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Übersicht aller Titel & Embleme ?


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

also ich denke mir mal für die Herausforderungen gibts titel und embleme

Habe auch schon eine Herausforderung zu bestehen eine Menge Titel bekommen, also müssen es schon andere Kriterien sein.


Für das Abschiessen von Drohnen/Helikoptern/Harriers gibts soweit ich glaube auch Titel und Embleme, hole die jede Runde runter (spiele meist mit MG und nem Launcher, gibt gerne auch mal nen Tripplekill :D).

MfG RoflKartoffl


Hey Leute...hab ein Englishes Forum gefunden das alle aufgelistet hat...allerdings sind es nur die Titel und es stehen nicht bei allen die Bezeichnungen...aber bei den meisten. Leider auf English

...The Harder They Fall -

1bullet2kills - 1 collateral damage kill

1st Lt. - earned by leveling up

1st Sgt. - earned by leveling up

2fast -

30 Something -

Absentee killer - get a game winning kill cam with a sentry gun

Accident Prone - kill yourself 5 times

Airborne - call in 3 pav lows

All Pro - Headshot 2 + Enemies with 1 bullet

All Your Base -

Angel of Death -

Armed and Dangerous -

Avenger - Killing The Enemy That Killed your Teammate within 3 seconds.

BAM! -

BOOM! Headshot -

Backstabber - Knife a Enemy in the back

Big Brother -

Bite the Bullet -

Blindfire -

Bling Bling -

Blood Brothers -

Blood Money -

Blunt Trauma - 2 kills with Riot Shield

Boilermaker -

Bombshell -

Booyah! -

Bow Down - Have the highest K/D ratio at the end of a game

Broken Arrow -

Catch Shrapnel - get 5 claymore kills

Charity Case - call in 50 Care Packages, Sentry Guns or Emergency Care Packages -

Chick Magnet -

Cloak and Dagger -

Cobra Strike -

Cold Steel -

Commander - earned by leveling up

Companion Crate - call in 25 Care Packages

Completely Numb - Take enough damage to normally killl you with painkiller activated.

Concussive Barage -

Crackin' Skulls -

Cruelty - Kill an enemy, pick up his weapon, then kill him again with his own weapon

DZ Clear -

Deadline -

Destroyer -

Death from above - get a game winning kill cam with an AC130

Devestater - kill every member of the enemy team (Tango Down challenge)

Dishes are Done -

Dish the Rock - 10 Assists in a Game or Most Assists in a Game

Disruptor -

Double Down -

Drifter - destroy 1 car

Drone killer - get a game winning kill cam with a predator missile

Droppin' Crates - Get a Game winning Killcam by dropping a crate on the enemy

End of the Line -

Enemy of the State -

Enemy with Benefits -

Epic -

Excalibur - 100 Knife Kills

Explosive Ordinance -

Fire and Forget - Call in 25 Sentry Guns

FNG - start out with this

Faceoff -

Finishing Touch - Get a Game winning Killcam with a precision Airstrike

Frag Out - Most Frag Kills in a Game / Triple Kill with a Frag

Flying Tank -

Flyswatter - shoot down a chopper

Full Throttle -

Gen. - earned by leveling up

Get Real - Win 1 Game of Team Hardcore Deathmatch

Get to the Choppa! -

Ghilie in the Mist - one of the three 'One-shot, one-kill' challenges

Ghostrider - get 75 kills with the AA-12 shotgun

Givin' Static - Call in X number of Anti-UAV

Global Thermonuclear War - call in 2 tactical nukes

Godhand - Calling in 2 Ac-130s in one game

Grassy Knoll - spend a certain amount of time prone

Group Hug - Kill Multiple Enemies with a Semtex Stuck to 1 of them

Hair Trigger -

Hard Target -

Hard to Kill - get 2 kills on Last Stand

Hardcore Only - Win 10 HC TDM games

Headrush - 5 headshots with an SMG

Heartbreaker - get 15 claymore kills

Hello "Fired!" -

Hello "Its Personal" - kill someone with a throwing knife after wounding them

Hello "My Name Is" -

high def - get a game winning killcam with a chopper gunner

High Caliber -

Highlander - Go a full length match without dying

Hijacker - grabbing enemy teams care packages

Hot Shot -

ID Thief - get a payback kill with Copycat enabled

Impaler - stab 5 people

Intergalactic - Playing Sabotage

Invisible - Silenced Weapon, Ninja and Cold Blooded

Iron Lungs - 200 Kills Steady Aim Pro

Jack-in-The-Box - Kill 5/10 enemies within 5 seconds of spawning via Tactical Insertion -

Joint Ops - Kill Someone Within a Smoke Filled Area

Jump Jet - call in 5 harrier airstrikes

K Factor -

Klepotomaniac - Kill 3 enemies with 3 different weapons in a single life

Last Resort - Get a Last Stand or Final Stand Kill in Game Winning Killcam

Live Long.. -

Living Dead - for surviving and getting back on your feet after you've been downed to final stand

