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Hey Leute

habe da mal eine frage.

kann man irgendwo sehen welche gegenstände man schon gesammelt hat. und wo noch welche sind und wo die genau sind etc..

gibts es irgendwelche tricks und tipps

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kein plan ^^ such auch schon die gnaze Zeit nach den dingern eine Liste von den Fundorten wäre nicht schlecht

es gibt bei Youtube Videos von jedem Akt wo alle fundorte gezeigt werden

Edit. ah ich sehe du hast die schon


ist zwar auf englisch aber eigentlich ganz gut zu verstehen



CA = Concept Art

V = Video

Pic = Photo

P = Poster

TQ = Team Quote

ACT 1:

1) CA - In the very start of the level, leave the room and go into the kitchen area. Turn right and in between open cabinet doors is the first.

2) CA - After the first cutscene you will wind up outside. Once you finish fighting the couple of swat you encounter you should see an opening in the wall to your right, close to the stairs. Go through there and turn around for the second.

3) Pic - In the apartment building right after the cutscene you will be forced to go into an apartment because of a fiery blocked hall. Again in the kitchen area if you go in and turn right is the next.

4) CA - After going through a doorway Wes should say "Blood, well he can't last much longer" look to your right. Behind the boxes is the next one.

EXPLOSIVE RAT: After the slowmo action sequence the rat is to your left hidden behind a wall. Look for the flashing light and beeping. The closer you are the faster they go off

5) P - Right after your first real fight with the swat leader there will be a door to your left, in there and to the left is this one.


1) TQ - In the first courtyard you come by there will be a building with its door blown out to your left. Go in it and around the corner for the first.

2) V - The next one you should have gone down two flights of stairs, this is after the first midgame cutscene go straight a little bit, to your left is another alley that is blocked off, in front of that is this one.

3) TQ - After you help Alyse through the series of buildings you go into one yourself, In the next room with the stairs it is on the bookcase to the right of the stairs.


1) CA - During the fight outside you will see people hopping down off a wall to attack you. the the corner against that wall furthest from you is this one.

2) Pic - Right before you go inside it is behind the barrel on your left next to the door. YOU MUST GET THIS ONE BEFORE GOING IN, YOU CANNOT GET IT OTHERWISE.

3) CA - After the slow mo action sequence it is behind you between rubble and shelving.

EXPLOSIVE RAT: Before you head in the door in the same area as number three to your left you should see the rat. Again look and listen for the light and beeping.



1) V - In the area with the elevator in the storage area, as soon as you go in turn right.


1) Pic - At the very start of the level in the cubicle to your left.

2) CA - After you go up the first set of stairs turn to your right and around the corner is the next one.

3) CA - After #2 go down the hall like you are supposed to. After you turn right you should see a copier to your right, go behind it and the next one is yours.

4) CA - During the fight with Brummel turn around and go towards the elevator, in the back left corner behind the chair this easily missable one sits (Thanks to raymundooo for the info)

5) CA - Right after all of the nice explosions go straight from where you start. Go behind the desk in front of you and there is 5.

EXPLOSIVE RAT: Right before you are forced to go upstairs the first time to the left you will see cabinetry. Inside one of those is the rat.

6) CA - After going upstairs Wes will make a comment about the knife enemy running towards you. After you take care of him in the back of the first set of cubicles on your right which looks like a lecture room of sorts is this one.

7) CA - In the same area, in the second cubicle down the hall go in and turn left for the next one.


1) V- In the courtyard during the beginning fight. Go left towards the garage and behind a big set of boxes is this one. YOU MUST GET IT BEFORE FINISHING THIS AREA, YOU CANNOT GET IT AFTER THE FIGHT.

2) TQ - In the first big room inside the factory. Go to the other side and up the stairs and you bag this one. Same as before, GET THIS ONE BEFORE KILLING EVERYONE.

3) TQ - After the slow mo sequence in the library follow the stairs to the other side, behind the barricade this one sits and waits. You can take either direction it does not matter which one you take.

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1) CA - At the beginning of the level to your right next to the stairs it is behind the barrels.

2) Pic - This one sits behind a barrel on the other side of the steps close to 1.

3) CA - Right after #1 and 2 up the stairs. To your right you will see a pipe, right next to it is this one.

4) CA - Walk into the first building to kill the switch operator. In the back right corner you will see boxes and a couple barrels, right below the stairs next to those is the next one.

5) CA - After getting off the cable car a second time you will see a blocked stairwell and a doorway next to it, go in there and to your left.

6) P - Shortly after 5 you will wind up outside. After you go up 3 sets of stairs you will need to go inside again behind the boxes past the door you will find it.

