x_jeanne_x Geschrieben 18. Juni 2020 Teilen Geschrieben 18. Juni 2020 Trophäen-Leitfaden - London Detective Mysteria 1x 9x 4x 2x = 16 | Gesamtpunkte: 1140 Doppel-Platin möglich durch Versionen PS-Vita (INT und JP). Trophäen-Infos: Offline-Trophäen: 16 Online-Trophäen: 0 Verpassbare Trophäen: 9 Verbuggte Trophäen: 0 Automatische Trophäen: 2 Allgemeine Infos: Das Spiel ist komplett in englischer Sprache. Für das Erspielen der Trophäen werden aber keine umfassenden Englischkenntnisse benötigt. Hier ein paar Details zum Spielprinzip: "London Detective Mysteria" ist eine Novelle, bei welcher der Handlungsverlauf durch verschiedene Antwortmöglichkeiten zu gegebenen Zeitpunkten bestimmt wird. In diesem Spiel sind alle Entscheidungen auf zehn Sekunden beschränkt, dann wird in den meisten Fällen selbstständig zufällig eine der vorgegebenen Antworten gewählt. Ausnahme davon ist zum Beispiel in Kapitel 8 das Coderätsel - hier ist es für ein Ende notwendig, die Zeit bewusst ablaufen zu lassen. Sollte man zu langsam mit dem Auswählen der Antwort sein, so kann man jederzeit während des Spielverlaufs mit zur letzten Entscheidungsmöglichkeit zurück springen. Man kann durch Gedrückthalten von Texte vorspulen. Hat man gewisse Teile bereits gelesen, so kann man mit bis zur nächsten Entscheidung springen. Bereits gelesener Text wird farblich hervorgehoben, der Text ungelesener Szenen ist weiß. Im Pause-Menü unter kann man einsehen, wie hoch die Zuneigung der einzelnen Charaktere bereits ist. Hier noch ein paar Informationen, wie sich die verschiedenen Routen und die Galerie verhalten: Für die Trophäen "Sketch Artist", "Illustrator", "Becoming a Fine Lady" und "Happily Ever After" sind mehrere Spieldurchgänge notwendig, da einerseits die Grafiken auf alle verschiedenen Routen verteilt sind und andererseits manche Routen erst durch den Abschluss anderer im nächsten Durchgang verfügbar werden. Nicht alle Routen sind gleich beim ersten Spieldurchgang verfügbar. Lupins und Jacks Routen werden erst nach dem Erspielen eines anderen guten Endes freigeschaltet. Für die "Grand"-Route müssen zuerst alle anderen Enden erspielt werden. Das sind insgesamt fünf gute Enden, fünf normale Enden und drei schlechte Enden. Darling Debut Completed the prologue. Schließe den Prolog ab. [Offline-Trophäe] Erhält man automatisch im Spielverlauf, wenn man den Prolog abgeschlossen hat. Sketch Artist Discovered half of the event artwork in the game. Entdecke die Hälfte der Grafiken im Spiel. [Offline-Trophäe] Im Spielverlauf gibt es immer wieder Grafiken zu sehen, sowohl in den Standardkapiteln, als auch auf den Routen zu den guten und schlechten Charakterenden. Weitere erhält man in den Epilogen, die nach Abschluss der guten Enden verfügbar werden. Die Trophäe erhält man, wenn man die Hälfte aller verfügbaren Grafiken gesehen hat. Illustrator Discovered all event artwork in the game. Entdecke alle Grafiken im Spiel. [Offline-Trophäe] Im Spielverlauf gibt es immer wieder Grafiken zu sehen, sowohl in den Standardkapiteln, als auch auf den Routen zu den guten und schlechten Charakterenden. Weitere erhält man in den Epilogen, die nach Abschluss der guten Enden verfügbar werden. Die Trophäe erhält man, wen man alle verfügbaren Grafiken gesehen hat. Es ist dafür nicht notwendig, zuerst die Galerie aufzurufen. Sobald man die letzte Grafik während des Spielverlaufs gesehen hat, erhält man die Trophäe. World-class Detective Obtained all trophies. Erhalte alle Trophäen. [Platin-Trophäe] Erhält man automatisch nach Erhalt aller Trophäen (ohne DLCs). Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du kannst nun die Schwierigkeit und den Zeitaufwand bewerten. Dear Diary Recorded the day's events for the first time. Zum ersten Mal die Geschehnisse des Tages zusammengefasst. [Offline-Trophäe] Mehrmals während des Handlungsverlaufs gibt es abends immer wieder die Möglichkeit, den Tag Revue passieren zu lassen. Hierbei kann man auswählen, ob man in seinem Tagebuch schreiben, ein Buch lesen oder zu Bett gehen möchte. Zu einem dieser Zeitpunkte muss man "Write in my diary." als Antwort ausgewählt haben, um die Trophäe zu erhalten. In St. Mary Mead Discovered true friendship with Marple. Wahre Freundschaft mit Maple entdeckt. [Offline-Trophäe] [Verpassbare Trophäe] Erhält man, wenn man das gute ("Charmed") Ende von Marple erspielt hat. Dieses Ende ist bereits von Anfang an verfügbar. Hier ein möglicher Weg von Spielbeginn an, um dieses Ende zu erspielen: Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Deliver it to the police. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's amazing! Read a book. Akechi. I wouldn't want to drink tea made like that. What if the corpse had something contagious? Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Write in my diary. Why not? I'll call out to them. Classified documents on major crimes. Timer auslaufen lassen. My. Timer auslaufen lassen. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Boy Detectives Club Discovered true friendship with Kobayashi. Wahre Freundschaft mit Kobayashi entdeckt. [Offline-Trophäe] [Verpassbare Trophäe] Erhält man, wenn man das gute ("Charmed") Ende von Kobayashi erspielt hat. Dieses Ende ist bereits von Anfang an verfügbar. Hier ein möglicher Weg von Spielbeginn an, um dieses Ende zu erspielen: Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Holmes! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. But what about you? Watson. