Freddyisback Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Kann jemand was genaueres zu denen schreiben? Gibt es zusätzliche Trophies? Was können die beiden? Und vorallem sind sie je die 6.99 € wert?
Fluff Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 5.99 Naja, Makoto ist wie Noel, Tsubaki und Jin von der gleichen Akademie und Valkenhayn ist der persönliche Butler von Rachel. Makoto ist halt ein...Eichhörnchen und kämpft vorrangig mit ihren Fäusten und Schlagstäben..glaub sehen aus wie Tonfas. Ist ein sehr agiles Teil. Ähnlich wie Taokaka. Valkenhayn kann sich in einen Werwolf verwandeln hat aber wie Hazama keinen Forward Dash. Er hüpft nur. Man kann also seine Moves mit seiner Wolfform kombinieren. Er ist etwas behäbiger. Und ja beide haben Trophies. Aber immer die gleichen. 7 Challenges mit jedem bestehen. Vollwertige Version des Chars einsetzen. Und 5000 Schaden (glaub) anrichten. Dafür reicht ein AF.
Oggynal Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Denke man kann getrost warten, bis der dritte DLC-Char rauskommt, und es dann vielleicht mal im Preis sinkt, für alle 3 zusammen.
Freddyisback Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Autor Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Wieviele Chars sollen denn noch kommen? Gibt es da irgentwo eine Info zu?
Fluff Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 [url=]YouTube - Platinum Gameplay[/url] [url=]YouTube - Blazblue Continuum Shift 2 Platinum the Trinity Gameplay 2[/url] Das Gebilde hier soll noch kommen. ^^
Dark-Styl3r Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Es schaut schon mal ganz nett aus, aber irgendwie voll kitschig;)
00Riku Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 omg, das ist doch nicht die tussie aus trinity universe und digaea 3?
XHitsugayaX Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 irgendwie passt die nicht zu blazeblue odeR?
Fluff Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2010 Eigentlich ist das Teil zwar n Loli aber sie ist einer der 6 Weisen aus dem Spiel. Praktisch so eine wie Hakumen ist oder der alte Katzenopa. Also der Charakter wo 2 oder 3 Persönlichkeiten hat. Im Spiel kam der bisher nur in Zwischensequenzen der Story vor. Von daher ist das Teil schon im Spiel. Nur die Aufmachung ist halt - naja.. ^^
Oggynal Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Das ist halt der Teil von Platinum der nur selten zum Vorschein kommt, der sich in Nox Nyctores verborgen hat ;P. Also im Spiel drin ist sie schon, glaube kaum das sie aus Disgea oder nem anderen Spiel ist. Sieht zwar sehr "farbig" aus der Char, aber richtig gespielt, bestimmt verdammt stark. Fehlen ja nicht mehr viele der 6 Helden die man spielen müssen kann, bis alle da sind. Obwohl ich es mir bei Nine schwer vorstelle, wie sie dort plötzlich auftauchen soll.
XHitsugayaX Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 ach is das die die ranga als perversen beschimpft
Fluff Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Exakt die, wo ihm im Restaurant begegnet. ^^
XHitsugayaX Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 hat die 3 persönlichkeiten? ich dachte des waren 2
Oggynal Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Musste mal den Story-Modus komplettieren, dort erscheint sie wenn auch nur kurz als Trinity. Wie gesagt fehlen nurnoch Jubei und Nine als spielbare Chas, da das Ende der Story aber wieder sehr offen ist, wird es wohl neues BlazBlue Futter in absehbarer Zeit geben, wenn man bedenkt das es ja schon seit einigen Monaten in JP und US draußen ist.
Freddyisback Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Autor Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Musste mal den Story-Modus komplettieren, dort erscheint sie wenn auch nur kurz als Trinity.Wie gesagt fehlen nurnoch Jubei und Nine als spielbare Chas, da das Ende der Story aber wieder sehr offen ist, wird es wohl neues BlazBlue Futter in absehbarer Zeit geben, wenn man bedenkt das es ja schon seit einigen Monaten in JP und US draußen ist. Wie es gibt schon einen 3ten Teil? Oder habe ich das jetzt falsch verstanden?
