage, scope now has variable zoom.


China Lake = China Beach- Increased damage, faster reload speed (the reload animation only requires reloading one grenade and 5 will be loaded), holds 5 rounds, double spare ammo.

M72 LAW = M72 Anarchy- Increased damage, now holds 10 rockets at once firing semi-auto with 2x spare ammo.

Special Weapons

Winters Howl = Winters Fury- Bigger Magazine, Longer Freeze Time, Increased damage.

Ray Gun = Porters X2 Ray Gun- Damage doubled, Spare ammo increased, Magazine capacity doubled.

Thundergun = Zeus Cannon- Doubled Magazine, Can Kill More Zombies with One Shot.

Ballistic Knife = The Krause Refibrillator- Increased damage, now holds 9 spare blades, shooting a downed ally with it will revive them (instant revival upon being hit).

Crossbow = Awful Lawton- Increased damage, now the rounds fired will attract zombies (just like Monkeys, though these explosive bolts explode a little sooner).

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