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Trophäen-Leitfaden - The Jumping Chocolate

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Trophäen-Leitfaden - The Jumping Chocolate
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  • Text Text Text Text Text
  • Text Text Text Text Text
It's Chocolate time!  It's Chocolate time!
Jump 25 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Tasty  Tasty
Jump 50 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
More Tasty  More Tasty
Jump 75 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Super Tasty  Super Tasty
Jump 100 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Mega Tasty  Mega Tasty
Jump 125 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Amazing Tasty  Amazing Tasty
Jump 150 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Super Mega Tasty  Super Mega Tasty
Jump 175 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Super Mega Amazing Tasty  Super Mega Amazing Tasty
Jump 200 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
More Super Mega Amazing Tasty  More Super Mega Amazing Tasty
Jump 225 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
It takes 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of Chocolate  It takes 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of Chocolate
Jump 250 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Each cacao tree produces approximately 2,500 beans  Each cacao tree produces approximately 2,500 beans
Jump 275 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Chocolate was once money that literally grew on trees  Chocolate was once money that literally grew on trees
Jump 300 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
It took eight years to develop the recipe for milk Chocolate  It took eight years to develop the recipe for milk Chocolate
Jump 325 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Chocolate wasn't always solid, or sweet  Chocolate wasn't always solid, or sweet
Jump 350 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
This Guinness World Record Chocolate weighs more than 5,943 pounds…  This Guinness World Record Chocolate weighs more than 5,943 pounds…
Jump 375 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
… measures 9 feet long  … measures 9 feet long
Jump 400 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
… by 5.5 feet wide  … by 5.5 feet wide
Jump 425 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Smelling Chocolate increases theta brain waves  Smelling Chocolate increases theta brain waves
Jump 450 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
The first ever solid Chocolate bar was in 1847  The first ever solid Chocolate bar was in 1847
Jump 475 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Don’t give Chocolate to cats or dogs, it’s poisonous for them  Don’t give Chocolate to cats or dogs, it’s poisonous for them
Jump 500 times.
Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text
Now I'm hungry  Now I'm hungry
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