7) CA - When you head inside you will be in what looks to be a locker room. When you head into the second instead of taking the path that leads to the door take 2 lefts and it will be nestled behind some lockers.

8) Pic - After dealing with the locker rooms you will need to head upstairs, before doing that if you are at the stairs turn back to where you came from and go behind the boxes next to the door, here you will find this one.

9) CA - In the large room with landmines all over near the back and to your left you will see a little nook, behind a knocked over barrel is this one.

10) CA - During the fight with Arana turn around. It is behind you sitting on equipment.

11) CA - A bit after the fight with Arana, you will pass an area with a waterfall. As soon as you pass it turn left and it is right there.

12) Pic - As soon as you hit the tomb area below the right staircase this one sits.

EXPLOSIVE RAT: As you are leaving the first tomb area, you will see a coffin partially sitting on a rock, below the coffin is the rat.

13) CA - As soon as you hit the second tomb area it is to your right sitting next to a pillar.

14) CA - This one is the same as 12, only to your left.


EXPLOSIVE RAT: After heading through the storm drains and shooting out 3 mines you will come to an open area. Turn right and you will see it sitting on top of rubble.

1) CA - After entering an area Wes will mention something about passports. This in a courtyard, turn right and you will see an outdoor restaurant area, behind a table you will see it.

2) CA - After the previous area where 1 is, you will go down again into a storm drain type area. Turn left after getting down there and there it is.

3) Pic - After heading through the narrow areas right after 2 you will come to an open area where you will see an upturned boat. To the left of it in a little nook is the next one.

4) CA - After you head up and out of the area 3 is stashed at in this next area in the far back right corner you will see this one.

5) P - After the cutscene involving the sniper turn around and go all the way down as far as you can. This one is hidden behind a trashcan to your right next to the gate.

6) CA - During the first sniper section you will be forced to go inside a building to continue, to the left of the stairs this one resides.

7) CA - When you go upstairs of the building the sniper was camping at, go as if you are trying to get up the next set of stairs, in front of it is the next one.

8) CA - After the second sniper section you hear Wes make a comment about how bad of a shot he is. Upon entering that house below the staircase is this one.

9) CA - Right after the bridge where Wes talks about how obvious the coming ambush is, to your left is a dumpster. Between that and the wall you will find this one.

10) CA - Down the alley and around the corner you will see a couple of landmines on the ground. Right after those to your left below the deck is this one.

11) Pic - After you go up the staircase, Wes will comment on how close he is to the church. Go to the left and under the second bench it is nicely hidden. To get it you much get against it as if it is cover and you will pick it up

12) CA - In the area where you finally kill the sniper, before you head to the next area turn around, and behind the barricade to your left you will see it.


1) CA - Right at the beginning, to your right hidden between crates.

2) Pic - In the first big area inside the tunnels. To your right hidden between the collapsed tunnel and a crate.

EXPLOSIVE RAT: In the area where you fight a shielded enemy to your left it is in one of the tombs. Looks for the blinking light.

3) CA - After the area the rat is hidden you will go through more tunnels, you will then come by an enemy hiding behind boxes, kill him and next to where he was hiding you should see this next one.

4) CA - When you enter a semi large area with a couple of tombs in the center of the room, turn to your right and behind a barrel you'll find it here.

5) CA - After the cutscene showing off the very high tunnel area turn around and follow the path all the way back to the door, to the right there will be a small path in which this one sits.

6) CA - In the large tunneled area about halfway down the first stretch this one sits in front of a crate and rock to your right.

7) Pic - After the second checkpoint you reach while going down the high roofed hallways turn to your left and it is right there.

8) CA - At the end of the tunnel mentioned before this one sits behind a large crate to the right.

9) P - Upon entering the church go the way you normally would only look behind the confession booth to your left instead of turning right.

10) Pic - As soon as you pass the scaffolding you see when walking into the church for the first time go to the confession booth to your left, it will be inside with the doors open.

11) CA - When you come by a sniper section inside the church, work your way up to where the large crates are, behind it is this collectible.

12) CA - Go past where you are supposed to go up stairs for the first time and go behind the set of crates to the left, you will see it hidden behind a tall one.

13) CA - After a cutscene you have to start making your climb to the top of the bell tower, in the back of the base floor you will see it sitting next to some barrels and bell parts.

