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Playstation 5 Games

Alle eingetragenen Spiele sind aus den Leitfäden. Genauere Details gibt es in den Leitfäden.


Hier ist eine Auflistung für Spiele in denen man alle Trophäen Offline erreichen kann!

Falls eine Onlineverbindung benötigt wird dient diese meist nur zum Vergleich von Bestzeiten ,

oder ähnlichem und wird nicht dazu benötigt mit jemandem zu spielen.


Begriff Erklärung:

(100% Game) = Spiel enthält keine Platin

(DLC) = Spiel hat Erweiterungen die nachem Kauf der DLCs dann offline geholt werden können, es gibt auch Game of The Year Editionen wo dann die DLCs mit drin sind.

(Game Pad) = Spiele Controller

(Move) = Move Controller (PS4 Cam)

(Offline Coop) = Local Coop 2 Controller sind Vorraussetzung

(Micros) = Microphone

(PSVR) = Playstation VR  (PS4 Cam)


0-9 & Sonderzeichen



Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX

Assassin's Creed Valhalla (8 DLC´s)






Death's Door

Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba - The Hinokami Chronicles






Greak Memories of Azur

GreedFall Gold Edition (1 DLC)


Human Fall Flat Dream Collection (Offline Coop),(9 DLC´s)


Immortals Fenyx Rising (2 DLC´s)





Kena Bridge of Spirits

Kitaria Fables (Offline Coop)


Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22

Life is Strange True Colors



Mortal Shell (Enhanced Edition GOTY inclusive dem DLC)




Overcooked All You Can Eat


Panda Hero Remastered (100% Game)



Resident Evil 8 Village


Sackboy A Big Adventure (Offline Coop)

Scarlet Nexus

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Spider-Man Miles Morales

Subnautica Below Zero


Tales of Arise

Terminator Resistance (1 DLC)






Watch Dogs Legion (1 DLC)

Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood








PSN Games:



20 Bunnies



Active Neurons 3 Wonders of the World

A Juggler's Tale (100% Game)

Alan Wake Remastered (2 DLC´s)

Alba A Wildlife Adventure (100% Game)


Astro's Playroom (1 DLC)



Ball laB

Barry the Bunny

Bibi & Tina auf dem Martinshof

Bouncy Bullets 2




Crazy Gravity

Cross the Moon



Demon Hunter 4 Riddles of Light



Don't Touch This Button

Dreaming Sarah

Drizzlepath Deja Vu



Endless Fables Shadow Within



Family Mysteries 3 Criminal Mindset

Freddy Spaghetti

Freddy Spaghetti 2



Gaps by Powgi

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - The Definitive Edition








In rays of the Light

It Takes Two (Offline Coop)









Ladders by Powgi

Last Stop

Lost Grimoires 3 The Forgotten Well



Mastho is Together

Merchant of the Skies (100% Game)






One Escape

One-Eyed Lee and the Dinner Party







Quick Mafs




Renzo Racer (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Rift Racoon




Sakura Succubus

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One

Skyland Heart of the Mountain

Super Destronaut DX-2

Sushi Break



The Darkside Detective

The Pig D






Virtuous Western



Within the Blade












- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Playstation 4 Games

Alle eingetragenen Spiele sind aus den Leitfäden. Genauere Details gibt es in den Leitfäden.


Hier ist eine Auflistung für Spiele in denen man alle Trophäen Offline erreichen kann!

Falls eine Onlineverbindung benötigt wird dient diese meist nur zum Vergleich von Bestzeiten ,

oder ähnlichem und wird nicht dazu benötigt mit jemandem zu spielen.


Begriff Erklärung:

(100% Game) = Spiel enthält keine Platin

(DLC) = Spiel hat Erweiterungen die nachem Kauf der DLCs dann offline geholt werden können, es gibt auch Game of The Year Editionen wo dann die DLCs mit drin sind.

(Game Pad) = Spiele Controller

(Move) = Move Controller (PS4 Cam)

(Offline Coop) = Local Coop 2 Controller sind Vorraussetzung

(Micros) = Microphone

(PSVR) = Playstation VR  (PS4 Cam)


0-9 & Sonderzeichen

11-11 Memories Retold

3D Mini Golf (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(2 Gamepad´s)


A Plague Tale Innocence

A Way Out (Offline Coop)

Accel World vs. Sword Art Online

Adam's Venture Origins

Adventure Time Finn und Jack auf Spurensuche

Adventure Time Piraten der Enchiridion

AER Memories of Old

Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX

Alien Isolation

Angry Birds Star Wars

AO International Tennis (1 DLC)

AoT Wings of Freedom

Arcania The Complete Tale

ARK Survival Evolved
Assassin's Creed II
(The Ezio Collection)

Assassin's Creed® Brotherhood (The Ezio Collection)

Assassin´s Creed Chronicles (3 Spiele, China, India, Russia)

Assassin's Creed Odyssey (7 DLC´s)

Assassin's Creed® Origins (Online Verbindung nötig),(3 DLC´s)

Assassin's Creed® Revelations (The Ezio Collection)

Assassin´s Creed Syndicate

Assassin's Creed Valhalla (8 DLC´s)

Asterix & Obelix XXL2

Asterix & Obelix XXL3 Der Kristall-Hinkelstein (Offline Coop)

ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission (PSVR)


Baldur's Gate (Enhancend Edition)

Baphomets Fluch 5 Der Sündenfall

Batman Arkham Asylum (Batman: Return to Arkham Edition)
Batman Arkham City (Batman: Return to Arkham Edition)

Batman Arkham Knight (GOTY inclusive der 16 DLC´s)

Batman the Telltale Series (Episode1+Season Pass),(4 DLC´s)

Beyond Two Souls (Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s einer mit Sixaxis oder mit Smartphone und App)

Bibi & Tina

BioShock (Bioshock The Collection)
BioShock 2 (Bioshock The Collection)

BioShock Infinite (Bioshock The Collection)

Bird Game +

Black Mirror

Bladestorm Nightmare

Blue Reflection

Blood & Truth (PSVR),(2 Move)

Bloodborne (GOTY inclusive des DLC´s)

Bound by Flame

Bounty Battle

Bridge Constructor

Bus Simulator (1 DLC)


Call Of Cthulhu

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered

Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions

Cars 3 Driven to Win

Catherine Full Body

Chaos auf Deponia (Deponia Collection)

Children of Morta (Offline Coop)

Cities Skylines (2 DLC´s)

Commandos 2 HD (HD Remaster Doublepack mit Praetorians)

Concrete Genie (1 DLC VR Content)

Control (2 DLC´s)

Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy),(1 DLC)

Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back (Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy)

Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped (Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy),(1 DLC)

Crash Bandicoot 4 It's About Time

Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled

Crysis Remastered (Crysis Remastered Trilogy)

Crysis 2 Remastered (Crysis Remastered Trilogy)

Cyberpunk 2077


Dark Souls™ Remastered

Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin

Dark Souls III

Darksiders Warmastered Edition

Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition

Darksiders III

Days Gone (1 DLC)

de Blob™

Deadlight Director's Cut


Death Mark

Death's Door

Deliver Us The Moon

Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba - The Hinokami Chronicles

Deponia (Deponia Collection)

Deponia Doomsday (Deponia Collection)

Desperados III

Detroit Become Human

Devil May Cry 5

Diablo III Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition (Platin Offline),(1 DLC Online für 100%)

Die Sims4

Digimon World Next Order

Dishonored Divinitive Edition

Dishonored® Der Tod des Outsiders

Dishonored® 2 Das Vermächtnis der Maske

Divinity® Original Sin Enhanced Edition (Offline Coop)

Divinity Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition (Offline Coop)

DmC Devil May Cry Divinitive Edition

Doraemon Story of Seasons

Dracula's Legacy (100% Game)


Dragon Age Inquisition (GOTY inclusive der 3 DLC´s)

Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

Dragon Quest Builders

Dragon Quest Builders 2

Dragon Quest Heroes Der Weltenbaum und der Tyrann aus der Tiefe

Dragon Quest XI Die Streiter des Schicksals

Dragon Quest XI S Streiter des Schicksals

DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders (100% Game)

Dungeons II

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires

Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends (Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete Edition)

Dynasty Warriors 9


Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair (Offline Coop)

Earthlock Festival of Magic


Ether One


Fallout 4

Farcry Primal

FIA European Truck Racing Championship

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

Final Fantasy X (Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster)

Final Fantasy X-2 (Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster)

Final Fantasy VII Remake)

Final Fantasy® XII The Zodiac Age

Final Fantasy® XV (7 DLC´s)

Flipping Death



Gal*Gun Double Peace

Game of Thrones (A Telltale Game) (Episode1+ Season Pass),(5 DLC´s)

Ghost Giant (PSVR),(2 Move)

Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered

Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams (100% Game)

Goat Simulator

God of War

God of War III Remastered

Goodbye Deponia (Deponia Collection)

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - The Definitive Edition

Gravity Rush Remastered

Gravity Rush 2

GreedFall (1 DLC)

Grid (3 DLC´s)


Handball 16

Handball 17

Heavy Rain

Here They Lie (100% Game)

Hello Neighbor

Hidden Agenda (1Smartphone oder 1 Tablet extra)

Horizon Zero Dawn - Complete Edition


Ice Age – Scrats nussiges Abenteuer

inFamous First Light

inFamous Second Son

Intruders Hide and Seek (PSVR Kompatibel)

It Takes Two (Offline Coop)


Joe's Diner (100% Game)


Jurassic World Evolution


Ken Follett’s Die Säulen der Erde (2 DLC´s)

Kena Bridge of Spirits

Kingdom Come Deliverance (1 DLC)

KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue



Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

Kitaria Fables (Offline Coop)

Knack (Offline Coop)

Knack II (Offline Coop)


Landwirtschafts-Simulator 15

Landwirtschafts-Simulator 19

Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22

Lara Croft und der Tempel des Osiris (100% Game)

Legend of Kay Anniversary

LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham (6 DLC´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO® City Undercover (Offline Coop)

LEGO DC Super Villains (6 DLC´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Der Hobbit (Offline Coop)