Oggynal Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Ja hast du, das Ende vom 2ten ist so offen, das ich nen dritten Teil vermute, der auch sicherlich kommen wird, denke mal das das Spiel ziemlich erfolgreich ist, wenn auch in europäischen Gefilden nicht so sehr wie in US und JP
Fluff Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2010 Es kommt oder ist schon draußen. Blazblue Continuum Shift 2 aber nur in jap. Spielhallen als Arcace-Version. Was damit passiert - Keine Ahnung oder ob ein Nachfolger kommt. Da geht, wenn schon, genug Zeit ins Land.
Mondpena Geschrieben 19. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 19. Dezember 2010 Also Blazblue Continuum Shift 2 ist, soviel ich mitbekommen habe BB CS inkl allen DLC Chars, nicht mehr und nicht weniger.
OCV Geschrieben 19. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 19. Dezember 2010 Also Blazblue Continuum Shift 2 ist, soviel ich mitbekommen habe BB CS inkl allen DLC Chars, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Falsch, das spiel hat zig neue balance änderungen: System/Misc. Changes and Info:* New mechanic: Corner Bound. Red effect appears when they hit the corner, they fall down like they got hit with a knockdown. Most interesting property is the untechable time buff, most of the moves that corner bounce are untechable in air. * System announcer changed again evidently even worse w/r/t engrish. * New opening theme (watch here) * All characters' Counter Assaults have a gap added into them, making them hard to use. * Instant Block: down to 2-3 frames less of recovery instead of 5. * Meter increase penalty time increased, in other words, you get back meter much slower after you cause meter actions * There is a single player mode called "Unlimited Wars", its pretty much the score attack mode but all your opponents are unlimited characters Ragna * BE's hitstop has changed * increase in 6C's attack level(?) * Yami ni Kuwarero's damage is guaranteed to be at least 1500. + ID 2nd follow up straight punch corner bounds. + Forward throw corner bounds. + 623C>236C follow up 236C does not cause a big wall bounce which make you will be able to combo after you land + 5B>3C>623C>236C>236C>land 2C>5D works + 22C does 600 damage + 6A faster, 5A 6B(maybe he means A) works on airborne opponent. + Carnage Scissors's damage has been increased (200, 800 damage is guaranteed, at the very least) - Madao has no +f (can still manage to stuff mashing, but hard). - 22C not very profitable to use in general - 6A cannot gatling into anything anymore - Berial Edge's angle has changed; harder to combo. - j.D has more proration. Jin * No confirmed corner bounds. * Apparently some badass named Tetsu is in the middle of a 40-win streak using this character. Jin seems very strong. + 2D starts up faster. + Yukikaze now does 3080 damage + 2D is slightly faster than previous loketests + j.B seems to be bit faster than CS, but slower than CT + 6A breaks primer and is advantage on block. maybe about +5? + His jump's startup is 4F now. - 623D has more proration. - throw is not cancellable anymore, but you can combo with dash 6C and does something around 2000 - 623D seems to have the same move proration, combos with 2 623D's involved pretty much don't work anymore Noel + 6C corner bounds. + 5C > 6B Gatling added + Bloom Trigger has wall bound; if they don't make it to the wall, it ground slides. - cannot cancel from her throw - Noel's hitbox during 2D is bigger. Rachel * Ground throw may corner bound. + Overall damage has increased compared to CS (It's weaker than last loketest) + New gatling: 5B > 2B (Looping it is impossible) + George now keeps walking after its target for more time and its attack's hitbox is larger. - j.2C is not jump cancellable anymore. - Actually harder to get damage now with the 5CC change. - George has less life. - j2C Lv2 bounces higher. Taokaka * 6C may corner bound. + 5C attack level increased, 5C CH -> 6C combos. + 5CH > 6C works + Her j.B was mid in the previous loketests, now its first hit is an overhead. - Her taunt proration decreased to 40%. (needs clarification) - 3C can only be cancelled with distortion drive (confirmation from previous loketest) - 3C techable (maybe?). - all DE moves have same-move proration Hakumen * No confirmed corner bounds. * Forward throw causes slide effect. * All D moves: you get the 1 orb meter once you counter, but it doesn’t apply if you counter projectiles. * 5C: has more horizontal reach. has more proration * 5C: Faster startup now. has more proration now. 5C > Enma Combo does 3100 – 3200 damage. * 5A: has more proration now, 5A > 5B now connects. 