14) CA - In the same area behind large crates, you will need to go under the stairs to get to it.


ich hab alles in videos :

Akt 1:

Akt 2, Teil 1:

Akt 2, Teil 2:

Akt 3:

Akt 4:

Akt 5:

Akt 6:

Akt 7, Teil 1:

Akt 7, Teil 2:

Akt 7, Teil 3:

Akt 8, Teil 1:

Akt 8, Teil 2:

Akt 8, Teil 3:

Akt 9, Teil 1:

Akt 9, Teil 2:

Akt 9, Teil 3:

da sind auch gerade noch die Ratten drauf !


Hab es jetzt mit den Videos durchgespielt, aber mir fehlen noch das letzt bei den Videos und das letzte bei den Faziten. Hab wohl nicht richtig aufgepasst beim Spielen und gleichzeitig Youtube shauen :banghead:

Weiss nicht zufällig von euch wo die wären, kacktmich nämlich an, wegen 2 Stück nochmal das ganze Game durchzuackern.

Wär genial wenn das jemand wüsste oder herausfinden könnte.


1) CA - At the beginning of the level to your right next to the stairs it is behind the barrels.

2) Pic - This one sits behind a barrel on the other side of the steps close to 1.

3) CA - Right after #1 and 2 up the stairs. To your right you will see a pipe, right next to it is this one.

4) CA - Walk into the first building to kill the switch operator. In the back right corner you will see boxes and a couple barrels, right below the stairs next to those is the next one.

5) CA - After getting off the cable car a second time you will see a blocked stairwell and a doorway next to it, go in there and to your left.

6) P - Shortly after 5 you will wind up outside. After you go up 3 sets of stairs you will need to go inside again behind the boxes past the door you will find it.

7) CA - When you head inside you will be in what looks to be a locker room. When you head into the second instead of taking the path that leads to the door take 2 lefts and it will be nestled behind some lockers.

8) Pic - After dealing with the locker rooms you will need to head upstairs, before doing that if you are at the stairs turn back to where you came from and go behind the boxes next to the door, here you will find this one.

9) CA - In the large room with landmines all over near the back and to your left you will see a little nook, behind a knocked over barrel is this one.

10) CA - During the fight with Arana turn around. It is behind you sitting on equipment.

11) CA - A bit after the fight with Arana, you will pass an area with a waterfall. As soon as you pass it turn left and it is right there.

12) Pic - As soon as you hit the tomb area below the right staircase this one sits.

EXPLOSIVE RAT: As you are leaving the first tomb area, you will see a coffin partially sitting on a rock, below the coffin is the rat.

13) CA - As soon as you hit the second tomb area it is to your right sitting next to a pillar.

14) CA - This one is the same as 12, only to your left.


EXPLOSIVE RAT: After heading through the storm drains and shooting out 3 mines you will come to an open area. Turn right and you will see it sitting on top of rubble.

1) CA - After entering an area Wes will mention something about passports. This in a courtyard, turn right and you will see an outdoor restaurant area, behind a table you will see it.

2) CA - After the previous area where 1 is, you will go down again into a storm drain type area. Turn left after getting down there and there it is.

3) Pic - After heading through the narrow areas right after 2 you will come to an open area where you will see an upturned boat. To the left of it in a little nook is the next one.

4) CA - After you head up and out of the area 3 is stashed at in this next area in the far back right corner you will see this one.

5) P - After the cutscene involving the sniper turn around and go all the way down as far as you can. This one is hidden behind a trashcan to your right next to the gate.

6) CA - During the first sniper section you will be forced to go inside a building to continue, to the left of the stairs this one resides.

7) CA - When you go upstairs of the building the sniper was camping at, go as if you are trying to get up the next set of stairs, in front of it is the next one.

8) CA - After the second sniper section you hear Wes make a comment about how bad of a shot he is. Upon entering that house below the staircase is this one.

9) CA - Right after the bridge where Wes talks about how obvious the coming ambush is, to your left is a dumpster. Between that and the wall you will find this one.

10) CA - Down the alley and around the corner you will see a couple of landmines on the ground. Right after those to your left below the deck is this one.

11) Pic - After you go up the staircase, Wes will comment on how close he is to the church. Go to the left and under the second bench it is nicely hidden. To get it you much get against it as if it is cover and you will pick it up

12) CA - In the area where you finally kill the sniper, before you head to the next area turn around, and behind the barricade to your left you will see it.


1) CA - Right at the beginning, to your right hidden between crates.

2) Pic - In the first big area inside the tunnels. To your right hidden between the collapsed tunnel and a crate.

EXPLOSIVE RAT: In the area where you fight a shielded enemy to your left it is in one of the tombs. Looks for the blinking light.

3) CA - After the area the rat is hidden you will go through more tunnels, you will then come by an enemy hiding behind boxes, kill him and next to where he was hiding you should see this next one.