LEGO Die Unglaublichen (Offline Coop)

LEGO Die Unglaublichen (Offline Coop)

LEGO Dimensions (12 DLC´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Harry Potter Collection (Offline Coop)

LEGO Jurassic World (Offline Coop)

LEGO Marvel Avengers (6 DLC´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s)

LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes 2 (Offline Coop),(6 DLC`s)

LEGO The Lego Movie Videogame (Offline Coop)

The LEGO Movie 2 - Videogame (Offline Coop)

LEGO® Ninjago® Movie Video Game (Offline Coop)

LEGO® Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht (Offline Coop),(4 DLC´s)

LEGO® Worlds (Offline Coop)

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry

Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Dry Twice

Little Nightmares II

Lords of the Fallen (GOTY Edition inclusive dem DLC)

Life is Strange

Life is Strange 2 (4 DLC)

Life is Strange Before the Storm

Life is Strange True Colors

Lost Sphear



Mafia Definitive Edition

Mafia III (3 DLC`s)

Maid of Sker


Marsupilami Hoobadventure

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy The Telltale Series (4 DLC´s)

Marvel's Iron Man VR (PSVR),(2Move)

Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition

Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition

Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition

Mass Effect Legendary Edition (100% Game)



Megadimension Neptunia VII

Mein Gestüt Ein Leben für die Pferde

Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes (100% Game)

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain (Online Verbindung nötig) 

Metro 2033 Redux (Metro Redux)

Metro Exodus (3 DLC)

Metro Last Night Redux (Metro Redux)

Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft PlayStation®4 Edition (Offline Coop),(8 DLC)

Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure
Minecraft Story Mode Season Two

Monkey King Hero is Back (2 DLC)

Monopoly Family Fun Pack (100% Game)

Monster Jam® Crush it

Moving Out (Offline Coop),(1 DLC)

Mortal Shell

Murdered Soul Suspect

MXGP3 The Official Motocross Videogame

My Little Riding Champion

My Memory of Us

My Time At Portia


N.E.R.O. Nothing Ever Remains Obscure

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (1 DLC)

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm

NBA 2K Playgrounds 2

Ni no Kuni II Schicksal eines Königreichs

NieR Automata (Online Verbindung nötig)

NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...


Nioh 2


Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

Okami HD

Omega Quintet

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 (Offline Coop)

One Piece Pirate Warriors 4

One Piece Unlimited World Red (2 Game Pad´s)


One Punch Man A Hero Nowbody Knows

Onechanbara Z2 Chaos

Onimusha Warlords

Ostwind Aris Ankunft (1 DLC)

Ostwind Das Spiel

Outlast (Outlast Trinity Bundle),(100% Game)

Outlast II (Outlast Trinity Bundle)

Overcooked (Offline Coop)

Overcooked 2 (Offline Coop),(2 DLC)



PAW Patrol Im Einsatz (100% Game)

Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight (PSVR Kompatibel)

Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight (PSVR Kompatibel)

Persona 5 Strikers

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy (Ace Attorney Trilogy HD Collection)

Pinball Arcade (100% Game),(Season 1 =10 DLC´s),(5 DLC´s)

Portal Knights (1 DLC)


Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin (100% Game),(PSVR)

Putty Squad



Railway Empire

Ratchet & Clank

Real Farm

Rebel Galaxy

Red Faction

Remothered Tormented Fathers (100% Game)


Resident Evil (Resident Evil Origins Collection)

Resident Evil 0 (Resident Evil Origins Collection)

Resident Evil 2 (2 DLC)

Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 4 (100% Game)

Resident Evil 5 (Offline Coop)

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (4 DLC´s)

Resident Evil 8 Village

Resident Evil Revelations 2 (Offline Coop)

Risen 3 Titan Lords Enhanced Edition

Road Rage

Rocksmith 2014 (Bass Gitarre)

Root Letter

Root Letter Last Answer

Rugby 15 (2 Game Pad´s)


Saints Row® IV

Samurai Warriors 4 (Offline Coop)

Samurai® Warriors 4 Empires (Offline Coop)

Samurai Warriors 5 (Offline Coop)

Scarlet Nexus

Schlag den Star

Scribblenauts Showdown (Offline Coop)

Secret of Mana

SEGA Mega Drive Classics

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Senran Kagura Burst Re Newal

Senran Kagura Estival Versus

Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Platin Offline),(100% Online),(Coop),(7 DLC´s)

Shadow of the Colossus

Shadow Tactics Blades of the Shogun

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Shenmue (Shenmue 1&2 Collection)

Shenmue 2 (Shenmue 1&2 Collection) 

Shenmue III (2 DLC)

Sherlock Holmes Crimes & Punishments

Sherlock Holmes The Devils Daughter

Sid Meier's Civilization VI (2 DLC´s)


Sine Mora (100% Game)

Skylanders Imaginators

Skylanders SuperChargers (Offline Coop)

Skylanders Trap Team (Offline Coop)

Slime Rancher

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Snoopys Große Abenteuer

Songbird Symphony

South Park Der Stab der Wahrheit

South Park Die rektakuläre Zerreißprobe


Spider-Man (4 DLC´s)

Spirit of the North

SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated

Spyro the Dragon (Spyro Reignited Trilogy)

Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage! (Spyro Reignited Trilogy)

Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

Stardew Valley

Starlink Battle for Atlas (Offline Coop)

State Of Mind

Streets of Rage 4 (Offline Coop)

Styx Shards of Darkness


Subnautica Below Zero

Sudden Strike 4

Super Meat Boy

Super Stardust Ultra (Offline Coop),(1 DLC nur PSVR)

Surviving Mars

Sword Art Online Lost Song


Tales of Arise

Tales of Berseria

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

Tales of Zestiria*

Tearaway Unfolded

Tennis World Tour



The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Banner Saga Trilogy

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2

The Elder Scrolls® V Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls® V Skyrim VR (PSVR)

The Escapists (1 DLC)

The Escapists The Walking Dead Edition

The Evil Within (3 DLC´s)

The Evil Within® 2

The Girl and the Robot (100% Game)

The Inner World

The Inpatient (PSVR)

The Last Guardian

The Last of Us Part II

The Last Tinker City of Colors (100% Game)

The Order 1886

The Outer Worlds (1 DLC)

The Sexy Brutale

The Sinking City

The Surge

The Surge 2

The Talos Principle Deluxe Edition

The Technomancer

The Town of Light

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead A New Frontier

The Walking Dead Collection

The Walking Dead Saints & Sinners (PSVR),(2 MOVE),(Complete Edition)

The Walking Dead Season Two

The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series (Complete Edition)

The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival Edition

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt (GOTY inclusive der 2 DLC´s)

The Wolf Among Us

Theseus (100% Game)


This War Of Mine The Little Ones

Those Who Remain

Tiny Troopers Joint Ops (100% Game),(Zombie Edition)

Titan Quest

Trials of Mana

Trine 4 The Nightmare Prince (Offline Coop)

Trolljäger Verteidiger von Arcadia

Toby The Secret Mine (100% Game)

Tower of Guns (100% Game)

Transformers Devastation

Two Point Hospital (4 DLC´s)


Uncharted 2 Among Thieves (Remastered Edition)

Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception (Remastered Edition)

Uncharted Drakes Schicksal (Remastered Edition)

Uncharted The Lost Legacy

Unravel (Yarny Bundle)

Unravel 2 (Yarny Bundle),(Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad`s)

Until Dawn


Valkyria Chronicles (Remastered Edition)



Warhammer Chaosbane

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate

Wasteland 2 Director´s Cut

Wasteland 3

Watch Dogs Legion (1 DLC)

Wer weiss denn sowas?

Wer weiss denn sowas? Das 2. Spiel (4 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood

Wolfenstein Cyberpilot (PSVR)

Wolfenstein The New Order

Wolfenstein The Old Blood

Wolfenstein II The New Colossus

World of Final Fantasy®

WWE 2K Battlegrounds (100% Game)


XCOM 2 (Online Verbindung nötig, für einmal 1 Online Match starten),(2 DLC´s)


Yakuza 4 Remastered (The Yakuza Remastered Collection)

Yakuza 5 Remastered (The Yakuza Remastered Collection)

Yakuza 6 The Song of Life

Yakuza Kiwami

Yakuza Kiwami 2

Yakuza™ Zero

Yesterday Origins

Yomawari Midnight Shadows



Zenith (100% Game)


Zurück in die Zukunft Das Spiel


PSN Games:



101 Ways to Die

112th Seed


20 Bunnies

36 Fragments of Midnight



A Fisherman's Tale (PSVR),(Move)

A Hat in Time 

A Hero and A Garden

A Juggler's Tale (100% Game)

A Kings Tale Final Fantasy® XV (100% Game)

A Summer with the Shiba Inu

A Tale Of Paper

Aaru's Awakening (100% Game)


Absolute Drift Zen Edition

Abyss The Wraiths of Eden

ABZÛ (100% Game)

Accounting+ (PSVR)

Aces of the Luftwaffe (100% Game)

Act It Out! A Game of Charades (100% Game)

Active Neurons

Active Neurons 2

Active Neurons 3 Wonders of the World

ADR1FT (100% Game)

Aery Little Bird Adventure (100% Game)

Affected The Manor (100% Game),(PSVR)

Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot The First Cases

Agatha Christie® The ABC Murders (100% Game)

Alba A Wildlife Adventure (100% Game)

Alan Wake Remastered (2 DLC´s)

Albedo Eyes From Outer Space

Alienation (3 DLC´s),(Bei einem ist Online Verbindung nötig)

Alien Destroyer

Alien Shooter (100% Game)

Along Together

Alphaset by Powgi



American Football - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Amnesia Collection 

Among the Sleep (100% Game)


Another World 20th Anniversary Edition (100% Game)

Ape Escape 2 (100% Game)


Ara Fell Enhanced Edition

Aragami (1 DLC)

Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits 

Arcade Archives Bubble Bobble (1005 Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Buta-San (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Crazy Climber (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Crazy Climber 2 (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Double Dragon (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives EXERION (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Gradius (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Ikki (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Karate Champ (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Moon Cresta (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Mr.Goemon (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Ninja-Kid (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives NOVA2001 (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Renegade (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Shusse Ozumo (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives Super Dodge Ball (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives TERRA CRESTA (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Archives The Legend Of Kage (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Arcade Game Series: Dig Dug

Arcade Game Series Galaga

Arcade Game Series Ms. Pac-Man

Arcade Game Series Pac-Man

Archaica The Path Of Light (100% Game)

Arise A simple Story (Offline Coop)


Asemblance (100% Game)

Asemblance Oversight (100% Game)

Assassin's Creed® Chronicles China (100% Game)

Assassin's Creed® Chronicles India (100% Game)

Assassin's Creed® Chronicles Russia (100% Game)

Assassin's Creed® Schrei nach Freiheit (100% Game)

Astrology and Horoscope Premium (100% Game)

Attack of the Toy Tanks

Autumn's Journey

Avoid Them - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Awesome Pea 2

Axiom Verge

Azkend 2 The World Beneath (100% Game)



Back in 1995

Back to Bed (100% Game)


Ball laB

Bandit Six Combined Arms

Bard's Gold (100% Game)

Barry the Bunny

Baseball - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Baseball Bout Otterrific Arcade

Baseball Riot (100% Game)


Batman Arkham VR (100% Game),(PSVR)

Batman Der Feind im Inneren (4 DLC´s)

Battalion Commander (100% Game)

Battle Trivia Knockout (100% Game)


Beach Buggy Racing

Bears Can't Drift!?

