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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Verabredung Online-Trophäen zu Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

o too bad then i gues ;x

i been stuck with this online for every and i hate the game...

i have been 1st since 65 plats and never droped.. not until the trophy hacks and jailbreak came out and ppl started forming up teams like u see..

its up to you how u see it..

iam a solo player and not a team without any hacks...

but lets not derail thread ;p

and thanks if u can help us boost these stupid online trophies ;p

i don tknow about the rest of the boosters

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

if u want to buy the game just to boost with me then dont pls..

i dont want anyone commiting suicide because of me ;x

YES the game is realy bad that you will feel like sliting your own wrist while playing :banghead:

its a realy realy bad game.... stay away from it unless you have already played it and want to boost ;>

i nearly jumped from my room window while playing on hardest... you have been warned ;p

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

i want the guys who made the game dead more than i want the plat ;p :banghead: lol

the online is just as bad as the offline..

and i cant beleive ppl are stil playing this

but i want the plat ;p bec i like the plat name and i put so much effort in the offline.. i dont want that effort to go to waste (it wasnt easy)

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