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Death Road to Canada


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Hallo Community,


für dieses Spiel haben wir aktuell kein eigenes Forum. Dieser Thread dient als Ersatz, um euch dennoch einen Austausch über das Spiel zu ermöglichen.



Woche für Woche erscheinen neue Spiele, die bei uns auch immer einen Platz in Form eines eigenen Forums erhalten, samt den wichtigen Standard-Threads. Da jede Software und auch jede Hardware irgendwann an ihre Grenzen stößt, sortieren wir ungenutzte und leere Foren wieder aus. Zwischen der Erstellung und der Löschung liegen dabei mindestens zwölf Monate. Sofern nach der Erstellung mehrere Beiträge oder gar ein Leitfaden und/oder eine Roadmap entstanden sind, wird das Forum nicht gelöscht. Mit diesem Thread gewähren wir eine für uns ressourcensparende Möglichkeit euch trotzdem eine Anlaufstelle zu bieten. Wenn hier eine entsprechende Aktivität zu verzeichnen ist, können wir gerne wieder ein eigenes Forum erstellen.




Das Team unterstützen

- Werbung nur für Gäste -



Trophäenliste - Death Road to Canada
1x platin.png  1x gold.png  0x silber.png  64x bronze.png  = 66

 Don't Let Me Die

Win K*E*P*A Mode with Kepa. Please don't get me killed.

 Patch me Up

Heal teammates 75 times.


Splat 100,000 zombies!

 Magical Wishing Toilet

Open 100 toilets, revealing the toilet genie.

 Five Game Streak

Win 5 consecutive games in a row without losing.

 Car Repair

Train Mechanical 50 times.

 Gotta Get Huge

Train Strength 100 times. Build mass, build bulk.

 Human Repair

Train Medical 50 times.

 Target Practice

Train Shooting 75 times.

 Getting in Shape

Train Fitness 75 times.

 No One Left Behind

Win with no ally deaths. This includes traders and mall cops.

 Help From My Pals

Win Familiar Characters Mode.

 Cooling It

A miracle happened that day…

 Ramming Speed

Reach the final area with a working car.

 Free Chicken

Rescued a chicken. May have turned it into nugs after.

 Little Vacation

Beat Short Trip to Heck Mode.

 Buncha Weirdos

Win Rare Characters Mode.

 Are We There Yet?

Win Long Winding Road Mode.

 Could Be Worse

Beat Deadlier Road Mode.


Win with Valkyrie. This should be an easy one.

 Anime Syndrome

Anime Girl anime'd the car.


Proved the existence of spooky ghosts.

 Coup De Grace

Win with the Fencer. Parry and Riposte!

 World Champ

Win with the Boxer. Stick and move!

 Derby Champ

Win with Roller Derby Woman. She's well trained for the zombocalypse.


Win with Alvis, the Crooner of the Zombocalypse.

 Sumo Solution

Win with sumo wrestler. Sumo is the ultimate anti-zombie martial art.


Win with El Satan's patented wrestling moves.


Win with a BERSERK! trait character. They're rather death prone.


Win with the Wizard! It is your destiny.

 Mr. Popular

Win with the friendliest guy there is.

 Cat Fancy

Win with Cat Lady. Who knew hoarding cats would be this useful?

 Extreme Weirdos

Win Rare Characters EXTREME Mode.

 I Hate Skeletons

Win with a skeleton. Internal skeletons don't count.

 Zombie Fashion

Win with the Debutante. I guess she does kind of look like Mary Poppins.


Win with some pig in the team.

 Goatal Victory

Win the game with a goat. It's going to ruin the car.

 Bonds of Steel

Win Familiar Characters EXTREME Mode.

 Caveman Crush

Win a game with the caveman after breaking her out of the ice.

 Grueling Victory

Beat Marathon Mode.


Win with the original hot Vampire, not those newfangled sparkling ones.

 Gnome Power

Win with Gnomey, the most OP character. S++ on the Official Tier List.

 The Loneliest Road

Pure solo victory. Start with one character, never get a recruit.

 No Jerk Left Behind

Win with a full team of 4 people/dogs/beings.

 Cat Attack

Win the game with a feral cat in the team.


Win with the bunker laboratory scientist.

 HA! HA!

Win with the funny Clown. *distorted honk*

 My Lovely Horse

Win with Horse. You're a pony no more.

 Song of Zombo

Win with the Renaissance Faire bard recruit.

 Too Swole to Control

Win with The Last Bodybuilder. He's so strong.

 Witch's Brew

Win with the Witch. Magic hat, magic broom, magic uzi.

 The Last Panda

Win with the Panda. Maybe Canada will be a good habitat.


Win the game with the pirate captain rare trader camp recruit.

 Fae Folk

Win with the Queen of Fairies. Make a wish for friendship.

 The Kepaning

Beat K*E*P*A Mode.

 Grizzled Hermit

Win with the Hermit after coaxing him out of his Hermit Hut.

 First Trip to Canada

Win Death Road Normal Mode.

 Gallant Knight

Knight left the team alive.

 Dog Squad

Win with 4 dogs. Dog squaaaaad.

 Merry Christmas

Win with Santa, a real Christmas miracle.

 Omega Streak

Streak the first 10 game modes!

 Canada Champ

Unlock all the Trophies in Death Road to Canada
Geheime Trophäen

 Day of the Circus

Just like in my clown nightmares.

 Has Left The Building

Goodbye, Alvis.

 Mode Master

Win the first 10 game modes.


In the last moment, killed your chance of victory.


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