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Allgemeiner Thread zu Gran Turismo 5


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Wer des englischen mächtig ist und schon einmal ein erstes big-review (vorallem gerade über die Fahrphysik) über Gran Turismo 5 lesen möchte aus der Sicht eines Schon-Besitzers, schaut mal hier rein! ;)

Ein Auszug:

You have a constant idea what your car is doing and you just know when you did something wrong. It is very difficult to explain by words, but all variables that determines the feel of the car on particular part of the track are linked perfectly. You just know when you're going over the top, when the line you've taken will not be good or when you've applied the wrong steer. Also, greatest improvement is done in realms of racing cars, where Kazunori finally reached the levels of his only inspiration, Yu Suzuki's masterpiece F355 Challenge. Sense of speed through corners is now perfect. The insane level of grip and power of race cars has been finally toned down, and feeling of having an ultimate driving machine now comes from ability to steer perfectly, to have control of throttle and brakes, to feel the suspension and to have time to prepare for next maneuver. Refinement in this area is the most important to me, because in all previous GT games I had problems with insanity of race cars. Now everything is in place as it should be, and I love that aspect most.

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