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's amazing. Read a book. Kobayashi. I wouldn't want to drink tea made like that. What if the corpse had something contagious? Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. Why not? I'll call out to them. Classified documents on major crimes. Timer auslaufen lassen. My. Move the left panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the left. Move the right panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the right. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Both of you! Give it to Kobayashi. If I'm caught eavesdropping I'll surely be reprimanded. How should I tell him? Because you're my schoolmate. The moustachioed man. Because he's a collector. Protect the basket. I want to treasure the time we have together. The Calm Before the Storm Gathered everyone for a lovely picnic. Alle für ein schönes Picknick versammelt. [Offline-Trophäe] Erhält man automatisch im Spielverlauf, wenn man alle Charaktere für ein Picknick versammelt hat. Während des Handlungsverlaufs macht die ganze Detektiv-Klasse einen Ausflug zu einem Picknick in den Park. Die Handlung wird dabei erst fortgesetzt, wenn sich alle zum Picknick versammelt haben. Zu Beginn geht jeder seinen eigenen Interessen nach und man muss alle der Klasse davon überzeugen, sich einem für das Picknick anzuschließen. Dafür wählt man sie der Reihe nach aus und wählt die richtigen Worte, damit sie ihre momentane Aktivität abbrechen. Dies muss man für Holmes, Watson, Marple, Lupine, Hudson, Akechi und Kobayashi machen. Hat man die richtige Antwort bei einem Charakter gegeben, so wird dieser als "gesammelt" mit einem kleinen Charakterbild am linken Bildschirmrand markiert. Hat man einen Charakter nicht überreden können, so kann man ihn erneut auswählen und es mit einer anderen Antwort versuchen. Die bereits gegebene wird in einer anderen Farbe hervorgehoben. Die Trophäe erhält man, sobald auch Jack sich zum Picknick dazugesellt hat. Mit den folgenden Antworten kann man direkt alle für das Picknick einsammeln: Spoiler Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...silently take his hand. One Woman to Him Discovered true love with Holmes. Wahre Liebe mit Holmes erlebt. [Offline-Trophäe] [Verpassbare Trophäe] Erhält man, wenn man das gute ("Destined") Ende von Holmes erspielt hat. Dieses Ende ist bereits von Anfang an verfügbar. Hier ein möglicher Weg von Spielbeginn an, um dieses Ende zu erspielen: Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Deliver it to the police. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Holmes! It's important for a detective. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. Facts are facts. He is a criminal. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Holmes's. O Move the right panel upwards. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. ...I want to help Holmes. This isn't like you. Never Elementary Discovered true love with Watson. Wahre Liebe mit Watson erlebt. [Offline-Trophäe] [Verpassbare Trophäe] Erhält man, wenn man das gute ("Destined") Ende von Watson erspielt hat. Dieses Ende ist bereits von Anfang an verfügbar. Hier ein möglicher Weg von Spielbeginn an, um dieses Ende zu erspielen: Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Watson Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. It's better to wait and see what happens. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Watson's. In. Move the right panel upwards. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Accept what he says. I can't do that. The Last Love Discovered true love with Lupin. Wahre Liebe mit Lupin erlebt. [Offline-Trophäe] [Verpassbare Trophäe] Erhält man, wenn man das gute ("Destined") Ende von Lupin erspielt hat. Dieses Ende ist nicht von Anfang an verfügbar. Erst nachdem man ein beliebiges anderes gutes Ende erspielt hat, werden Lupins und Jacks Routen freigeschaltet. Hier ein möglicher Weg von Spielbeginn an, um dieses Ende zu erspielen: Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. But what about you? Holmes. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...keep my eyes closed. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Lupine's. ...the cipher used by Marie Antoinette and Count Axel von Fersen. Move the right panel upwards. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. ...the slope You didn't burn your tongue, did you? Thank you. Lupine. Holmes. My dearest? From Hell to Heaven Discovered true love with Jack. Wahre Liebe mit Jack erlebt. [Offline-Trophäe] [Verpassbare Trophäe] Erhält man, wenn man das gute ("Destined") Ende von Lupin erspielt hat. Dieses Ende ist nicht von Anfang an verfügbar. Erst nachdem man ein beliebiges anderes gutes Ende erspielt hat, werden Lupins und Jacks Routen freigeschaltet. Hier ein möglicher Weg von Spielbeginn an, um dieses Ende zu erspielen: Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. You haven't taken any notes? I'm dripping with curiosity. I want to get to know you better. Read a book. Facts are facts. He is a criminal. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. I wouldn't want to drink tea made like that. What if the corpse had something contagious? Umm... Are you all right? The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. Why not? I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Jack's. When. Move the right panel upwards. