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Gran Turismo 7 Patch 1.06 Notes (1.060.000)

Main Features Implemented

1. Race Display
– Added wind direction and wind speed indicators. An arrow (wind direction) and number (wind speed) will be displayed on the upper right of the screen under the Track Map.

2. Music Replay
– Added 64 music tracks.

Other Improvements and Adjustments

    1. Progression blocks and application errors
– Fixed a very rare issue wherein progress made on a Menu Book would not be recognised and prevented players to continue their playthrough;
– Fixed an issue wherein an application error would occur when using the broadcast features of the PlayStation®4 system;
– Fixed an issue wherein an application error would occur when ‘Shoot’ is selected in ‘Race Photo’ during a replay displayed in 4K on the PlayStation®4 Pro system and with the aspect ratio set to 16:9;
– Fixed an issue wherein an application error would occur when ‘License Plate’ is selected in ‘GT Auto’ under [Car Customisation] > [Other], while progressing Menu Book No. 20, ‘Show Your Custom Wing.’

2. World Circuits
– Fixed an issue wherein the actual time of day in a ‘Custom Race’ of some tracks would not match the selection made in [Time / Weather Settings] > [Timeframe];
– Fixed an issue with the Sector 2’s Bronze target time in the ‘Circuit Experience’ of the ‘Willow Springs Raceway: Streets of Willow Springs’ track that made the Bronze prize unachievable;
– Fixed an issue wherein it was possible to choose cars without dirt tyres installed from the [Settings] > [Change Car] of the Quick Menu during a ‘Time Trial’ and ‘Drift Trial’ on Dirt tracks;
– Fixed an issue with the weather for all race events;
– The Overtake function for the Dallara SF19 Super Formula / Honda ’19 has been disabled in the Licence test ‘S-7’ (One Lap Time Attack) within the ‘Licence’ pavilion. (The ranking boards have been reset.)

3. GT Auto
– Fixed an issue wherein the racing suit would not be displayed in ‘Driving Gear’ under certain conditions;
– Deleted the ‘Duplicate on Opposite Side’ and ‘Duplicate Symmetrically’ menu items from the ‘Layer Controls’ of the left and right arms while editing Racing Suit Livery;
– Fixed an issue wherein work results would not be applied in ‘Car Maintenance & Service’ if the work is selected by moving the cursor with the Left stick.

4. Car Settings
– Fixed an issue wherein the Setting Sheet would become blank, and the setting content could not be saved. With this fix, the blank setting sheets will remain but you will be able to delete these normally. This will also fix the progression blockers encountered when the Menu Book tasks involved Car Settings;
– Fixed an issue wherein a car would return to its original wheels if the Setting Sheet was modified while a non-standard wheel was equipped;
– Fixed an issue wherein the ‘Top Speed (Automatically Adjusted)’ would not adjust properly when a Fully Customisable transmission was installed;
– Fixed an issue wherein the speeds displayed under Rotational G’s were incorrect;
– Fixed an issue wherein adding a new Setting Sheet for a car where the engine was swapped would not carry that information over the new sheets. The engine swap will now be applied to all Setting Sheets.

5. Showcase & My Page
– Fixed an issue within ‘Showcase’ wherein the 2nd page and beyond would not be displayed properly if the number of items in ‘My Items’ and ‘Collection’ exceeded 100;
– Fixed an issue within ‘Gallery’ wherein the 2nd page and beyond would not be displayed properly if the number of items in ‘My Page’ exceeded 100 items.

6. Brand Central
– Fixed an issue wherein an Invitation icon would appear in the ‘Showroom’ of manufacturers even when the player did not have an invitation.

7. Replay
– Fixed an issue wherein the Replays and Demo Replays would not play all the way until the end.

8. Multiplayer
– Fixed an issue wherein the ‘Assist Settings’ would reset after joining a location and quitting without entering a race;
– Fixed an issue wherein the weather and time set by the host would not reflect correctly for the other players in the room.

9. Options
– Changed the ‘Flash and Toggle High/Low Beams’ function assigned to the default button of the DUALSHOCK®4 and DualSense™ wireless controllers to ‘Flash High Beams’. If the button had been remapped previously, selecting the ‘Restore Default Settings’ will apply the change;
– Fixed an issue wherein the BGM would not play during Music Replay if the [Sound Volume] > [Menu BGM] volume level was set to 0;
– Fixed an issue wherein the changes to the exposure value in the ‘Exposure and Saturation’ settings made when starting the game for the first time would not be reflected in the preview screen.

10. Steering Controller
– Fixed an issue wherein the Thrustmaster TH8A shifter would not operate properly when connected to the USB. Please note that the PlayStation®5 console is not compatible with this USB connection. The shifter can be used by connecting it directly to the steering wheel base using a ‘DIN-to-DIN’ cable.

11. Others
– Fixed an issue wherein clearing all licence tests on wet surfaces would not award the Bronze trophy ‘Rain Royalty.’ Players who have already cleared the relevant tests can acquire the trophy by clearing the tests again;
– The Race Demo displayed during Auto Demos has been changed to a Music Replay;
– Various other issues have been addressed.

  • Addressed a bug where changes to the Car Settings are not applied, or it became impossible to save them. As a result, it is not possible to complete the Menu Book No. 6 ‘Tune a Classic Car’.
  • Addressed audio related issues.
  • Added network connections stability issues.
  • Fixed various game crashing bugs.
  • Added gameplay optimizations on PS4.
  • Other minor fixes.

Habe gestern IA-8 gestartet, trockene Fahrbahn, danach kam gleich die Regen Meister Trophäe. Wie es aussieht, wird sie rückwirkend nach einem beliebigen Rennen vergeben wenn man vorher schon mal ein Regenrennen absolviert hat.

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Zusammenfassung Trophäenrelevanter Bugs mit Patch 1.06


Bei folgenden Lizenztests sind die bereitgestellten Fahrzeuge nicht mit den notwendigen Reifen ausgerüstet, womit die Gold Zeit signifikant schwerer bzw. nicht erreichbar ist:








- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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