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The Lost Child


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für dieses Spiel haben wir aktuell kein eigenes Forum. Dieser Thread dient als Ersatz, um euch dennoch einen Austausch über das Spiel zu ermöglichen.



Woche für Woche erscheinen neue Spiele, die bei uns auch immer einen Platz in Form eines eigenen Forums erhalten, samt den wichtigen Standard-Threads. Da jede Software und auch jede Hardware irgendwann an ihre Grenzen stößt, sortieren wir ungenutzte und leere Foren wieder aus. Zwischen der Erstellung und der Löschung liegen dabei mindestens zwölf Monate. Sofern nach der Erstellung mehrere Beiträge oder gar ein Leitfaden und/oder eine Roadmap entstanden sind, wird das Forum nicht gelöscht. Mit diesem Thread gewähren wir eine für uns ressourcensparende Möglichkeit euch trotzdem eine Anlaufstelle zu bieten. Wenn hier eine entsprechende Aktivität zu verzeichnen ist, können wir gerne wieder ein eigenes Forum erstellen.




Das Team unterstützen

- Werbung nur für Gäste -



Trophäenliste - The Lost Child
1x platin.png  3x gold.png  11x silber.png  25x bronze.png  = 40

 Astral's True Form

EVILved an Astral to its final class.

 Grace of the Fruits of Wisdom

The Fruits of Wisdom system activated 50 times.

 Treasure Hunter

Opened 200 treasure chests.


Used synthesis 50 times.

 Useful Skills

Used the Spirit Scale 10 times.

 Astral Master

Captured and purified all capturable Astrals.

 Secret Power of the Demon Gun

Acquired all Astral Bursts.

 Layer Investigation Complete

Walked through 100% of all maps.

 Skill List Complete

Completed 100% of the Skill List.

 Item Inventory Complete

Completed 100% of the Item List.


Saved up 999 stamps from the Witch House.

 Full-Fledged Journalist

Completed all investigations.

 The Lost Child

Proof that you have mastered TLC. Thank you so much for playing.
Geheime Trophäen

 Demon Gun Gangour

Captured your first Astral.

 He Who is Not to be Named

Defeated the evil deity, Hastur.

 Flames that Even Burn the Light

Defeated the evil deity, Cthugha.

 Father Dagon

Defeated the evil deity, Dagon.

 Two Balucias

Cleared the battle against Fallen Angel Balucia.

 Great Emperor of the Great Abyss

Defeated Nodens.

 Goddess of Moisture

Defeated Tefnut.

 Two Chosen Ones

Cleared the battle against Michael.

 Purple Demon

Defeated Demon Balucia.

 God of Air

Defeated Shu.

 Bottomless Madness

Defeated the evil deity, Cthulhu.

 Chaos Crawling Closer

Defeated an Astral that Nyarlathotep possessed, for the first time.

 "Wh-What are you looking at!?"

Saw Lua come out of the bath at Maka Spa.

 Buff Effect Plus!

Saw Hayato come out of the bath at Maka Spa.

 Those Who Love the Mortal World

Captured Samael, Mastema, and Jeqon.

 Endless Spirit of Inquiry

Completed the investigation involving Leon.

 Beyond Fate

Completed the investigation involving Gagachi.

 Reason for His Fall

Completed the investigation involving Banba.

 One Who Understands Souls

Completed the investigation involving the Cyber Priest.

 Sealed Astral

Completed all investigations involving purification items.

 The King in Yellow

Defeated Hastur on 25F of R'lyeh Road.

 Living Flame

Defeated Cthugha on 50F of R'lyeh Road.

 Ruler of the Darkness on the Surface of Water

Defeated Dagon on 75F of R'lyeh Road.

 Pouring Her Heart

Acquired all items from Balucia's Pillar.

 A New Choice

Cleared the game.

 47°9'S 126°43'W

Defeated Cthulhu on 100F of R'lyeh Road.

 One Who Destroys Chaos

Defeated Nyarlathotep on every floor of R'lyeh Road.


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Wende dich an einen Admin, wenn du in diesem Thema etwas posten möchtest.

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