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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Man müsste den Fallout Entwicklern eine Rekord-Trophy schenken. "Trophy: Absturz: Um diese Trophy zu bekommen, muss man sein Spiel oder Ps3 alle 5min freezen lassen und dies das ganze Spiel lang!" Diese Trophy müsste natürlich dann Bronze sein^^

Ha der Spruch ist gut! Und du hast ja so recht damit und das schlimmste ist das sie nichts draus gelernt haben denn Fallout New Vegas ist genauso verbuggt.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hey Leute,

Ist es eigentlich normal das ich nirgends Fallout 3 mehr uncut bekomme,habe schon überall geguckt,und wenn ich es dann mal finde,muss man dafür 65 Euro blechen o0

Ich weiß nicht inwiefern ich hier einen Link angeben darf, da es ja in deutschland nicht uncut veröffentlich werden durfte. Guck mal bei gameware.at

Es ist der einer der Verkaufsschlager von denen. 40 euro + Versand für die game of the year edition.

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Ich weiß nicht inwiefern ich hier einen Link angeben darf, da es ja in deutschland nicht uncut veröffentlich werden durfte. Guck mal bei gameware.at

Es ist der einer der Verkaufsschlager von denen. 40 euro + Versand für die game of the year edition.

Danke,ich werde mal dort reinschauen,ansonsten habe ich im Marktplatz schon ein Thema erstellt.

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Hallo. Bin grade bei Alien DLC. Und sammel dort die Kommentare. Nur die bekomme ich nicht alle zusammen. Und ich Such immer alles ab. Hat jemand ein gutes Video. Oder ne gute Auflistung. Ist der letzte Erfolg der mir noch fehlt. Dan hat das Geruckel endlich ein Ende.
Im Leitfaden ist ein Video zu den Sammelsachen.:smile:
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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hallo zusammen, bin gerade in der arbeit (natürlich mit ps3 im nachtdienst) und wollte heute die Waffenschmied Trophy machen, allerdings ist die verlinkte Seite bei mir gesperrt.. Könnte sie mir bitte jemand kopieren und in diesen Thread einfügen..

danke im vorraus..

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hi, meinste den https://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/918428-fallout-3/faqs/54845

das ist der link aus dem Leitfaden.

Ps3 im Nachtdienst , ich tippe auf Bundeswehr :xd::'> UvD ??

hab dir mal den Inhalt im Spoiler rein geschrieben






| Version History......................................................01-00 |


| Legal Stuff..........................................................02-00 |


| Introduction.........................................................03-00 |


| Workbench Information................................................04-00 |

| Schematics...........................................................04-01 |

| Bottlecap Mine...................................................04-01A |

| Dart Gun.........................................................04-01B |

| Deathclaw Gauntlet...............................................04-01C |

| |

| Nuka Grenade.....................................................04-01D |

| Railway Rifle....................................................04-01E |

| Rock-It Launcher.................................................04-01F |

| Shishkebab.......................................................04-01G |

| Item Locations.......................................................04-02 |


| FAQ..................................................................05-00 |


| Contact Information..................................................06-00 |


| Credits..............................................................07-00 |



| Version History......................................................01-00 |


Version 1.04 (1-3-09)

- Updated "Contact Information"

Version 1.03 (12-17-08)

- Added Item locations

- Took a tour through Minefield and found a bunch of stuff

Version 1.02 (12-7-08)

- Added Workbench locations

- Added Item locations

- Updated "FAQ"

Version 1.01 (12-1-08)

- Added some Item locations (All items have at least one source)

- Updated "Schematics" blurb

- Updated "Contact Information"

- Added Workbench location

Version 1.0 (11-20-08)

- Beginning


| Legal Stuff..........................................................02-00 |


This document is copyrighted © 2008 by Glenn Frazee. Fallout 3 is

copyrighted by Bethesda Softworks. I write this for personal use only, not to

be altered, printed, or distributed comercially. This guide may be printed for

personal use, but not for any other purpose. No part of this may be used

without the written consent of myself and whomever requests must give due

recognition. Violators will be prosecuted. Only these sites are allowed to

host this guide:

www.gamefaqs.com and its associated "mirror" sites

If any copies are found elsewhere, please notify the author.


| Introduction.........................................................03-00 |


Fallout 3, regardless of what some diehard Fallout fans think, is quite

the game. I was told before I got the game that it's like Oblivion with guns

and radiation and that is most definitely true. According to what I've read,

Bethesda has made a couple changes to the game after taking over; the one I will

concentrate on now is the addition of the Workbench and Schematics.