Beast Quest

Beatsaber (PSVR),(2 Move)

Beholder Complete Edition

Ben 10

Berserk and the Band of the Hawk

Beyond Blue

Beyond Eyes (100% Game)

BFF or Die (Offline Coop)

Bibi & Tina auf dem Martinshof

Birthday of Midnight

Black & White Bushido (Offline Coop)

Black The Fall

Blacksad Under the Skin

Blackwood Crossing


Blast'Em Bunnies (100% Game)

Blasting Agent Ultimate Edition

Blazing Chrome

Blind Men

Blood Knights (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Bloodstained Curse of the Moon (100% Game)

Blue Estate (100% Game)

Blues and Bullets (100% Game)

Bouncy Bullets

Bouncy Bullets 2

Bowling - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Bombing Buster (100% Game)

Brain Beats (PSVR),(Move)

Brick Breaker (100% Game)

Bridge Constructor Portal

Bridge Constructor Stunts (100% Game)


Broforce (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Broken Age

Brothers a Tale of Two Sons (100% Game)

Bubsy Paws on Fire

Bubsy The Woolies Strike Back (100% Game)

Bucket Knight

Bud Spencer & Terence Hill Slaps And Beans

Bully® Canis Canem Edit

Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils

Burly Men At Sea

Butter & Friends Babysitter Sim



Caladrius Blaze

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered

Call of the Sea


Castle Pals

Castles (2 Game Pad´s)

CAT Interstellar (100% Game),(Import)

Castlevania Requiem: Symphony Of The Night & Rondo Of Blood

Catch the Bowling Balls - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Cat Quest

Cat Quest II

Catlateral Damage 



Chickens On The Road

Child of Light (100% Game)

Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy!

Christmas Break

Christmas Break Head to Head (Offline Coop)


Cel Damage HD (100% Game)

Citizens of Earth (100% Game)

Claire Extended Cut

Clan N (100% Game)

Clash Force

Claybook (100% Game)

Clicker Heroes (100% Game)

Clockwork Tales Of Glass and Ink


Close to the Sun

Coffin Dodgers

Color Guardians

Color Slayer

Concept Destruction

CONTRAST (100% Game)

Crazy Gravity


Croc's World (100% Game)

Croc's World Run (100% Game)

Crossing Souls

Cross the Moon

Crypto by Powgi

Crypt of the Serpent King


Cybarian The Time Travelling Warrior




Dark Arcana The Carnival

Dark Cronicle

Dark Cloud

Dark Devotion

Darkestville Castle

Darkest Dungeon

Darts (100% Game)

Day of the Tentacle Remastered

Daylight (100% Game)

Dead Island Retro Revenge (100% Game)

Dead Land (100% Game)

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Fortune

Dead Secret (100% Game)

Dead Synchronicity Tomorrow Comes Today

Dear Esther Landmark Edition (100% Game)

Death Squared (Offline Coop)

Deep Space Rush

Deeeer Simulator

Degrees of Separation (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Demon Hunter Revelation

Demon Hunter 4 Riddles of Light

Deployment (100% Game)

Déraciné (PSVR),(2 Move)

Devious Dungeon

Devious Dungeon 2


Disney Classic Games Aladdin und Der König der Löwen

Distraint Deluxe Edition

Distraint 2


Doki-Doki Universe (100% Game)

Don´t Die, Mr. Robot! (100% Game)

Don't Starve Console Edition (100% Game)

Don't Touch This Button

Donut Break

Donut Break Head to Head  (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Donut County


Doodle Devil (100% Game)

Doodle God (100% Game)

Doodle Kingdom (100% Game)

Doom (Offline Coop)

Doom 2 (Offline Coop)

DOOM 64 (100% Game)

Dreamals (100% Game)

Dreaming Sarah

Dreamwalker Never Fall Asleep

DreamWorks Spirit

Drizzlepath Deja Vu


Drunken Fist

Duck Dynasty

Duck Souls+

Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour

Dull Grey

Dungeon Punks

Dust An Elysian Tail

Dying Reborn

Dying Reborn VR (PSVR),(Gamepad)



Eekeemoo Splinters of Dark Shard



Emily Wants to Play (100% Game)

Endless Fables Dark Moor

Endless Fables Shadow Within

Energy Cycle

Enigmatis The Ghost of Maple Creek

Enigmatis 2 The Mists of Ravenwood

Enigmatis 3 The Shadow of Karkhala

Entwined (100% Game)

Epic Word Search Collection

Epic Word Search Collection 2


Escape Plan (100% Game)

Even the Ocean

Eventide Slavic Fable

Eventide 2 Sorcerer's Mirror

Eventide 3 Legacy of Legends

Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture

Evoland Legendary Edition

Exile's End (100% Game)

Expand (100% Game)

Explosive Jake




Fairy Tail

Fallout Shelter

Family Mysteries Poisonous Promises

Family Mysteries 2 Echoes of Tomorrow

Family Mysteries 3 Criminal Mindset

Far Lone Sails (100% Game)

Fated The Silent Oath (100% Game),(PSVR)


Fear Effect Sedna



FEZ (100% Game)

Fifty Words by POWGI

Fill-a-Pix Phil's Epic Adventure


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (100% Game)

Final Fantasy® VII

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered

Final Fantasy® IX

Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Comrades (100% Game),(2 DLC´s)

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD

Final Horizon (100% Game),(1 DLC)

Finger on the Roof Go Rooftop Runner (1 DLC)

Firewatch (100% Game),(1 DLC)

Flame Over

Flottenmanöver ( 100% Game),(Offline Coop)

flOw (100% Game),(1 DLC)

Flower (100% Game)

Fluster Cluck (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Focus on You (100% Game),(PSVR)

Football - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Football Game

Forced (Offline Coop)

Forgotton Anne


Fort Defense North Menace (100% Game)


FoxyLand 2

Fractured Minds (100% Game)

Fragments of Him (100% Game)

Freddy Spaghetti

Freddy Spaghetti 2

Full Throttle Remastered


Funny Truck



Galak-Z The Dimensional (EU) (100% Game)

GalGun 2 (Import)

Gang Beasts (100% Game)

Gaps by Powgi

Gauntlet Slayer Edition

Gem Smashers

Gemini Heroes Reborn

Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions

Get to the Top - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Ghost Files Memory of a Crime


Giana Sisters Dream Runners (100% Game)

Ginger Beyond the Crystal

Glass Masquerade

Glass Masquerade 2 Illusions


Golf with your Friends (Offline Coop),(1 DLC)

Gone Home (100% Game)


Grab the Bottle

Grand Theft Auto III

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto Vice City®

Graveyard Keeper

Gravity Duck

Grim Fandango Remastered

Grim Legends The Forsaken Bride

Grim Legends 2 Song of the Dark Swan

Grim Legends 3 The Dark City


Grow Home (100% Game)

Grow Up (100% Game)

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (1 DLC)
Guacamelee! 2 (2 DLC´s)

Guns Gore and Cannoli (100% Game),(Offline Coop)





Hand of Fate

Harvest Moon® A Wonderful Life - Special Edition

Harvest Moon® Save the Homeland

Hatoful Boyfriend (100% Game)

Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Future Tone (100% Game),(2 DLC´s)


Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice


Her Majesty's Spiffing

Heroes Trials

Hex Tunnel


HiQ Ace (100% Game)

HiQ Ace Unlimited (100% Game)

Hitman GO Definitive Edition


Hohokum (100% Game)

Home (100% Game)

Horizon Chase Turbo

Horror Adventure (100% Game)

Horror Adventure VR (PSVR),(100% Game)

Horse Racing 2016 (100% Game)

Hotel Transsilvanien 3 Monster über Bord

Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number

How To Survive Storm Warning Edition (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Hue (100% Game)

Human Fall Flat (Offline Coop),(9 DLC´s)

Hyper Light Drifter



I and Me

I Am The Hero

Ice Cream Surfer (100% Game)

Iconoclasts (100% Game)

Immortal Legacy The Jade Cipher (PSVR)

In rays of the Light

Inferno 2

Infinity Runner


Inner Kung Fu Game (100% Game)

Inside (100% Game)

Into A Dream (100% Game)

Iro Hero

Iron Sea Defenders (100% Game)

Iron Snout



Jack N' Jill DX

JackQuest The Tale of the Sword

Jack and Daxter The Precursor Legacy

Jak II Renegade

Jak 3

Jamestown+ (Offline Coop),(4 Game Pad´s)

Jazzpunk Director's Cut

JigSaw Abundance

Jigsaw Finale

JigSaw Solace (100% Game)

Jisei The First Case HD

Job Simulator (PSVR),(2 Move)

