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Meldethread für abgeschlossene Platin-Projekte

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Nick: bassphoenix

PSN-ID: bassphoenix

Datum der Durchführung: 24.11.2012

Dauer: 22.08.2011 bis 24.11.2012

Erspielte Platin: Uncharted Golden Abyss, Uncharted 1, Prince of Persia Die vergessene Zeit, Final Fantasy XIII, Prince of Persia, Captain America,Uncharted 3,Final Fantasy XIII-2, Lego Harry Potter 5-7(Vita),God of War Chains of Olympus,God of War Ghost of Sparta,Lego Pirates of the Caribbean,L.A.Noire,Lego Indiana Jones 2,Lego Harry Potter 1-4,Lego Harry Potter 5-7,Lego Star Wars III the Clone Wars,Lego Batman 2(Vita),Batman Arkham City,Lego Batman 2,Der gestiefelte Kater, CSI: Tödliche Verschwörung,Madagascar Kartz,Asura's Wrath, Hunted - Die Schmiede der Finsternis,Back to the Future (Disk Version),Trine 2, Saints Row (DE), Saints Row (EU),Castlevania Lords of Shadow,NCIS,Kingdoms of Amalur,Cabela's Adventure Camp,Start the Party!,Prototype, Start the Party 2, Start the Party 2 (US),Prototype 2,Wanted(DE),Dungeon Siege III,Sorcery, Wanted (EU),Alice Madness Returns, Skylanders - Spyro's Adventure, Motorstorm RC, Motorstorm RC (Vita), X-Blades, Rio,Burnout Paradise, Ice Age 4, Darksiders 2, One Piece Kaizoku Musou, One Piece Pirate Warriors, Assassins Creed Revelations, Sega Mega Drive Collection, Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, Assassins Creed 3 (57)

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