Ultimate-Spawn Geschrieben 2. Februar 2022 Geschrieben 2. Februar 2022 (bearbeitet) Hy @ All... Das ging hier jetzt aber mal schnell mit der V.Ö. von diesem Leitfaden-Thread, hatte Montag morgen erst eine Anfrage an die Administratoren gesendet und schwups ist dieser erschienen, dafür erstmal Dank an MarcelGK... Vorab eine Info zu diesem Game, dies ist ein sogenanntes Text-Adventure (Gruß an den guten alten Commodore C64), welches nicht jeden ansprechen wird, leider auch nur in Englisch gehalten und keine andere Sprache auswählbar, deswegen seht Euch erstmal ein paar Videos bei YouTube an bevor ihr Eure €uronen im PSN-Store verjubelt (14,99€)... YouTube: (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Werewolf+the+Apocalypse+-+Heart+of+the+Forest) PSN-Store: (https://store.playstation.com/de-de/product/EP5884-CUSA25812_00-4148942493079608) Ich werde meinen Hut demjenigen ziehen, der es umsetzen kann für dieses Game einen gescheiten Leitfaden zu erstellen, habe heute das Game auf 100% gebracht und ich kann Euch vorab sagen, das es ohne Roadmap was für dieses Game die beste Lösung wäre als einen Leitfaden, unmöglich ist alle Trophäen zu erreichen, da das Game so komplex & konfus ist (Entwicklung laut Publisher etwa 10 Jahre), mit unzähligen Verwindungen an Lösungsmöglichkeiten... Um einen 100% Trophäen-Fortschritt zu erreichen sind zum Glück nur 5 Spieldurchgänge nötig, sprich 5 Abenteuer welche um die 60-90 min. pro Story mit Roadmap zu erreichen sind... Werde Euch hier eine Roadmap erstellen wie Ihr die 100% erreichen könnt, in Form der richtigen Antwort-Möglichkeiten wie nun erfolgen wird... 1'st STORY-WALKTHROUGH (Full Moon) Trophäen (5) in erhaltender Reihenfolge: Hooligan, Deathbringer, Full Moon, Hell Hath No Fury..., Eco-terrorist PROLOGUE: 01. Great! I'm always angry 02. Yeah, f... the consequences! 03. I hunt 04. The smell fascinates me 05. I try to breathe 06. I shout at the forest! 07. I'm gonna be sick 08. The enemy! 09. Rage! CHAPTER 1: 01. What happened? 02. I looked outside 03. She seemed excited 04. I kept it simple so I wouldn't freak her out 05. I had to figure out my destiny 06. I decided to ignore it 07. I stormed off! (Forest - The forest. I dreamed about.) 01. He was a strange one 02. I looked at the Puszcza again 03. I loved what I saw 04. I was cautious when I asked my questions (Place of Power - Magic? Tourist trap?) 01. Sure! 02. Too small to be a weapon 03. I did what he asked 04. It was just a stone 05. What was the purpose of this? 06. I screamed 07. What did he do?! 08. They were cutting down trees in this forest 09. The tower spoiled the serenity of the scene 10. Yeah 11. Why doesn't anyone sabotage it? 12. I became suspicious (Wolves Den - Old stories. Families divided.) 01. Hello again 02. Why was it abandoned 03. I felt weird 04. Not befriend. Enslave 05. They threw themselves at the door 06. It was nothing 07. I hoped he'd eaten someone 08. I looked at the empty den 09. This guy was super weird 10. I also said my goodbyes (Barrows - Ancient graves. Buried secrets.) 01. I stubbornly pushed on 02. F..., we were lost! 03. I hushed him 04. I ignored him and started walking 05. I felt dizzy 06. That was who I was 07. I lied 08. He knew something 09. Was this my destiny? 10. I accepted that thought (Town - We made our way back.) 01. I greeted him 02. I flooded him with questions 03. That was the final straw! 04. Then I came to my senses 05. I urged him to continue 06. That picked my interest (BnB & Dream) 01. They were cutting down the forest 02. Place of Power sure made an impression 03. I didn't feel like talking anymore 04. I am a weapon 05. I roar 06. I charge at them 07. I jump toward them CHAPTER 2: 01. I had to understand my destiny 02. I looked at the machines 03. I had business to do 04. I let Anya handle it 05. I rolled my eyes 06. It wasn't a war... yet 07. They looked out of place 08. I couldn't tear my eyes off her 09. Maybe it was for the best (Harvesters - Olga. Escalation.) 01. I didn't care about them. I wanted to act! 02. She acted like she knew something about me 03. I got ready for a fight 04. I braced myself 05. I pushed him 06. I looked around (Meeting the press) 01. I was fine 02. It was my civic duty! 03. The f...ers (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 03. bis Antwort 04. !!!) 04. I tried to understand her point of view 05. It was a matter of principle 06. So, what was right and what was wrong? 