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Hab auch eine mail bekommen:

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 144 hours.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

MLINK: http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/enduser/cci/ecp_direct.php?p_userid=slipknot1194@web.de&p_next_page=myq_upd.php&p_iid=17410227&p_created=1256239776


EA Chat

Discussion Thread

Response (Charles N.)

10/27/2009 03:00 PM


Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.

I would like you to do the following.

1. Go to the PS3 Main Menu

2. Please select the Settings option

3. Please select the Network Settings option.

4. Locate and disable the Media Server Connection option.

5. Go back to the PS3 Main Menu

6. Please select the Games option

7. Please select the Game Data Utility option under the Games option

8. Please locate the game data for the game and delete it. This will not affect your game saves as they are stored in a different location.

9. Please go back to the Main PS3 Menu and place the game in the drive and allow it to update.

10. After the game updates please attempt to unlock another trophy.

If you have any further questions or concerns please reply to this email or visit our extensive knowledge base online at http://support.ea.com.

Thank you,

Charles N

EA Online Support

Response (Sean)

10/22/2009 12:39 PM


Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.

Due to the nature of your issue, more time is required for investigation. I apologize for any prolonged delays this might cause, but please rest assured that we are trying to handle your issue in a timely manner. During this time, you may still update your incident with additional information that might help us resolve your issue without causing any additional delay. To update your incident click the link above that says, "To view or update your question from our support site, http://support.ea.com ."

We appreciate the opportunity to assist you and look forward to getting you back in the game. Please accept our apology for any troubles or errors you may experience from time to time and your help.

Was meinen die bei dem ersten mit 144 Stunden muss ich mich melden obs geklappt hat oder wie?

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Folgende Antwort ging eben bei mir ein. Das war's dann wohl, ich reg mich schon gar nicht mehr auf :skep:

edit: Die erste Enttäuschung hat sich verzogen. Ich werde morgen nochmal den Live Chat kontaktieren, dass sie nicht die Trophäe freischalten, sondern lediglich den Counter von 119 auf 120 setzen müssen. Mal sehen ob noch was drin ist... :skep:


Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts Customer Support.

Unfortunately we cannot manually add any achievements for Bad Company and this specific issue is already being addressed by the development team. Many people that have reported this issue had the award automatically unlocked after a few days. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.

If you need further assistance please visit our knowledge base at http://support.ea.com.

Thank you

Troy K.

Electronic Arts Customer Support

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Vector Roll hat mir geantwortet:

Dear Vector Roll,

first at all, i would like to thank you for your additional help to help us all out with the "I am Bad Company" issue.

Unfortunately the EA Customer Support told us, that they are not able to add any achievements for Bad Company and this specific issue would be already being addressed by the development team.

Further they told us, that many people that have reported this issue had the award automatically unlocked after a few days. This is not right, you know.

I know VectorRoll, that SuperNewby has been very busy with BC2 but is there any other way to help us out one more last time?

As you know, it is very disappointing to accept, playing the Game many many Months and after all, don't get the achievement.

I appreciate to you VectorRoll for your help.

Greetings from Germany.

Well isn't that just a pain in the rear. I am going to have to look into contacting both EA and DICE on this one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

@ Mighty Bison: Exakt.

@ AgGroBonZe: Tja, gute Frage. Es wird immer schwieriger EA/DICE dazu zu bewegen die I am Bad Company Trophäe freizuschalten. Oder sagen wir besser, den Counter von 119 auf 120 upzudaten.

Oder überhaupt bei jedem den Counter zu beheben ;)

HAb Vector auch Angeschrieben gerade mal gucken was er sagt.

Warum denkt ihr das EA also DICE keine Lust mehr hat die freizuschalten?

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