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...silently take his hand. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. They don't understand life before them. (I'm so happy.) I should like to see the crime scene. He would never do anything like that. ...Jack couldn't be him. I'll open the window. I'll grab Pendleton's arm. Place a flower and offer prayers. Place a flower and offer prayers. Place a flower and offer prayers. Place a flower and offer prayers. Place a flower and offer prayers. Kogoro's Kokoro Discovered true love with Akechi. Wahre Liebe mit Akechi erlebt. [Offline-Trophäe] [Verpassbare Trophäe] Erhält man, wenn man das gute ("Destined") Ende von Akechi erspielt hat. Dieses Ende ist bereits von Anfang an verfügbar. Hier ein möglicher Weg von Spielbeginn an, um dieses Ende zu erspielen: Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Holmes! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. But what about you? Watson. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's amazing. Read a book. Akechi. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'll call out to them. Classified documents on major crimes. Timer auslaufen lassen. My. Move the left panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the left. Move the right panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the right. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Akechi! Eat it myself. I'm curious what all this is about. I need to tell him! Because you're important to me. The young woman. A flower seller. Brace for impact. I wish we could stay like this forever. A Performance Slated to Bomb Witnessed a performance you'll never forget. Einer Aufführung beigewohnt, die du nie vergessen wirst. [Offline-Trophäe] [Verpassbare Trophäe] Erhält man, wenn man das "Baker Street"-Ende erspielt hat. Dieses Ende ist von Anfang an verfügbar. Hier ein möglicher Weg von Spielbeginn an, um dieses Ende zu erspielen: Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Deliver it to the police. I'd flee the country with him! Watson! It's important for a detective. Right as rain! Watson! Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. Facts are facts. He is a criminal. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my itention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Holmes's. O Move the left panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the left. Move the right panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the right. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Becoming a Fine Lady Persevered to the very end. Bis zum Ende durchgehalten. [Offline-Trophäe] [Verpassbare Trophäe] Erhält man, wenn man das "Grand"-Ende erspielt hat. Dafür ist es notwendig, alle 15 anderen Enden zuvor erspielt zu haben. Insgesamt gibt es für Holmes, Watson, Lupine, Jack und Akechi jeweils ein romantisches ("Destined") und ein trauriges ("Ill-fated") Ende sowie für Jack zwei schlechte ("Wretched") Enden. Zusätzlich gibt es noch jeweils ein normales ("Charmed") Ende für Marple und Kobayashi sowie ein allgemeines Ende ("Baker Street"). Erst nachdem man all diese gespielt hat, kann man auch die letzte Route spielen. Hat man alle Enden bereits einmal gesehen, startet man ein neues Spiel und folgt dem Spielverlauf, bis man während des Prologs, anders als bei den Durchgängen zuvor, eine Entscheidungsmöglichkeit präsentiert bekommt. Hier wählt man innerhalb der vorgegebenen Zeit die Antwort "Open it" aus und folgt dann dem weiteren Spielverlauf, bis man die Trophäe erhält. Hier noch mögliche Wege, um alle Enden zu erspielen: Spoiler Holmes - "Destined": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Deliver it to the police. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Holmes! It's important for a detective. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. Facts are facts. He is a criminal. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Holmes's. O Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. ...I want to help Holmes. This isn't like you. Holmes - "Ill-fated": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Deliver it to the police. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Holmes! It's important for a detective. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. It's better to wait and see what happens. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Umm... Are you all right? The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Zeit ablaufen lassen. My. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. ...I must prioritise the family name. Always! Watson - "Destined": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Watson Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. It's better to wait and see what happens. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Watson's. In. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Accept what he says. I can't do that. Watson - "Ill-fated": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Watson Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. It's better to wait and see what happens. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Watson's. In. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Keep arguing. I don't know what to do. Lupin - "Destined": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. But what about you? Holmes. