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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Bester Trophäensammler der Welt


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

i just checked your blog

i just don´t understand why u crossed mk9 on the latest 10 platinum list :emot-raise:

bec i said last 10 plats from 250~261

MK is 251 and i already wrote a review for it


lol ;p

oh my gosh hakoom u have to eitherchange the font color or the background of ur blogspot page i cant read anything properly :D

edit: wtf now it works properly again, im confused ;D

??? ;x

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??? ;x

yeah at first i just saw ur background (the black one with the trophy images on it) with no text, after a few secs the text was there but completely in black so i could only see a few letters and then after like a minute or so the page auto refreshed itself and everything was fine again :skep::D

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

yeah at first i just saw ur background (the black one with the trophy images on it) with no text, after a few secs the text was there but completely in black so i could only see a few letters and then after like a minute or so the page auto refreshed itself and everything was fine again :skep::D

u got sand in ur monitor lol :biggrin5:

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Dadurch ändert sich ja die Frage nicht ;)

wenn du allerdings etwas aufmerksamer im forum liest, dann wird es dir auffallen, das manche leute einen banner haben, wo ein platz einer rangliste steht. oder man benutzt einfach mal die suche vom forum.

aber so ist es halt immer einfacher für den fragenden, weil er/sie nicht viel Zeit investieren möchte.

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@Hakoom (sorry, my english isn't good):

can you please register at playfire.com ?

i want to know, how many ultra rare trophy do you have.

i think, its an interesting answer for the question, how good is your skill.

i have an account at playfire but i left the site because its very unorganized and each week they change it...


check this

i just wish i knew a person whos an expert in html to fix the page and overlap the side tabs ;<

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@Hakoom (sorry, my english isn't good):

can you please register at playfire.com ?

i want to know, how many ultra rare trophy do you have.

i think, its an interesting answer for the question, how good is your skill.

you can check them easily by yourself, by just entering his psn-id. Of course it would be nicer if hakooom were to tell it by himself.

Im sure he has also lots of them ^^

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