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Nick: BlackPhantom

PSN-ID: BlackPhantom-17

Datum der Durchführung: 01.05.11

Dauer: 21.01.11 - 01.05.11

Erspielte Platins: Heavy Rain, Spare Parts, Colin McRae 2, Sly 1, Sly 2, Sly 3, Uncharted 2, Monster VS Alien, Megamind, Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen, Start the Party, Fritz, Oben (13)

Link zum Thread: BlackPhantom's Platinprojekt

Link zum Video:

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwbmqQpbv_8]Video: YouTube - BlackPhantom Platin Projekt 1/5[/url]

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfvzT31u94A]Video: YouTube - BlackPhantom Platinprojekt 2/5[/url]

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySyHvCcvyRI]Video: YouTube - BlackPhantom Platinprojekt 3/5[/url]

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsSF4UEu_-w]Video: YouTube - BlackPhantom Platinprojekt 4/5[/url]

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AX0J2B3E5Q]Video: YouTube - BlackPhantom Platinprojekt 5/5[/url]

Link zum Abschlussbericht: https://forum.trophies-ps3.de/2406773-post252.html

Edit NooBkiNg2k8

Bist drin, Gratulation zu Platz 5!

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Nick: BlackPhantom

PSN-ID: BlackPhantom-17

Datum der Durchführung: 07.04.2012

Dauer: 29.09.2011 bis 07.04.2012

Erspielte Platin: MonsterJam, Leisure Suit Larry, Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, Start the Party STW, Cabela's Adventure Camp, Saints Row 3, Back to the Future, Captain America, Bakugan Beschützer des Kerns, God of War Chains of Olympus, God of War Ghost of Sparta, Dead Space Extraction, Trine 2, Burnout Paradise, Resident Evil 5, Madagascar Kartz, KungFu Panda 2, WWE Allstars, Hunted die Schmiede der Finsternis, Der gestiefelte Kater, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Move Fitness, NCIS, Pictionary Plus, Green Lantern, Band Hero, Guitar Hero 5, Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock (28)

Link zum Thread: BlackPhantom's Relentless Platinprojekt Remastered V2

Link zum Video: Folgt...

Link zum Abschlussbericht: Folgt...

Edit MarCCeoN

Eingetragen auf Platz 3. Gratuliere. Sobald du Videos und den Bericht hast, sende mir die Links per PN.


PSN-ID: FateBlacky

Datum der Durchführung: 03.03.2020

Dauer: September 2019 (Vorbereitung des ersten Spieles), bis 03.03.2020

Erspielte Platin: Word Sudoku by POWGI (PSV), Crossovers by POWGI (PSV), Word Wheel by POWGI (PSV), Mixups by POWGI (PSV), Fifty Words by POWGI (PSV), Wordsweeper by POWGI (PSV), Tic-Tac-Letters by POWGI (PSV), Word Maze by POWGI (PSV),  Iron Snout (PSV), FullBlast (PSV), Metagal (PSV), Attack of the Toy Tanks (PSV), Cybarian The Time Traveling Warrior(PSV). Access Denied (PSV), Devious Dungeon 2 (PSV), Heroes Trials (PSV), Squareboy vs Bullies (PSV), My Big Sister (PSV), FoxyLand (PSV), Hoggy 2 (PSV), Super Wiloo Demake (PSV), Mochi Mochi Boy (PSV), Drowning (PSV), Gravity Duck (PSV), Bouncy BUllets (PSV), Super Box Land Demake (PSV), Distraint: Deluxe Edition(PSV), Planet RIX-13 (PSV), FoxyLand 2 (PSV), Energy Cycle Edge (PSV), Deep Space Rush (PSV), Energy Cycle (PSV), Zeroptian Invasion (PSV), The Evil Within 2, Word Sudoku by POWGI (PS4), Crossovers by POWGI (PS4), Word Wheel by POWGI (PS4), Mixups by POWGI (PS4), Fifty Words by POWGI (PS4), Wordsweeper by POWGI (PS4), Tic-Tac-Letters by POWGI (PS4), Word Maze by POWGI (PS4)  Iron Snout (PS4), FullBlast (PS4), Metagal (PS4), Attack of the Toy Tanks (PS4), League of Evil (PS4), Cybarian The Time Traveling Warrior (PS4). Access Denied (PS4), Access Denied (PS4 -US),  Devious Dungeon 2 (PS4), Heroes Trials (PS4), My Big Sister (PS4), FoxyLand (PS4), Hoggy 2 (PS4), Mekabolt (PS4), Super Wiloo Demake (PS4), Mochi Mochi Boy (PS4), Drowning (PS4), Gravity Duck (PS4), Bouncy Bullets (PS4), Peasant Knight (PS4), InkSplosion (PS4), Devious Dungeon 1 (PS4), Jack N' Jill (PS4), Daggerhood (PS4), Super Box Land Demake (PS4), Distraint: Deluxe Edition(PS4), Planet RIX-13 (PS4), FoxyLand 2 (PS4), Deep Space Rush (PS4), Zeroptian Invasion (PS4), Paradox Soul (PS4), BRIKS 2, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Madden NFL 20, The Shapeshifting Detective, Cat Quest, Intruders: Hide and Seek, Aven Colony, Life is Strange 2, Injustice 2, Jurassic World Evolution, Bioshock 1, Bioshock 2. (85)