07. Some people were bad 08. I told hear about my anger 09. What did she mean? (BnB & Dream) 01. I shrugged 02. I didn't care 03. It wasn't something I wanted to discuss 04. I run 05. I welcome the darkness 06. And there's the stench CHAPTER 3: 01. I thought about Olga 02. But I had to go alone 03. I watched them for a moment 04. I needed to see Olga 05. I snapped at her 06. I was angry 07. I wanted to smash things (Forest - Olga's plan. Preemptive strike.) 01. I asked Anya to go home 02. I wished there was more light 03. I couldn't wait 04. I grinned at her 05. I challenged him 06. I took a step back 07. I attacked the machines 08. The paint wasn't enough 09. I cracked my knuckles 10. I only saw one option: attack! 11. So I punched him harder 12. A victory 13. I grabbed the flashlight 14. I attacked the man with the gun (First shift) 01. I lashed out blindly! 02. No! I tried to get up (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 02. bis Antwort 03. !!!) 03. I rip its head off 04. Prey! Hunt! 05. I attack 06. I fight them all 07. I defend myself! 08. And we run 09. I tried to breathe 10. I felt sick 11. I screamed CHAPTER 4: 01. I went outside 02. I was in danger 03. I tensed up 04. I kept my guard 05. ... but how come nobody knew about werewolves? 06. Then I realized something (Battlefield - Acceptance. Cooperation.) 01. I didn't want to do it 02. But she knew that it wasn't my kill 03. I didn't push it 04. But the body was too heavy 05. I changed... (Auswahl: Glabro) 06. I remembered them from my dream 07. Was there really a wolf? 08. I tried to shake it off 09. I looked at the wolf 10. Were we creatures of the Wyld? 11. I ran with them (Place of Power - The Future. Your Destiny.) 01. I got tired of it 02. I see a forest 03. And there is rage 04. The forest wakes up! 05. I had to set the world on fire 06. She was Kazan's mother 07. She was more than one wolf 08. I joined her (Forest) 01. I joined them 02. The what? 03. I looked at Olga (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 03. bis Antwort 04. !!!) 04. The Black Furies sounded good 05. I asked about her Tribe 06. I agreed 07. Pegasus? I would expect something else 08. I got that 09. I asked her about the patron of her pack 10. What did she want? 11. I had no other questions 12. There were a lot of werewolves 13. But I didn't want to talk 14. We had to stop the loggers (Dream) 01. I'm excited to be here 02. I try to stop 03. I need to get out 04. I fight CHAPTER 5: 01. I was worried about her 02. I sighed with relied 03. I lied about the n... stunt 04. But I couldn't (Town - Ahroun. War. Explosives.) 01. Got it 02. I had a quick look around 03. But I had another idea 04. I disarm him! 05. I attack 06. I answered 07. Kestrel? Really? 08. Of course I did! 09. Burza, which was Polish for storm 10. I wanted to be a Black Fury CHAPTER 6: 01. I couldn't blame them 02. But we just knew better 03. He was trying to escalate (Endgame) 01. I warmed up 02. They were enough to destroy the harvesters 03. I looked at my pack 04. I was ready to fight them 05. We'd attracted some attention 06. But change didn't happen just like that 07. I activated the detonator 08. I changed... (Auswahl: Crinos) 09. I tear his head off 10. The cops! 11. I kill them! 12. More cops! 13. I make them stop 14. I chase the retreating minister 15. So I lunge to kill him EPILOGUE: 01. We'd won! 02. The humans were terrified ************************************************************************************************************* 2'nd STORY-WALKTHROUGH (Gibbous Moon) Trophäen (6) in erhaltender Reihenfolge: Activist, Final Girl, Gibbous Moon, Child of Wrath, Protester, Martyr PROLOGUE: 01. Great! I'm always angry 02. Let's start already. We have a story to tell! 03. I observe 04. The smell fascinates me 05. I try to breathe 06. What's happening? 07. I'm gonna be sick 08. Who is it? 09. Anger! CHAPTER 1: 01. What happened? 02. I'm glad I wasn't alone 03. We were there to study medicine 04. I was still searching 05. I kept it simple so I wouldn't freak her out 06. I had to learn the truth about my roots 07. I decided to ignore it 08. I stormed off! (Bialowieza Town - The town my ancestors lived in) 01. I was still angry at him 02. Anya liked him 03. ... and unleashed all my charm 04. I looked him deep in the eyes 05. I urged him to continue 06. That picked my interest 07. I felt like they were looking specifically at me 08. I was curious why 09. I noticed Anya frowning (Old Cemetery - Family graves. Mysteries of the past.) 01. Was there a synagogue? 