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Vorschlag für Roadmap-Trophäenvorgehensweise ?!


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Wie wäre es wenn man noch neben, Online Verabredung, Zeitaufwand, Schwirigkeit und Trophäenleitfaden, noch den Punkt Roadmap macht,


wie oft man durchspielen muss, welche trophys verpasspar sind und dann drunter die beste vorgehensweise wie man die Trophäen angeht

z.B. 1 durchgang auf das und das achten und dann im zweiten dass und das machen oder so wissts chon wie ich meine ;)

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

ja schon nur steht selten dabei wie man vorgehen soll die trophys sind nur geordnet nach bronze silber gold platin und secret trophs und ich meinte so über dem leitfaden


1.Als erstes Game in der Story durchzocken

2.dann die sidequests machen

3. dann den modus durchspielen und

4. Online trophys machen

so meinte ich und wenn es verpasspare trophys gibt auch das man die sich nich immer extra raussuchen muss ?!

und ne kenne ihn nich ;)

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Shaun White hab ich aufgegeben aus dem grund xD

aber BTT:

ich stell mir das so vor, hier mal ein Auszug auf englisch von ner anderen Seite, also nur in die Richtung nicht genau kopieren


-Estimated trophy difficulty: 2.5/10

-Offline: All 37 (1platinum.png, 5trophy_gold.png, 6trophy_silver.png, 25trophy_bronze.png)

-Online: None

-Approximate time to Platinum: 20-25 Hours

-Minimum number of playthroughs: 2

-Number of missable trophies: None

-Glitched trophies: None

-Do cheat codes disable trophies: No

-Does difficulty affect trophies: Yes



Yet another great PS3 exclusive from Insomniac! Not only will you have a blast playing this game, but the trophies are not that difficult to obtain. Here are my suggestions for getting them all in about 25 hours.

First Playthough

Start your first game on the Hard difficulty - luckily for us it's not that hard at all! While playing through every chapter, visit all the planets and mini-planets in order to obtain Zoni, Gold Bolts, Constructo Mods and RYNO V schematics. Grab what you can, but if for whatever reason you cannot collect them at that certain point, don't worry about it - we'll get to them later. Just be aware that certain amounts of Zoni must be collected during the story in order to land on some planets. Along the way, be sure to break all crates and kill all enemies so you can eventually become a millionaire. At the Agorian Arena, complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold Tournaments.

***Please note that you will not obtain the trophies for beating the game on Medium or Hard during the Challenge Mode playthrough, irregardless of your difficulty setting***

After beating the final boss

Do not immediately begin Challenge Mode. You should instead select to go back to the point before the boss battles. Now you can roam around and do whatever you wish! Go to the Agorian Arena and complete the Raritarium Tournament. As a reward after the fourth challenge, you will be given a treasure map which pinpoints the locations of all Zoni, Gold Bolts, Constructo Mods and RYNO V schematics. Now you know which planets you have to go back to as well as the exact location of each collectable. After collecting all Zoni, go back to Lord Vorselon's ship and finish him once and for all. Then take in some culture by visiting the Insomniac Museum.

At this point in the game (after beating the game on Hard but before entering Challenge Mode), if any section of the game is kicking your ass, feel free to change the difficulty to Casual.

Challenge Mode

After having done all your clean up work, you will only have one trophy to go - Challenge Mode. You DO NOT have to beat the final 2 bosses again to begin this Mode. Simply enter the "Extras" menu, select Challenge Mode and create a new game save. By this point, you should be a millionaire, with most if not all weapons upgraded to level 5. Everything carries over from your Hard playthough, so just complete the main chapters of the game (no detours to mini-planets or anything) and you're done!

Your difficulty setting does not matter during the Challenge Mode playthrough. You will get the trophy if you beat it either on Casual, Medium or Hard!

Clank's Temporal Puzzles

These were my favorite parts of the game! By the end, especially when collecting all Gold Bolts, some are very challenging. I recommend to first look around and see what each switch activates. Remember that each recording only gives you 60 seconds, so be efficient. Don't be afraid to record over an image to make the best use of your time.

Due to high demand (even from Moose_PS3T. Weird...), here is a text guide for the Sector 4 Temporal Challenge at the Great Clock. To make the language easier, when i say "Blue Switch" for example, that means the switch next to the blue temporal recording pad.

UND dann der Trophäenleitfaden, ach und des is der von R&C ACIT ;)

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