Jotun Valhalla Edition

Jupiter & Mars (PSVR)

Just a Phrase by Powgi



Kapitales Wagnis (100% Game)

Kaze And The Wild Masks

Khara The Game

Kholat (100% Game)

Kick and Fennick (100% Game)

King Oddball (100% Game)

King's Quest (100% Game),(4 DLC´s)

Kingmaker: Rise to the Throne

Kitten Squad (100% Game)


Knot (100% Game)

Koi (100% Game)




L.A. Noire The VR Case Files (PSVR),(2 Move)

LA Cops

Ladders by Powgi


Lara Croft GO

Laserlife (100% Game)

Last Day of June (100% Game)

Last Stop

Late Shift

Laws of Machine (100% Game)

Layers of Fear (100% Game)

Layers of Fear 2

Legend of the Skyfish

Legends of Talia Arcadia

Leo's Fortune (100% Game)

Letter Quest Remastered (100% Game)

Level 22 (100% Game)

Lifeless Planet Premier Edition

Link-a-Pix Deluxe

LIMBO (100% Game)

Little Adventure on the Prairie

Little Nightmares (100% Game),(3 DLC´s)

Loading Human (100% Game),(PSVR),(2 Move)

LocoRoco Remastered

LocoRoco 2 Remastered

Loot Hero DX

Lost Grimoires Stolen Kingdom

Lost Grimoires 2 Shard of Mystery

Lost Grimoires 3 The Forgotten Well

Lost Words Beyond the Page

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (Offline Coop)



Lust for Darkness



Machinarium (100% Game)

Magicka® 2



Mahjong (100% Game)

Mahjong Carnival (100% Game)

Mahjong Royal Towers (100% Game)

Mahjong World Contest (100% Game)

Many Faces

Mars Odyssey (100% Game),(PSVR Kompatibel)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (Offline Coop)

Mastho is Together

Max Payne® (100% Game)


Medieval Defenders (100% Game)


Memory Lane

Memory Lane 2

Metal Slug 3 (100% Game)

Mia's Picnic


Midnight Deluxe

Milo's Quest

Mind Labyrinth VR Dreams

Minefield (100% Game)

Minesweeper Genius

Mixups by Powgi

Mochi Mochi Boy

Modern Tales Age of Invention

Monopoly Plus (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

Monster of the Deep Final Fantasy® XV (PSVR),(2 Move)

Monster Sanctuary

Moons of Madness

Morbid The Seven Acolytes

Mortal Blitz (PSVR),(2 Move)


Moss (PSVR)

MouseCraft (100% Game)

Mutter hat mein Spiel versteckt (100% Game)

Mutter hat mein Spiel versteckt 2 (100% Game)

My Big Sister

My Brother Rabbit

My Name is Mayo

My Name is Mayo 2



Nano Assault NEO-X (100% Game)

Narcos Rise of the Cartels

Narcosis (100% Game)

Narita Boy

NBA Playgrounds (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Neko Para Vol.1 (100% Game)

Neon Chrome (100% Game)

Never Alone (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(1 DLC)

Neverending Nightmares (100% Game)

Nextgen Sandbox

Nickelodeon Kart Racers


Nightmares from the Deep The Cursed Heart

Nightmares from the Deep 2 The Siren's Call

Nightmares from the Deep 3 Davy Jones

Nine Parchments

Nine Witches Family Disruption

Noir Chronicles City of Crime

North (100% Game)

Not a Hero (100% Game)

Nova 111 (100% Game)

Nublas Welt



O! My Genesis VR (PSVR),(100% Game)

Observation (100% Game)

Oceanhorn Monster of Uncharted Seas

Octodad Dadliest Catch (100% Game)

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee New 'n' Tasty

Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator

Old Man's Journey


Oliver's Adventures in the Fairyland

OlliOlli (100% Game)

Omega Strike

One-Eyed Lee and the Dinner Party

One Eyed Kutkh (100% Game)

One Night Stand

One Upon Light (100% Game)

One Word by POWGI

Orc Slayer






Pac-Man 256 (100% Game),(2 Game Pad´s)

Pac-Man Championship Edition 2

Palm Reading Premium (100% Game)

Paper Beast (PSVR)

Pantsu Hunter Back to the 90s

Paradise Lost (100% Game)

Paradox Soul

Party Hard (100% game)

Patapon Remastered

Path of Sin Greed

Peasant Knight

Peggle 2 (2 DLC´s)

Perfect Angle

Persian Nights Sands of Wonders

Persian Nights 2 Moonlight Veil

Personality and Psychology Premium (100% Game)

Petoons Party

Phantom Doctrine

Pic-a-Pix Classic

Pic-a-Pix Classic 2

Pic-a-Pix Color (100% Game)

Pic-a-Pix Color 2

Pic-a-Pix Pieces (Offline Coop)

Pic-a-Pix Pieces 2 (Offline Coop)

Pier Solar And The Great Architects


Pinstripe (100% Game)

Pity Pit

PixelJunk Monsters 2 (Offline Coop),(2 DLC´s)

Plague Inc Evolved (2 DLC)

Planet Alpha (100% Game)

Planet of the Apes Last Frontier

Planet of the Eyes

Planet RIX-13


Pneuma Breath of Life (100% Game)

Pode (100% Game)

Portal of Evil Stolen Runes



Push Me Pull You (100% Game)

Puzzle Frenzy

Puzzle Showdown 4K (Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s)



Q.U.B.E Director’s Cut (100% Game)

Q.U.B.E. 2

Q*bert Rebooted (100% Game)

Queen's Quest 2 Stories of Forgotten Past

Queen's Quest 3 The End of Dawn

Queen's Quest 4 Sacred Truce

Quick Mafs




Race the Sun (100% Game)

Racing - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Rain World

Rainbow Moon


Raji An Ancient Epic (100% Game)

Randal's Monday

Random Heroes Gold Edition

Red Bow

Red Dead Revolver (100% Game)

Red Goddess Inner World (100% Game)




Rift Racoon


Rick and Morty Virtual Rick-ality (PSVR),(2 Move)

Riptide GP Renegade (Offline Coop)

Riptide GP2 (Offline Coop)

Road Bustle

Road Not Taken (100% Game)

Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (Offline Coop)

RocketsRocketsRockets (Offline Coop).(4 Game Pad´s)

Rogue Galaxy

Rogue Legacy

Romance of the Three Kingdoms® XIII

Roombo First Blood

Roundout by Powgi

Royal Defense Invisible Threat (100% Game)

Rune Lord

Runner2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (100% Game)

Rush Rover




Salt and Sanctuary

Sakura Succubus

Scarlett Mysteries Cursed Child

Schrödinger's Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark (100% Game)

Scrap Garden

Sea of Solitude

Seasons after Fall

Semispheres (100% Game)

Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash

Shadow of Loot Box

Shadow Warrior 2


Shady Part of Me

Shantae Risky's Revenge Director's Cut (100% Game)

Shape of the World


Sherlock Holmes Chapter One

Shiny A Robotic Adventure

Shovel Knight

Shütshimi (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Sigi A Fart for Melusina

Skateboarding - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Skatemasta Tcheco

Sky Force Anniversary (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Sky Force Reloaded

Skyland Heart of the Mountain

Skylar & Plux Adventure on Clover Island (100% Game)

SkyScrappers (Offline Coop)


Slayaway Camp Butcher's Cut

Slender The Arrival (100% Game)


Snake Boat Otterrific Arcade (1 DLC)


Sniper (100% Game)

Snow Moto Racing Freedom

Soma (100% Game)

Song of the Deep (100% Game)

Soul Axiom

Soul Dimension (100% Game)

Sound Shapes (11 DLC´s)

Space - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Space 2 - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade

Space Explore (100% Game)

Space Rift (100% Game),(PSVR)

Sparkle 2 (100% Game)

Sparkle Unleashed (100% Game)


Spelunky (100% Game)

Spice and Wolf VR (PSVR)

Sportsfriends (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(2 Gamepad´s)

Spy Chameleon 

Squad Killer

Squareboy vs Bullies Arena Edition

Star Ocean - The Last Hope® International

Star Wars Bounty Hunter (100 Game)

Star Wars Episode I Racer

Star Wars Racer Revenge (100% Game),(2 Game Pad´s)

Star Wars Republic Commando

StarDrone (100% Game)

Starwhal (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Stealth Inc. A Clone in the Dark (100% Game),(2 DLC´s)

SteamWorld Dig (100% Game)

Stick it to the Man (100% Game)

Stories The Path of Destinies

Stories Untold (100% Game)

Storm Boy


Stranded Deep

Stranger Things 3 The Game


Strike Suite Zero Director's Cut (100% Game)

Styx Master of Shadows

Submerged (100% Game)

Suicide Guy


Super Box Land Demake

Super Destronaut DX

Super Destronaut DX-2

Super Destronaut Land Wars

Super Kids Racing (100% Game)

Super Motherload (100% Game)

Super Time Force Ultra

Super Toy Cars (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Super Weekend Mode

Super Wiloo Demake



Sushi Break

Sushi Break Head to Head (Offline Coop)


Sword of the Necromancer (Offline Coop)

Swordbreaker The Game

Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet




Tales from the Borderlands Episode 1 (4 DLC´s)


Telling Lies

Tembo The Badass Elephant (100% Game)

Tennis in the Face (100% Game)

Terminator Resistance

Tesla vs Lovecraft


Tetra's Escape

Tetrobot & Co (100% Game)

That Trivia Game (100% Game),(Oflline Coop)

The Assembly (PSVR)

The Binding of Isaac Rebirth (Offline Coop)

The Bridge (100% Game)

The Bunker

The Colonists

The Darkside Detective

The Deadly Tower of Monsters

The Explorer of Night

The Fall (100% Game)

The Fall Part 2 Unbound

The First Tree (100% Game)

The Gardens Between

The Grand Tour Game (4 DLC´s),(Offline Coop)

The Great Perhaps (100% Game)

The House In Fata Morgana

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II (2 DLC´s)

The Inner World Der letzte Windmönch

The Invisible Hours

The King's Bird

The King of Fighters 2000 (100% Game)