02. Bartek looked like he didn't approve 03. Only memory remained 04. What was he playing at? 05. But why? 06. I walked on, ignoring her 07. I apologized 08. I shrugged and went on 09. I needed to know who did this 10. He had a point... 11. I looked at the grave (Village Center - New friends. Hidden tensions.) 01. The vilage was really quaint 02. I decided to tease them a bit 03. I looked outside 04. They looked out of place 05. I approached the drunkards 06. I punched him 07. That time I wasn't alone 08. We kicked their a... 09. I was ready for a fight 10. I asked who she was 11. Why were they logging in the national park? 12. I was burning 13. What did they want? 14. I didn't want to hear it! (Abandoned Railway - Lost hopes. Strange dreams.) 01. Ambiance? 02. I remembered a song 03. I started humming it 04. Sure, I didn't mind 05. I needed to know the whole story 06. I took the blunt 07. Why shouldn't I be asking about my family? 08. I wasn't afraid to stir up memories 09. About the past? 10. I nodded politely 11. I listened, holding my breath 12. What did it have to do with me? 13. What had she done? 14. I reach for my guitar 15. I ran it over in my head (BnB & Dream) 01. They were cutting down the forest 02. I remembered the scene at the shop 03. I didn't feel like talking anymore 04. I am a cub 05. I howl 06. I turn to the forest for answers 07. I jump toward them CHAPTER 2: 01. I had to learn about my family 02. I looked at the machines 03. I wanted to know what it was all about 04. I ignored him 05. I rolled my eyes 06. Peaceful wasn't flashy enough 07. I didn't let that happen (Harvesters - Olga. Escalation.) 01. I needed answers 02. What was her plan? 03. But I wasn't easy to intimidate 04. I took a step forward 05. I grabbed a megaphone 06. We had a lot to fight for! (Meeting the press) 01. I got maced! 02. It was my civic duty! 03. The f... (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 03. bis Antwort 04. !!!) 04. Whose side was she on?! 05. I didn't have to explain myself! 06. I didn't want to listen! 07. I told hear about my anger 08. What did she mean? (BnB & Dream) 01. Well, I got maced 02. It was all I wanted to share 03. I couldn't see everything 04. I shared what I'd learned 05. I keep walking 06. I welcome the darkness 07. And there's the stench CHAPTER 3: 01. Anya was in it from the start 02. Something strange was happening here 03. It was an option... 04. Someone was singing 05. I needed to see Kornel 06. I was confused 07. I knew that (Bialowieza Town - Kornel's plan. Peaceful protest.) 01. Anya tagged along 02. It was exhilarating! 03. We were ready 04. He clearly needed inspiration 05. I let her talk 06. I started commanding him 07. What was this place? 08. I wondered if anyone else felt it as well 09. What were they doing here? 10. A hunt? Bastards! 11. I roared 12. I didn't mean to... 13. I covered my eyes 14. I turned and ran (First shift) 01. I wasn't ready to go! 02. No! I tried to get up (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 02. bis Antwort 03. !!!) 03. I rip its head off 04. Prey! Hunt! 05. I attack 06. I fight them all 07. I defend myself! 08. And we run 09. I tried to breathe 10. I felt sick 11. I screamed CHAPTER 4: 01. I went outside 02. Memories started to come back 03. I tensed up 04. I wanted the full story 05. ... but how come nobody knew about werewolves? 06. Then I realized something (Battlefield - Acceptance. Cooperation.) 01. It was heavy in more ways than one... 02. I could't believe Anya was dead 03. But the body was too heavy 04. I changed... (Auswahl: Glabro) 05. I remembered them from my dream 06. Was there really a wolf? 07. I ignored it 08. I looked at the wolf 09. Were we creatures of the Wyld? 10. I could remember... 11. I ran with them (Barrows - The Past. Your family.) 01. But I pushed on 02. I see a village 03. I do not want to do this anymore! 04. He never forgives himself 05. She was mourning incarnated 06. She was more than one wolf 07. I went to her (Forest) 01. I joined them 02. I just listened 03. I looked at Daniel (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 03. bis Antwort 04. !!!) 04. I looked at Kornel 05. What about my family's tribe? 06. My grandpa had nothing to do with that! 07. There were a lot of werewolves 08. But I didn't want to talk 09. We couldn't stay quiet (Dream) 01. She's alive! 02. I try to stop 03. Anya... I need help 04. I try to get out CHAPTER 5: 01. Anxious, I packed her things 02. I ran the plan over in my head 03. My hands were trembling 04. I smash the door (Wolves Den - Galliard. Stories. Propagand.) 