4) CA - When you enter a semi large area with a couple of tombs in the center of the room, turn to your right and behind a barrel you'll find it here.

5) CA - After the cutscene showing off the very high tunnel area turn around and follow the path all the way back to the door, to the right there will be a small path in which this one sits.

6) CA - In the large tunneled area about halfway down the first stretch this one sits in front of a crate and rock to your right.

7) Pic - After the second checkpoint you reach while going down the high roofed hallways turn to your left and it is right there.

8) CA - At the end of the tunnel mentioned before this one sits behind a large crate to the right.

9) P - Upon entering the church go the way you normally would only look behind the confession booth to your left instead of turning right.

10) Pic - As soon as you pass the scaffolding you see when walking into the church for the first time go to the confession booth to your left, it will be inside with the doors open.

11) CA - When you come by a sniper section inside the church, work your way up to where the large crates are, behind it is this collectible.

12) CA - Go past where you are supposed to go up stairs for the first time and go behind the set of crates to the left, you will see it hidden behind a tall one.

13) CA - After a cutscene you have to start making your climb to the top of the bell tower, in the back of the base floor you will see it sitting next to some barrels and bell parts.

14) CA - In the same area behind large crates, you will need to go under the stairs to get to it.

das ist super aber hat vieleicht jemand eine liste wo man sieht was für welche bilder usw .. sind . mier fehlen nähmlich noch 1 teambild,3 konzeptzeichnungen,2 poster und ein video .. ich habe keine lust alles nochmals durchzuspielen nach den videos :mad1:

kann mi vieleicht helfen wäre unendlich dankbar !!

das ist super aber hat vieleicht jemand eine liste wo man sieht was für welche bilder usw .. sind . mier fehlen nähmlich noch 1 teambild,3 konzeptzeichnungen,2 poster und ein video .. ich habe keine lust alles nochmals durchzuspielen nach den videos :mad1:

kann mi vieleicht helfen wäre unendlich dankbar !!

Mir fehlen auch noch 5 Gegenstände. Dann hab ich Platin. Werds dann wohl nochmal durchzocken.

Viel erfolg bei der Suche!

Schönen gruß! Thomas

edit: noch 4

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Mir fehlen auch noch 5 Gegenstände. Dann hab ich Platin. Werds dann wohl nochmal durchzocken.

Viel erfolg bei der Suche!

Schönen gruß! Thomas

es war eigentlich eine frage .. aber danke wünsch ich dir auch .. nur noch 4 fehlen :biggrin5::banghead:

Mir fehlen 2 sche** Konzeptzeichnungen bis Platin, aber ich hab kein bock es zu spielen

ach die 2 findest du auch noch! Wirst doch nicht kurz vor dem Ziel aufgeben oder?! Die Videos sind gut! Damit klappt es.


Na komm schon, für die Platin machst du das sicher noch.

Das schaffst du schon. Klopf mal die ab wo du denkst, dass es die vlt sein könnten. Auf leicht bist du ja in den Leveln sehr schnell am Ende.

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Na komm schon, für die Platin machst du das sicher noch.

Das schaffst du schon. Klopf mal die ab wo du denkst, dass es die vlt sein könnten. Auf leicht bist du ja in den Leveln sehr schnell am Ende.

Ach ich bin nicht so der Platinsammler :biggrin5:

Werde aber mal Morgen es nochmal durchspielen!

Hab schon Aufgegeben :biggrin5:

also ich werd weitersuchen bis ich alle habe! Die Platin Trophäe lass ich mir nicht entgehen!


Ach ich bin nicht so der Platinsammler :biggrin5:

Werde aber mal Morgen es nochmal durchspielen!

sehr gut! Das ist die richtige Einstellung!! :thumbsup:


Ist wirklich einfacher als man denkt. Ein Mal die ganze Liste durchackern dauert nur an die 2 Stunden, wenn man sich Zeit lässt. Und das ist doch locker eine Platin wert :D.

@Tugay: Ich würde dir mal nur so aus dem Bauch heraus raten das die letzen 2 Level nochmal durchzuackern. Mir haben auch genau 2 Concept Arts gefehlt und die waren genau in den beiden (und ich trottel hab somit 7 Level völlig umsonst gespielt :D).

Allgemeiner Tipp: Wenn man keinen Gegenstand findet obwoh der Guide es sagt, nicht einfach weiterrenen und hoffen das man den schon hat, sondern im Video-Guide noch mal GENAU nachschauen. War der Grund wieso ich noch mal alles neu machen musste :D.

Viel Glück beim Suchen also^^.


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