The Language of Love

The Last Blade 2 (100% Game)

The Last Campfire

The Legend of Korra

The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince

The Little Acre

The Lost Bear (100% Game),(PSVR)

The Mark of Kri

The Mooseman

The Park (100% Game)

The Path of Motus (100% Game)

The Pedestrian (100% Game)

The Pig D

The Playroom (4 DLC´s),(100% Game),(Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s)

The Playroom VR (PSVR),(Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s)

The Secret Order 8 Return to the Buried Kingdom

The Secret Order Shadow Breach

The Seven Deadly Sins Knights of Britannia

The Spectrum Retreat (100% Game) 

The Suicide of Rachel Foster

The Swapper (100% Game)

The Swindle (100% Game)

The Swords of Ditto

The Tower of Beatrice

The Treasures of Montezuma 4

The Turing Test (100% Game)

The Unicorn Princess (100% Game)

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (100% Game)

The Walking Dead Die letzte Staffel Episode 1 (100% Game),(3 DLC)

The Walking Dead Michonne (2 DLC´s)

The Witness

Thief Simulator

Thimbleweed Park

Thomas Was Alone (100% Game)

Three Fourths Home Extended Edition (100% Game)

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Through the Woods

Thumper (PSVR),(Gamepad)

Thy Sword

Tic-Tac-Letters by POWGI

Ticket to Ride (2 DLC´s)

Tilting Tiles

Timothy vs the Aliens

Tiny Tinas Sturm auf die Drachenfestung - Ein einmaliges Wonderlands-Abenteuer (Offline Coop),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Titan Attacks (100% Game)

Titan Souls


Tokyo Run

Tools Up! (Offline Coop),(4 Gamepad´s),(4 DLC´s)

Toren (100% Game)


Total Jigsaw (100% Game)

Totally Reliable Delivery Service (Offline Coop),(1 DLC)

Touhou Scarlet Curiosity (100% Game)

Tour de France 2020

Towerfall Ascension (100% Game),(1 DLC),(Offline Coop)

Track - Breakthrough Gaming Arcade


Treasure Hunter Simulator

Trine 2 Complete Story (Offline Coop)

Trine 3 The Artifacts of Power (Offline Coop)

Trine Enchanted Edition (Offline Coop)

Trivial Pursuit Live! (100% Game)

Trover Saves the Universe (2 DLC´s)


Turok (100% Game)

Twin Mirror

Twin Robots

Type Rider (100% Game)



Ultimate Runner

Ultratron (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Uncanny Valley (100% Game)

Uncharted Tides Port Royal



Unearthing Mars (100% Game),(PSVR),(2 Move)

Unmechanical Extended (100% Game)

Untitled Goose Game



Vader Immortal - Episode 1 (100% Game),(PSVR),(2 DLC)

Valiant Hearts The Great War (100% Game)



Vera Blanc Full Moon

Vera Blanc Ghost In The Castle


Virtuous Western





War of the Monsters (100% Game)

We are Doomed (100% Game)

What Remains of Edith Finch (100% Game)

When The Past Was Around

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine

Whispering Willows (100% Game)

White Night

Whiteboyz Wit Attitude The Pursuit of Money (1DLC)

Wild Arms 3

Windlands (PSVR)

Within the Blade

Without Escape

Woah Dave! (100% Game)

Woodle Tree Adventures (100% Game)

Word Maze by POWGI

Word Search by Powgi

Word Sudoku by Powgi

Word Wheel by POWGI

WordHerd (100% Game)

Wordsweeper by POWGI

Worse Than Death




Xeodrifter (100% Game)



Yasai Ninja (Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s)

Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana



Zeroptian Invasion

Zippy the Circle Level 1 and Level 2

Zippy the Circle Level 3 and Level 4

Zippy the Circle Level 5, Level 6, and Level 7

Zippy the Circle Level 8, Level 9 and Level 10

Zippy the Circle Level 11, Level 12 and Level 13

ZJ the Ball (Level 1)

ZJ the Ball (Level 2)

ZJ the Ball (Level 3)

ZJ the Ball (Level 4)

ZJ the Ball (Level 5)

Zombieland Double Tap Road Trip (Offline Coop),(4 Gamepad´s)



Playstation 3 Games:

Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe zur Vervollständigung diese Threads, könntet ihr bitte bei euren Posts dabei schreiben ob es Retail oder 100% ist, solltet ihr Fehler finden schreibt mir bitte ne PM dann korregiere ich das.

Alle eingetragenen Spiele sind aus den Leitfäden. Genauere Details gibt es in den Leitfäden.


Hier ist eine Auflistung für Spiele in denen man alle Trophäen Offline erreichen kann!

Falls eine Onlineverbindung benötigt wird dient diese meist nur zum Vergleich von Bestzeiten ,

oder ähnlichem und wird nicht dazu benötigt mit jemandem zu spielen.


Begriff Erklärung:

(100% Game) = Spiel enthält keine Platin

(DLC) = Spiel hat Erweiterungen die nachem Kauf der DLCs dann offline geholt werden können, es gibt auch Game of The Year Editionen wo dann die DLCs mit drin sind.

(Game Pad) = Spiele Controller

(Move) = Move Controller (PS3 Cam)

(Offline Coop) = Local Coop 2 Controller sind Vorraussetzung

(Micros) = Microphone


0-9 & Sonderzeichen

3D Dot Game Heroes


Adventure Time Finn und Jake auf Spurensuche

Afrika (Import)

Agarest - Generations of War Zero

Agarest - Generations of War 2

Akibas Trip Undead & Undressed

Alice: Madness Returns (DLC)

Alien Isolation

Alone in the Dark Inferno

Alpha Protocol

Anarchy Reigns

Angry Birds Star Wars

Angry Birds Trilogy (2 DLC´s)

Ape Escape (Online Rangliste),(100% Game),(Move)

Ar nosurge Ode to an Unborn Star

Ar Tonelico Qoga Knell of Ar Ciel

Arcania The Complete Tale

Army of Two The Devils Cartel (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Arthur und die Minimoys 2 (100% Game)

Assassin's Creed 2

Assassin´s Creed Rogue

Asura's Wrath (3 DLC´s)

Atelier Ayesha The Alchemist of Dusk

Atelier Meruru The Apprentice of Arland

Atelier Rorona The Alchemist of Arland

Atelier Totori - The Adventurer of Arland


Bakugan Battle Brawlers

Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Beschützer des Kerns

Batman Arkham Asylum

Batman Arkham City (Game of the Year Edition)

Batman the Telltale Series Episode 1 (4 DLC´s)



Bejeweled 3 (100% Game)

Ben 10 Galactic Racing

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Cosmic Destruction

Beyond Two Souls (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Bionic Commando

Bioshock (DLC)

Bioshock Infinite (3 DLC´s)

Bladestorm Nightmare

BLEACH Soul Resurrección

Borderlands (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop),(Online Coop 1x joinen),(4 DLC´s)

Bound by Flame

Brink (DLC)


Cabela's Adventure Camp (Move)

Cabela's North American Adventures

Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011

Cabela's® Dangerous Hunts 2013 (2 Game Pad´s)

Cabela's Outdoor Adventures

Cabela's Survival Shadows of Katmai

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Captain America Super Soldier

Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle (100% Game)

Carnival Island (2 Move)

Cars 2(2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Cars Race O Rama

Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL (3 Game Pad`s),( Offline Coop)

Castlevania - Lords of Shadow (2 DLC´s)

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 (DLC)

Castlevania Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate HD (100% Game)


Champion Jockey

Child of Eden

Cross Edge

CSI-Tödliche Verschwörung


Damnation (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Dance! Its Youre Stage (2 Game Pad´s), oder (2 Move),(Offline Coop),(100% Game)

Dance Dance Revolution (2 Move), oder (Tanzmatte),(siehe Leitfaden)

Dante's Inferno (2 DLC´s einer davon nur Online),(Platin machbar aber keine 100%,(siehe Leitfaden)


Dark Souls

Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin

Dark Void (DLC)

Das Testament des Sherlock Holmes

de Blob 2 (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Dead Space

Dead Space II

Deadly Premonition The Director´s Cut


Demon´s Souls

Der gestiefelte Kater

Der Herr der Ringe Der Krieg im Norden (Offline Coop)

Der Herr der Ringe Die Abenteuer von Aragorn (2 Game Pad´s)

Der Pate II

Der Puppenspieler (2 Game Pad´s) oder (2 Move),(Offline Coop)

Deus Ex Human Revolution (DLC)

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry 2

Devil May Cry 3

Diablo 3 (Offline Coop)

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition (Offline Coop)

Die Abenteuer von Tim & Struppi - Das Geheimnis der Einhorn

Die Hüter des Lichts

Die Legende der Wächter

Die Pinguine aus Madargascar Dr.Seltsam kehrt zurück

Die Schlümpfe 2 (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Die Sims 3

Die Sims 3: Einfach tierisch

Digimon All-Star Rumble

Disgaea 3 - Absence of Justice

Disgaea 4 - A Promise Unforgotten

Dishonored Die Maske des Zorns

Disney Micky Epic Die Macht der 2

Disney Sing It Filmhits (2 Micros)

Disney Sing It Pop Hits (2 Micros)

Disney Sing It Pop Party (2 Micros)

Disney Universe (4 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

DmC Devil May Cry (DLC)

Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht

Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 2

Dragon Age 2 (3 DLC´s)

Dragon Age Inquisition (2 DLC´s)

Dragon Age Origins (8 DLC´s)

Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection

Dragon´s Crown (Offline Coop)

Dragon´s Dogma

Dreamworks Superstar Kartz (Offline Coop)

DuckTales Remastered (100% Game)

Duke Nukem Forever (DLC)

Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires

Dynasty Warriors 7

Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires

Dynasty Warriors 7 Xtreme Legends (Offline Coop)

Dynasty Warriors 8

Dynasty Warriors® 8 Empires (Offline Coop)

Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends (Offline Coop)

Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn (Offline Coop)


Earth Defense Force 2025 (Offline Coop)

Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon (Offline Coop)

Eat Lead The Return of Matt Hazard

El Shaddai Ascention of the Metatron (Online Rangliste)