01. I planned the whole thing with Daniel 02. There was something else... 03. I changed... (Auswahl: Hispo) 04. I growled 05. I growled again 06. I answered 07. Far Gaze? Really? 08. Of course I did! 09. Piesn, which was Polish for song 10. It was complicated CHAPTER 6: 01. I tried to play it down 02. He was trying to escalate 03. We were ready to defend ourselves (Endgame) 01. We were ready for war 02. I warmed up 03. I looked at my pack 04. We should just kill them all 05. I had a bad feeling about it all 06. But it all started earlier 07. The minister was bad news 08. We went back to regroup 09. I was assigned to the human chain 10. I changed... (Auswahl: Crinos) 11. I tear his head off 12. The cops! 13. I kill them! 14. SWAT! 15. I make them stop 16. I lead a charge at the harvesters 17. I roar at the loggers EPILOGUE: Keine Antwort !!! ************************************************************************************************************* 3'rd STORY-WALKTHROUGH (Half Moon) Trophäen (4) in erhaltender Reihenfolge: Half Moon, Rainbows And Unicorns, Negotiator, Pilgrim PROLOGUE: 01. I'm OK with anger when it's useful 02. I get it. My decisions need to be fair and just 03. I observe 04. The smell fascinates me 05. I try to breathe 06. This can't be real 07. I'm gonna be sick 08. The enemy! 09. Panic CHAPTER 1: 01. What happened? 02. I looked outside 03. We were there to study medicine 04. The human body is fascinating 05. I kept it simple so I wouldn't freak her out 06. I had to face the forest 07. I decided to ignore it 08. Dissapointed, I left (Forest) 01. The forest I dreamed about 02. He was a strange one 03. I stood there and watched the forest 04. I loved what I saw 05. I told him that I dreamed about the forest (Place of Power - Magic? Tourist trap?) 01. Sure! 02. It was just a stone 03. I did what he asked 04. It was just a stone 05. What was the purpose of this? 06. I willed it to stop 07. What did he do?! 08. They were cutting down trees in this forest 09. The boulders around us were strange 10. Yeah 11. It was wrong 12. It sounded good (Wolves Den - Old stories. Families divided.) 01. Hello again 02. Why was it abandoned? 03. I enjoyed listening 04. I didn't disagree 05. They snarled at people 06. I liked how he told the story 07. I kept thinking about the mother 08. I looked at the empty den 09. I could relate to that 10. I also said my goodbyes (Barrows - Ancient graves. Buried secrets.) 01. I asked a few obvious questions 02. I dropped it, for now 03. Was it the barrows? 04. I could remember... 05. I'd already judged them 06. I dodged the question 07. He knew something 08. Was this what the forest wanted from me? 09. I was scared (Town - We made our way back) 01. I greeted him 02. Anya liked him 03. I felt hurt 04. I urged him to continue 05. Who was I? (BnB & Dream) 01. They were cutting down the forest 02. Place of power sure made an impression 03. I didn't feel like talking anymore 04. I am a cub 05. I look around 06. I turn to the forest for answers 07. I look at them, cautious CHAPTER 2: 01. I had to figure out the forest 02. I looked at everyone 03. Maybe I could solve the conflict? 04. I smiled 05. I rolled my eyes 06. There was a fine line to thread 07. They looked out of place 08. I couldn't tear my eyes off her 09. Maybe it was for the best (Protesters - Kornel. Answers?) 01. I shook it 02. The swelling was almost gone 03. I saw an opportunity to shine 04. I deflated 05. The protest was too quiet-they needed inspiration 06. I watched the reporters 07. Further escalation made no sense 08. I turned to the protesters (Meeting the press) 01. I was fine 02. For personal reasons 03. But why? (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 03. bis Antwort 04. !!!) 04. I tried to understand her point of view 05. What happened to the wood? 06. So, what was right and what was wrong? 07. Some people were bad 08. I admitted my helplessness 09. How come she didn't smell it? 10. What did she mean? (BnB & Dream) 01. I gave a public speech 02. It was all I wanted to share 03. I couldn't see everything 04. I shared what I'd learned 05. I keep walking 06. I welcome the darkness 07. And there's the stench CHAPTER 3: 01. I thought about Kornel 02. And I could use some support 03. I watched them for a moment 04. I needed to see Kornel 05. I needed answers 06. I knew that (Bialowieza Town - Kornel's plan. Peaceful protest.) 01. Anya tagged along 02. It was exhilarating! 