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...keep my eyes closed. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Lupine's. ...the cipher used by Marie Antoinette and Count Axel von Fersen. Move the right panel upwards. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. ...the slope You didn't burn your tongue, did you? Thank you. Lupine. Holmes. My dearest? Lupin - "Ill-fated": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. But what about you? Holmes. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...keep my eyes closed. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Lupine's. ...the cipher used by Marie Antoinette and Count Axel von Fersen. Move the right panel upwards. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. ...the slope You should really be more careful! I won't back down. ...me? Watson. Princess? Jack - "Destined": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. You haven't taken any notes? I'm dripping with curiosity. I want to get to know you better. Read a book. Facts are facts. He is a criminal. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. I wouldn't want to drink tea made like that. What if the corpse had something contagious? Umm... Are you all right? The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. Why not? I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Jack's. When. Move the right panel upwards. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...silently take his hand. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. They don't understand life before them. (I'm so happy.) I should like to see the crime scene. He would never do anything like that. ...Jack couldn't be him. I'll open the window. I'll grab Pendleton's arm. Place a flower and offer prayers. Place a flower and offer prayers. Place a flower and offer prayers. Place a flower and offer prayers. Place a flower and offer prayers. Jack - "Ill-fated": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. You haven't taken any notes? I'm dripping with curiosity. I want to get to know you better. Read a book. Facts are facts. He is a criminal. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. I wouldn't want to drink tea made like that. What if the corpse had something contagious? Umm... Are you all right? The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. Why not? I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Jack's. When. Move the right panel upwards. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...silently take his hand. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. They don't understand life before them. (I'm so happy.) I should like to see the crime scene. He would never do anything like that. ...Jack couldn't be him. I'll open the window. I'll grab Pendleton's arm. Hurry On. Hurry On. Hurry On. Hurry On. Hurry On. Jack - "Wretched #1": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. You haven't taken any notes? I'm dripping with curiosity. I want to get to know you better. Read a book. Facts are facts. He is a criminal. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. I wouldn't want to drink tea made like that. What if the corpse had something contagious? Umm... Are you all right? The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. Why not? I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Jack's. When. Move the right panel upwards. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...silently take his hand. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. They don't understand life before them. (I'm so happy.) I should like to see the crime scene. He would never do anything like that. ...Jack couldn't be him. I must hurry out of this room! Jack - "Wretched #2": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. You haven't taken any notes? I'm dripping with curiosity. I want to get to know you better. Read a book. Facts are facts. He is a criminal. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. I wouldn't want to drink tea made like that. What if the corpse had something contagious? Umm... Are you all right? The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. Why not? I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Jack's. When. Move the right panel upwards. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...silently take his hand. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. They don't understand life before them. (I'm so happy.) I should like to see the crime scene. He would never do anything like that. ...Jack couldn't be him. I'll open the window. I'll jump in front of the bullet. Akechi - "Destined": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Holmes! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. But what about you? Watson. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's amazing. Read a book. Akechi. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'll call out to them. Classified documents on major crimes. Timer auslaufen lassen. My. Move the left panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the left. Move the right panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the right. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Akechi! Eat it myself. I'm curious what all this is about. I need to tell him! Because you're important to me. The young woman. A flower seller. Brace for impact. I wish we could stay like this forever. Akechi - "Ill-fated": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Holmes! