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Verabredung Online-Trophäen zu Red Dead Redemption


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Hier eine neue List für die Pa-Pa-Pa-Poker-Ass Trophy!

Hier unten einfach eintragen (PSN-ID)

1. Artemidis

2. brerajns88





Zeit wird abgemacht sobald die Liste voll ist...

Zeitaufwand ca. 3 Stunden!

So wird's gemacht:

- Start a game of poker with 6 people at MacFarlane's Ranch.

- Play the first hand with all players folding

- Anyone not interested in the trophy can leave now (if you are all in a posse don't forget to leave the posse before!)

- The remaining players keep folding again and again. Every 8 hands (I think) the blinds will double. They start from 1 and 2 and you need to reach 32 and 64.

- At that point everyone goes "all in" and whoever wins the hand... BLING.... gets the trophy. (Or you can keep folding until the person who needs the trophy gets the best cards and then you go all in. I suppose you need at least the basics of poker to know what the best cards are!)

Ich bin dabei. Aber bitte die Trophy Abends machen. Ich komme spät nach Hause

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