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Bester Trophäensammler der Welt


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you can check them easily by yourself, by just entering his psn-id. Of course it would be nicer if hakooom were to tell it by himself.

Im sure he has also lots of them ^^

no, it dont work at the moment, because they updated the site and hakoom must accept this before we can see his stats.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

its not my name lol

lyrics for that part:

"With the curtains drawn

And a little last night on these sheets

So how come when I reach out my fingers

It seems like more than distance between us "

its how come not hakoom ;x

We know but if you dont know the text, it sounds like Hakoom...i hope we all knew that :biggrin5:

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