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Verabredung Online-Trophäen zu Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days

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1. Hakoom

2. edicious

3. RicoBurito --> OK+HS

4. xX--Johnny--Xx --> OK + HS

5.Sterbehilfe187--> OK+HS(Headset)

6. Madhus414 --> OK+HS

2day ist the day :biggrin5: I made a MP-roadmap so everybody knows what he has to do. I hope everybody is cool with it.

General rule: Nobody kills people from the other team but the person who is about to get the trophy. Killing Teammates is allowed in order to get the Traitor Trophy. Its forbidden after becoming a scum.

Cops & Robbers:

Battle Hardened (1/3) -> comes automatically

Addict (Win 20 sessions) -> Teams are random, but u can arrange them by leaving and rejoining the lobby. My suggestion is Team 1 (Hakoom, edicious and Rico) wins the first 20 sessions, Team 2 (Johnny, Sterbehilfe and Madhus) wins session 21-40.

Alpha Male (Have the most kills) -> Can be easyly done in 1 of the 40 C&R matches. Team 1 rotates the killing person in session 1-20, Team 2 in session 21-40.

Undercover Cop:

Battle Hardened (2/3) -> comes automatically

Rat Killer (Kill the UC as the last surviving criminal and escape) -> 6 sessions. I didn't played this mode yet, but i think the teams again can be arranged by leaving and rejoining the lobby, so that the person who is about to get the trophy is in the criminals team. Same order.

Law Enforcer (Win as UC by killing all criminals) -> Same as Rat Killer but the other way round.

Fragile Alliance:

Battle Hardened (3/3) -> comes automatically

Putting on the Ritz (End a round as Criminal Expert) -> 6 sessions. Nobody collect's the loot but the person who is about to get the trophy. The teammates have to kill the cops and goons.

All Modes:

No I in TEAM (Earn the criminal loyalty level) -> Should pop up after the 20 C&R wins, if u don't shoot at your teammates

Harry Houdini (Escape from being held as human shield) -> Can be easily done in any session

Thers an I in TRAITOR (Become a scum) -> Should be done after u earned the criminal loyalty level

Unfinished Business (Kill a yellow carded criminal) -> Should be done after u earned the criminal loyalty level

Love of the game (all MP trophies unlocked) -> comes automatically

Optional: The following trophies can be achieved in MP-Mode, but i recommend to get them in Arcade-Mode:

Welcome (Successfully escape)

The Cleaner (Escape as a traitor with 50% of any level's total loot)

Escape from… Anywhere (Successfully escape 25 times)

D.I.Y. (Escape with more than $2,500,000 in a round)

Blackjack and Hookers (Accumulate $25,000,000 in your career)

Most Wanted (Accumulate $50,000,000 in your career)

Mastermind (become a criminal mastermind)

Wenn jemand eine Übersetzung will, PN an mich :cool2:

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Sind denn alle Online gerade?

Dann könnte es ja theoretisch losgehen, denn allein eine Lobby zu bekommen wird sicher auch nich ne Zeit dauern..

Madhus hat meinen FR noch nicht angenommen, und deine ID kenne ich nicht. Kannst mich adden bin online.

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i want the guys who made the game dead more than i want the plat ;p :banghead: lol

the online is just as bad as the offline..

and i cant beleive ppl are stil playing this

but i want the plat ;p bec i like the plat name and i put so much effort in the offline.. i dont want that effort to go to waste (it wasnt easy)

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