Lone Wolf - Win a Free For All Match

Low Profile -


Mad Man -

Maj. - earned by leveling up

Martyr - get 1 kill with martyrdom

Mastadon - Have Elite Challenges Unlocked and get a 5:1 K/D Ratio

Mastermind - get 25 kills with the aa12 shotgun

Misery Loves Company - Kill yourself and 1 enemy by cooking a grenade without throwing it

Money Shot -

My Lil' Pwny -

NBK - get 3 Longshot kills in one life

New Jack - ATM Challenge Payback with a Throwing Knife

Ninja -

No. - Kill Someone Cooking off a Grenade before they Throw it.

Noob tuber - kill an enemy with a grenade launcher without detonation (Ouch challenge)

Not in the Face! -

OG - get a game winning kill cam with an attack helicopter



Omnicide -

Omnipotent - Have the highest K/D ratio at the end of a game 25 times

One Inch Punch - get 750 kills using Sleight of Hand

Overwatch -

Owned - Get a Riot Shield melee kill in Game Winning Killcam

Ouch - Kill an enemy with a rifle-mounted grenade launcher without it Detonation (Direct Impact)

Perfectionist - for emptying a sniper clip without missing a shot (Hit an enemy with every round you fire from that clip).

Philanthropist -

Pineapple Express - get 25 grenade kills

Plane Whisperer -

Plastique - get 5 kills with C4

Popoff -

Preemptive Strike -

Pro Gambler -

Protect and Serve -

Public Enemy -

Pushin' Daises -

Pyromaniac - destroy 2 enemy equipment

Rainmaker -

Rain of Fire -

Re-zero -

Reign Down - 5 Predator Missles

Rejected - Pick up an enemy tactical insertion

Reloaded - Have the most reloads in the match

Remote Viewer - 5 Bullet Penetration Kills

Rival - kill the same enemy 5 times in a single match

S.S.D.D. - earned by leveling up



Sarge -

Sgt. - earned by leveling up

Share Package -

Shot Down -

Sidekick - Get 3 Kills with Your Secondary Weapon

Silent Strike -

Skeet Shooter - Kill Someone That is Jumping In Mid-Air

Sky Commander -

Slow But Sure - Kill 1 enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade

Smash Hit - 5 Kills with the Riot Shield

So Baked -

Solid Steel - survive (30) grenades with blast shield

Speed Demon - Get 25 kills with Slight of Hand equipped

Spy Game -

Squawk Box -

Starfish Prime -

Stickman - Stick a Semtex to the enemy in a game winning Killcam

Straight Up -

Streaker - do the "fearless" challenge (kill 10 ppl without dying)

Stun Gun - kill one enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade

Submit to Authority - 15 bullet penetration kills

Suppressor -

Sureshot -

Surgical -

TacDel -

Ta-Da! - 25 kills within 5 seconds of spawning with Tactical Insertion

Take a Stab -

Tango Down -

Team Player - Call in Care Packages and Allow Team To Take it

Techno Killer - get a game winning kill cam with a stealth bomber

Transformer - get a game winning kill cam with a pav low

The Bigger They Are.. -

The Inciser -

The Legend -

The Mad Bomber -

The Mastadon -

The Watchman - calling in a (X) number of UAV's

Thermal Nuclear War - Get 3 nukes

Time is Money - that you get after getting 5 paybacks with semtex.

Time on Target -

Trackstar - Marathon Pro

True Liar - Get a Game Winning Kill with a Harrier

Unbreakable - Block 1000 bullets with the Riot Shield

Voyeur - call in 25 UAVs

Wargasm -

Ich will dieses verdammte "Chick Magnet":D

Ich habe auch schon einige die hier ned aufgelistet sind...nur weiss ich ned wo man nachguckn kann was man dafür gemacht hat

MfG Skyhawk14

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Kann man die Dinger eigentlich in einem Private Match boosten ? :D

Vielleicht....weil wenn ich mit meinem Kumpel Offline spiele, kann ich mich da auch hochleveln und kriege abzeichen...vielleicht geht das Online auch iwie

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Paar weiss ich ausm Kopf:

Boom Headshot! Sehr viele Headis machn

NBK 3 Longshots in einem Leben

The Prestige Prestige machn

Alle Ränge(Sgt,..) Hochleveln

Tarnungen Tarnung mit belieb. Waffe freischalten



Ich finde es ein bisschen schade, das man wenn man den Titel gewonnen hat, das man nicht nachucken kann was man gemacht hat...bei den Perks oder so siehst du schliesslich auch was du für Pro machen musst und wieviel du schon gemacht hast...ich denke dann wäre die ganze Liste komplett.

Hab sehr viele, die auf dieser Liste gar ned stehen...

Mein momentaner Favorit:

The Mad Bomber


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