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Wahl zum "Trophies.de Game of the Year 2024"

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Platz 1: Visions of Mana

Platz 2: Persona 3 Reload

Platz 3: Sand Land

(Platz 4: Palworld

Platz 5: Rise of the Ronin)




Vorfreude: Assassin's, Creed: Shadows, Baphomets Fluch: Der Gral des Parzival, Borderlands 4, Civilization VII, Grand Theft Auto VI, Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii (:willy_nilly::drool5::x:emot-worship:), Monster Hunter Wilds, Onimusha: Way of the Sword, Sengoku Dynasty (PS5), Subnautica 2 (:x), The Witcher IV

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