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UnExplored Unlocked Edition


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Trophäenliste - UnExplored - Unlocked Edition
1x platin.png  6x gold.png  9x silber.png  15x bronze.png  = 31


You defeated 50 enemies with a single (swingable) sword.

 Nimble Fingers

You picked a lock on a door or a chest.

 Batteries not Included

You recharged a spent magic staff.

 Finders Keepers

You collected 48 arrows.

 Rest the Bones

You put a skeleton permanently to rest.

 Blood, Sweat and Magic

You forged a runic item.

 Deep Delver

You discovered 5 levels in the Dungeon of Doom.

 Stingy (Mithril Run)

You collected 72 arrows as the Elf Archer.

 Geared Up (Mithril Run)

You crafted a magic shield as the Human Warrior.

 Exterminator (Ripley Run)

You killed 100 Creeps.

 Knee-Deep (Ripley Run)

You scored 250 kills.

 Dual Wielding (Ripley Run)

You found another repeater crossbow.

 Into the Abyss (Dark Ritual)

You climbed down a chasm.

 Fearless! (Dark Ritual)

You defeated a Wraith.

 Spell Caster (Dark Ritual)

You cast a spell to reveal a treasure.

 Tribal Teeth

You crafted a necklace of Orc teeth.

 Saint George

You slayed a real Dragon!

 Dodge This!

You killed a Boss with a pistol or musket.

 Mithril Miner (Mithril Run)

You collected 12 pieces of Mithril ore as the Dwarf Warrior.

 Sneaky Git (Mithril Run)

You performed 20 stealth kills as the Halfling Rogue.

 Frugal (Ripley Run)

You didn't fire your bow until you reached the Living Quarters.

 Thorough (Ripley Run)

You visited all 11 floors in the Mining Colony.

 An Audience! (Dark Ritual)

You reached the court of the Crimson King.

 The Magic Circle (Dark Ritual)

You found the Ritual Location.

 Brave or Foolish?

You discovered 7 levels in a hard game after starting with no equipment.

 No More to Explore?

You discovered all levels in the Dungeon of Doom.

 Explorer (Mithril Run)

You visited all 9 floors in the dungeon.

 You shall not Pass! (Mithril Run)

You defeated the Balrog as the Wizard.

 Ripped Her (Ripley Run)

You defeated the Visitor Queen.

 No Stone Unturned (Dark Ritual)

You explored all 10 levels of the Dark Ritual.


Unlock all Trophies.
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