Link zum Thread: Blacky's Jagd nach dem Durchschnitt

Link zum Abschlussbericht: Klick


edit john_cena: eingetragen und Gratulation zum 4. Platz :) 


PSN-ID: FateBlacky

Datum der Durchführung: 14.01.2024

Dauer: 16.07.22 - 14.01.24

Erspielte Platin: 


20 Bunnies
20 Bunnies
A Sketchbook
A Sketchbook
A year of springs
A year of springs
Ammo Pigs
Anime Uni
Black Death
Black Wolf
Black Wolf
Bouncy Bullets 2
Bouncy Bullets 2
Bowling: Story FIVE (Jane)
Bowling: Story FIVE (Jane)
Bowling: Story FIVE (Pammy)
Bowling: Story FIVE (Pammy)
Bowling: Story FIVE MARK
Bowling: Story FOUR (Jane)
Bowling: Story FOUR (Jane)
Bowling: Story FOUR (Mark)
Bowling: Story FOUR (Mark)
Bowling: Story FOUR (Pammy)
Bowling: Story FOUR (Pammy)
Bowling: Story SIX Jane
Bowling: Story SIX Pammy
Bowling: Story Three (Mark)
Bowling: Story Three (Mark)
Brave Match
Bunny Reversi
Card Racing Simulator
Castle of no Escape
Castle of no Escape 2
Circus Pocus
Crazy Gravity
Crazy Gravity
Darts Up
Dating Life
Dating Life
Detective Inspector
Detective Inspector
Disco Cannon
Dodge it
Dr. Oil
Earth Marines
Elliot 2
Elliot Story One
Flat Kingdom
Flat Kingdom
Frogo PS4
Frogo PS5
Furry Tangram Lite
Furry Tangram Lite
Ghost of Tsushima PS5
Ghost Sweeper
Gotham Knights
Halloween Candy Break
Highschool Romance
Highschool Romance
Highschool Romance Magi
Highschool Romance Magi
House Flipper
I Love Food
I Love Food
Ice Hockey
Ice Hockey
Immortus Temporus
Immortus Temporus
Jumping Food Memory
Jumping Food Memory
Kansei: The Second Turn
Kansei: The Second Turn
Lent's Adventure
Life is Strange Before the Storm
Lord of the Click
Lord of the Click II
Mages and Treasueres
Mages and Treasueres
Marsi's Adventure
Memories of Coast
Memories of Coast
Moto Roader MC
Moto Roader MC
Mr Hibble PS4
Mr Hibble PS5
Nik and Kit Racing
One Night Stand
Oriana 2
Overcooked all you can eat
Pacmanga 2
Puzzle Frenzy
Queen Army
Queen Army
Quick Mafs Advanced
Quick Mafs Advanced
Rage Among the Stars
Rage Among the Stars
Rainbow Advanced
Rainbow Advanced
Rainbow Mix
Rainbow Mix
Rainbow Mix Advance
Rainbow Mix Advance
Richy's Nightmares
Rock Paper Scissors 
Rock Paper Scissors (Challenge)
Rock Paper Scissors (Challenge)
Round Invaders
Sakura Nova
Sakura Nova
Sakura Succubus 4
Sakura Succubus 4
Sakura Succubus 5
Sakura Succubus 5
Sakura Swim
Space Kabaam 2
Space Kabaam 2
Space Kabaam 3
Space Kabaam 3
Spider-Man 2
Strawberry Vinegar
Super Box Delivery
Super Onion Boy 2
Super Onion Boy 2
Tanks Vs Tanks
The Baseball T
The Basketball B
The Basketball Quiz
The Bat D
The Bat Quiz
The Bear B
The Bear B
The Bronze Age
The Bronze Age
The Burger Quiz
The Capybara P
The Capybara P
The Chick C
The Chicken Quiz
The Continents
