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Allgemeiner Thread zu UFC Undisputed 2010


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Ich hab auf der vorherigen Seite bereits geschrieben, dass es noch keinen Patch gibt. Und wenn jemand was drüber wissen würde, hätte er/sie es bestimmt gepostet.

Ich erwarte nicht, dass du dir alle Seiten dieses Threads durchliest, aber wenigstens 1-2 Seiten sollten schon drin sein. Dann könnten wir uns sowas sparen ;)

da haste recht das hätt ich tatsächlich machen können also die letzten 2 seiten lesen^^ habs nur kurz überflogen und nix gesehen.

is halt wie zuhause uff der mutti.... ma wieder n schnellschuß:biggrin5::biggrin5:

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Das UFC2010 Forum wird auch extrem schlecht gewartet und ich befürchte stark dass sich ein paar mitarbeiter eines bekannten Spieleherestellers. der zufällig dieses Jahr ein Spiel mit ähnlicher Thematik herausbrigen wird, dort eingenistet haben um das spiel schlecht zu machen.

Im Grunde genommen ist ufc2010 besser als 2009 mMn. nur der onlinemodus nicht. (was villeicht aber auch daran liegen kann ? dass es weniger eurpäische spieler gibt als amerikanische)

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Das UFC2010 Forum wird auch extrem schlecht gewartet und ich befürchte stark dass sich ein paar mitarbeiter eines bekannten Spieleherestellers. der zufällig dieses Jahr ein Spiel mit ähnlicher Thematik herausbrigen wird, dort eingenistet haben um das spiel schlecht zu machen.

Im Grunde genommen ist ufc2010 besser als 2009 mMn. nur der onlinemodus nicht. (was villeicht aber auch daran liegen kann ? dass es weniger eurpäische spieler gibt als amerikanische)

Da muss sich keiner von E.A einnisten um das UFC 2010 schlecht zu machen.

Das Spiel ist einfach schlecht.

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joa so seh ich das auch selten ein spiel gespielt das so durchdacht ist, die steuerung is einfach der hammer ziemlich komplex aber läuft dennoch flüssig von der hand wenn man s raushat also spielerisch schlägt es das 09er um längen wie ich finde.

wenn da nicht der mich anödende onlinemodus wäre, ich würd so gern so viel spielen aber kann nicht oder besser thq hasst mich und lässt mich deshalb nicht^^

und wenn ich dann ma nen gegner finde und sehe der hat schon um die 1000 kämpfe dann frag ich mich halt schon was ich falsch mache.

<<<<<auch will 1000 kämpfe:drool5:

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Hat jemand mal ein Tipp für mich, wie ich den Titelverteidigungsmodus schaffen soll?

Gibt es eine bestimmte Klasse oder einen Kämpfer der das etwas vereinfacht?

Ich schaff es gerade so manchmal wenigstens noch Klasse B abzuschliessen, aber wenn ich dann in die Klasse A komme ist es vorbei, keine Chance

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Hat jemand mal ein Tipp für mich, wie ich den Titelverteidigungsmodus schaffen soll?

Gibt es eine bestimmte Klasse oder einen Kämpfer der das etwas vereinfacht?

Ich schaff es gerade so manchmal wenigstens noch Klasse B abzuschliessen, aber wenn ich dann in die Klasse A komme ist es vorbei, keine Chance

mit GSP war es kein großes Problem :coolgleamA:

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im Ami Forum wird der Patch angekündigt vom THQ Admin (Tank)

Hier der Post aus dem Forum:

"Hey everyone,

Tough going here lately, understandably so, I didn't expect an easy entrace to this ring in spite of the issues we faced at launch with the game, so apologies if my presence and impact hasn't been immedietly felt yet. Here is the latest on the UFC patch front, and man once this update is out the door, i'm hoping for the TKO's on my fingers to settle down a bit....

We've officially submitted the patch through the final submission process that involes our QA team sign-off, and most importantly 1st-party. Microsoft and Sony each have their own timelines which are out of our control, so at this stage, we are waiting patiently for their sign-off. It can typically take at-least a week for it to pass through, and that's assuming we don't get kicked back for any issues and have to resubmit. Our QA team has signed off, so hopefully the stars align with 1st-party, and we sail through. Given 1st party timelines, it is very unlikely the patch will release next week, best hope is for the week after (last week of June). I know that's not the best news, but we are powerless at this point and need to abide by 1st party processes. I will absolutely keep you informed as best I can.

Also, you are already well aware of the primary fixes, here is a more definitive list of the highlight fixes for this upcoming patch:

* Changes Ranked and Player Match matchmaking to increase the success rate of joining online matches - applies to PS3 and X360.

* Changes online point system so that players lose Ranked match points upon disconnecting from the match.

* Removes instant takedowns. All takedowns now require a struggle.

* Changes the Omoplata submission so fighters cannot cancel to a standing position.

* Reduces the success rate of the AI when executing and defending submissions on higher difficulties.

* Fixes CAF stats so they update correctly when moving to different weight divisions in Career mode.

* Fixes a bug in Career in which the fighter is demoted to the WFA when he should not.

* Career Fighters no longer keep their stats when copied to the Create A Fighter mode.