What do these things allow you to do? Quite simply, they allow you to

make your own weapons from seemingly random scrap materials. Not only is there

the cool factor of making your own ordinance, there's also the hilarity factor

for some of these weapons and what they can do to enemies. Let us continue.


| Workbench Information................................................04-00 |


Workbenches are only used in Fallout 3 to create weapons from

Schematics. Turns out you can repair your stuff without any tools or a place

to work on, but I disgress. You can only use a Workbench when you have at least

one Schematic. I will now list some locations of Workbenches in order of ease

to get to and least dangerous:

1.) Megaton - Craterside Supply

2.) Rivet City - Market

3.) Buy the "My First Workbench" upgrade for your house

4.) Abandoned Shack west of Rockbreaker's Last Gas

5.) Metro Station - The Family's hideout

6.) Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop (northwest of Tenpenny Tower)

7.) Outcast camp southwest of SatCom Array NN-03d

8.) MDPL-21 Power Station

9.) Gunshop of Paradise Falls

10.) Robco Facility (just northeast of Tenpenny Tower)

11.) Hamilton's Hideaway

12.) MDPL-16 Power Station

13.) The Mechanist's Lair (just south of Canterberry Commons)

14.) Pinkerton's hideout (broken bow of Rivet City)

15.) Evergreen Mills Bazaar - near Smiling Jack

16.) Falls Church Metro - Franklin Metro Utility room

17.) Bethesda Ruins - 3rd floor

18.) Tunnels from Lincoln Memorial to the Citadel, in a side passage (this area

is irradiated)


| Schematics...........................................................04-01 |


In order to make weapons, you have to have the Schematics for the

weapon you want to make. In the unpatched, unmodded version of Fallout 3, there

are seven different weapons you can make.

Finding more than one of each schematic has its benefits too. Finding

a second schematic will allow you to make the second version of the weapon, and

a third allows you to make the third version. Finding more than three does not

yield any more benefits.

