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Hypetabelle V1


Auf welche Spiele die noch 2010 herauskommen freut ihr euch am meisten?  

35 Stimmen

  1. 1. Auf welche Spiele die noch 2010 herauskommen freut ihr euch am meisten?

    • FIFA 11
    • Call of Duty-Black Ops
    • F1 2010
    • Medal of Honor
    • Assassins Creed-Brotherhood
    • Gran Turismo 5
    • Little Big Planet 2
    • Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2
    • Fallout-New Vegas
    • Need for Speed-Hot Pursuit
Durchschnittsbewertung: 3.03

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1. FIFA 11 8

2. Medal of Honor 20

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 26 SAVE

4. PES 2011 12

5. Fallout:New Vegas 18 SAVE

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 8

8. DJ Hero 2 10

9. Die Sims 3 8 KILL

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 4

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1. FIFA 11 10 SAVE

2. Medal of Honor 22 SAVE

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 26

4. PES 2011 10 KILL

5. Fallout:New Vegas 18

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 8

8. DJ Hero 2 10

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 4


1. FIFA 11 8 KILL

2. Medal of Honor 24 SAVE

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 26

4. PES 2011 10

5. Fallout:New Vegas 18

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 8

8. DJ Hero 2 10

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 2 KILL


1. FIFA 11 6 KILL

2. Medal of Honor 24

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 28 SAVE

4. PES 2011 10

5. Fallout:New Vegas 18

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 8

8. DJ Hero 2 10

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 4 SAVE


1. FIFA 11 6

2. Medal of Honor 26 SAVE

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 28

4. PES 2011 10

5. Fallout:New Vegas 20 SAVE

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 6 KILL

8. DJ Hero 2 10

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 4


1. FIFA 11 8 SAVE

2. Medal of Honor 26

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 28

4. PES 2011 12 SAVE

5. Fallout:New Vegas 20

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 6 KILL

8. DJ Hero 2 10

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 2 KILL

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


1. FIFA 11 6 KILL

2. Medal of Honor 28 SAVE

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 28

4. PES 2011 12

5. Fallout:New Vegas 20

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 6

8. DJ Hero 2 10

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 0 KILL


1. FIFA 11 6

2. Medal of Honor 26 KILL

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 28

4. PES 2011 14 SAVE

5. Fallout:New Vegas 20

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 6

8. DJ Hero 2 12 SAVE

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 0


1. FIFA 11 4 KILL

2. Medal of Honor 28 SAVE

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 28

4. PES 2011 12 KILL

5. Fallout:New Vegas 20

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 6

8. DJ Hero 2 12

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 0


1. FIFA 11 4 KILL

2. Medal of Honor 26 KILL

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 30 SAVE

4. PES 2011 12

5. Fallout:New Vegas 22 SAVE

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 6

8. DJ Hero 2 12

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 0

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


1. FIFA 11 6 SAVE

2. Medal of Honor 28 SAVE

3. Star Wars-The Force Unleashed 2 30

4. PES 2011 10 KILL

5. Fallout:New Vegas 22

6. Naruto Shippuden-Ultimate Ninja Storm 0

7. Enslaved-Oddysey to the West 6

8. DJ Hero 2 12

9. Die Sims 3 8

10. WWE Smackdown vs.Raw 2011 0


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