03. We were ready 04. He clearly needed inspiration 05. I let her talk 06. I started commanding him 07. I knew this place 08. I wondered if anyone else felt it as well 09. What were they doing here? 10. I tried to de-escalate 11. I shrugged 12. The forest belonged to no one 13. That was too much for me. I ran away 14. I tried to hide 15. I had to run 16. I knew it! (First shift) 01. I wasn't ready to go! 02. No! I tried to get up (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 02. bis Antwort 03. !!!) 03. I rip its head off 04. Prey! Hunt! 05. I attack 06. I strike them one by one 07. I keep them away 08. And we run 09. I tried to breathe 10. I felt sick 11. I screamed CHAPTER 4: 01. I went outside 02. Memories started to come back 03. I tensed up 04. Was I in trouble with the law? 05. ... but how come nobody knew about werewolves? 06. Then I realized something (Battlefield - Acceptance. Cooperation.) 01. It was heavy in more ways than one... 02. I could't accept that I'd killed someone 03. But the body was too heavy 04. I changed... (Auswahl: Glabro) 05. I remembered them from my dream 06. Was it really a weasel? 07. I ignored it 08. I looked to the weasel for advice 09. Were we creatures of the Weaver? 10. I could remember... 11. I ran with them (Wolves Den - The Present. The Forest.) 01. But I pushed on 02. I could feel the sun 03. I see trees 04. I see loggers 05. I see humans living in the forest 06. I have seen enough 07. I feel like a part of the forest 08. She was Kazan's mother 09. She was also the Puszcza 10. But I walked away into the forest (Forest) 01. Werewolves. Just like me 02. The what?! 03. I looked at Kornel 04. I looked at Daniel (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 04. bis Antwort 05. !!!) 05. I looked at Kornel 06. The Children of Gaia seemed cool 07. I asked about his tribe 08. I liked the idea 09. Unicorn? 10. What it was between him and Olga? 11. What a coward! 12. He was holding something back 13. I had no other questions 14. There were a lot of werewolves 15. But I didn't want to talk 16. The loggers needed to be punished (Dream) 01. I'm excited to be here 02. I spit blood 03. Anya... I need help 04. I fight! CHAPTER 5: 01. I was worried about them 02. I sighed with relief 03. I lied about what had happened 04. But I couldn't (Barrows - Philodox. Justice. Retribution.) 01. I took the lead 02. I knew him 03. But that didn't matter 04. I explained how things were 05. I changed... (Auswahl: Glabro) 06. I hit him 07. I made him suffer 08. I answered 09. Blind Prophet? Really? 10. Of course I did! 11. Mist, a name with more than one meaning 12. I chose Winter Weasels CHAPTER 6: 01. I couldn't blame them 02. We had to give them time 03. It was our move (Endgame) 01. We were setting up the protest 02. I wanted to protest against greed 03. I looked at my pack 04. I'd kept my eyes on them 05. We'd attracted some attention 06. But change didn't happen just like that 07. It was our chance to start negotiations 08. I smiled and apologized 09. We went back to regroup 10. But I had other plans 11. I pointed out the threat he was 12. I made sure the talks were fair 13. I didn't trust the officials 14. It was not just a forest 15. International observers could help 16. I hid in the shade EPILOGUE: 01. I was almost dissapointed 02. I agreed 03. I smiled 04. I went with them ************************************************************************************************************* 4'th STORY-WALKTHROUGH (Crescent Moon) Trophäen (4) in erhaltender Reihenfolge: Bad Company, Crescent Moon, Bone Scraps, Rooted PROLOGUE: 01. I'm OK with anger when it's useful 02. Let's just follow the path and see where it takes us 03. I observe 04. The smell fascinates me 05. I try to breathe 06. I'm alert 07. I'm gonna be sick 08. Who is it? 09. Defiance CHAPTER 1: 01. I snapped at her 02. I looked outside 03. We were there to study medicine 04. I had a knack for healing 05. I kept it simple so I wouldn't freak her out 06. I had to face the forest 07. I decided to ignore it 08. But the meeting was just too important 09. I wasn't going anywhere 10. I said nothing 11. I caught him looking at me 12. He was scared of something 13. I taunted him a bit 14. I urged him to continue 15. I felt shivers running down my spine 16. I sneaked out, leaving sightseeing to Anya (Bialowieza Town - The town my ancestors lived in) 01. I expected fewer stares 02. Yeah, tourists could be a... (Old Cemetery - Family graves. Mysteries of the past.) 01. Was there a synagogue? 