For the second version of a weapon (Dart Gun v2, for example), the

weapon will do 10% more damage. Finding a third schematic yields another 10%

on top of that for a total of +20% damage. However, for explosives like the

Bottlecap Mine or Nuka Grenade, the v2 will make two grenades instead of one and

the v3 will make three instead of one. Obviously, if you plan on making many

of these weapons, it would be beneficial to obtain multiple copies of the



| Bottlecap Mine.........................04-01A |


| Type: Explosives |

| Base Damage: 802 |

| Weight: 0.5 |


| Items needed: |

| - Cherry Bomb |

| - Lunchbox |

| - Sensor Module |

| - 10 Caps |


| Schematic Locations: |

| - Moira Brown - Megaton, Craterside Supply |

| - Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop |

| - Knick Knack - Little Lamplight, General Store|

| - Herbert Dashwood after telling him about the |

| fate of Argyle |



| Dart Gun...............................04-01B |


| Type: Small Guns |

| Base Damage: 6 |

| Weight: 3 |


| Items needed: |

| - Paint Gun |

| - Radscorpion Gland |

| - Surgical Tubing |

| - Toy Car |


| Schematic Locations: |

| - Lydia Montenegro - Tenpenny Tower |

| - MDPL-05 Power Station |

| - Reward for "Head of State" quest |



| Deathclaw Gauntlet.....................04-01C |


| Type: Unarmed |

| Base Damage: 18 (Ignores Damage Resistance) |

| Weight: 10 |


| Items needed: |

| - Deathclaw Hand |

| - Leather Belt |

| - Medical Brace |

| - Wonderglue |


| Schematic Locations: |

| - Reward for helping Bannon in Rivet City |

| - F. Scott Key Trail & Campground |

| - Random encounter with a wastelander |



| Nuka Grenade...........................04-01D |


| Type: Explosives |

| Base Damage: 501 |

| Weight: 0.5 |


| Items needed: |

| - Abraxo Cleaner |

| - Nuka-Cola Quantum |

| - Tin Can |

| - Turpentine |


| Schematic Locations: |

| - Sierra Petrovita - Girdershade |

| - Doc Hoff, Traveling Merchant |

| - Cliffside Cavern |



| Railway Rifle..........................04-01E |


| Type: Small Guns |

| Base Damage: 30 |

| Weight: 9 |


| Items needed: |

| - Crutch |

| - Fission Battery |

| - Pressure Cooker |

| - Steam Gauge Assembly |


| Schematic Locations: |

| - Tulip - Underworld |

| - Reward for "Stealing Independence" quest |

| - MDPL-13 Power Station |



| Rock-It Launcher.......................04-01F |


| Type: Big Guns |

| Base Damage: 50 |

| Weight: 8 |


| Items needed: |

| - Conductor |

| - Fire Hose Nozzle |

| - Leaf Blower |

| - Vacuum Cleaner |


| Schematic Locations: |

| - Moira Brown - Megaton, Craterside Supply |

| - Rivet City Armory |

| - Crazy Wolfgang, Traveling Merchant |

| - Vault 101, framed quote in James's Office |



| Shishkebab.............................04-01G |


| Type: Melee |

| Base Damage: 40 |

| Weight: 3 |


| Items needed: |

| - Lawnmower Blade |

| - Motorcycle Gas Tank |

| - Motorcycle Handbrake |

| - Pilot Light |


| Schematic Locations: |

| - Reward for "Blood Ties" quest |

| - Lucky Harith, Traveling Merchant |

| - Outcast camp southwest of SatCom Array NN-03d|



| Item Locations.......................................................04-02 |


Though you most likely have picked up a few random parts in your

travels, use this list to help you find those hard-to-find items.


| Abraxo | - usually found in any large building - try a janitor |

| Cleaner | closet |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - Sunken Chambers, Oasis |

| | - Germantown Police HQ |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Zane House, Minefield |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Cherry Bomb | - toilets |

| | - Raider encampments |

| | - Sunken Chambers, Oasis |

| | - Germantown Police HQ |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Gibson House, Minefield |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |


| Conductor | - RobCo Facility |

| | - anywhere with other electronic loot |

| | - Fort Constantine |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - MDPL-21 Power Station |

| | - Sunken Chambers, Oasis |

| | - Damp Cave, Oasis |

| | - Murder Pass, Little Lamplight |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |


| Crutch | - broken bow of Rivet City |

| | - Springvale Elementary School, second floor |

| | - Roosevelt Academy, Nurse Room |

| | - Farragut West Metro Station, office |

| | - Sunken Chambers, Oasis |


| Deathclaw | - Deathclaw corpse |

| Hand | |


| Fire Hose | - found in large, red "Fire Hose" boxes on walls in |

| Nozzle | buildings |

| | - Fort Constantine |

| | - Germantown Police HQ |

| | - Vault 87 |


| Fission | - toolboxes |

| Battery | - near other electronics |

| | - Protectrons |

| | - The Mechanist's Lair |

| | - RobCo Facility |

| | - Damp Cave, Oasis |


| Lawnmower | - old lawnmowers |

| Blade | - Minefield (several lawnmowers laying around) |

| | - Faded Pomp Estates |

| | - often found in Raider camps |

| | - Chaste Acres Dairy Farm |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - Sunken Chambers, Oasis |

| | - Vault 87 |


| Leaf Blower | - Chaste Acres Dairy Farm |

| | - Craterside Supply, Megaton |

| | - Crazy Wolfgang, traveling merchant |

| | - Damp Cave, Oasis |

| | - Charnel House |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Minefield |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Leather | - Super Duper Mart |

| Belt | - Chaste Acres Dairy Farm |

| | - Metro Access/Generator Room, Tenpenny Tower |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Minefield |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Lunchbox | - Super Duper Mart |

| | - Raider camps |

| | - Bethesda Softworks Office |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - Damp Cave, Oasis |

| | - Gibson House, Minefield |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |

| | - Zane House, Minefield |


| Medical | - Tenpenny Tower basement |

| Brace | - Lucky's, a trading post southwest of Tenpenny Tower |

| | - Springvale School |

| | - Lucas Simm's house |

| | - Chaste Acres Dairy Farm |

| | - Big Town Medical House |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Gibson House, Minefield |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Motorcycle | - back of Springvale Elemetary School |

| Gas Tank | - Super Duper Mart |

| | - Rivet City Flight Deck |

| | - Doctor Lesko's Lab, Marigold Station |

| | - Raider camp near Flooded Metro |

| | - Grisley Diner |

| | - Chaste Acres Dairy Farm |

| | - Minefield |


| Motorcycle | - back of Springvale Elementary School |

| Handbrake | - Super Duper Mart |

| | - Raider camp near the Flooded Metro |

| | - broken bow of Rivet City |

| | - Grisley Diner |

| | - Chaste Acres Dairy Farm |

| | - Minefield |


| Nuka-Cola | - Nuka-Cola Factory |

| Quantum | - Super Duper Mart |

| | - lots of random places |


| Paint Gun | - toolboxes |

| | - Chaste Acres Dairy Farm |

| | - Fort Constantine |

| | - Outcast camp southwest of SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - MDPL-21 Power Station |