* Career Fighters can no longer obtain stats of 100 in all categories (i.e. no Super CAFs)

Along with this patch deploy, we'll also be launching the Fight Camps, web stats, and tournament features on our website. We purposely held off on these with the patch timeline as we wanted to make sure the game was in a clean state that felt fair for everyone. I think you'll be pleased with the website integration.

Those are the primary highlights of the fixes to expect. There are a myriad of other minor changes, will post that full list once the patch deploys. I'll also make sure we get some developer commentary on why certain changes were applied the way we did, as I want to make sure you understand our perspective as well.

We strongly feel the above fixes are the most requested significant fixes we wanted to attack first in this patch. While there are hundreds of other patch requests and tunes, we can't do everything all at once or else this patch wouldn't be out until who knows when. Tough choices need to be made, but I think the above are the overall best fixes for this patch. We'll continue to monitor after the patch is deployed and support as best we can.

So, not the most definitive update with a patch drop date, but I hope it continues to give you some feeling that we are moving this as fast as possible and working with our first party partners to ensure a swift approval.



Since some still complained he also had this to say.....

"Let me clarify a few misunderstood things, first off, forgot to add this to the list as well which concerns Super CAF's:

* The name of a CAF created prior to the patch will appear in Red text during Fighter Select.

What does this mean? It means, you will still be able to use your PRE-PATCH CAF's or Super CAF's online post-patch, but your opponent will know if you are because your CAF name will be marked in red. Players will still have the ability to back out of a match. Its a simple preventitive measure to allow pre-patch players to use their CAF's online, but also inform players if the CAF was created before the patch, or after. The reason being, hundreds of thousands of players have created Super CAF's, so post-patch, if you play against a player whose CAF name is tagged red, odds are this is a Super CAF. You can't create Super CAF's post patch. First couple of weeks post patch its likely a lot of red name CAF's will appear online, but as players re-create FAIR Caf's per our intended design, this will smoothen out.

Per this fix, and primarily due to patch size limitations, we're unable to implement a stat screen prior to match, HOWEVER, we implore CAF leagues to set their own rules and standards and largely expect the solution above will at least be a 50/50 meet halfway measure to assist leagues negating Super CAF's from play. Our patch size is limited to 4Mb which is INCREDIBLY small, that is MSFT / Sony rule we cannot get around. A patch is not treated the same as DLC, wherein a DLC is optional for online play, a patch is mandatory. Any mandatory patch fixes must be kept within 4Mb. Adding more UI screens wil put us over the limit. Its unfortunate, we looked at every angle to make happen, but as of this patch, we can't. We're very hopeful the above fix will suffice for most people as the primary reason people wanted to see CAF stats is to know if it was a Super CAF or not. Post patch, if the CAF name is in red, more than likely, its a Super CAF.

* Career Fighters no longer keep their stats when copied to the Create A Fighter mode.

This is another preventitive measure against Super CAF's, but moreso, it's how the design of UFC 2010 was originally intended, the way it works now is a BUG. The patch fix is exactly the same as UFC 2009 and levels out the playing field. The design intent was always to reward players who take the time to create-a-fighter through Career mode, train him, make him a champion, and then bring him in to ranked play. Those players deserve an edge for training their CAF, that is what a career mode is all about - building a champion. With the patch fix, you'll still be able to copy your Career Mode fighter to CAF mode, but only visually, that was the original design intent that is being fixed. Under Career mode in its current form right now, players were able to play only partially through, copy their fighter to CAF mode to finish assigning points, and wallah, have a quick-shortcut way to creating a Super CAF. That was not the design intent.

CAF mode has predertmined stat caps that are intentional so you can't create the same powerful fighter you could if you take a CAF through Career mode. Otherwise, there is no incentive to play Career Mode and defeats the entire purpose. You should be rewarded for taking a fighter through a career, and your reward is having an edge over players who don't and having that edge in online ranked play. That said, you can still create a great fighter with just CAF mode and not progressing through Career mode, still go online and be a bad-ass, you just won't have the extra edge that players who worked and trained hard to gain, will have. Make no mistake, you want to create a fighter and get online quickly, you can still do that without a problem. And there is nothing stopping you from beating a Career Mode leveled CAF if your skills outweigh your opponent.

While we completely understand this forces a lot of you to actually play through career mode, it speaks to the true design nature of the game and UFC in general. You have to work hard to be good, there should be no shortcuts. Those who want to be the best at UFC 2010, will earn their way to it with no shortcuts or Super CAF's.

Regarding stat resets, that is still the current plan. We will reset the leaderboards so they are fresh and new, but you'll still retain your personal stats. I understand some may disagree, but the point here is to give everyone a fresh start. We're planning future tournaments and such and want those to be started clean.

I think the above context for changes helps, and I also realize for a lot of you, it may not be the best news or what you hoped for. At the end of the day, our effort with this patch is to reset the playing field, give everyone an opportunity to play fair, and really start to qualify the UFC 2010 online experience as it was meant to be at launch.


THQ Tank is the THQ Community Manager for the UFC Undisputed title, as well as other THQ games. He is a former EA Community Manager as well.


Grade Platin ergaunert ^^

YEEEEES Baby :lol:

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