5A > 5B > Enma > J2C > 2C > J2A > J2A > JC (I’ll call this Enma Combo) does about 2000 damage * J2A: has more proration, but not just like.. more general proration or initial proration. Maybe added a special property. * Renka: 2nd hit does wall-bounce once hit. 120% proration of the 1st hit is gone. * Enma (623A - A): you can still do CS Enma combo. has more proration now. * Renka: (at the corner) Renka > 5B > J2A > J2C > 2C > J2A > J2A > JC does 3052 dmg. (at the corner) Renka > Zantetsu > 2C > J2A > blah blah does 4700 – 4900 dmg. * Hotaru: kicks you to the wall with 45 degree and wall bounce. You can follow with 6C. At the corner you can do followup combo with full charge 6C. Near corner you can do Hotaru > 6C > 2C. (at near corner) Hotaru > 6C (full charge) > 5C > Gurren > 2C > blah blah does about 4700 – 4900 damage. * Tsubaki: (at the corner) Tsubaki > 3C damage is about 2700. At near corner, Hotaku > Tsubaki combo lets you slide down to the middle of the screen. Tsubaki > Shippu (shockwave) combo works, damage is about 3334. (near corner) Tubaki > 2C > J2A > J2C > 2C > J2A > J2A > Jc > 5C > 3C does about 4600 dmg. + J2C: has faster startup now. + 4C: now cancellable to special moves. not sure about the proration at this moment. + Tsubaki: Slide down no matter of air or ground hit. you can do followup combo at the corner. + Hotaru: looks like you can combo into Enma after this hits. (not confirmed) + 5A j2A connects (j2A faster?). + jA JB chain added. + 5D comboable on some characters. + 5B: has more proration now. 5B (counter hit) > 5B works now. 5B > Enma Combo does about 2300 – 2400 damage + 2C: has better hit box (idk if that’s horizontal or vertical) 2C> Enma Combo does 2700 – 2800 damage + JC: You can combo into 5C or 6C once corner hit. + JA: Now chains to JB + J2C: Faster startup now. has a lot less proration now. J2C > 5C > Enma Combo does 3200 - 3250 damage. + 4C: Faster startup now. Air unblockable now. 4C > Enma Combo does about 2230 ~ 2300 dmg. + 6C: Faster startup now. Slides down on air hit. You can do follow up combo at the corner. Whatever wall bounce move > 6C is now more stable. + 5D: can combo into 2B. 5D > 2B > gurren > step 5A > JA > JB > J2A > JC does about 2100 dmg. + j2A has more untech frames. - jC has less untech frames. - 2A: 2A > 5B doesn’t connect anymore - 3C techable. Only comboable on CH. - 6A: moves slightly less forward than CS - 6B: Damage is decreased (749 4th locke -> 710 now) - 3C: has more recovery now. 3C - 2B works only after counter hit. - JC: slightly more recovery - 5D: damage is decreased to 1400, fewer active frames. gain 1 orb meter once you successfully counter. - 623A: moves less now. cancellable to other specials now - 6D: damage is 1600 now. Can’t do any followup combo. - JD: Can’t do any followup combo - Forward/Back Throw: you can do followup combo only at the corner. - 6C has same move proration. - 4C CH does not stagger anymore. Carl * Brio's knockback trajectory travels farther. + Brio corner bounds. + jC knocks down. + Anima has armour, launches very high. + Volante has multi-hit armour for projectiles. + Cantata is quicker. + NEE-SAN~ moves faster. + 3C CH knocks down, foot attribute added. + 6A seems like it got an invincible period. + 5B seems stronger for some reason. + B Vivace is pretty much completely invincible except for throws now + opponent cannot air tech after being hit by Cantabile + Brio wallbounces in corner, untech time after being wallbounced increased + Brio is back to being completely unblockable in air + 8D's first hit has positive proration. - Throw damage is 600. Throw > Fermata damage is 1700. - Volante has same move penalty. - j.B is no longer a fatal counter - Overall damage has been drastically reduced. - 3C retains CS version's float property, but is also ground-techable. - A-Vivace's invincibility frames are gone. - Cantata's startup is slower, can't be used as a reversal anymore. (Around 10F for the flash, and 1F startup after it [?]) - j.C > j.B gatling has been removed. - jC > j.2C gatling has been removed. - 2D's positive proration has been removed. Litchi * The midscreen combo is jBCB land jBCB 6C 421D jB