Enslaved Odyssey of the West (DLC)

Escape Dead Island (DLC)

Eurosport Winter Stars (Offline Coop)

Everyone Sing (2 Micros)

Eyepet (Move)

Eyepet & Friends (2 Move),(Offline Coop)


Fairy Fencer F

Fairytale Fights (Offline Coop)

Falling Skies The Game

Fallout 3 (5 DLC´s),(Game of the Year Edition)

Fallout: New Vegas (5 DLC´s)

Family Guy Zurück ins Multiversum (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Far Cry 3 (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Fast & Furious Showdown (Offline Coop)

Ferrari Challenge

Ferrari The Race Experience

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII-2

Fist of the North Star: Kens Rage (Offline Coop)

Flirtgewitter (3 Move) oder (3-4 Game Pad´s)


Für immer Shrek (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)



G.I. Joe Geheimauftrag Cobra (2. Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones (A Telltale Game) (5 DLC´s)

Generator Rex

Germany´s Next Topmodel 2011 (100% Game)

Get Fit with Mel B

Get Up and Dance (Move)

God of War Ascension™ (Online Verbindung nötig)

God of War I (God of War Collection)

God of War II (God of War Collection)

God of War III

God of War Chains of Olympus (God of War Collection Volume 2)

God of War Ghost of Sparta (God of War Collection Volume 2)


Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Green Day Rock Band (Komplette Band Offline),(1 Micro, 2 Gitarren, 1 Drumset)

Green Lantern Rise of the Manhunters (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Guitar Hero Van Halen (Komplette Band Offline),(1 Micro, 2 Gitarren, 1 Drumset)


Hannah Montana Der Film (Sixaxis Game Pad)

Happy Feet 2 (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Handball 16

Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz

Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes Teil 2

Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd (Online 1 Song runterladen)

Heavy Fire Afghanistan (Move oder Game Pad),(Offline Coop)

Heavy Fire Shattered Spear (Move oder Game Pad),(Offline Coop)

Heavy Rain (Sixaxis Pad oder Move)

Hitman 2 Silent Assassin (HD Classics Hitman HD Trilogy)

Hitman Blood Money (HD Classics Hitman HD Trilogy)

Hitman Contracts (HD Classics Hitman HD Trilogy)

Hunted Die Schmiede der Finsternis (Offline Coop)

Hyperdimension Neptunia

Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory


Ice Age 3

Ice Age 4 Voll Verschoben (2Game pad´s),(OfflineCoop)

ICO (Classics HD ICO & Shadow of the Colossus)


inFamous 2 (PSN Verbindung benötigt um die benutzererstellten

Missionen runterzuladen)

Invizimals Das verlorene Königreich

Iron Man 2 Das Videospiel

Iron Sky Invasion


Jurassic The Hunted (Import)

Jak 3 (HD Classics The Jak and Daxter Trilogy)

Jak and Daxter The Precurser Legacy (HD Classics The Jak and Daxter Trilogy)

Jak II (HD Classics The Jak and Daxter Trilogy)

JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle (2 Game Pad´s)

Just Cause 2

Just Dance 4 (4 Move)

Just Dance Kids (2 Move),(100% Game)


Kampf der Titanen (2 Game Pad´s)

Katamari Forever (Offline Coop)

Kick Ass 2

Killer is Dead

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX),(100% Game)

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix (Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX)

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX)

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX)

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX) (100% Game)

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories (Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX)

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning (2 DLC)

Knights Contract

Kung Fu Panda 2

Kung Fu Rider (2 Move),(Offline Coop)


L.A. Noire (4 DLC´s)


Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2015

Last Rebellion

Legends of War

LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham (Offline Coop),(6DLC´s)

LEGO Der Herr der Ringe (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Der Hobbit (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Dimensions (2 DLC´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Harry Potter Die Jahre 1-4 (Offline Coop)

LEGO Harry Potter Die Jahre 5-7

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 (Offline Coop)

LEGO Jurassic World (Offline Coop)

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Pirates of the Carribean (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Rock Band (Micro,Bass Gitarre,Gitarre,Schlagzeug),(Offline Coop)

LEGO Star Wars III The Clone Wars (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

LEGO The LEGO Movie Videogame (Offline Coop)

Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust

Lightning Return Final Fantasy XIII

Lollypop Chainsaw (Online Rangliste)


Madagascar 3 Flucht durch Europa (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Madagascar Kartz (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Mafia II (Essentails inclusive DLC´s)

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom

Marvel Super Hero Squad Comic Combat

Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet (3 DLC´s)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2 (2 DLC´s)

Medieval Moves (Move)

Megamind Kampf der Rivalen (Offline Coop)

Mein Fitness-Coach Club (Move)

Men in Black Alien Crisis (Game Pad) oder (Move)

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance (3 DLC´s)

Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots

Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes (100% Game)

Metro Last Night (5 DLC´s)

Mini Ninjas

Mirror´s Edge (DLC)

Mittelerde Mordors Schatten (2 DLC´s)

Monster Jam Pfad der Zerstörung

Monsters vs Aliens (2 Game Pad´s)

Mugen Souls

Murdered Soul Suspect

My Sims Sky Heroes


Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (DLC)

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Generations

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Revolution

Nat Geo Quiz! Wild Life (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop),(DLC)


Need for Speed: Shift (keine 100% machbar nur mit DLC, mit einer Online Trophäe dabei)

Ni no Kuni Der Fluch der weissen Königin


No More Heroes - Heroes Paradise


Oben (2 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Of Orcs and Men

One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 (Offline Coop)

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 (Offline Coop)

One Piece Unlimited World Red (2 Game PAd´s),(Offline Coop)


Pac-Man und die Geisterabenteuer

PES 2014 Pro Evolution Soccer

Phineas und Ferb - Quer durch die 2. Dimension (Offline Coop)

Pictionary Plus (uDraw Game Tablet)

Planet 51 Das Spiel

Playstation Move Heroes (2 Move),(Optional Navigations Controller)

Port Royale 3 (3 DLC´s)

Prince of Persia (DLC)

Prince of Persia Die vergessene Zeit

Prince of Persia Sands of Time (Classics HD Prince of Persia Trilogy 3D)

Prince of Persia Warrior Within (Classics HD Prince of Persia Trilogy 3D)

Prince of Persia The Two Thrones (Classics HD Prince of Persia Trilogy 3D)

Prison Break The Conspiracy

Prototype 2


Rambo The Video Game (Offline Coop),(DLC umsonst),(100% nicht machbar wegen Trophäenbug im DLC)


Rapala Pro Bass Fishing 2010

Ratchet & Clank (Classics HD The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy)

Ratchet & Clank 2 (Classics HDThe Ratchet & Clank Trilogy)

Ratchet & Clank 3 (Classics HD The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy)

Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time

Ratchet & Clank Nexus

Rayman Origins (Offline Coop)

Remember Me

Resident Evil 5 (2 DLC´s Offline),(1 DLC Online),(Offline Coop)

Resident Evil 6 (4 DLC´s Online),(Offline Coop)

Resistance 3 (Offline Coop)

Resonance of Fate

Ride to Hell Retribution (DLC)

Rio (Offline Coop)

Risen 2 Dark Waters (2 DLC´s)

Risen 3 Titan Lords

Rocksmith (Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s),(E-Gitarre),(2 Klinken Kabel),(DLC+ extra Gitarre)

Rocksmith 2014 (Bass Gitarre)

Rune Factory Oceans



Saints Row: The Third (PSN Verbindung wird benötigt , um den Charakter hochzuladen)


SAW II Flesh & Blood

Scene It? Ganz grosses Kino (4 Game Pad´s)

Schlag den Raab Das 2. Spiel (2 Game Pad´s)

Schlag den Raab Das 3. Spiel (2 Game Pad´s)

Sega Mega Drive Collection (2 Game Pad´s)

Senguko Basara Samurai Heroes

Shadow of the Colossus (Classics HD ICO & Shadow of the Colossus)

Shadows of the Damned

Sherlock Holmes Crimes & Punishments

Short Peace Ranko Tsukigime´s Longest Day (100% Game)

Silent Hill 2 (Classics HD Silent Hill HD Collection)

Silent Hill 3 (Classics HD Silent Hill HD Collection)

Silent Hill Downpour

Skylanders Gaints (Offline Coop)

Skylanders Spyro´s Adventure (Offline Coop)

Skylanders Superchargers (Offline Coop)

Skylanders Trap Team

Sleeping Dogs (2 DLC´s)

Sly 2 Band of Thieves (Classics HD The Sly Trilogy)

Sly 3 Honour Among Thieves (Classics HD The Sly Trilogy)

Sly Jagd durch die Zeit

Sly Minigames (100% Game),(Classics HD The Sly Trilogy)

Sly Raccoon (Classics HD The Sly Trilogy)

Sonic Unleashed

Sorcery (Move),(Optional Navigations Controller)

Southpark Der Stab der Wahrheit

Spec Ops The Line

Spider-Man Dimensions

Spider-Man Edge of Time

Spongebob Schwammkopf Planktons fiese Robo-Rache (4 Game Pad´s),(Offline Coop)

Sport Champions (2 Move)

Sport Champions 2 (Move)

Star Ocean The Last Hope International

Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Heroes (2 Game PAd´s),(Offline Coop)

Star Wars The Force Unleashed The Ultimate Sith Edition (DLC´s sind dabei)

Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 (DLC)

Start The Party! (Move)

Start The Party! Save the World (Move)

Stimmts? Wahrheit oder Lüge (100% Game),(Micro) oder (PS3 Cam)

Summer Challenge Athletics Tournament

Summer Stars 2012

Superstars V8 Racing

Sword Art Online Lost Song


Tales from Space Mutant Blobs Attack

Tales of Graces f

Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World

Tales of Xillia

Tales of Xillia 2

Tales of Zestiria

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Die Gefahr des Ooze-Schleims

Tekken Tag Tournament HD (Tekken Hybrid)

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Prologue (Tekken Hybrid)

Terminator Die Erlösung


Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Bureau XCOM Declassified (DLC)

The Cursed Crusade (Offline Coop)

