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What did he say?!?! *Announcements*


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Da ich ein freund der serie bin und schon immer spaß an ihr hatte, was nicht zuletzt an den kommentaren des ansagers liegt, dachte ich mir, es sei evtl ganz witzig (möglichst) all jene kommentare zu sammeln/aufzuschreiben :)

Ich mach mal den Anfang mit ein paar announcements, mal sehen wieviele wir zusammenbekommen, bzw entziffern können :biggrin5:

2 guys 1 dunk

Aaaarrrrhahahaaaarrrrhahahaaaarrrr! (Tarzan scream)


All that shake-n-bake, but no dinner


And BOOM goes the dynamite!

And he blocks the dunk!

And he dropped him like a bag of hammers

And he hits the floor like Evil Knievel....ouw

And he is wide open with the money-ball

And here's the lucky fan, shooting for the new car

And it sure makes sense, DENIED!


And the shot is blocked

And the threepointer won't go


Beam me up scotty

Better get up your umbrella, it's raining threes

Better put it up quick



Breaking ankle

Bricks it


Call 911, this guy is on fire!

Can someone shut that noisemaker off?!?!

Can't buy a bucket

Clean swish from three-point-land


Destroys him with the spinmove!


Do you remember the tea-party? Now we have a thunder-dunk-party


Dude, not cool! You shotblocked me

Dunkus interuptus

Fades and fires

Fancy pants (move)

Finds the man open

From another/a different area code

From another/a different timezone

From behind the ark


From jackson to spain

Get THAT outta here

Get the Dunk out of my jump

Get this stuff outta here!

Good aggressive defence there

Good ballmovement there

Grabs the rebound

Great D/defence


He blocks it

He elevates and detonates

He has the altitude with an attitude

He is heating up (in a hurry)

He meassures the three and fires

He serves up the facial!

He shattered the backboard!

He's got a pocket-pick

He's on fire


Here it comes

Here's a BRICK... HOUSE!

Here's the hook


I am sure, thats the shot the coach had in mind!

I do believe in dunks! I do believe in dunks! I DO believe in dunks!

I just got my dunking degree from DUNKING on YOU!

I love it when you call me Big Blocker

I luvit! (I love it!)

I'm the busdriver and i'm taking you to school!

Improvises in the air

In your grill!


Is it the shoes?!

It looks like a three! It smells like a three! But it doesn't act like a three!

It's a bird, it's a plane... dunks it!

It's a brickhouse and this guy is the bricklayer

It's about time

It's Blocktoberfest down here

It's boomshakalaka-time!

It's getting hot in here

It's raining threes... Halleluja!


JAMS it in!

Jukes it

Just inside


Knock, knock! Who's there? BOOMSHAKALAKA!

Knocked out of his hand

Lays it up (for 2)

Long range

Look out below

Looks like the tazmanian devil

Looong three/two

Looses control (of it)

Making it rain

Mini boom shakalaka


My, oh my


Never had a chance

Nice pass

No doubt about it

No good

No hoop/shoot for you!


Not even close

Not in this/my house!

Nothing but butterfingers

Nothing but net

Nothing but nothing

Nothing but nylon

Nothing but the buttom of the net

Oh my

Oh, brutal knockdown

On the playground you will call him "chucker" for that shot

Only thing better than a dunk is a BLOCKED dunk!


Out of his range! (Guess what?! MISS!)

Ouuh, fancy-pants move

Passes it over


Practice, Practice...we're talking about practice

Puts it back in

Puts up a brick



Scottie?! Beam me up!

See yaaa!

Sends it back air-mail-special

Sends this one back

Serving the facial




Slambulance Ambulance

Slams it home


Soft to the rim

Someone missed the assignment, this guy is too open!

Sweet potato casserole, shoot it!

Sweet touch

Swipes it away


Swishes it home for three

Take out your Baggie-Pants, it's Hammer-Time!

Taking off... (SLAMS/JAMS it in!)

Telegraphed this pass

Terrible shot

Thank you, but not today

Thanking for making my poster

Thanks! Come again

That was an ankle-breaker crossover

That was an in your face dunk

That was super AND duper!

The ball is (knocked) loose

The ball is stripped

The big time player make big time play

There's the alley and here comes the oop

This guy is a backboardhater

This guy is a one-man wrecking-crew

This guy is literally all elbows

This guy is maybe the best swish-hitter in the game

This guy is on fire like mississippi barbeque

This guy is quick like a rabbit on a pogostick

Threepointer won't go down

Too big, too strong and too fast! (changes order from time-to-time)

Tries to make a little elbowroom for himself

Ugly shot

Uncool dude, you shotblocked me

Waaaaa... The fat lady is singing

Waaay outside

Watch out, he wants some elbow-pie


Whatever you can do, I do it better

With a lot of mustard

With a MONSTER-crossover-move

Wild shot

Yeah, thats a high percentage shot

Yes, he can

You bring the peanut-butter and I'll bring the JAM!

You can talk to the hand, but the jam make happening

You gotta be kidding me!

You know what they say?! The bigger the shove, the bigger the love!

You reach? I teach!

* fires away

* firing it up

* for three

* for two

* hits the floor

* is eating up the floor

* wins the tip

* with great defence

* with the great d

* with the HUGE block

* any player in the game

on fire edition

So, ich hoffe hier kommt noch was zusammen :drool5:

Ich würds dann hier rein editieren.

