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9 hours ago, Fenrir said:

Liegt nicht am Spiel. Freitag 13 isn Kickstarter Spiel die haben laut eigener Aussage nicht mit soviel ansturm gerechnet und nicht genug Server.  Ich kann dir nur den Tip geben mittags zu spielen da findet man schneller spiele. Abend wen Amis Online sind wartest zum teil schon mal 1 1/2 bis 2 Stunden.



das lasse ich nicht gelten. Dann sollen sie das mal öffentlich machen. Sind ja immerhin auch knappe 40 €. Das Spiel ist ne Woche raus, das muss irgendwie mal gelöst werden. Genau wie "Hostmigration", geht nicht, dass alle gekickt werden, sobal der Host das Spiel verlässt udn alle XP weg sind.

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Und ein paar Neuigkeiten seitens der Entwickler. Bin unterwegs, daher das Statement von Facebook  1:1 kopiert.


UPDATE JUNE 6, 2017 - PS4 Patch has arrived! Update on Xbox One 

Hi everyone! We know the wait has been a bit long, and matchmaking for consoles has not been the best. We've been working day-in and day-out, but we're finally making headway and have some more solid news on what's going on. 

FIRST OFF; the PS4 Patch version 1.04 is now live! This patch is primarily focused on matchmaking issue fixes as well as improving overall experience by removing some exploits. We want to reiterate VERY STRONGLY that matchmaking fixes are always an on-going process. Testing showed around a 4x-6x improvement in matchmaking speed; though we'll continue to monitor in the live environment. Nothing is certain, but we're watching!

Those of you with DLC: the Savini-Jason has gone live and you can now access him. Clothing Packs are slated to go live sometime today, maybe tomorrow. Sony Europe backers are being emailed their keys, while Sony America backers should be able to utilize their keys already delivered. 

Patch Notes as follows; 

- Matchmaking Fixes. Should decrease amount of time it takes to match make.
- Added a Random option in the lobby.
- Increased effectiveness of Jason and Counselor spawn preference options. Shuffling the possible Jason list 3x as much to help randomness.
- Disabled inhale sound effect for breathing while in a hiding spot.
- Made dead body stingers less obnoxious: Ignored while being pursued by Jason; 10s cooldown; Will not fire for witnessed nearby deaths.


- Various fixes to the different glitch / hide / exploit spots
- Fixed issue where you have infinite stamina.
- Fixed a few areas where the player couldn't reach with Jason. Also fixed a stuck spot on Packanack.
- Fixed perk roller UI sometimes getting stuck if there is an error talking to the database.
- Fixed session heartbeat requests to be more resilient to service failures.
- Fixed character hair stretching at lower frame rate.
- Fixed Jason not always aborting the knife throw when stunned.
- Fixed a case where it was possible to get stuck in a knife throw.
- Fixed some visibility issues with the door interaction icons.
- Fixed some placement issues with dropped items.
- Fixed Jason's mask floating when knocked off.
- Fixed Jason not always cancelling shift or morph if they hit a car in reverse.
- Fixed an issue with the hiding spot exit code.
- Fixed Counselors potentially getting stuck inside of a wall if hit while climbing through a window at the perfect time.
- Fixed Rotate Minimap With Player not updating when changed until a map change.
- Fixed some host specific crashes.
- Fixed people being able to share settings save games.
- Fixes for DLC

SECOND OFF; Xbox One's matchmaking upgrade is currently in-test within our team, and will be submitted to test with Microsoft tomorrow. We anticipate the patch to go live on either Thursday or Friday, however this is not set in stone. If things change, we will let you know. We will post when we intend to patch and will include XB1 specific notes as well. 

THIRD OFF; Our upgrade with security features on Steam are ongoing, will have news on that soon as we are able. 

We know this has been a bit of a wait, and we apologize for the issues, but these things take time and we have to constantly check how things are improving while ensuring this game continues to grow. 

For those of you who've had to wait, our sincere apologies and we hope you know that our team is working as quickly as we possibly can. Hope you enjoy!


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