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Bester Trophäensammler der Welt


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Really nice that you explaint it for me. :cool2:

A player-near God. :D (If you know what i meen)

PS. Your Vids are amazing. Especially the newest.


yes i wil answer any question u want ;p

there is no reason for a person like me to ruin my account with 1 easy collection trophy... lol ;x

that camel fucker is just jelous ;p if u post at ps3 org u wil know what i mean ;>

he always cries and deletes his guides if they dont get sticky... lol

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yes i wil answer any question u want ;p

there is no reason for a person like me to ruin my account with 1 easy collection trophy... lol ;x

that camel fucker is just jelous ;p if u post at ps3 org u wil know what i mean ;>

he always cries and deletes his guides if they dont get sticky... lol

hi Hakoom,

i have one question.

Whats was your hardest Platinum Trophy?

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Naja, aber wenn ich mein Projekt wirklich durchziehe bin ich doch ein weltklasse Trophäensammler, oder?

Je nachdem wann du die 58 Platins holst ;) Aber ich würde ja sagen, da ich nicht glaube das Hakoom die Anzahl an Platins so schnell geholt hat/oder holen würde :emot-raise::biggrin5:

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yes i wil answer any question u want ;p

there is no reason for a person like me to ruin my account with 1 easy collection trophy... lol ;x

that camel fucker is just jelous ;p if u post at ps3 org u wil know what i mean ;>

he always cries and deletes his guides if they dont get sticky... lol

hey hakoom...

do you play any games after you get the platinum trophy??? like uncharted2 in the multiplayer...or only till you get the platinum...

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

hey hakoom...

do you play any games after you get the platinum trophy??? like uncharted2 in the multiplayer...or only till you get the platinum...

the trophies are enough to make u squeeeze everything out of the game

uncharted 2 u play it normal hard extreme etc...gow normal titan etc... bf grind online lvl 24 etc... so thats enough ;p

hi Hakoom,

i have one question.

Whats was your hardest Platinum Trophy?

wipeout HD



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