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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Why ? xD

(Trotzdem ist Eat Lead genial :D)

Freue mich das einer meiner meinung ist^^

Ne also mal im ernst : Habe das game zwar erst seit heute und auch erst 2 stunden gespielt, ABER!! Es ist schrecklich o0.. Finde es fast schlimmer als Larry ^^ So ein kack spiel ... Da stirbste ja schon auf leicht wenn man nich aufpasst.. Eben wollte ich z.b über einer leiche munition aufheben und wie ich über die leiche gegangen bin wurde ich ausm Level geschmissen .. o0?

Hat den Matt durchs level geschmissen.. dann war ich tot.. ! Unfertiges doofes game ;)

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Because the Buggs? :biggrin5:

the game runs at 20 fps..

when in combat it drops to 10 fps

last boss room 5 fps...

or u can just read my/friend review here :banghead::banghead::banghead:

ive decided to rent eat lead and try it out ( wish i didnt)

id like to say....

50% of the game runs in 20~25 fps the other 50% runs in 10~15 fps ( in battle)

final boss batle runs in 5~10 fps... IAM DEAD **bleep**ing serious !!!!

how on earth can a gaming company release a broken game??????

dont they test games before releasing them?

this is unacceptable..how can sony let somthing like this on the ps3????

2nd of all

the controls are just plain crap...... u cant even reconfigure them....

r2 for shoot l2 for aim????**bleep**

r1 reload?? X take cover???

also when u shoot the enemies most of the time the bullets just go through them without damage **bleep**???

it takes 1 hour to kil some1 with melle and another hour for the slow motion effect on last hit... so by the time u mele some1 u wil be dead from the other enemies....

the game is soo dam repetitive u just see enemies spawn all around u all the time and u must kil them...

the game offers 1 action muzic .... YES ONE ONLY !!!!!! lol

the aiming system is so bad that it takes 10 hours ot turn the guy around ( dont forget the frame drops)

they even copied mario+ a final fantasy game i think not sure (some japanese rpg boss) lol

please guys dont buy this game >.< its so frustrating that i broke 3 pens.... ( ment to be cd+joysticck+tv)

if i knew it was that bad i wouldnt even rented it even for the trophies...

the game is just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo **bleep**

please dont fall a victim to this game....

i want my money back.... this game shouldnt even be released.....YES ITS THAT BAAAAD...

playing a game with 15~20frames all time is realy frustrating arghhhhhh!!!!!

this is my freinds review who was siting next to me

Since I had my first experiance with PS3 games, I never thought of a PS3 game as crap. Every game

I played excelled in some field, whether it was graphics, gameplay or something else.

Note that I am not pointing fingers at masterpieces such as MGS, KZ2 or others. I would

take this opportunity right now to burst it out all at once...

REGARDING EAT-LEAD... it is just as the cover says... you're gonna eat nothing but lead.

Believe me, once you got a mouth full of lead, the extra lead will go straight up your **bleep**s.

the game shouldn't have been called EAT-LEAD... it should have been called EAT-**bleep**.

Unfortunately, this is the first game in the history of PS3 that someone can use to point

fingers towards the super console.


for some reason, maybe the programmers who ported the game to the bPS3 didn't know

that the PS3 had super processor and thought, "lets blur some parts of the game just incase so

that players will not experence frame drops during heavy graphical scenes". Let me put it this

way, only areas close to you or surrounding the cursor are clearly visible. All the other areas

are blurred. Far away from an enemy, you can't tell whether it's an enemy or a piece of equipment

and suddinly the piece of equipment shoots... **bleep**!!!

worse than that, even thought the programmers took into consideration the superiority of the PS3

in processing (not in sales) they **bleep**ED UP THE GAMEPLAY... once you get to a large area or encounter

two or more enemies, the game lags beyond lag itself... if someone doesn't speak your language and

you want to teach them what does 'lag' mean... simply buy this game and let them play it on a PS3.

The game laggs so bad to the point that you will think that someone pressed the 'slowmo' button and

hit the 'freeze' button on the TV remote to freeze the picture at the same time.

Such a shame that this game was released for PS3.

The enemies are amazing at dodging bullets. they can dodge airborne bullets... that defies the laws

of physics. In real life bullets are faster than the speed of sound, let aside the time for the eyes

to recieve the light of the bullet before sending it to the mind to be processed before the mind

sends the signals to the muscles before the muscles move and avoide the bullet. If you wanna kill someone I advise to

go for a head shot, however, if the enemy is wearing a body armor you need to wear their head protects

with bullets before getting your headshot, and by that I mean that you need at least 5 ~ 10 shots unless

you get a clear shot to the center of their heads. But then comes something else, they have telekenisus

powers to tell them if you are pointing the gun at their heads or not. So if there are three enemies on

the screen standing close to each other and you point at one of them, the one with the gun pointed

at the ead will move their head or hide while the others will take the valuable chance to empty their

clips into you. I had to find a solution for myself so I thought: "Ok, i'll try to get closer to them and

shoot them."... believe me, it's like shooting the moon and hoping that u'll kill it after a while.

