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Penny-Punching Princess


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für dieses Spiel haben wir aktuell kein eigenes Forum. Dieser Thread dient als Ersatz, um euch dennoch einen Austausch über das Spiel zu ermöglichen.



Woche für Woche erscheinen neue Spiele, die bei uns auch immer einen Platz in Form eines eigenen Forums erhalten, samt den wichtigen Standard-Threads. Da jede Software und auch jede Hardware irgendwann an ihre Grenzen stößt, sortieren wir ungenutzte und leere Foren wieder aus. Zwischen der Erstellung und der Löschung liegen dabei mindestens zwölf Monate. Sofern nach der Erstellung mehrere Beiträge oder gar ein Leitfaden und/oder eine Roadmap entstanden sind, wird das Forum nicht gelöscht. Mit diesem Thread gewähren wir eine für uns ressourcensparende Möglichkeit euch trotzdem eine Anlaufstelle zu bieten. Wenn hier eine entsprechende Aktivität zu verzeichnen ist, können wir gerne wieder ein eigenes Forum erstellen.




Das Team unterstützen

- Werbung nur für Gäste -



Trophäenliste - Penny-Punching Princess
1x platin.png  3x gold.png  9x silber.png  31x bronze.png  = 44

 Exec A, the Bird Dragon of the Castle

[Scenario] Defeated Hawkragon.

 Exec B, the Child-Rearing Snake of the Forest

[Scenario] Defeated Naga King.

 Exec C, the Ice Cave's Top Dog

[Scenario] Defeated Ooze.

 Exec D, the Fire Cave's Basilisk

[Scenario] Defeated Ouroboros.

 Top Exec, the Bomb Demon

[Scenario] Defeated Dragon Bomber.

 Bona Fide Giant Killer

[Technical] Defeated first large monster.

 Everyone's Got a Price!

[Technical] Bribed first large monster.

 Want Some Golden Candy?

[Technical] Bribed first medium monster.

 Have Some Chump Change, Chump!

[Technical] Bribed first small monster.

 Money Is More Important Than Life

[Technical] Activated first Coin Miracle.

 When it Comes to Miracles, You Get What You Pay For!!!

[Technical] Activated all Coin Miracles.

 Got Dragon Problems? Call the Experts!

[Slay] Defeated 100 dragon-type monsters.

 Making the Undead Re-Dead

[Slay] Defeated 100 undead-type monsters.

 Don't Look at Me, I'm a Monster!

[Slay] Defeated 100 human-type monsters.

 I'm Banzai for Bonsai!

[Slay] Defeated 100 plant-type monsters.

 This Beauty Don't Need No Beasts!

[Slay] Defeated 100 beast-type monsters.

 Like 100 Moths to 100 Flames!

[Slay] Defeated 100 insect-type monsters.

 That's a Net Weight of 100 Tons

[Slay] Defeated 25 Fat Dragons.

 That's Some Shiny Armor

[Slay] Defeated 25 Dragon Swordsmen.

 Size Isn't Everything

[Slay] Defeated 25 Dragon Zombies.

 Money Makes the World Go Round

[Collect] Accumulated 10,000,000 G.

 Even Dragons Bend to the Power of Money

[Collect] Bribed 50 dragon-type monsters.

 They May Have Cheated Death, But They Can't Cheat Taxes

[Collect] Bribed 50 undead-type monsters.

 Humans Are Simple...

[Collect] Bribed 50 human-type monsters.

 You're Gonna Buy a Palm Tree in the Sand?

[Collect] Bribed 50 plant-type monsters.

 Money Turns Tigers into Kittens

[Collect] Bribed 50 beast-type monsters.

 Now this is a Scarab Beetle

[Collect] Bribed 50 insect-type monsters.

 A Trident for a Devil

[Collect] Acquired all equipment.

 This Is a Job for Super Princess

[Strengthen] Acquired first skill.

 It's Super Super Princess

[Strengthen] Fully strengthened Princess.

 It's Super Isabella

[Strengthen] Fully strengthened Isabella.

 Dragoloan Boss

[Scenario] Defeated Dragoloan.

 Betrayed by Money

[Scenario] Defeated Zenigami.

 Money's Angry Wife

[Scenario] Defeated Wifeykins.

 Princess! What a Great Combo!

[Technical] Achieved 30 Breaks with Princess.

 My Combos Aren't Too Shabby...

[Technical] Achieved 30 Breaks with Isabella.

 Princess Gets All the Treasure

[Collect] Acquired all Zenigami statues from treasure chests.

 Princess Has Followers Around the World

[Collect] Bribed all types of monsters.

 Su Casa Es the Princess' Casa

[Collect] Bribed all relics.

 It's Got an Uncanny Resemblance

[Collect] Created all types of Zenigami statues in the Workshop.

 The Beginning of the End

[Scenario] Saw the ending.

 The Kingdom's Great Revival!

[Scenario] Saw the ending with over 1,000 citizens.

 The Princess' Golden Path

[Scenario] Cleared the Golden Dungeon.

 True Penny-Puncher

[Arrival] Acquired all trophies.


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