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[Tutorial] Bedrock Wechsel zur PS4 Edition (CD-Erforderlich)

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(Dieses Tutorial richtet sich an die Personen welche das Spiel erst nach den Bedrock Update gekauft haben oder evtl. den Bug besitzen nicht die Editionen wechseln zu können)

Hallo Community,


ihr möchtet von der Bedrock zu der PS4 Edition wechseln um z.b. die DLC2 & DLC5 Trophäen zu erhalten?

Leider gibt es zurzeit noch den Bug wodurch ihr den Wechsel der Editionen nicht durchführen könnt (Es befindet sich einfach Kein Edition Button mit Hauptmenü) aber mit diesen Tutorial ist es möglich.


Dies ist leider nur möglich wenn ihr die Originale Minecraft PS4 Edition CD besitzt (Es sei denn ihr habt bevor das Bedrock Update kam bereits die Digitale PS4 Minecraft Edition besessen).

Diesen Beitrag hatte ich heute gefunden in PSN Profiles Forum und dies hat wirklich funktioniert, damit konnte ich innerhalb einer Stunde die Trophäen für DLC2 sowie DLC5 boosten:




There is a Bug where the Editions button is missing on the physical version of the Minecraft PS4 Edition if you already own the digital bedrock edition. Whenever the owner of the digital version starts the application the button gets hidden for all users on the console.

I managed to find a workaround that worked for me:


Note: I tested this method on both versions of the physical copy of the game (Minecraft Playstation 4 Edition and Bedrock Edition) and it only worked on the PS4 Edition

  1. Delete the digital copy and install the game from the disc. Install the latest patch.
  2. Create/Login with an account that doesn't own the digital version
  3. Deactivate the ps4 as your primary console on your main account
  4. Delete the files for the minecraft save data. I don't know if you have to delete your worlds too. I currently don't have any on my console.
    Don't start the game on your main account or you have to repeat this step.
  5. Switch to your 2nd account and start the application. The Editions button should appear at the bottom of the menu. (<- WICHTIG: Wenn ihr Minecraft startet auf euren zweiten Account darf der Haupt Account nicht bei der PS4 eingeloggt sein)
  6. Click the button to revert back to the old minecraft edition
  7. Now reactivate your PS4 as your primary console for your main account if your 2nd account doesn't have an active PS+ subscription and switch back to the 2nd account.
  8. Start a public match. The trophies can't be earned during private matches.
  9. Your main account should be able to join the match.

You have to repeat steps 3-8 every time you restart the game because the button gets hidden again if you join the match with your main account and close the game.

I really hope that the devs fix or someone finds a better solution as it can get a bit annoying to do this every time you want to play the mini games.


The easiest way to earn the trophies is to start the match before any random players can join, and fulfill the trophy requirements using both of your accounts. A second controller might make this a bit easier but isn't necessary.

Most of the trophies can be earned this way. The only exception is the "Cupid" trophy where you have to kill 2 different players with a bow but it isn't too difficult. Just let a random player join, play with a friend or create a 3rd account.


I hope this works for you and other trophy hunters as well as it did for me. Good luck.


Credits gehen an pikaopas von PSN Profiles.


Bei mir hat es einwandfrei funktioniert und habe nun Minecraft vorerst auf 100%.

Hoffentlich hilft euch das weiter,


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,



Bearbeitet von EzzMan_
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