BLUBb007 Geschrieben 12. Mai 2020 Geschrieben 12. Mai 2020 Hallo Community, für dieses Spiel haben wir aktuell kein eigenes Forum. Dieser Thread dient als Ersatz, um euch dennoch einen Austausch über das Spiel zu ermöglichen. WARUM HAT DAS SPIEL KEIN FORUM? Woche für Woche erscheinen neue Spiele, die bei uns auch immer einen Platz in Form eines eigenen Forums erhalten, samt den wichtigen Standard-Threads. Da jede Software und auch jede Hardware irgendwann an ihre Grenzen stößt, sortieren wir ungenutzte und leere Foren wieder aus. Zwischen der Erstellung und der Löschung liegen dabei mindestens zwölf Monate. Sofern nach der Erstellung mehrere Beiträge oder gar ein Leitfaden und/oder eine Roadmap entstanden sind, wird das Forum nicht gelöscht. Mit diesem Thread gewähren wir eine für uns ressourcensparende Möglichkeit euch trotzdem eine Anlaufstelle zu bieten. Wenn hier eine entsprechende Aktivität zu verzeichnen ist, können wir gerne wieder ein eigenes Forum erstellen. Euer Das Team unterstützen
BLUBb007 Geschrieben 12. Mai 2020 Geschrieben 12. Mai 2020 Trophäenliste - DJMAX RESPECT 1x 8x 16x 58x = 83 | Gesamtpunkte: 2250 ARCADE KID Cleared ARCADE Mode with 4 Buttons. The 5th Wave Cleared ARCADE Mode with 5 Buttons. Awesome MIX! Cleared ARCADE Mode with 6 Buttons. Try your ability. Do it!! Cleared ARCADE Mode with 8 Buttons. Hopefully This Trophy Will Help You Keep Calm Failed a stage for the first time. Maybe Next Time.. Cleared with a single BREAK. Super Rookie You have reached Level 10. A Smooth Ride Cleared 10 missions. Hidden Talent Cleared 100 patterns in MAXCOMBO. Each Single Point Counts Accumulated 100,000,000 points. YOLO Acquired A Rank for 100 times. Combo Meister Accomplished 100000 combos. Plate Collector Acquired 30 plates. The Gear of All Gears Acquired 15 gears. Everything about Notes Acquired 10 notes. My Little Gallery Acquired 100 images. Slang Festival Acquired 50 comments. You're So Into This Accomplished 70% success rate of 4 Button Master Score. Archeologist Found a hidden BGA for the first time. Saved in My Heart Found all the hidden BGA. No One Likes to Lose Played Online Match 10 times. This is for You Watched CREDITS for the first time. Dance of Death Cleared D2 2 times using D2 gear and notes. The TECHNIKA Boom is Coming Watched a TECHNIKA 2 advertisement in Collection. Half Empty? Half Full! You have reached Level 50. You Must Be a Pro Cleared 30 missions. Diligence Will Pay Off One Day Accumulated 200,000,000 points. S Rank Master Acquired S Rank for 50 times. Combos First! Cleared 300 patterns in MAXCOMBO. So you were talented in the end Cleared "STAR MIXING". DJMAX GRAND MASTER You have reached Level 99. BEAT MAESTRO Cleared 50 missions. Break the Limit Cleared 500 patterns in MAXCOMBO. Perfect Perfectionist Accumulated 300,000,000 points. I`ll be the POP MASTER Cleared all TECHNIKA 2 songs in S rank. RESPECT You Collected all DJMAX RESPECT Trophies. Happy Lucky Day Cleared with 777 combos. Ask to Wind Cleared only with "Portable 1" songs in ARCADE mode. Your Own Miracle Cleared only with "Portable 2" songs in ARCADE mode. Testing Your Skills Cleared 30 patterns with difficulty level 10 or higher in MAXCOMBO. DJ Alpha Resigns Beat the mission against A.I. Become an NB RANGER Watched all NB RANGER videos in Collection. CREW RACE Cleared ARCADE mode only with TECHNIKA 2 songs. Rainbow MAX Cleared PERFECT with the new TB pattern. How