02. The place reminded me of a forest 03. You left an echo 04. I just went in 05. He was hiding something 06. I did the same 07. She was... disturbing 08. Was it because of me? 09. I looked at the grave (Village Center - New friends. Hidden tensions.) 01. The vilage was really quaint 02. They were creepy 03. I tried to stay out of it... 04. I totally dug their style 05. I approached the foreigner 06. We started talking 07. She looked ferocious 08. How did she command so much respect? 09. Why were they logging in the national park? 10. I was burning 11. They knew what had happened to me 12. Who was I? (Abandoned Railway - Lost hopes. Strange dreams.) 01. Ambiance? 02. It all felt unreal 03. It was scary 04. I noticed Bartek getting tense 05. People needed to have jobs 06. I had dreams 07. I sat down 08. Her voice was so soothing 09. Her? 10. I wasn't afraid to stir up memories 11. About the past? 12. I shrugged 13. The forest part got my attention 14. How did she know? 15. I tried to stay focused 16. I find no joy in the task 17. I ran it over in my head (BnB & Dream) 01. They were cutting down the forest 02. I remembered the scene at the shop 03. I didn't feel like talking anymore 04. I am a cub 05. I weep 06. I turn to the forest for answers 07. I look at them, cautious CHAPTER 2: 01. I had to figure out the forest 02. I looked at the clearing 03. They clearly needed some advice 04. I smiled 05. I rolled my eyes 06. It wasn't about personal victory 07. Maybe it was for the best (Protesters - Kornel. Answers?) 01. I shook it 02. The swelling was almost gone 03. I saw an opportunity to shine 04. Suddenly, I understood 05. I just had to make the reporters understand 06. Enjoyment? 07. So, we just needed to give the press something interesting 08. I laid down the arguments 09. I smashed his camera (Meeting the press) 01. It was too much 02. We had to save the Puszcza 03. I had no idea (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 03. bis Antwort 04. !!!) 04. I needed advice 05. What else could I do? 06. So, what was right and what was wrong? 07. Some people were bad 08. I shared my fear 09. What did she mean? (BnB & Dream) 01. I shrugged 02. I couldn't see everything 03. It wasn't something I wanted to discuss 04. I keep walking 05. I welcome the darkness 06. And there's the stench CHAPTER 3: 01. Kim seemed OK 02. But I had to go alone 03. I watched them for a moment 04. I saw Kim talking to Kornel 05. I was confused 06. I knew that (Bialowieza Town - Kornel's plan. Docility.) 01. It was exhilarating! 02. We were ready 03. We could cover the church 04. I let her talk 05. I shrugged it off 06. I felt... right 07. I wondered if anyone else felt it as well 08. What were they doing here? 09. I observed them 10. I turned to the forest for advice 11. I punched the man 12. I lured him to the forest 13. I didn't mean to 14. Suddenly I realized what we were doing 15. I turned and ran (First shift) 01. I knew I was dying 02. No! I tried to get up (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 02. bis Antwort 03. !!!) 03. I rip its head off 04. Prey! Hunt! 05. I attack 06. I fight them all 07. I defend myself 08. I tried to breathe 09. I felt sick 10. I screamed CHAPTER 4: 01. I went outside 02. Something was wrong with that picture 03. I tensed up 04. Wait a moment... a rite? 05. ... but how come nobody knew about werewolves? 06. Then I realized something (Battlefield - Acceptance. Cooperation.) 01. It was heavy in more ways than one... 02. I could't believe Bartek was dead 03. But the body was too heavy 04. I changed -> Glabro 05. I remembered them from my dream 06. Was there really a wolf? 07. I ignored it 08. I looked at the wolf 09. Were we creatures of the Wyld? 10. I could remember... 11. I ran with them (Wolves Den - The Present. The Forest.) 01. But I pushed on 02. I could feel the sun 03. I see trees 04. I see loggers 05. I see humans living in the forest 06. And I look (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 06. bis Antwort 07. !!!) 07. I feel like a part of the forest 08. She was mourning incarnated 09. She was also the Puszcza 10. But I walked away into the forest (Forest) 01. Werewolves. Just like me 02. The sept. Whatever that meant 03. I looked at Kim (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 03. bis Antwort 04. !!!) 04. I looked at Kornel 05. The Children of Gaia seemed cool 06. I asked about his tribe 07. I thought I did 08. It was weird 09. How did he become a werewolf? 10. That was not what I meant 11. What stuff? 