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Atelier Lydie & Suelle The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings


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Trophäenliste - Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings
1x platin.png  3x gold.png  6x silber.png  40x bronze.png  = 50

 The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings

Congratulations! You have collected all trophies.
Geheime Trophäen

 "A Mysterious Painting"

Begun the exploration of a mysterious painting.

 We Are One

Ascertained the bond between the twins.

 No Matter How Busy We May Be

Reached Normal Ending.

 The Goal is the Top!

Reached Good Ending.

 Another Great Business Day

Reached Shop Ending

 Marching Usa-chan!

Reached Mysterious Painter Ending.

 The Twins' Daily Happenings

Failed in synthesis in the atelier.

 One Who Was Protected

Got help from "one" who had certainly grown up.

 A Miracle

Had a reunion you have dreamt about.

 A Vacation!

Enjoyed a vacation.

 R-remember this…!

Tricked Lucia.

 Two Kings

Attended a coronation ceremony.

 Meat is Love!

Saw a very happy Firis.

 The Same Exquisite Taste

Was treated to a wonderful potato stew.

 In Seventh Heaven

Gave Plachta a massage.

 Ah, the Longing of an Ardent Sister

Saw a surprising scene of Hagel and Pamela.

 Grrr… I said?

Corneria has grown.

 Hey, Are You Listening?

Witnessed heavy drinkers.


Witnessed weak drinkers.

 His and Her Dream

Saw to a reconciliation of old friends.

 A Strange Strange Story

Saw a marvelous puppet show.

 "I'll Leave It to You!" × "Leave It to Me!"

Performed a Character Change for the first time.


Inspected great many barrels.

 A Custom Weapon

Customized a weapon for the first time.

 Corneria Looks Deeply Satisfied

Spent a lot of money in Corneria's shop.

 Why on Earth?!

Collected all insect materials.

 You Can Fry It. You Can Boil It.

Collected all fish materials.

 How We Fight

Used Battle Mix for the first time.

 Wha-what's the Matter?

A mysterious happening occurred during a battle in the painting world.

 Repainting the World

Repainted surroundings during a battle.

 The Union Heart-True-Deadly Blade Dragon…

Saw all the Combination Arts.

 The Ultimate Mix

Created an unbelievable item using the Extra Mix.

 The Best Jack of All Trades in the Land

Finished many Quests.

 An Idea is the Mother of Synthesis

Discovered all recipes.

 My Fire Dragon

Played with a fire dragon.

 A Legend Sinks to the Past

Defeated an ancient God of Thunder.

 How Could I Be Defeated…

Defeated the guileless Licensed Alchemist.

 Black Paint

Defeated the core of Remplir.

 Oh? Looks like I've Lost…

Defeated the Creator deity.

 I'll Show You Hell Next Time

Defeated the girl who lives in the dark red world.

 The Best Atelier in the Country

Reached S Rank.

 With the Smith-God

Created all weapons and armors.

 Those Who Master Synthesis Own the Battle

Used all patterns of the Battle Mix.

 Monumental Ambitions

Fulfilled all Ambitions.

 The Iron-Armed Sisters

Reached max battle level.

 The Master's Signature

Reached max alchemist level.

 An Era

Reached True Ending.

 The Master Alchemists

Synthesized all items.

 The Origin and the Demise

Defeated the two goddesses who unleashed their full strength.


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