BLUBb007 Geschrieben 11. Mai 2020 Geschrieben 11. Mai 2020 Hallo Community, für dieses Spiel haben wir aktuell kein eigenes Forum. Dieser Thread dient als Ersatz, um euch dennoch einen Austausch über das Spiel zu ermöglichen. WARUM HAT DAS SPIEL KEIN FORUM? Woche für Woche erscheinen neue Spiele, die bei uns auch immer einen Platz in Form eines eigenen Forums erhalten, samt den wichtigen Standard-Threads. Da jede Software und auch jede Hardware irgendwann an ihre Grenzen stößt, sortieren wir ungenutzte und leere Foren wieder aus. Zwischen der Erstellung und der Löschung liegen dabei mindestens zwölf Monate. Sofern nach der Erstellung mehrere Beiträge oder gar ein Leitfaden und/oder eine Roadmap entstanden sind, wird das Forum nicht gelöscht. Mit diesem Thread gewähren wir eine für uns ressourcensparende Möglichkeit euch trotzdem eine Anlaufstelle zu bieten. Wenn hier eine entsprechende Aktivität zu verzeichnen ist, können wir gerne wieder ein eigenes Forum erstellen. Euer Das Team unterstützen
BLUBb007 Geschrieben 11. Mai 2020 Geschrieben 11. Mai 2020 Trophäenliste - Just In Time Incorporated 1x 4x 8x 29x = 42 Not Dreaming Complete the tutorial and save your first two clients. Rat Outbreak Prevent the rats from seeking revenge on our client. Building Fire Prevent our clients from being burnt to a crisp in a building fire. Job Security Complete all assignments in the first room. Secret Lair Save our client from the Ultra-Laser. Get to the Choppa! Assist our client Jane in escaping with her stolen idol. Birthday Drive By Prevent a birthday catastrophe. Body Search Breach personal boundaries and find the bomb! Policy Violation Discuss policy options with Clown Bob. Knife Factory Prevent an incident at BladeCo Manufacturing. Tree Huggers Prevent the deaths of our two ideologically opposed clients. Arms Deal Save Steve from an arms deal gone wrong. Lost in the Woods Save Billy Bob and become a big game hunter. Rescue Operation Help our client escape and avoid death by his own creation. Thanks! Sat through our hastily thrown together and boring credits. First Prototype Prevent the hideous yellow block guy from "dying". Scorned Lover Fend off the unwanted affection of grandma's suitors. Fire Rescue Save the feline policyholders from a fiery death. Sawmill Protest Save our client from yet another tree related injury. Presidential Prank Remove all personal items from our client in Bodyguard. Demolition Man Blow up both tower guards before they are "sniped" in Bridge Escort. Tank Technician Find a non-violent solution to disabling the tank in Rescue Operation. Rat Popsicle Freeze all the rats in Rat Outbreak. Hasta la Vista Give the RPG enemy a taste of his own medicine in Get to the Choppa! Full Body Search Strip everyone of everything in Body Search. Dodge This! Save Mr. Sanderson's guardian angel in Not the One. Knife Sniper Hit the supervisor on the ledge with a knife in the Knife Factory. Balloonacy Win without grabbing any bullets in Birthday Drive By. Slice and Dice Fully chop up every enemy in Secret Lair. Bridge Escort Protect our three military clients while they escape across a bridge. Experienced Complete all assignments in the second room. The Crows Stop Dr. Peta's mutant crows using any means necessary. Expert Trapper Kill all the bears in Lost in the Woods using only one trap. Sawdust Chop an unnecessary amount of wood with the chainsaw in Tree Huggers. Escrow Win by poisoning fifteen crows in The Crows. Save the Choppa! Win the level without destroying the Helicopter in Bridge Escort. Send It In Building Fire send all three clients high into the air before they bounce. Just In Time Complete all assignments. Not the One Save Mr. Sanderson from his own misguided beliefs. Ichor Win by having the agent bleed to death in Not the One. Pacifist Save the client in Arms Deal while also keeping everyone alive. Model Employee Unlock all trophies. 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