etc. You can go into it from Chun, so it's easy and dangerous enough. + JC CH corner bounds. + Staffless jB has more untech time, otherwise staffless Litchi didn't change much. + 4D slide down>release D>dash JB~ combos + you can combo ittsuu after throw, and you can follow up with CS combo afterward + 6D knocks opponent back, has wall bounce + 2C CH launches opponent high. Itsuu possible afterwards. + Chun has more untech time? + 6B has longer hitstop on guard for some bizarre reason, wall bounces airborne opponents even on normal hit. + Forward throw causes spin-down stagger + 6D wallslams/bounces only on airborne opponents. + 6D[m] on aerial hit makes opponent fly straight (?), causes wallbounce in corner + 6B[m] on aerial hit causes wallbounce. Return possible (followup possible?) + 6B[m]'s hitstop on guard is large. Heavy. + CH 6B[m] causes wallbounce (doesn't matter if aerial, needs verification) - On normal hit, All Green has less untechable time when opponent is hit in the air. - (something about 6A being able to inflict both stagger and bend-back state? person calls it a nerf although it could be a buff) - Staff 6B and j.C both knock opponent back but do not wall bounce. - Staffless j.C is ground techable. - Tsubame Gaeshi's descent is faster. Cannot follow up with 6C. Bang * 5A is still good + Fire punch(?) corner bounds. - Daifunka's recovery is longer, can no longer be followed up. - jD has more proration (from BBCS, less from the previous loketests). Lambda * Zwei Blade (236B) startup has returned to CS version. + Ground throw corner bounds. + jDD knocks down airborne opponent. Techable. + Calamity bounces on FC, can combo without meter. + Sickle will bounce aerial opponent multiple times, red-beats. Beats out jumps. + Follow up Ds to 5D and 4D(5DD and 4DD) have more untech time resulting in 5DD>4DD being able to combo mid-air opponents. Longer untech time also means it's easier to combo into 236C on air born opponents from a 4DD. - 4B's first hit has enormous hit stop. Way more time to reposition yourself. - after 214D normal hit, you can't combo with 5D, you can do dash 5B so it requires more reaction skill - no invincibility for gravity move Mu + Furu no Tsurugi corner bounds. + 3C now jump cancelable, even on block + seems like D moves got some guaranteed frames + j.2C is once again untechable. + 5C and 2C's startups are faster. - 3C is techable again - 6A has shorter untechable time - J2C does not cause the knockdown, you need to RC to do the follow up combo - Stein Gunner's lasers take longer to fire. - Stein Gunner's charged laser does not break Guard Primers any longer. Arakune * No confirmed corner bounces. * Zero Vector lasts for about 6 seconds on the timer. * curse combo still does 8000+ damage * 6D is positioned slightly farther away. + j.6[A/B/C] has been returned to BBCS version. + f.g can used in combo to recurse opponent + mist is faster, but lasts shorter + 5A > 2A > 2A > 5A gatling added + Bird jump cancels (probably 6A/B/C) went back to CS1 in loketest + 5D air unblockable? (needs verification) - slight increase in startup time before a warp. - 6D falls faster. - jB's attack level reduced Tager * No confirmed corner bounces. * Appears ridiculously strong, according to information from Yuumura-sensei. Charged 6A is surprisingly useful. + 22D does 100 damage + 2C>3C added + B-Tager Buster connects with more characters. Rachel eats 4800 from a B-Buster and gives Tager oki, but was it like this in CS already? I saw Arakune picked up with Gadget Finger after B-Buster. + Backthrow launches opponent straight upward, easier to follow up after. + 3C recovery reduced. + j.2C CH causes knockdown, made slower, easier to follow up after. + Sledge followup has superarmor halfway through. + Can easily sneak 720 from 421B (lit. charge cancel) - 2C > 4D gatling removed - j.D magnetism pull weaker - no follow up combo from regular throw Hazama * Jyabaki might corner bounce. * Misc: you can now do 5A (anti air) > 5C > 4D combo again. Can’t do 5A > 5C > 4DA > 4DD. 5B is new counter-assault motion. * 236236B: proration is increased. Repeat proration is added. *Rumor: Somebody said its invincibility frame is all gone so IB > Jayoku is nearly impossible now but very possibly it's not true. * 6A: knocks down on hit * 6C: knocks down on air hit. No change on ground hit. Once air hit, knife binds you to the ground for certain frames. (way