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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Bester Trophäensammler der Welt


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Yeah, and it wasn't that hard at all, eh? ;P

Except for the Team Missions of course. But there are very cheap and easy strategies for almost every boss in this game.

Like just Izuana Dropping the *** out of Genshin

We'll see in MK9.

Can't wait for the game.

Can't wait for the moves of Kratos. Especially .. the FATALITY!

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Yeah, and it wasn't that hard at all, eh? ;P

Except for the Team Missions of course. But there are very cheap and easy strategies for almost every boss in this game.

Like just Izuana Dropping the *** out of Genshin

We'll see in MK9.

Can't wait for the game.

Can't wait for the moves of Kratos. Especially .. the FATALITY!

not just the team misions..

completing the game on master ninja was nothing like any other game..there is no trick... 1 grab u die.. 1 fireball u die.. or half hp gone.. the game is unforgiving :eek6: chapter 5 chapter 11 chapter 14... bosses specialy feiend genshin alexie zedonius and liz.. those where ass specialy liz... ;x

its no tlike you are playing uncharted on crushing or gow3 on chaos or even demonsouls...

this is a complete difrent story.... :banghead:

i couldnt finish it... but the haters kept me going... everytime i hear "hakoom can only platinum games like ice age and hana montana" i re pick up my DS3 and continue... ;x

and yes i cant wait to see kratos fatalities ! <3

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Are you kidding? After my first playthrough on Master Ninja in which I lost my rectal virginity because of all the pain in the ass I enjoyed the second playthrough ;P

Because as soon as you know the strategies, it's really fun to fight against the bosses. Not against more than one at a time, just against one.

yes iam talking about this "1" time playthorugh ;p

i enjoyed the game... didnt get frustrated or broke anything...

but in 1 scene... in THIS 1 SCENE i tore my t shirt in 2... ;x

even when u know the strategies... the bosses arent the problem ;p the smal enemies can be specialy the golden demons and the mages

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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