Danke für die Unterstützung an: xX_CCN_Xx, Fluff, -Erazor-, Kramer__, Tarwok, blackrose79

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It's a bird,It's a plane...dunks it

Badabing Badaboom

You know what they say.The bigger the shot,the bigger the love

It raining threes...Halleluja

kein spiel hat einen so einen geilen kommentator :drool5:


he shattered the backboard

i'm the busdriver and i'm taking you to school!

no hoop for you

no shoot for you


* with the great d

* with great defence


you reach? i teach!

Oh man, selbst nach einigen stunden spielen, hört man immernoch eins, was man nicht kennt^^



hab das game jetzt seit wochen und hab immer noch ein fettes grinsen weil ich es auf dem super nintendo vergöttert habe :biggrin5:

That was an in your face dunk

Dunkus Interuptus ( mein favorit)

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Kleines update :)

Ihr seid spitze, die meisten von euch, hab ich sogar noch nie gehört, bzw wahrgenommen ^^

Da geht noch was...

@ xX_CCN_Xx

Ist halt einfach nur ein supergeiles spiel.

Es kann jeder depp bedienen und es macht einfach nur hölle spaß, seine kollegen (welche einen in jedem anderen spiel fertigmachen) in grund und boden zu dunken :D


Looks like the tazmanian devil

Slamulanz Ambulanz

was ich jetzt zum ersten mal gehört habe als ich on fire war und 5 von den mega dunks gemacht habe,hat der den tarzan schrei gemacht :biggrin5:

die langen sätze versteh ich leider nie ganz.der sagt immer was mit thunder dunk party wo ich den anfang nie verstehe.wir sollten mal alle co-op party machen


i bring the peanut-butter and you bring the JAM!

too fast! too big! too strong!

terrible shot

ugly shot



the ball's stripped

nothing but net

nothing but nylon

nothing but nothing

the ball's loose

the ball is knocked loose

fancy pants move

Das ist das große problem, man ist grade mittendrin und bekommt die sache nur halb mit, aber zurückspulen, bzw nochma anhören is ja leider nich^^

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lays it up for 2

it's getting hot in here

he is heating up

he's on fire

wild shot


Wow, schon die 5te :eek6:

Werde heute noch in die 4te starten, aber zieht sich doch mit der zeit mehr als erwartet^^


Yes,he can


Scottie,beam me up

And boom goes the dynamite

Better get up your umbrella,it raining threes

And he dropped him like a bag of hammers

Waaaaa......The fat lady is singing

ist ja richtig lange liste geworden :cool2:


Großes Update

I just got my dunking degree from DUNKING on YOU!

Clean swish from three-point-land

He meassures the three and fires



It's boomshakalaka-time!

This guy is a one-man wrecking-crew

Soft to the rim

Send this one back

Send it back air-mail-special

Out of his range! Guess what?! MISS!

Finds the man open

Yeah, thats a high percentage shot

Better put it up quick


Taking off... SLAMS it in!

With a MONSTER-crossover-move

Never had a chance

He's got a pocket-pick

See yaaa!

This guy is literally all elbows

On the playground you will call him "chucker" for that shot

Try to make a little elbowroom for himself

Looses control of it

That was an ankle-breaker crossover

Good aggressive defence there

It looks like a three! It smells like a three! But it doesn't act like a three!

Swishes home for three

Oh, brutal knockdown

Not even close

Destroys him with the spinmove

Good ballmovement there

He has the altitude with an attitude

Scottie?! Beam me up!

He serves up the facial!

Improvises in the air

Someone missed the assignment, this guy is too open!

From jackson to spain

Serving the facial

It's a brickhouse and this guy is the bricklayer

Here's a BRICK... HOUSE!

@ -Erazor-

Wenn ich das richtig mitbekommen habe, sind diese geräusche heimteam gebunden (und kommen auch nur nach korberfolg des gastgebers)... Bei den magic kommt zB auch der starwars sound, hab den sonst noch nirgends mitbekommen.

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Hier noch einmal ein großes update von mir:

Puts up a brick


Get that outta here

Not in this house

Puts it back in

Is it the shoes?!

Grabs the rebound

Oh my


There's the alley and here comes the oop

Sweet touch

Jams it in

Head fake

Ouuh, fancy-pants move

From behind the ark

Fades and fires

Here's the hook

And it sure makes sense, DENIED!

Great defence

He blocks it

Look out below

Jukes it

Just inside

Out of his range


Slams it home

Can't buy a bucket

No good

No doubt about it

Long range

Looong three/two

And he blocks the dunk!

* fires away

* firing it up

Passes it over

My, oh my

And he is wide open with the money-ball

He is heating up in a hurry

Bricks it

Waaay outside

Get this stuff outta here!

And the shot is blocked

* for three

* for two

Nothing but the buttom of the net

It's about time

With a lot of mustard


Watch out, if you want some elbow-pie

* hits the floor

And the threepointer won't go

Making it rain

Nice pass


Threepointer won't go down

This guy is maybe the best swish-hitter in the game

Can someone shut that noisemaker off?!

Dude, not cool! You shotblocked me

That was super AND duper!

He elevates and detonates


He is eating up the floor

Only thing better than a dunk is a BLOCKED dunk!

Telegraphed this pass


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