more fancier than Bang’s nails maybe?) * 214DC: Effect on hit is now similar to CS. Only difference is an opponent is spinning at air once hit. + jyabaki causes the wall bounce when hit on air + thus, 3C>jyabaki>5C works in corner + mid screen combos are pretty much 3C>214DA or Jyayoku>214DC>6C>dash2B + A-follow-up recovery has been shortened, easier to use + Ouroboros recovers faster compared to the location tests, but still slower than CS. + Counter-Assault's animation is now 5B. + 5B: Attack lvl decreased. Looks like either - 2 or - 3 on block. Now Air Unblockable + 5C: Now Air unblockable + Forward Throw: Damage is increased to 1800. (WTF?) Now air untechable. It connects to DDs only (sounds like you can combo into 632146C too). Forward Throw > Jayoku now works at the field too. + Back Throw: Damage is increased to 1800. You can do followup combo with J6D to all characters. + Air Throw: Ground bounce on hit. You don’t need J2D to do the follow up combo. + 236D: Slides down on hit. Wall bounce at the corner. + 236C: you get 5% of meter gauge once hit - attack level of chain moves decreased - DOES NOT get back stocks when opponents blocked chain - chain faints have shorter stun time, faster - All D moves: Damage is decreased. Damage proration is increased. Startup is faster now. Hit-stun is still a lot less than CS. DA cancel is still faster than CS. 4DA > 4DD is still possible with very strict timing. No Ouroboros gauge back on block. You require more time to get the gauge back automatically. - 3C: 214DC only connects on counter hit. You have no way to connect lvl 2 214DC - JA: not jump cancellable anymore - JC: Only first 2 hits are jump cancellable. - 214DA: you can’t do any followup combo with lvl 1 hit. Knocks down on air hit. - 623D: You have now less time to do followup combo after this hits. Not sure the reason (maybe because more recovery?) - Ouroboros has same-move proration. Tsubaki * D [wind? wings?] corner bounces. + 5B is stronger, can be used as anti air. + 22C > 214D is possible. + j214 bounces off opponent on block, harder to be counterattacked. + 6A has less proration. + Her CA motion was changed to "Wind" (Wasn't that 22A/B/C/D?) + 214A/B/C/D has upper body invincibility. + If a special move is blocked, she can cancel it into a D special move. + j.236A/B/C/D (Light) can be used as cross-up. - 2C has less upper-body invincibility. You can get hit out of it before it even comes out. Still a strong move. - j214D is mid, was high in previous loketest. - j.D's charging speed is the same as it was in CS1. - Tsubasa follow-up has a sharp angle, difficult to hit with. - D-wings knocks opponent directly down for a slide down, but D-Hikari won't hit some characters. - 3CC can float opponents high, but cannot be followed up if Tsubaki has no gauge. - 236236D does not have invencibility anymore. You lose your charge gauge even if you are hit before hitting the opponent. Makoto + Shooting Star corner bounds. + 2A hits Tao's crawl. + 214A~B recovery reduced. + 2B>5B gattling added (cannot reinput 2B) + opponent cannot tech in air after getting hit by dempsey roll + Comet followups go further for lvl 3s. - j.2C's level has been reduced. Still a strong move though. - Makoto's Big Bang Smash startup is slower. Still a strong move. Valkenhayn * 6C corner bounces. + 6A CH unairtechable. + j.C's attack level didn't change, but the way it knockbacks changed. Easy to combo with. - Nacht Rozen no longer an overhead - Throw > 2C no longer possible - big nerf in combo damage, avg. 3k damage now - 2C may have lost upper body invincibility. - Wolf change cancel slower recovery. Harder to mixup with Nacht Jäger because of this. Platinum * Ground throw corner bounces. * Appears mostly unchanged since last location test. * Has 5 Guard Primers * Air dash animation is Platinum riding her staff like Cardcaptor Sakura. Hang time on the air dash is long. If she and another character air dash and attack at the same time, it might be possible for her opponent to hit her afterward before she lands. + Dash is pretty far. - Either j2C or Frying Pan has more proration.
superdante Geschrieben 21. Dezember 2010 Geschrieben 21. Dezember 2010 Nee verdammt lange Liste. Weiß einer schon einen Termin für Trinity und weiß jemand ob die Add Ons aus dem deutschen Store auch mit der US Version funktionieren.
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