| | - Damp Cave, Oasis |

| | - Germantown Police HQ |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |


| Pilot Light | - stoves |

| | - Germantown Police HQ |

| | - Gibson House, Minefield |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |

| | - Zane House, Minefield |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Pressure | - Minefield |

| Cooker | - Super Duper Mart |

| | - Mason Dixon Salvage |

| | - Metro Access/Generator Room, Tenpenny Tower |

| | - Germantown Police HQ |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Gibson House, Minefield |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |

| | - Zane House, Minefield |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Radscorpion | - Radscorpion corpses |

| Poison | |

| Gland | |


| Sensor | - The Mechanists Lair |

| Module | - near other electronic loot |

| | - MDPL-16 Power Station |

| | - Outcast camp southwest of SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - Germantown Police HQ |

| | - Murder Pass, Little Lamplight |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |


| Steam | - RobCo Facility |

| Gauge | - Vault 92 |

| Assembly | - metro storage closets |

| | - Super Duper Mart |

| | - Minefield homes |

| | - Tenpenny Tower, Roy Philip's room |

| | - Bethesda Softworks offices |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |


| Surgical | - Super Duper Mart, room with Protectron |

| Tubing | - most doctor's places |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - Metro Access/Generator Room, Tenpenny Tower |

| | - Little Lamplight Medical Room |

| | - Vault 87 |


| Tin Can | - basically anywhere |

| | - MDPL-21 Power Station |

| | - Sunken Chambers, Oasis |

| | - Metro Access/Generator Room, Tenpenny Tower |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Toy Car | - children's bedrooms in old houses |

| | - Lucas Simm's House, Megaton |

| | - The Mechanist's Lair |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d (on the floor by some stairs) |

| | - Little Lamplight Medical Room |

| | - Germantown Police HQ (on the ground) |

| | - Vault 87 |

| | - Gibson House, Minefield |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |

| | - Zane House, Minefield |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Turpentine | - toolboxes |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - Little Lamplight Medical Room |

| | - Germantown Police HQ |

| | - Zane House, Minefield |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Vacuum | - Craterside Supply, Megaton |

| Cleaner | - Super Duper Mart |

| | - The Mechanist's Lair |

| | - Vault 108's Entrance & Living Quarters |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - Metro Access/Generator Room, Tenpenny Tower |

| | - Benson House, Minefield |

| | - Gillian House, Minefield |


| Wonderglue | - toolboxes |

| | - SatCom Array NN-03d |

| | - Metro Access/Generator Room, Tenpenny Tower |

| | - Germantown Police HQ |

| | - Vault 87 |



| FAQ..................................................................05-00 |


Q: I can't find "x" item needed to make the weapon!

A: Sometimes necessary items spawn and appear in merchant inventories randomly.

Other times they're in preset places, which I will try to include in this

guide as much as possible. Sometimes you really have to search to find what

you're looking for.

Q: I can't find "x" item in the location you specified.

A: Look harder. Either that or you've already picked it up previously.


| Contact Information..................................................06-00 |


GameFAQs s/n: Idiosyncrat

Email: grfrazee [at] gmail [dot] com

Please have "Workbench/Schematics Guide" in the first part of the title so it

sticks out for me. You probably won't get a reply unless your email incites

one, but I will give you credit where it's deserved :)

Don't ask me how to cheat. I'll just ignore your email.

If you're stuck, try the following website for help before sending me a question

that would take a ten second search to find the answer to:


And for goodness sake make them intelligible. If I have to think beyond the

obvious to see what you're trying to say, I'll just delete it. Nothing like:

"yo bro, i wuz diong thsi kwest and the dood woodn't appeer. i think my game si

haXored. wut shuld i do?"

Dear God use actual words and punctuation! Your English teachers should beat

you! If English isn't your native language, then I can understand. Otherwise,

you should know better. For those of you who do write well, I thank you.

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ja..aber ich kann die seite nicht öffnen, die ist wegen "Games" gesperrt..darum wärs es nett wenn mir jemand den text, wo man die waffen findet in diesen thread kopiert..

nicht ganz.. nachtdienst im krankenhaus, leitstelle für patiententransporte.. 12h wach bleiben und telefon und pc bewachen.. gsd hat der 2.monitor HDMI

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