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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Ich habe jetzt immer wieder diese Aussage gefunden, nur  jeweils anders formuliert auf verschiedenen Webseiten...


The other nice thing about True Vault Hunter Mode is that you don’t lose any of your progress when you start over. All of your weapons, class mods, shields, grenade mods, and anything in your inventory will carry over with you.


You’ll also hang onto to your level and the skills you’ve chosen in the previous playthrough. This way you start out strong and with the same setup you’ve become familiar with in your previous playthrough. Finally you'll also have your Guardian Rank so you’ll keep all those bonus stats you’ve accumulated as well.



vor 9 Stunden schrieb Nonk3r:

Ich habe jetzt immer wieder diese Aussage gefunden, nur  jeweils anders formuliert auf verschiedenen Webseiten...


The other nice thing about True Vault Hunter Mode is that you don’t lose any of your progress when you start over. All of your weapons, class mods, shields, grenade mods, and anything in your inventory will carry over with you.


You’ll also hang onto to your level and the skills you’ve chosen in the previous playthrough. This way you start out strong and with the same setup you’ve become familiar with in your previous playthrough. Finally you'll also have your Guardian Rank so you’ll keep all those bonus stats you’ve accumulated as well.



Verstehe dank dir.


Wenn ich das richtig in Erinnerung habe, sind es wirklich nur die Quests und maximal noch das Aufdecken der Weltkarte, alles andere bleibt erhalten. Das ist ja der Sinn von dem Modus, quasi ein New Game + :)

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