The Darkness II

The Elder Scolls V Skyrim Legendary Edition

The Evil Within (3 DLC´s)

The Guided Fate Paradox

The Raven Vermächtnis eines Meisterdiebs

The Shoot (2 Move),(Offline Coop)

The Voice of Germany 2 (2 Micros)

The Walking Dead Survival Instinct

The Witch and the Hundred Knight


Thor God of Thunder

Time and Eternity

Time Crisis 4 Arcade Version (100% Game),(Move)

Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell (Classics HD Splinter Cell Trilogy)

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Classic HD Splinter Cell Trilogy)

Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Classic HD Splinter Cell Trilogy)

Tomb Raider Anniversary (Classics HD Tomb Raider Trilogy)

Tomb Raider Legend (Classics HD Tomb Raider Trilogy)

Tomb Raider Underworld (Classics HD Tomb Raider Trilogy)

Tony Hawk Ride

Tornado Outbreak (Offline Coop)

Tour de France

Tour the France 2013

Toy Story 3

Trinity Souls of Zill O´ll

Trinity Universe

Trivial Pursuit

Turbo Die Super-Stant-Gang

TV-Superstars (2 Move)


Uncharted - Drakes Schicksal





Wanted Weapon of Fate

Warriors Legend of Troy

Warriors Orochi 3

Way of the Samurai 3



White Knight Chronicles (Offline Coop)

White Knight Chronicles II (Offline Coop)

Williams Pinball Classics (100% Game)

Winter Sports 2010 The Great Tournament

Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen

Wolfenstein The New Order

Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen

Wonderbook Das Buch der Zaubersprüche (Move),(Wonderbook)

Wonderbook Das Buch der Zaubertränke (Move),(Wonderbook)

Wonderbook Dinosaurier Im Reich der Giganten (Move),(Wonderbook)

Wonderbook Privatdetektiv Diggs (Move),(Wonderbook)

WWE - Legends of Wrestlemania

WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010



X-Men Destiny


XCOM Enemy Within


Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z

Yakuza 3

Yakuza 4

Yakuza Dead Souls

Young Justice Vermächtnis


Zone of the Enders HD Edition

Zone of the Enders the 2nd Runner HD Edition

Zurück in die Zukunft


PSN Games:



.deTuned (100% Game)

4 Elements HD (100% Game)



Aabs Animal (100% Game)

Aaru´s Awakening (100% Game)

Acceleration of SUGURI X-Edition (100% Game)

Adam's Venture Chronicles (100% Game)

Adventure Time Das Geheimnis des namenlosen Königreichs

After Burner Climax (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Akimi Village (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Alex Kidd in Miracle World (100% Game)

Alien Breed (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(2 Gamepad´s)

Alien Breed 2 Assault (Offline Coop),(2 Gamepad´s)

Alien Breed Impact

Alien Rage (100% Game)

Alien Shooter (100% Game)

Alien Zombie Megadeath (100% Game)

All Zombies Must Die! (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Altered Beast (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)


AMY (100% Game)

Anna Extended Edition (100% Game)

Anomaly Warzone Earth (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Another World 20th Anniversary Edition (100% Game)

Aqua Panic! (100% Game)

ARKEDO SERIES 01 - JUMP! (100% Game)

ARKEDO SERIES 02 - SWAP! (100% Game)

ARKEDO SERIES 03 - PIXEL! (100% Game)

Armageddon Riders (100% Game)

Assassin´s Creed Liberation HD

Assassin's Creed® Schrei nach Freiheit (100% Game)

Astro Tripper (100% Game)

Auditorium HD (100% Game)



Babel Rising (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s)

Back to Bed (100% Game)

Back to the Future The Game (100% Game),(5 Episoden)

Backbreaker Vengeance (100% Game)

Bang Bang Racing (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Barbie und ihre Schwestern Die Rettung der Welpen

Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate

Battle Los Angeles (100% Game)

Battle Of Tiles Ex

Battle Princess of Arcadias

Beat Hazard Ultra (100% Game)

Bejeweled 2 (100% Game)

Ben 10 Omniverse 2

Bentley's Hack-Paket (100% Game)

Best of Arcade Games (4 DLC´s)

Beyond Good & Evil HD (100% Game)

Big Sky Infinity (100% Game)

Bionic Commando Rearmed (100% Game)

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (100% Game),(2 Gamepad´s)

Blade Kitten (100% Game)

Blast Factor (100% Game),(2 DLC´s),(Offline Coop)

Blood Knights (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

BloodRayne Betrayal (100% Game)

Blue Toad Murder Files The Mysteries of Little Riddle - Episode 1 (100% Game),(GS 6 Episoden)

Braid (100% Game)

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons (100% Game)

Buzz! Junior Dinomania (100% Game)

Buzz! Junior Monsterspaß (100% Game)

Buzz! Junior RoboJam (100% Game)



Call of Duty Classics

Call of Juarez® Gunslinger (100% Game)

Capcom Arcade Cabinet (100% Game),(3 DLC´s)

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (100% Game)

Castlestorm (100% Game),(1 DLC)

Cel Damage HD (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Child of Light (100% Game)

Chime Super Deluxe (100% Game),(2 Game Pad´s)

Cloudberry Kingdom (100% Game)

Comet Crash (100% Game),(2 Game Pad´s),(1 DLC)

Comix Zone (100% Game)

Command & Conquer Alarmstufe Rot 3 Kommandeursherausforderung (100% Game)

CONTRAST (100% Game)

Costume Quest (100% Game),(1 DLC)

Crazy Machines Elements (100% Game)

Crazy Taxi (100% Game)

Crescent Pale Mist (100% Game)


Crystal Defenders (100% Game)

Cubixx HD (100% Game),(7 Game Pad´s)

Cuboid (100% Game),(2 DLC´s) 



Dare to fly! (100% Game)

Datura (100% Game)

DAYTONA USA (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Dead Block (100% Game)

Deadstorm Pirates™ (100% Game),(2 Move),(Online Verbindung nötig)

DeathSpank (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

DeathSpank: Thongs Of Virtue (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(1 DLC)
Derrick the Deathfin (100% Game)

Digger HD (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Disney Pixar Brave (Merida - Legende der Highlands) (Offline Coop)

Doctor Who Die Unendlichkeitsuhr

Dogfight 1942 (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(2 DLC´s)

Doki-Doki Universe (100% Game)

Don't Starve Console Edition (100% Game)

Doodle Devil (100% Game)

Doodle God (100% Game)

Doodle Kingdom (100% Game)

DOOM Classic Complete (100% Game)

Double Dragon Neon (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Dragon Fantasy Book I (100% Game)

Dragon's Lair® (100% Game)

Dragon's Lair® II Time Warp (100% Game)

Drakengard 3 (5 DLC´s)

Dream Chronicles (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Droplitz (100% Game)

Duck Dynasty

Dungeon Defenders (Offline Coop),(4 Game Pad´s)

Dungeon Hunter Alliance (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Dungeon Punks

Dungeons & Dragons Chronicles of Mystara (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Dungeons & Dragons Daggerdale (100% Game),(Offline Coop)




Eat Them! (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

echochrome (100% Game),(Online:Man muss 5 erstellte Karten hochladen)

Entwined (100% Game)

Eufloria (100% Game)

Explodemon! (100% Game)



Faery Legends of Avalon (100% Game)

Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon (100% Game)

Far Cry® Classic

Fast Draw Showdown (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(2 Move)

Feeding Frenzy 2 Shipwreck Showdown (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s)

FEZ (100% Game)

Fighting Vipers (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Final Fight Double Impact (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Flashback (100% Game)

Flight Control HD (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(4 Game Pad´s)

Flock! (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

flOw (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(1 DLC)

Flower (100% Game)

Fret Nice (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Frogger Hyper Arcade Edition  (100% Game)

Frogger Returns (100% Game)

From Dust (100% Game)

Funky Lab Rat (100% Game)



Galaga Legions DX (100% Game)

Geometry Wars™ 3 Dimensions (Offline Coop)

Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams (100% Game)

God Mode™ (100% Game)

Greed Corp (100% Game)

Greg Hastings Paintball 2 (Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad´s)

Groovin' Blocks (100% Game)

Guacamelee! (Offline Coop),(2 DLC´s)

GundeadLiGne (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Gundemonium Recollection (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Gunstar Heroes (100% Game)



Hamilton's Great Adventure™ (100% Game),(Offline Coop),(2 Game Pad`s)

Hamsterball (100% Game)

Hell Yeah!™ Der Zorn des toten Karnickels (100% Game)

Hitogata Happa (100% Game)

Hoard (100% Game),(2 Game Pad´s)

Hohokum (100% Game)

Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number

How To Survive (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Hydrophobia Prophecy™ (100% Game)

Hyperballoid HD (100% Game),(1 DLC)



I Am Alive™ (100% Game)

ibb & obb (100% Game)

International Cricket 2010

Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Invincible Tiger The Legend of Han Tao (100% Game),(Offline Coop)



Jeremy McGrath Offroad (100% Game)

Jet Set Radio (100% Game)

Jetpack Joyride Deluxe (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)  


PS Vita Games

Alle eingetragenen Spiele sind aus den Leitfäden. Genauere Details gibt es in den Leitfäden.


Hier ist eine Auflistung für Spiele in denen man alle Trophäen Offline erreichen kann!

Falls eine Onlineverbindung benötigt wird dient diese meist nur zum Vergleich von Bestzeiten ,

oder ähnlichem und wird nicht dazu benötigt mit jemandem zu spielen.


Begriff Erklärung:

(100% Game) = Spiel enthält keine Platin

(DLC) = Spiel hat Erweiterungen die nachem Kauf der DLCs dann offline geholt werden können, es gibt auch Game of The Year Editionen wo dann die DLCs mit drin sind.