12. What it was between him and Olga? 13. What a coward! 14. He was holding something back 15. I had no other questions 16. There were a lot of werewolves 17. I talked with Kim 18. Did they really have a Rat as a patron? 19. But I didn't want to talk anymore 20. I need to talk to the spirits (Dream) 01. It can't be the last one 02. I spit blood 03. Anya... I need help 04. I fight! CHAPTER 5: 01. And what about Bartek? 02. I couldn't stand her stare (Place of Power - Theurge. Spirits. Rituals.) 01. I chanted the proper words 02. I closed my eyes 03. We wanted justice 04. I was ready 05. I changed... (Auswahl: Hispo) 06. I sniffed the air 07. I ran after my prey 08. I was getting closer 09. I lunged forward to catch the prey 10. I killed the prey 11. I turned around 12. I bowed 13. I hoped it would work 14. I answered 15. Zorya? Really? 16. Of course I did! 17. Wichura, which as Polish for gale 18. I wanted to be a Bone Gnawer 19. I chose Mourning Wolfmother CHAPTER 6: 01. I said nothing 02. It was also our doing 03. We were ready to negotiate (Endgame) 01. I wrote something constructive 02. I looked at my pack 03. It wasn't too late to negotiate 04. We could use that 05. But change didn't happen just like that 06. The minister was bad news 07. We went back to regroup 08. But I had other plans 09. But the Puszcza was with us 10. It was spectacular 11. I acted behind the scenes 12. I didn't trust the officials 13. It was not just a forest 14. Wining the local populace was essential 15. I hid in the shade EPILOGUE: 01. I didn't know how to process it 02. I nodded politely 03. What did she mean by always? 04. But I wanted battles! 05. I smiled 06. Olga banished Kornel 07. I let them go ************************************************************************************************************* 5'th STORY-WALKTHROUGH (New Moon) Trophäen (2) in erhaltender Reihenfolge: New Moon, Urban Jungle PROLOGUE: 01. Well... I prefer to think before I act 02. Consequences schmonsequences. I'm smarter than that 03. I hide 04. The smell fascinates me 05. I try to breathe 06. I hide 07. I'm gonna be sick 08. Who is it? 09. Defiance CHAPTER 1: 01. I laughed it off 02. I was glad I wasn't alone 03. She seemed excited 04. I kept it simple so I wouldn't freak her out 05. I had to face the forest 06. I decided to ignore it 07. But the meeting was just too important 08. I made my best puppy dog eyes 09. I introduced them 10. I caught him looking at me 11. It was almost too easy... 12. He was ready to crack 13. I urged him to continue 14. I laughed (Forest - The forest I dreamed about) 01. I wasn't sure whom he meant 02. I looked at the Puszcza again 03. I loved what I saw 04. I told him that I dreamed about the forest (Place of Power - Magic? Tourist trap?) 01. Sure! 02. It was valuable 03. I did what he asked 04. It felt alive 05. What was the purpose of this? 06. I took a step back 07. What did he do?! 08. They were cutting down trees in this forest 09. Fruit trees?! 10. Yeah 11. Who was doing the logging? 12. Maybe he could help me with the dreams? (Wolves Den - Old stories. Families divided.) 01. Hello again 02. Why was it abandoned? 03. I enjoyed listening 04. I didn't disagree 05. They were silent 06. I liked how he told the story 07. In the end, the smartest cub survived 08. I looked at the empty den 09. What happened to Kazan? 10. I could relate to that 11. I also said my goodbyes (Barrows - Ancient graves. Buried secrets.) 01. Daniel was a mystery I decided to solve 02. I asked a few obvious questions 03. I dropped it, for now 04. I just enjoyed the moment 05. I knew where to go! 06. I could remember... 07. Their anger blinded them 08. I nodded 09. I didn't feel ready 10. Was this what the forest wanted from me? 11. I was scared (Town - We made our way back) 01. They were cutting down the forest 02. Place of power sure made an impression 03. I didn't feel like talking anymore 04. I am a seed 05. I start dancing 06. I pay my respects to the dead 07. I look at them, cautious CHAPTER 2: 01. I had to figure out the forest 02. I looked at everyone 03. It could be fun 04. I smiled 05. I smiled 06. It wasn't about personal victory 07. I totally dug their style 08. I couldn't tear my eyes off her 09. Maybe it was for the best (Protesters - Kornel. Answers?) 