Thank god the game has a meele combo attack... but this bull-ass-combo attack takes generations to finish

and during that time you will be given so much bullets into your armore that you will never need to look

for bullets for the rest of your life, and once the melee-combo attack is done, you will die... word of

advice, don't do the meelee combo unless you are only vulnerable to one enemy. One more thing, to make the

game realistic, they have given the enemies meelee-combos as well, so always try to keep your distance from

your enemies because once an enemy decides that they want to meelee-combo you, you will shoot nothing but

air, your bullets will be absorbed by the charging enemy like they are eaten by a black hole. and just to

make things clear, there are only two types of enemies in this game... the first type can shoot bullets and

meelee-attack you, the other can only shoot bullets, eitherway, you are **bleep**ed up coz both of them have all

the powers I mentioned before so just do yourselves a favor and do not play this game.

If just by couincidence you shot an enemy in the leg, they will go into this weird inbalanced walking or

running like they are hurt, unless they are walking in the direction of your fire, don't waste more bullets.

If you don't get a head shot at first, get ready to get into a mini game of shooting a randomly moving

object. Every shot after that will change the direction of the walking/falling of the enemy, you will be

confused like someone put your **bleep** into your **bleep** and left you turning around yourself looking for the

one who just **bleep**ed you up.

Lets talk about ammo, as I mentioned before, the game was designed in a way that it would be as close to

reality as possible, so in reality, if you are looking for ammo and clips, ofcourse you will not find them

laying down on the floor, so your only solution is to kill someone to get the ammo from them. Be careful

because when an enemy's clip is over, they will look for dead enemies and take their guns or clips, once that

happens, they will have unlimited ammo... how could you be in a more **bleep**ed up situation than that. It's just

like waking up one day in a small room and you find a knife on the ground... that implies a message that says

"GO KILL YOUR SELF **bleep**".


Here is something good, after all the stupid gameplay, I'm happy that the game had some decent rock BGM.

The music is just pure great, it adds some feeling to the game that lets you accept all the disadvantages

you are at and just keep playing the game... the music changes depending on the enemies you encounter so,

If there are enemies you get rock music, if you kill all enemies in the area, the music cools down, so to

sum everything up... the game has only two songs... I believe their reason for that is "MUSIC" is plural and

plural is greater than 1 so **bleep** the players, we have music in our game.


The characters are ripped off from legendary games and movies, I won't match each characters but I'll just give

some names: Resistance, MGS, RE and Arnold Shwatsniger... If you played the game, you will know what I'm talking

about, but please, you can have more joy and excitement by robbing a chick at midnight, she'll scream and no

one will save her... that's fun... isn't it?


The boss fights are lame beyond beliefe, it's like you have been given a script, and you have to play your

role exactly, not a single extra breath. you have to be standing in exact locations and extreamly use fire

power wisly, other wise you will be really **bleep**ed up, and being **bleep**ed up in the middle of a boss fight in this

game is much worse than being **bleep**ed up by your dog who is being carried by you while you are mountain climbing.

The boss fights were designed so that you don't win unless you really deserve it. In each boss fite, you will

end up having to get more ammo, and you need to kill to get more ammo, so expect to have more enemies while in

a boss fight to provide you with more ammunition. Don't think for a second that bosses are going to go easy

while you are collecting ammo, they will take these chances to land one-hit kill. Fortunately, they have

considered to add some very weak ammnition during some boss fights.


crap just plain crap... looks old gen in HD

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Ich bin wohl echt der einzige der Eat Lead klasse gefunden hat.

Klar es ist kein Spiel das man für den Vollpreis kauft aber ich hab das echt Gut gefunden. Und die Trophy beschreibungen sind sowieso mega awesome.:cool2:

Ich fand es auch richtig gut. Zur Abwechslung mal ein echt witziges Spiel, daß sich nicht zu ernst nimmt. Mir hat´s Spaß gemacht und ich habs stets weiterempfohlen :)

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Ich bin wohl echt der einzige der Eat Lead klasse gefunden hat.

Klar es ist kein Spiel das man für den Vollpreis kauft aber ich hab das echt Gut gefunden. Und die Trophy beschreibungen sind sowieso mega awesome.:cool2:

Nop, ich bin von Eat Lead auch begeistert.

Die Sprüche sind der Oberhammer xD Das Spiel muss man lieben :D.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Ja das stimmt.. Aber am geilsten finde ich immer noch die Trophäen-Beschreibung ^^

Z.b : Ein Kopfschuss ist wie 2 in die Brust usw. ^^

Oder Fresst Blei, alle beide

Oder bei 50 Headis "Endlich denkst du mit" xD.

Mein Kolleg glaubt mir einfach nicht das Hakoom hier im Forum ist "Fotomontage , ein Typ der genauso aussieht wie er"..

Wie kann ich es ihm beweisen :D

Zeig ihm das Bild, was Hakoom extra fürs Forum geschossen hat :dozey:.

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