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Hier findet ihr einen Guide zu "Strawberry Vinegar", einer Grafiknovelle, bei der getroffene Entscheidungen die Handlung beeinflussen.

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  • "Skip": "all text"
  • "After choices": "keep skipping"
  • Text Speed auf Maximum

Speicherpunkte legt man über das Pausemenü an, welches man mit button_options.png aufruft. Texte skippt man mit button_r1.png.

Die angegebenen Trophäen in Klammern erhält man nicht immer direkt bei/nach der entsprechenden Antwortmöglichkeit, sondern im Textverlauf zwischen dieser und der nächsten.


Achtung! Dieser Guide enthält Spoiler für die Handlung!


Neues Spiel starten

  • Trophäen "Miso Soup" & "Cookies" automatisch im Spielverlauf

→  Speicherstand 1 erstellen vor erster Antwortmöglichkeit

  • "I unquestioningly accept everything."

→  Speicherstand 2 erstellen

  • "Refuse".

Speicherstand 3 erstellen

  • "I won't change my mind." → Trophäe "Sherbet Nightmare" bei Ende der Route


Speicherstand 2 laden

  • "Agree to Licia's demands."
  • "I'm very sure." → Trophäen "Natto" & "Tempura Shrimp"
  • "Give her a cup of instant pudding." → Trophäe "Chestnut Pudding"
  • "Eat the pudding."
  • "Let's be responsible and do our homework."
  • "Ask Dad to help Licia with her homework."
  • "Console her."
  • "Buy her lunch." → Trophäe "Onigiri"
  • "Defend your actions."
  • "Buy Licia a crêpe." → Trophäe "Crêpe It Real"
  • "Refuse." → Trophäe "Lotus Blossoms" bei Ende der Route


Speicherstand 3 laden

  • "All right, I'll let you stay here."
  • "I'm very sure."
  • "Bake her something." → Trophäe "Apple Rose Tarts"
  • "Whatever. Let's go to the festival."
  • "But Dango might be better..." → Trophäe "Chichi Dango"
  • "Make pancakes with Licia at home." → Trophäe "Pancakes"
  • "It's Dad for being so soft."
  • "Help Dad make the porridge." → Trophäe "Rice Porridge"
  • "Scold Licia for drawing attention to you."
  • "Get Licia to move."
  • "Oh, absolutely." → Trophäe "Risotto" und Trophäe "Bittersweet Goodbye" bei Ende der Route


Speicherstand 1 laden

  • "What on earth are you talking about?"
  • "Agree to Licia's demands."

Speicherstand 4 erstellen

  • "I'm very sure."
  • "Give her a cup of instant pudding."

Speicherstand 5 anlegen

  • "Eat the pudding."
  • "Let's be responsible and do our homework."
  • "Ask Mom to help Licia with her homework." (hier ist aber eine beliebige Antwort möglich)
  • "Console her."
  • "Make her lunch." → Trophäe "Chicken Cutlet Sandwiches"
  • "Make pancakes with Licia at home."
  • "It's Dad for being so soft."
  • "Help Dad make the porridge."
  • "Thank Licia for supporting you."
  • "Let her stay like that."
  • "I'd like to think I'm more mature than that..." → Trophäe "Strawberry Shortcake"
  • "Tell Licia you like her." → Trophäe "Pickled Plums"
  • "Order the omelette rice." → Trophäe "Omelette Rice" & "Strawberry Sundae" und "Sweetness and Light" bei Ende der Route


Speicherstand 4 laden

  • "And there are no two ways about it."
  • "Bake her something."
  • "Whatever. Let's go to the festival." → Trophäe "Takoyaki"
  • "Shaved ice might be nice." → Trophäen "Shaved Ice" & "Candyfloss"
  • "Make pancakes with Licia at home."
  • "It's Dad for being so soft."
  • "Go and see Licia."
  • "Thank Licia for supporting you."
  • "Let her stay like that."
  • "I'd like to think I'm more mature than that..."
  • "Tell Licia you love her."
  • "Order the hamburger steak." → Trophäe "Hamburger Steak" und "Strawberry Kisses" bei Ende der Route


Speicherstand 5 laden

  • "Don't eat it."
  • "Whatever. Let's go to the festival."
  • "Actually, I'm not very hungry."
  • "Follow the blond hair of destiny." → Trophäe "Corncob" und "Decadent Darkness" & :platin: bei Ende der Route
- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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