01. I told him about my dream 02. But there was more to him 03. I had an idea! 04. There was a way we could use the media 05. Suddenly I understood 06. We could still use the reporters 07. They didn't have any real plan 08. I asked for a cigarette 09. So, why weren't they filming? (Meeting the press) 01. It was too much 02. We had to save the Puszcza 03. I had no idea (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 03. bis Antwort 04. !!!) 04. I needed advice 05. What else could I do? 06. I said nothing 07. I shared my fear 08. I let it go (BnB & Dream) 01. I shrugged 02. I couldn't see everything 03. It wasn't something I wanted to discuss 04. I sneak... 05. I welcome the darkness 06. And there's the stench CHAPTER 3: 01. And I could use some support 02. I watched them for a moment 03. Olga was there as well 04. I snapped at her 05. I was angry 06. I wanted to smash things (Forest - Olga's plan. Preemptive strike.) 01. I asked Anya to go home 02. I hid in the shadows 03. Suddenly I had second thoughts 04. I grinned at her 05. I let it slide 06. I took a step back 07. I kept looking over my shoulder 08. I kept glancing around 09. I tried to calm her down 10. I cracked my knuckles 11. We needed to hide 12. I sighed. She could use my help 13. I let the forest speak through me 14. I tried to empathize 15. That was too much for me. I ran 16. I tried to hide 17. I must have lost my mind 18. I gulped... (First shift) 01. I started laughing 02. No! I tried to get up (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 02. bis Antwort 03. !!!) 03. I push it away 04. Is this a dream? 05. I just look at it 06. I move on 07. I run away 08. I wait 09. I run away 10. I tried to breathe 11. I felt sick 12. I crumpled CHAPTER 4: 01. I went outside 02. Memories started to come back 03. I tried to run away 04. I appreciated the help 05. ... but how come nobody knew about werewolves? 06. Then I realized something (Battlefield - Acceptance. Cooperation.) 01. I didn't kill her... 02. I could't believe Anya was dead 03. But the body was too heavy 04. But I couldn't tap into it 05. I changed... (Auswahl: Glabro) 06. I remembered them from my dream 07. Was it really a weasel? 08. Why would it do that? 09. I looked to the weasel for advice 10. Were we creatures of the Weaver? 11. I ran with them (Wolves Den - The Present. The Forest.) 01. But I pushed on 02. I breathed in 03. I see trees 04. I see loggers 05. I see humans living in the forest 06. I have seen enough 07. I feel like a part of the forest 08. She was Kazan's mother 09. She was also the Puszcza 10. But I walked away into the forest (Forest) 01. I realized that was my life now 02. I just listened 03. I looked at Pat 04. I looked at Daniel (Achtung: Freie Auswahl nach Antwort 04. bis Antwort 05. !!!) 05. I looked at Kornel 06. The Black Furies sounded good 07. I asked about her tribe 08. It made sense. Earth was a mother 09. Pegasus? I would expect something else 10. I grunted, noncomitally 11. I had no other questions 12. There were a lot of werewolves 13. I talked with Pat 14. What was she doing in the forest? 15. I totally understood her 16. I had to think it over 17. But I didn't want to talk anymore 18. I had a plan to expose the loggers (Dream) 01. It can't be the last one 02. I spit blood 03. I need to stop the bus 04. I scream CHAPTER 5: 01. Anxious, I packed her things 02. I ran the plan over in my head 03. My hands were trembling 04. I change back (Rare Beetles - Ragabash. Tricks. Subterfuge.) 01. It was fun 02. We needed reporters 03. We needed more than a video 04. I sent Pat to talk to some scientists 05. I nodded at Erika 06. I let them argue 07. It didn't matter. I had to act! 08. I changed... (Auswahl: Lupus) 09. I just stood there 10. I proposed a toast 11. To the Puszcza! 12. I answered 13. Electric Bettle? Really? 14. Of course I did! 15. Enigma, a mystery 16. I wanted to be a Glass Walker 17. I chose Winter Weasels CHAPTER 6: 01. I said nothing 02. It was also our doing (Endgame) 01. I wrote something constructive 02. I looked at my pack 03. It wasn't too late to negotiate 04. We could use that 05. But at that moment, I didn't know that 06. We could still ask him to stop 07. I smiled and apologized 08. It was our chance to start negotiations 09. I smiled and apologized 10. But I had other plans 11. I flashed him 12. I acted behind the scenes 13. They cut the wrong trees 14. Yet, they unbalanced the ecosystem 15. The whole area should be a National Park 16. But I ketp going EPILOGUE: 01. I felt relieved 02. I shared my water 03. I played it cool 04. So what, were we useless? 05. I smiled Greetz Ultimate-Spawn Bearbeitet 24. 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