(Game Pad) = Spiele Controller

(Move) = Move Controller (PS3 Cam)

(Offline Coop) = Local Coop 2 Controller sind Vorraussetzung

(Micros) = Microphone





Angry Birds Star Wars

Akibas Trip Undead & Undressed

Assassin's Creed® Chronicles


Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate

Best of Arcade Games (100% Game)


Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified

Child of Light (100% Game)


Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair

Danganronpa Another Episode Ultra Despair Girls

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc

Death Mark

Die Muppets Filmabenteuer (100% Game)

Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention

Disgaea 4 A Promise Revisited

Disney Micky Epic Die Macht der 2

Dragon´s Crown

Dungeon Travelers 2

Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends



F1 2011 Formula 1

Fifa 15

Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X-2


God of War

God of War II

Gravity Rush (3 DLC´s)


Hakuoki Edo Blossoms

Handball 16

Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd (Online ein Song runterladen)

Hyperdevotion Noire Goddes Black Heart

Hyperdimension Neptunia Producing Perfection

Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth2 Sisters Generation

Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth3 V Generation

Hyperdimension Neptunia U Action Unleashed


Invizimals Das Bündnis


Jak 3 (The Jak and Daxter Trilogy)

Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy (The Jak and Daxter Trilogy)

Jak II Renegade (The Jak and Daxter Trilogy)



Legends of War

LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes

LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham

LEGO Der Herr Der Ringe

LEGO Der Hobbit

LEGO Harry Potter Die Jahre 5-7

LEGO Jurassic World

LEGO Legends of Chima Lavals Journey

LEGO® Marvel Avengers

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Universum in Gefahr

LEGO Ninjago Nindroids

LEGO Ninjago Schatten des Ronin

LEGO The Lego Movie Videogame

LUMINES Electronic Symphony (100% Game)


Minecraft PlayStation Vita Edition


New Little King´s Story

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus


One Piece Unlimited World Red

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3


P4G Persona 4 Golden

Playstation Vita Pets

Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly



Ratchet & Clank (Ratchet & Clank Trilogy)

Ratchet & Clank 2 (Ratchet & Clank Trilogy)

Ratchet & Clank 3 (Ratchet & Clank Trilogy)Rayman Origins

Rayman Origins


Senran Kagura Estival Versus

Shinobido 2 Revenge of Zen

Sly 2 Band of Thieves (The Sly Trilogy)

Sly 3 Honour Among Thieves (The Sly Trilogy)

Sly Cooper Jagd durch die Zeit

Sly Raccoon (The Sly Trilogy)

Soul Sacrifice

Spy Hunter

Sword Art Online Lost Song


Tales of Hearts R



The Amazing Spider-Man

Touch My Katamari (100% Game)

Toukiden The Age of Demons


Uncharted Golden Abyss







Y´s Memories of Celceta



PSN Games:



2013 Infected Wars (100% Game)

36 Fragments of Midnight



Aabs Animals (100% Game)

Actual Sunlight (100% Game)

Adventure Time Das Geheimnis des namenlosen Königreichs

Adventures of Mana

Age of Zombies (100% Game)

Alien Shooter (100% Game)

Amnesia Memories

Another World 20th Anniversary Edition (100% Game)

Ar nosurge Ode to an Unborn Star

The Adventurer of Arland

Axiom Verge

Azkend 2 The World Beneath (100% Game)



Back to Bed (100% Game)

Baphomets Fluch 5 Der Sündenfall - Episode 1 (100% Game)

Baphomets Fluch 5 Der Sündenfall - Episode 2 (100% Game)

Baseball Riot (100% Game)


Battalion Commander (100% Game)

Begrüßungscenter (100% Game)

Ben 10 Galactic Racing

Bentley's Hack-Paket (100% Game)

Berserk and the Band of the Hawk

Big Sky Infinity (100% Game)

Blast'Em Bunnies (100% Game)

BreakQuest Extra Evolution (100% Game)

Bridge Constructor 

Broken Age

Burn the Rope (100% Game)



Castlestorm (100% Game),(1 DLC)

Cel Damage HD (100% Game),(Offline Coop)

Claire Extended Cut

Chronovolt (100% Game),(Online Verbindung nötig)

Coconut Dodge Revitalised (100% Game)

Code Realize Guardian of Rebirth

Crazy Market (100% Game)    



Day D Tower Rush (100% Game)

Day of the Tentacle Remastered

Demetrios The Big Cynical Adventure


Doctor Who Die Unendlichkeitsuhr

Doki-Doki Universe (100% Game)


Don´t Die, Mr. Robot! (100% Game)

Don't Starve Console Edition (100% Game)

Doodle Devil (100% Game)

Doodle God (100% Game)

Doodle Kingdom (100% Game)

Dragon Fantasy Book I (100% Game)

Draw Slasher (100% Game)

Dungeon Punks

Dying Reborn



Energy Cycle

Entwined™ (100% Game)

Escape Plan™ (100% Game),(3 DLC´s)

escapeVektor (100% Game)



Farming Simulator

Fat Princess Piece of Cake (100% Game)

FEZ (100% Game)

Final Horizon (1 DLC)

Flame Over

Floating Cloud God Saves the Pilgrims in HD (100% Game)

flOw™ (100% Game),(1 DLC)

Flower (100% Game)

Flyhunter Origins (100% Game)

Flying Hamster HD (100% Game)


Fort Defense (100% Game)

Fort Defense Nort Menace (100% Game)

Frobisher Says!™ (100% Game),(2 DLC`s)

Full Throttle Remastered

Furmins (100% Game)



Gal*Gun Double Peace

Geometry Wars™ 3 Dimensions (Offline Coop)

Gravity Badgers (100% Game)

Grim Fandango Remastered

Guacamelee! (Offline Coop),(2 DLC´s)

Gunslugs (100% Game)



Hakuoki Kyoto Winds

Hatoful Boyfriend (100% Game)

Hatsune Miku Project DIVA f (Online Verbindung nötig)

Heroes of Loot (100% Game)

Hitman GO Definitive Edition

Hohokum™ (100% Game)

Home (100% Game)

Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number

htoLNiQ The Firefly Diary

Hue (100% Game)

Hungry Giraffe (100% Game)

Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth 1™



I and Me

Ice Cream Surfer (100% Game)

Iconoclasts (100% Game)


Iron Sea Defenders (100% Game)

Iron Snout

It's Spring Again (100% Game)



Jack N' Jill DX

Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery (100% Game)

Jazz Trump's Journey (100% Game)

Jet Set Radio (100% Game)

Jetpack Joyride (100% Game)

Jetpack Joyride Deluxe (100% Game),(Online Verbindung)

Joe Danger (100% Game)



Kick and Fennick (100% Game)

King Oddball (100% Game)

Kiss Bell

Knight Solitaire (100% Game)


Knytt Underground (100% Game)

Kung Fu Rabbit (100% Game)



La-Mulana EX

Landwirtschafts-Simulator 14

Landwirtschafts-Simulator 16

Landwirtschafts-Simulator 18

Lemmings™ Touch

Let´s Fish!™ Hooked On

Level 22 (100% Game)

Limbo (100% Game)Little Adventure on the Prairie

London Detective Mysteria

Lone Survivor The Director's Cut

Lumines Electronic Symphony (100% Game)




Machinarium (100% Game)

Mahjong Carnival (100% Game)

Mahjong Royal Towers (100% Game)

Mahjong Gold (100% Game)

Mahjong World Contest (100% Game)

Mal-Center Plus (100% Game)

Medieval Defenders (100% Game)


Men's Room Mayhem (100% Game)


Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater

Metal Slug 3 (100% Game)

Metrico (100% Game)

Midnight Deluxe

Mind Zero

Mixups by Powgi

MonsterBag (100% Game)

MouseCraft (100% Game)

Muramasa Rebirth

Murasaki Baby™ (100% Game)

Muv Luv

Muv Luv AlternativeMy Big Sister

My Name is Mayo


- Werbung nur für Gäste -


jo auch psn, hab ich doch glatt fallout vergessen ^^,

GTA und farcry sind mit multiplayer, und es geht um spiele die keinen haben und wo man möglichst auch kein internet braucht

jo auch psn, hab ich doch glatt fallout vergessen ^^,

GTA und farcry sind mit multiplayer, und es geht um spiele die keinen haben und wo man möglichst auch kein internet braucht

na die Liste wird nicht all zu lang. Find ich auch etwas sinnfrei.

Assassins Creed

Devil may cry 4

Heavenly Sword

Ham alle keine Trophies!


Noby Noby Boy

Linger in Shadows


Precipice of Darkness



- Werbung nur für Gäste -

na die Liste wird nicht all zu lang. Find ich auch etwas sinnfrei.

Finds eigentlich ganz gut die Idee (wobei ich dir bei der Länge der Liste zustimme). Wenn man mal in der Videothek ein Spiel für 3-4 Tage ausleiht, hat man bestimmt nicht soo die Lust sich langwirig zu verabreden und zu hoffen, das die Termine alle glatt über die Bühne gehen, bevor man es wiedr abgeben will ;)

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


also die idee das zu integrien hab ich auch schon überlegt, dachte dann aber dass die liste zu lang wäre und man nur scrollen müsste.

und die listen werden ja mit jedem neuen spiel länger ;)

Hier ist eine Auflistung für Spiele in denen man alle Trophys alleine erreichen kann und möglichst ohne Online-Modus sind. Wenn ja dann so dass man die Trophys ohne Terminabsprachen erreichen kann (nicht so wie die T-Mobile, oder Wildcats Trophys). (Bitte um mithilfe durch die Community-da ich nicht jedes Spiel überprüfen kann bitte hinschreiben ob Online-Modus oder PSN Game, Danke)

Alone in the Dark


Dead Space

Eat Lead

Fallout 3

Ferrari Challenge

Flower (PSN)

Linger in Shadows (PSN)

Mirror´s Edge

Noby Noby Boy (PSN)

Precipice of Darkness (PSN)

Prince of Persia

Resident Evil 5

Rock Band 2

Sega Mega Drive Collection

Sonic Unleashed

Terminator Salvation

Trivial Pursuit

Uncharted - Drakes Schicksal

Watchman (PSN)

WWE - Legends of Wrestle Mania



Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe hat 3 Online Trophäen.

Und man braucht min. 2 Controller.


Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe hat 3 Online Trophäen.

Und man braucht min. 2 Controller.

Man braucht aber keinen zweiten Mitspieler um diese Trophies zu holen von daher passt das schon.


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