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Trophäenliste - Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition
1x platin.png  1x gold.png  18x silber.png  25x bronze.png  = 45

 A Grain of Sand

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Pol.

 Almost No Gravity

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Gilly.

 Crowned Jool

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Jool!

 Duna's Only Natural Moon

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Ike.

 Failure is Not an Option

You've completed your first landing on Moho!

 First Dwarf Planet

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Dres.

 Fly Me To The Mun

You've completed a fly by of the Mun!

 Getting Eve-n

You've just completed your first flyby of Eve!

 Ground Control

You've completed your first landing at the Kerbal Space Center!

 Home of the Moholes

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Moho.

 KerBop Doo Wop

Yeah! We just did a flyby of Bop!

 Mission to Minmus

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Minmus.

 Mun Rover, Mun Rover

You took your first rover out for a spin!


You've completed your first EVA on the Mun.

 No Left Turns

You've completed your first runway launch!

 Off The Vall

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Vall.

 One Small Step

You've planted your first flag on the Mun!

 Open for business!

Congratulations! You've completed your first contract. Now it's up to you to keep this facility growing!

 Space, Space, SPAAAAACE!

You've completed your first Launch Pad launch.

 The Biggest Wonder to Kerbalkind

You just completed a flyby of Duna!

 The Only Moon with a True Atmosphere

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Laythe!

 The Right Kind of Pilot

You've been to space and landed safely back home!

 The View From Up Here

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Kerbin.

 Tylo, Tylo, It's Off to Space We Go!

Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Tylo.

 Zero Gravity

You've completed your first EVA in space. Now you've joined the leagues of those who repaired Skylab in 1973.

 A Rocky Planet

Congratulations! You visited Ike.

 Completing Missions and Unlocking Asteroids

Congratulations! You visited Dres.

 Duna 2000

Congratulations! You visited Duna.

 Eeloocidate the Matter

Congratulations! You visited Eeloo.

 Flying Minmus

Congratulations! You visited Minmus.

 Gilly Up!

Congratulations! You visited Gilly.

 Got My Moho Back

Congratulations! You visited Moho.

 Here Comes the Kerbalry

You've recovered your first crew member from the perils of space!

 Jool of the Starry Sea

Congratulations! You visited Jool.

 Kerboy BeBop

Congratulations! You visited Bop.

 Let Me Play Among the Stars

You've launched your first satellite into space!

 One Does Not Simply Return From Eve

Congratulations! You visited Eve.

 So Eeloosive

You've completed a flyby of Eeloo.

 The Largest Moon in the Kerbol System

Congratulations! You visited Tylo.

 The Sapphire of Jool

Congratulations! You visited Laythe.

 To The Mun and Back

Congratulations! You visited Mun.

 Too Much RCS

Congratulations! You visited Pol.

 Vall Hauler

Congratulations! You visited Vall.

 Look Ma, No Tractor Beams!

Completed your first ship to ship dock! Congrats, lots of people don't make it this far.

 Master Astrophysicist

Unlocked all Kerbal Space Program trophies.
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Private Division hat bekannt gegeben, dass die Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition für die PS5 und die  Xbox Series X/S veröffentlicht wird.

Kerbal Space Program, eine Weltraumsimulation, wird die Tage sein 10 jähriges Jubiläum feiern und deswegen von Private Division ein New-Gen Update im Herbst diesen Jahres erhalten.
Nach dem Launch des Titels 2018 für Konsolen, wird das neue Update mit einigen Features aufwarten. So erwarten euch Maus und Keyboard Support, höhere Auflösungen, eine verbesserte Framrate, hochauflösendere Texturen und die obligatorischen Performance-Verbesserungen. Die neue Version wird mit scharfen 1440p auf den New-Gen Maschinen laufen. Das Upgrade wird kostenlos für alle sein, die das Spiel bereits besitzen und Neueinsteiger werden voraussichtlich 39.99€ investieren müssen.

Gleich mit dabei ist der neueste Patch der PC Version 1.12 welcher auch einige Neuigkeiten bereit hält.



Bearbeitet von der_Dennis

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