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Allgemeiner Thread zu MLB 19 The Show


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Jemand da, der das Spiel spielt?
Da es ja gerade gratis bei PS Plus ist, wäre es ja lustig.

Mich erschreckt nur die Anzahl auf PSProfiles von 26 Platinerspieler.
Das liegt wohl an der  Gold Welcome To The Chip Trophy:


The second stage of this roadmap will cover the trophy that will most likely make or break your platinum hunt which is Gold Welcome To The Chip. This trophy requires you to get to Championship Series on Ranked Seasons in Diamond Dynasty. This is quite a difficult task because firstly you are going to be facing other players that are very good at the game. Secondly, you will have to build a team that can actually beat other players. In addition, you will have to be able to win at a constant rate because after rank 400 your rank will go down after every loss. Getting this trophy will be especially tough if you are not as familiar with the MLB games. Thankfully, this game does allow you to build a nice team with good players without any micro-transactions which does help a ton. This trophy is going to take you longer than all other ones combined unless you are a very experienced player, so make sure that you are ready before you do this. This may take you 100 hours of time to complete, it may take you 300 hours to complete, completely dependent on your skill level.



Bearbeitet von xhounz
Anfügen der schwersten Trophy
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