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. But what about you? Watson. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's amazing. Read a book. Akechi. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'll call out to them. Classified documents on major crimes. Timer auslaufen lassen. My. Move the left panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the left. Move the right panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the right. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Both of you! Eat it myself. If I'm caught eavesdropping, I'll surely be reprimanded. How should I tell him? Because you're my friend. The elderly woman. Gather eyewitness reports on carriages. Protect the basket. I want to treasure the time we have together. Marple - "Charmed": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Deliver it to the police. I'd suggest he turn himself in. Watson! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. Right as rain! Holmes. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's amazing! Read a book. Akechi. I wouldn't want to drink tea made like that. (Optional und taucht eventuell nicht auf.) What if the corpse had something contagious? (Optional und taucht eventuell nicht auf.) Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Write in my diary. Why not? I'll call out to them. Classified documents on major crimes. Timer auslaufen lassen. My. Timer auslaufen lassen. Give up. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Kobayashi - "Charmed": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Give it to the child. I'd flee the country with him. Holmes! You ought to consider everyone's feelings. But what about you? Watson. Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. He's only committing crimes to fight crime. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's amazing. Read a book. Kobayashi. I wouldn't want to drink tea made like that. What if the corpse had something contagious? Forgive me. It was never my intention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. Why not? I'll call out to them. Classified documents on major crimes. Timer auslaufen lassen. My. Move the left panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the left. Move the right panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the right. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Both of you! Give it to Kobayashi. If I'm caught eavesdropping I'll surely be reprimanded. How should I tell him? Because you're my schoolmate. The moustachioed man. Because he's a collector. Protect the basket. I want to treasure the time we have together. "Baker Street": Spoiler I'm all right. The second witness. A. One. Deliver it to the police. I'd flee the country with him! Watson! It's important for a detective. Right as rain! Watson! Read a book. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm dripping with curiosity. It's important to make friends. Read a book. Facts are facts. He is a criminal. The safe. The window. ...open my eyes. Read a book. The kitchen. The study. The stable. He's not someone I'll get on well with. Read a book. The results wouldn't be very accurate that way. Forgive me. It was never my itention to frighten you, young lady. The stolen plate is false. Someone close to Hudson. ...Mr Curtis. ...Mrs Blois. ...Mrs Attlee. Someone else. Mr Howard. Read a book. I really shouldn't. I'd best let them go. Classified documents on major crimes. Holmes's. O Move the left panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the left. Move the right panel downwards. Move the upper panel to the right. Skip it! → Wenn möglich, kann hier das Picknick-Minispiel übersprungen werden, ansonsten ist diese Auswahl nicht zu sehen. Wenn die Auswahl nicht zu sehen ist, sind die folgenden Antworten zu geben: Holmes ...watch what he's doing. Watson ...climb up the tree. Marple ...call out to her. Someone else. Lupine ...play a practical joke on him? Hudson ...joined in on the fun. Somebody else. Akechi ...watch him sleep. Somebody else. Kobayashi ...simply tell him why I'm here? ...call out to him. Auswahl von "...the slope" oder "...the back alley" egal. Happily Ever After Completed all epilogues. Alle Epiloge abgeschlossen. [Offline-Trophäe] Nach Abschließen der guten Enden von Holmes, Watson, Lupin, Jack und Akechi sowie für die wahre Route ("Grand"-Ende) werden je ein Epilog unter "Extras → Epilogues" verfügbar. Die Beschreibung der Trophäe besagt, dass man jeden der Epiloge abgeschlossen haben muss, um sie zu erhalten. Tatsächlich erhält man die Trophäe aber auch bereits, wenn man zwar alle Epiloge freigeschaltet, aber nur den Epilog der wahren Route ("Above Ground: The Eve of London's New Age") ausgewählt und abgeschlossen hat, unabhängig davon, wie viele andere man zuvor schon gespielt hat. In den Epilogen gibt es keine Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten. Es reicht, diese nur bis zum Ende zu lesen. Um auch das "Grand"-Ende erspielen zu können, müssen zuvor nicht nur die guten Charakter-Enden, sondern auch alle normalen und schlechten Enden erspielt worden sein. Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
stiller Geschrieben 31. Juli 2020 Teilen Geschrieben 31. Juli 2020 Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
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