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Verabredung Online-Trophäen zu Battlefield Bad Company 2

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Wäre es nicht besser, wenn du einfach jemanden mit Headset ins Beta-Squad verschiebst?

Übrigens bekommt man die Trophäe nicht in privaten Matches.

Hier wird beschrieben, wie man es macht:

First you need 8 people, all to have to be on Battlefield Bad Company 2 and to be in the Text Chat

4 People (with headsets) will set up a squad ready to find a game. The other 4 will add one of the 4 in the squad (for example the leader of the squad) then highlight his name in the 'Play with Friends' section

The Squad of 4 will find a game of Squad Rush. Now, if the opposing team is full, this is what the squad have to do:

If Attackers, camp in spawn base

If Defenders, just let the Attackers blow up both MCOMS

While this is going on, one player from the squad will be in the text chat, while another player will watch the scorecard. If a player leaves from the Opp Team, the person in text chat will notify you to join quick. You repeat the above step till you have all 8 in the match

Once all 8 are in, you decide who is to go first on each team, as you have to do it like this:

Only the Attacking Team is to get the Demo kills, as the Defending team has unlimited respawn tickets.

Also, only the person on the attacking team who is getting the Demo kills is permitted to carry explosives, (C4, RPG's, whatever), no one else. NO ONE IS TO ASSIST IN BLOWING UP BUILDINGS

Also the only weapon you can use is the Tracer Gun (if you have one). I know everyone has an urge to kill someone or just shoot them for fun but this can lead to complications. Since the Tracer Gun can't kill it is acceptible, and it nets you extra points too.

I urge people not to leave after getting their trophy, please stick around and help others get theirs. The whole point in boosting is to help each person get what they want, even if that means stayting for an extra 2 hours or so

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