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Bester Trophäensammler der Welt


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A PSN friend says theres a guy with over 9000 trophies :skep:, i didnt believe him, because nobody has so much trophies and is in no ranking :o

But maybe there are some freaky japanese :D

yes there is 1 but he hacked like 10 games and has more than 2 ppl on his account

an ex player on his account showed me his account on webcam after he fired him ;>

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Why should he fire him?

Is there somebody who gives them money for trophie hunting or what?

because he didnt do wipeout for him and then he got mad...

so he changed ID and PASS and kicked him out of team...

i have screenshots if u want...

not sure if its alowed to post here ;>

and the guy showed me on cam... his full account offline with his trophies.. which mached the time stamps on trophy websites... so its 100% him

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because he didnt do wipeout for him and then he got mad...

so he changed ID and PASS and kicked him out of team...

i have screenshots if u want...

not sure if its alowed to post here ;>

and the guy showed me on cam... his full account offline with his trophies.. which mached the time stamps on trophy websites... so its 100% him

wow man 4 Platin trophies and u have beat me with 100 Platinums more:biggrin5:

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