The Continents
The Copper Age
The Copper Age
The Cow G
The Cow Quiz
The Czech Run
The Czech Run
The Dog K
The Dog Quiz
The Elefant E
The Football A
The Football Quiz
The Football T
The forgotten Tribe
The Giraffe G
The Giraffe G
The Golden Age
The Golden Age
The Golf G
The Hippo G
The Iron Age
The Jekoos
The Jumping Bagel
The Jumping Bagel
The Jumping Brownie
The Jumping Brownie
The Jumping Burger
The Jumping Burger
The Jumping Burger Halloween
The Jumping Burger Halloween
The Jumping Burrito
The Jumping Burrito
The Jumping Chicken Wings
The Jumping Chicken Wings
The Jumping Choco Santa
The Jumping Choco Santa
The Jumping Chocolate
The Jumping Churros
The Jumping Churros
The Jumping Coffee
The Jumping Coffee
The Jumping Cookie
The Jumping Cookie
The Jumping Falafel
The Jumping Falafel
The Jumping Food Memory
The Jumping Food Memory
The Jumping Fries
The Jumping Fries
The Jumping Fries
The Jumping Gingerbread
The Jumping Gingerbread
The Jumping Hot Dog
The Jumping Hot Dog
The Jumping Ice Cream
The Jumping Ice Cream
The Jumping Kebab
The Jumping Kebab
The Jumping Lasagne
The Jumping Lasagne
The Jumping Muffin
The Jumping Noodles
The Jumping Noodles
The Jumping Nuggets
The Jumping Nuggets
The Jumping Pasta
The Jumping Pasta
The Jumping Pizza
The Jumping Pizza
The Jumping Pumpkin
The Jumping Pumpkin
The Jumping Pumpkin Halloween
The Jumping Pumpkin Halloween
The Jumping Quesadilla
The Jumping Quesadilla
The Jumping Salad
The Jumping Sandwich
The Jumping Sandwich
The Jumping Soda
The Jumping Soda
The Jumping Sushi
The Jumping Sushi
The Jumping Taco
The Jumping Taco
The Jumping Tofu
The Jumping Tofu
The Language of Live
The Llama L
The Llama L
The Monkey P
The Penguin P
The Penguin P
The Pig Quiz
The Pigeon P
The Pigeon Quiz
The Pizza Quiz
The Pong P
The Rex T
The Shark T
The Shark T
The Sheep P
The Sheep P
The Sheep Quiz
The Silver Age
The Silver Age
The Slovak Run
The Slovak Run
The Spidy D
The Spidy Quiz
The Squash P
The Taco Quiz
The Tennis T
The Tiger T
The Tiger T
The Tiger T
The Volleyball B
The wizard and the Slug
The wizard and the Slug
Tilting Tiles
Tommy is my hero
Tommy is my hero
United States Capital
United States Capital
Vengeful Heart
Virtous Western
Virtous Western
Weben Blocks
Weben Blocks 2
Wild West Crops
Wild West Crops
Will Die Alone
Will Die Alone
Witch College
Witch College
Would you like to run an Idol Cafe 1
Would you like to run an Idol Cafe 1
Would you like to run an Idol Cafe 2
Would you like to run an Idol Cafe 2
Zippy 5C
Zippy 8C
Zippy Calculator
ZJ Calculator
ZJ Collect Stuff
ZJ The Ball Collect
ZJ The Ball whats different
ZJ The Ball whats different


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