BLUBb007 Geschrieben 18. Dezember 2019 Geschrieben 18. Dezember 2019 Hallo Community, es ist für dieses Spiel leider noch kein Leitfaden vorhanden. Wer einen dazu erstellen möchte, bitte vorher unsere Regeln lesen → Leitfäden - Regeln, Übersicht und Rangliste. Da wir unsere Leitfäden einheitlich gestalten, haben wir euch hier ein Tutorial erstellt, wie ein Leitfaden regelkonform aufzubauen ist → Leitfaden-Tutorial. Nach der Zuteilung des Leitfadens, der Fertigstellung, dem Ablauf der jeweiligen Frist und der Einarbeitung aller wichtigen Tipps und Tricks, kannst du hier im Thread Bescheid geben, damit dieser geschlossen und für die Startseite fertig bearbeitet werden kann. Vielen Dank Das Team unterstützen Zitieren
AiMania Geschrieben 23. Juli 2020 Geschrieben 23. Juli 2020 zur freien Verfügung: Trophäen-Leitfaden - Touring Karts 1x 1x 20x 24x = 46 Trophäen-Infos: Offline-Trophäen: Online-Trophäen: Verpassbare Trophäen: Verbuggte Trophäen: Automatische Trophäen: Allgemeine Infos: Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Turbo colaBasic powerup. An extra speed for a few seconds. We're not sure if this would pass dopping control. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Shield colaBasic powerup. A cool drink that turns you into a ghost and will be immune to adversaries’ attacks for a few seconds. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Warrior chickenMix Chicken + Bazooka A big chicken that shits explosive barrels in its path. Use it on a straight line full of cars and you'll get an evil smile on your face. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Banana XLMix a banana + Enlargement cola: A huge banana that is very difficult to dodge. Leave it in the middle of the track or give it directly to your “best friend” [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Hypnotic monkeyMix banana + Ice cube: A flying monkey with hypnotic powers will appear to the first 3 racers. Right-left, left-right was never so complicated to drive! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Shield cola XLMix shield cola + Enlargement cola: The final soda! You will remain immune to your adversaries' attacks much longer. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Ice cubeBasic powerup. Turn your enemies into a refreshing ice cube. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Explosive hammerMix Hammer + Bazooka: A special hammer that activates bombs with timer to all touches it. Cool! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text BazookaBasic powerup. Fire projectiles at your adversaries. Direct and without complications Boom! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Mini-bombBasic powerup. Shrink your enemies. Size matters! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Hammer XLMix Hammer + Enlargement cola What's better than a crushing hammer? a giant crusher hammer. Of course! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Banana Area drinkMix Banana + Mini-bomb A flying monkey armed with bananas will appear to the first 3 racers. They deserve it! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Red chickenMix chicken + Turbo cola: It is very similar to the normal chicken, but it is so fast that your adversaries will not have time to react. Surprise! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Yellow chickenMix chicken + Banana: A chicken with addiction to bananas that will leave a trail of bananas in its path. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text ChickenBasic powerup. A giant hen capable of crushing your adversaries. Note: No animal was damaged in the making of this video game. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Chicken XLMix chicken + Enlargement cola: A chicken so giant and huge that it will be seen from space. Maybe we're exaggerating a little. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Red bananaMix banana + Turbo cola: A banana genetically modified to emit electricity and affect all nearby enemies. Cool! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Ghostly chickenMix chicken + Shield cola: The ultimate secret weapon: A giant hen capable of crossing buildings and running over water. I want it! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Banana bazookaMix bazooka + banana: A bazooka that fire bananas and will turn you into a true banana master. Monkey’s word! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text HammerBasic powerup. A huge hammer capable of hitting your enemies directly. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Ghostly iceMix Ice cube + Shield cola A powerful, large ice cube capable of passing through buildings [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text BananaBasic powerup. Your enemies will slip like never. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Enlargement colaBasic powerup. You'll grow twice your normal size. Crush them! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Ice cube XLMix Ice cube + Enlargement cola: This giant ice cube is not only bigger but is also capable of freezing many opponents at once. Throw it in a straight line and watch! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Mini-bomb Area drinkMix shield cola + Mini-bomb: This special drink will make all nearby enemies small. Use it to crush those insects! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Ghostly turboMix turbo cola + shield cola: Enjoy the speed of ultra-fast, fully automated driving. A delight! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Ice Area drinkMix Ice cube + Mini-bomb: A very refreshing drink that will freeze all nearby opponents. Say goodbye to the heat! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Monkey bananasMix Banana + Shield cola: A flying monkey obsessed with throwing bananas will appear to the first 3 racers. Chaos guaranteed! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Ghostly HammerMix hammer + Shield cola: Turns you into a ghost and will be immune to adversaries’ attacks and keep the hammer. A 2x1 offer in full force! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Bazooka XLMix Bazooka + Enlargement cola: An improved version of the standard bazooka: Bigger, faster and of course: More destructive! Who wants more? [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Hammer godMix hammer + Turbo cola: A very famous compact hammer that discharges electricity to all nearby adversaries. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Turbo cola XLMix turbo cola + Enlargement cola: The ultimate energy drinks. Instant maximum speed to overtake all your opponents without exception. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Frozen hammerMix hammer + Ice cube: An extra-long frozen hammer that will cause an instantaneous descent of the temperature of everyone who touches it. The winter is coming! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Monkey hammerMix hammer + Mini bomb: A very special drink that will invoke a monkey with giant hammers to all the nearby adversaries. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Chicken hammerMix chicken + Hammer: What if a giant hen caught a giant hammer while running? Check it out! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Ghostly bazookaMix Bazooka + Shield cola: It's a technologically improved bazooka that won't be detected by your enemies and can pass through buildings. Hi-tech! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Frozen ChickenMix Chicken + Ice cube: A giant chicken that's shitting ice? Really? Here it is! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Tiple chickenMix Chicken + Mini-bomb: Instant chicken cloning! Now you have 3 hens, so: triple destructive power [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Frozen bazookaMix Bazooka + Ice cube: A bazooka that freezes opponents. Why not? It’s “cool” [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Monkey hammerMix banana + hammer: A flying monkey with huge hummers will appear to the first 3 racers. Jump, jump to the rhythm of my song! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text UFO Area drinkMix Mini-bomb with Turbo cola: This special drink will make appear to all the enemies nearby a small UFO able to make cars levitate. Wow! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Triple bazookaMix Bazooka + Mini-bomb: A bazooka that allows you to set 3 targets. 3 is always better than 1, isn't it? [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Red ice cubeMix ice cube + Turbo cola An ice cube that applies extra frostbite and is also red that is cooler. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Big UFOMix Mini-bomb + Enlargement cola: A giant UFO that follows you and will abduct your close adversaries. [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Red bazookaMix Bazooka + Turbo cola: A bazooka specially designed to attack the first without failing. An incredible gift for the leader! [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Touring Karts GodComplete All Trophies [Platin-Trophäe] Erhält man automatisch nach Erhalt aller Trophäen (ohne DLCs). Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du kannst nun die Schwierigkeit und den Zeitaufwand bewerten. Zitieren
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