long will you avoid using FEVER? Cleared using the new TB pattern and FEVER 3 times. THE LORD OF COMBO Accomplished 999999 combos. JUST 100% Cleared a pattern from RESPECT category with PERFECT. Jaw Dropping Performance Cleared with 5000 or more combos. I Will Rule This Game Cleared all songs. DLC 1 TRILOGY Metaplay Cleared Arcade mode playing only TRILOGY Songs. Here Comes a New Skin...! Used TRILOGY UI Skin. And Now You Deserve This Handmade Trophy! Acquired 10 TRILOGY Song Images. Pikaboo! Found a Hidden BGA from a TRILOGY Song. That's Gotta be My Girlfriend! Cleared "Someday" in MAX COMBO. Where Did You Come From…? Cleared all TRILOGY songs in S Rank. Don't Miss Out On Upcoming Events! Cleared mission "DJMAX RESPECT U". DLC 2 What Makes A Professional Rhythm Gamer Achieved 100000 Combos with songs only from the Clazziquai Edition. DJMAX ARTIST TEAM Cleared mission "DJMAX TOURNAMENT LIVE". METROTRONICS Cleared Arcade mode playing only Clazziquai Edition Songs. Go Back From the Top Found a Hidden BGA from a Clazziquai Edition Song. Welcome to the CLUB TOUR Cleared "Electronic City". Let Me Be "Clear" On These Cleared all Clazziquai Edition songs in S Rank. Is it too late to start collecting these? Watched all characters of the Gear : First Kiss. DLC 3 First Step Set Complete Cleared all the songs in the "First Step" mission. ONLY FOR ARCADE Cleared ARCADE mode only with TECHNIKA songs. Stylish eSper Shooting Sports Watched a SuperSonic video in Collection. What a Surprise Played "Mr.Perfect" mission. I Bet You Don't Have This at Home Acquired 5 TECHNIKA Plates. SON OF SUN Cleared "SON OF SUN" in MAX COMBO with "SON OF SUN" GEAR and NOTE Skins. Rare Card Anyways Found a Hidden BGA from a TECHNIKA Song. PLATINUM CREW Cleared all TECHNIKA songs in S rank. Rolling On the Screen Played all the patterns you can play in "Technical Mixing". Happy 10th Birthday for TECHNIKA Cleared the hidden pattern in MAX COMBO. DLC 4 I'll go with Fermion Played Fermion using Fermion GEAR and NOTE Skins. REDESIGN?! Cleared the "RD Colosseum" mission. The toughest difficulty in the DJMAX series Cleared a BLACK SQUARE song at MAXIMUM difficulty level with MAX COMBO. Are you sure you want a BLACK SQUARE song? Cleared ARCADE mode only with BLACK SQUARE songs. Play it NOW! Cleared a BLACK SQUARE song 10 times in a row. Welcome back to the CLUB TOUR! Cleared all the BLACK SQUARE songs with S Rank. Do you want to try BLACK SQUARE? Cleared a 100 pattern BLACK SQUARE song with MAX COMBO. DLC 5 Disc Fragment Cleared all songs you can obtain through LINK DISC with MAX COMBO. We're in the endgame now Cleared "The Others". DJMAX will Return Equipped "METRO PROJECT" plate. Archiviert Dieses Thema ist jetzt archiviert und für weitere Antworten gesperrt. Wende dich an einen Admin, wenn du in diesem Thema etwas posten möchtest. Gehe zur Themenübersicht Alle Aktivitäten Startseite Trophäen-Leitfäden Spiele ohne Forum DJMax Respect × Du bist bereits registriert? Hier anmelden Jetzt registrieren News Forum Zurück Forum Regeln Zurück Foren-Regeln Bewertungs-Regeln Leitfaden-Regeln Verwarnsystem Löschung oder Sperrung des Accounts Whitelist WIKI Zurück Teammitglieder Organigramm & Team-Matrix Das Team stellt sich vor Impressum Kontakt Verstärkung gesucht Zurück Grafiker/Designer gesucht! Redakteure gesucht! Programmierer/Webentwickler gesucht! 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