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Azure Reflections


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für dieses Spiel haben wir aktuell kein eigenes Forum. Dieser Thread dient als Ersatz, um euch dennoch einen Austausch über das Spiel zu ermöglichen.



Woche für Woche erscheinen neue Spiele, die bei uns auch immer einen Platz in Form eines eigenen Forums erhalten, samt den wichtigen Standard-Threads. Da jede Software und auch jede Hardware irgendwann an ihre Grenzen stößt, sortieren wir ungenutzte und leere Foren wieder aus. Zwischen der Erstellung und der Löschung liegen dabei mindestens zwölf Monate. Sofern nach der Erstellung mehrere Beiträge oder gar ein Leitfaden und/oder eine Roadmap entstanden sind, wird das Forum nicht gelöscht. Mit diesem Thread gewähren wir eine für uns ressourcensparende Möglichkeit euch trotzdem eine Anlaufstelle zu bieten. Wenn hier eine entsprechende Aktivität zu verzeichnen ist, können wir gerne wieder ein eigenes Forum erstellen.




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- Werbung nur für Gäste -



Trophäenliste - Azure Reflections
1x platin.png  4x gold.png  12x silber.png  22x bronze.png  = 39

 Incident Resolved...?

Our battle is just getting started! This is for getting time-looped. I think you gotta capture spell cards or something to get out of it?

 Incident Resolved: Reimu (Normal)

Proof that you played the game with a shrine maiden. I dub you Shrine Maiden Fan. You can also play with Marisa the ordinary magician. Give it a whirl!

 Incident Resolved: Marisa (Normal)

Proof that you played the game with an ordinary magician. I dub you Ordinary Magician Fan. You can also play with Cirno the ice fairy. Give it a whirl!

 Incident Resolved: Cirno (Normal)

Proof that you played the game with a fairy. I dub you Fairy Fan. You can also play with Reimu, the Hakurei Shrine Maiden. Give it a whirl!

 Activated a Deathbomb

The mark of a player with fantastic reflexes. I dub you Clearsighted. Do you see everything frame by frame? Or did you just luck out big time...?

 Danmaku Absorption Apprentice

Proof that you've picked up a few bullets. I dub you Absorption Apprentice. You can get this much through normal play, right? Tee hee. ♪

 Danmaku Absorption Journeyman

Proof that you know how to pick up bullets. I dub you Absorption Journeyman. You can get a lot of bullets by triggering your barrier while letting enemies stick around to fire, right?

 Danmaku Absorption Master

Proof that you've gathered a whole lot of bullets. I dub you Absorption Master. When you absorb this many, you get strong enough to even one-shot a boss!

 Graze Apprentice

Proof that you dove headlong into danger. I dub you Challenger. It's risky, but the game rewards you with a nice return for it. No guts, no glory!

 Graze Journeyman

Proof that you dove headlong into danger. I dub you High Return. You know that high risks mean high reward!

 Extra Stage Visitor

A strange, otherworldly space where wanderers and the lost end up... Only people who have resolved the incident can reach this place.

 First Spell Card Capture

Proof that you've captured your very first spell card. If you can capture them all, you'll be a Spell Card Meister!

 Speed King

Mark of a Speed King: Brought a boss's gauge from full to nothing in under 10 seconds. Given to you for going all-out on a boss!

 Complete Break

Mark of a Complete Break, where you completely and utterly trounced the bosses. No danmaku is too tricky for you!

 Full Spell Card Capture (Normal)

You completed all spell cards on normal difficulty! Very well done! Congratulations!

 Outbreak of an Incident

This one's a freebie for playing the game for the first time. What is the incident befalling Gensokyo? Play and solve the mystery!

 Accessorizing Apprentice

You've got a few odd accessories. You're a collecting beginner! Dress up the girls to be extra distinctive and darling. ♪

 Extra Resolution (Normal)

You've cleared the extra stage on normal difficulty! A more fearsome apparition awaits you at a new difficulty...

 Incident Resolved: Reimu (Hard)

Proof that you played the game extensively with a shrine maiden. I dub you Shrine Maiden Aficionado. Now try finishing hard mode with the ordinary magician.

 Incident Resolved: Marisa (Hard)

Proof that you played the game extensively with an ordinary magician. I dub you Ordinary Magician Aficionado. Now try finishing hard mode with the ice fairy.

 Incident Resolved: Cirno (Hard)

Proof that you played the game extensively with a fairy. I dub you Fairy Aficionado. Now try finishing hard mode with the Hakurei shrine maiden.

 Incident Resolved: Reimu (Lunatic)

Proof that you mastered the game with a shrine maiden. I dub you Shrine Maiden Adherent. We offer a rite of blessing to you, a supremely gifted player!

 Incident Resolved: Marisa (Lunatic)

Proof that you mastered the game with an ordinary magician.I dub you Ordinary Magician Adherent. We offer a spell of blessing to you, a supremely gifted player!

 Incident Resolved: Cirno (Lunatic)

Proof that you mastered the game with a fairy. I dub you Fairy Adherent. We offer a season of blessing to you, a supremely gifted player!

 No Spell Card Clear (Normal)

The mark of a player that likes to give themselves unnecessary restrictions. It's always impressive to see someone shine without relying on bombs in tight spots!

 No Spell Card Clear (Hard)

The mark of a player that likes to give themselves unnecessary restrictions. Yeesh, I take my hat off to you. Keep it up!

 Graze Master

Proof that you dove headlong into danger. I dub you Risk Master. You survived against impossible odds. Dodging by a hair is second nature to you.

 Full Spell Card Capture (Hard)

You completed all spell cards on hard difficulty! I can't believe you actually did it... Congratulations!

 Accessorizing Journeyman

You've got over half the accessories now. You're a real collector! Dress up the girls even more to be extra distinctive and darling. ♪

 Extra Resolution (Hard)

You've cleared the extra stage on hard difficulty! A more fearsome apparition awaits you at an even newer difficulty...

 No Spell Card Clear (Lunatic)

The mark of a player that likes to give themselves unnecessary restrictions. You finally pulled it off. You cleared Lunatic without using any!

 Full Spell Card Capture (Lunatic)

You completed all spell cards on lunatic difficulty! Wait, seriously? That's an incredible achievement!

 Accessorizing Master

You've collected all the accessories. You're a collecting veteran! Coordinate up a storm with all these accessories!

 Extra Resolution (Lunatic)

You've cleared the extra stage on lunatic difficulty! You've beaten all of the extra stages! Nice!

 Total Resolution

Proof of unlocking every achievement. Thank you! We couldn't be more grateful for all the playing you've put in!
Geheime Trophäen

 Sucker Punched Cirno

A mark of shame for stooping to any low in an effort to win. The surprise attack must have worked great on a dumb opponent, huh?

 Got Sucker Punched by Remilia

A mark of shame for stooping to any low in an effort to win. Surprise attacks don't work on the charismatic.

 Tried to Peep

You tried to look? Sakuya is having none of your shenanigans. I think that dirty thoughts are bad!

 Actually Peeped

You SAW?! Sakuya must be throwing her hands up in disgust. If you strived that hard, I guess you deserve some props!


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