StheelX Geschrieben 12. Mai 2017 Geschrieben 12. Mai 2017 Ich würde es schade finden, wenn die Platin ähnlich leicht wird wie bei MKX wird. Hatte mich eigentlich schon auf dem Kampf-Modus (unmöglich und Wahnsinn) gefreut und eingestellt gehabt. So wie er im ersten Teil war. Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 30. Mai 2017 Geschrieben 30. Mai 2017 Am 5/23/2017 um 20:22 schrieb Heiko2764: Und sagt mal, diese 100 Multiversum-Events, die erreicht werden wollen, reichen da einzelne Aufgaben darin oder muss man da einen gesamten Planeten abgeschlossen haben? Weil, 100 Planeten wäre äußerst zeitaufwendig. Es reichen einzelne Aufgaben von einem Planeten. Zumindest war es bei der 25 Multiversum Trophäe so. Habe immer wieder vom ersten Planeten die erste Aufgabe erledigt. Damit ich alle Charakter-Enden sehen kann. Nach 25 mal die Aufgabe 1 (5 Kämpfe), bekam ich die Multiversum Trophäe. Später natürlich auch meine Charakter-Enden Trophäe. Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 8. Juni 2017 Geschrieben 8. Juni 2017 vor 19 Stunden schrieb Recep_hat_Hunger: Naja, Katzenmusik werdet ihr auch nie bekommen, auch wenn ihr viele Goldboxen gekauft habt. Es ist einfach unmöglich. x'D Weil ich auch vorher getestet habe. Ich bekam viele Fähigkeiten aber nie Katzenmusik. vor 17 Stunden schrieb Recep_hat_Hunger: Mir genauso auch und habe auch eine Wonderwomen Fähigkeiten bekommen. Alles gemacht was ich gemacht habe, trotzdem wird diese Katzenmusik nie kommen. Keine Ahnung warum dass es so ist... x'D vor 6 Stunden schrieb Recep_hat_Hunger: Ist ne gute Angebote. Aber lieber allein machen und dafür hättest du ne Geld sparen können. Ich meine, du wirst sowieso nie bekommen. x.x x'D Ich kann mir wirklich sehr gut vorstellen, daß du frustriert bist, aber könntest du bitte aufhören andere, mich eingeschlossen, mit deinen negativ Kommentare runter zu ziehen. Ich selbst habe auch schon 7000 Bronze Box geöffnet, aber ich werfe jetzt nicht jedem Mitstreiter hier im Forum am Kopf, daß sie die Fähigkeit von Catwoman selbst auch nie bekommen werden. Die Trophy hat halt leider etwas mit Glück und gegenfalls mit Ausdauer beim Motherboxen öffne zu tun, aber deswegen ist sie aber nicht unmöglich. Irgendwann wird sie schon kommen, lass dich davon aber bitte nicht runter ziehen. Denn Geduld ist eine Tugend. Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 9. Juni 2017 Geschrieben 9. Juni 2017 vor 5 Stunden schrieb Recep_hat_Hunger: Ich frag mich, wenn die neue Patch (1.04) löschen und Internet deaktivieren würden. Bleibt alles offline. Weiß nicht ob es möglich ist, ob die 1000 Bonze Motherboxen kosten? x'D Wenn du den Patch (1.04) löscht, wirst du bestimmt bei Version 1.00 landen. Ob du dann aber deinen Savegame von Version 1.04 nutzen kannst, müsstest du mal ausprobieren. ;-) Aber dann würden die Bronze Boxen auch nur 1000 statt 5000 kosten. ich selbst bleibe erstmal bei Version 1.03. Mache erstmal alle Offline Dinge. 100 Multiversum-Events, alle Charakter hoch leveln auf 20. Dann lade ich mein Savegame in die Cloud und ziehe mir immer wieder Boxen die ich gesammelt habe, bzw die ich mir von meinen Credits kaufen kann. Wenn da die Fähigkeit nicht bei raus kommt, lade ich mir wieder mein Savegame von der Cloud runter und öffne meine gesammelten Boxen und und und.... Wenn ich dann die Fähigkeit bekommen habe, werde ich erst Updaten, aber bis dahin gibt es bestimmt schon Version 2.0 Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 29. Juni 2017 Geschrieben 29. Juni 2017 vor 11 Stunden schrieb Mercer1992: Hallo liebe Leute. Mal ne Frage zu der Trophäe jeden Char auf level 20 bringen. Muss ich auch die DLC Chars auf lvl 20 bringen, also Red Hood ist ja neu dazu gekommen. Und wie siehts mit Darkside und Brainiac aus? Moin Moin. DLC Charakter musst du nicht machen, die sind nicht relevant für die Trophäe. Also Darksaid und Red Hood brauchst du nicht. Brainiac hingegen schon, da er kein DLC Charakter ist. Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 1. Juli 2017 Geschrieben 1. Juli 2017 vor einer Stunde schrieb ItachiSaix: Die Methode mit dem Neu Laden funktioniert leider nicht. Ich habe zwar einen alten Speicherstand hochgeladen, nur als ich es wieder runterladen wollte, war ich auf den aktuellsten Stand wie beim letzten Mal. Wo dran kann das liegen? Das liegt daran, daß du bestimmt online warst. Ich ziehe immer mein LAN Kabel aus der PS4, während ich das ganze mache. Also ich ziehe mein Speicherstand auf dem USB Stick oder in die Cloud. Danach ziehe ich mein LAN Kabel, damit das Spiel keine Verbindung zum Spiele Server mehr herstellen kann. Starte nun das Spiel, während du offline bist. Nun kannst du deine ganzen Credits oder gesammelten Motherboxen öffnen. Wenn du fertig bist und kein Glück hattest die Catwomen Fähigkeit zu bekommen, einfach das Spiel beenden und den alten Speicherstand wieder herstellen. Es ist aber wie gesagt wichtig, daß du immer offline bist, wenn du das Spiel geöffnet hast, oder im Hintergrund läuft. Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 1. Juli 2017 Geschrieben 1. Juli 2017 Laut der WB Community soll Patch 1.05 erschienen sein. Quelle: Hier das Changelog: JULY UPDATE General Gameplay fixes General offline & online stability improvements Move list corrections Forward and Backward dashes now require a more precise input when buffered Setting Input Shortcuts Off in controller settings makes buffered special move checks in cancel windows, reversals, & wakeups have to be more precise Bug fixes to lingering visual and sound effects related to some Multiverse Modifiers Players now receive reduced experience bonuses when playing against an opponent of much lower levels. Added Restart Match option to the pause menu in Multiverse where applicable Removed Event Select and Main Menu from the pause menu in the Endless event. Added End Event Run option to pause menu in the Endless event which grants rewards as if you lost your current match. Fixed bug that would cause the boss version of Brainiac to become unresponsive if Drone Summon attack was interrupted at a specific time Fixed several issues with resetting practice mode while using interactions Adjusted misaligned bomb visual placements when done in certain situations (hit regions were not affected) Fixed lingering visual effect errors on several interactions when they were interrupted or used in specific situations Fixed an issue that caused some users to receive an excessive amount of Guild and Mother Box notifications at once Users now have access to a Quick Open Next option after opening a Mother Box Modifier descriptions are now shown before a Multiverse match where applicable Multiverse Meta-Challenges are better highlighted Added quick scroll buttons to the character list in the Customize Characters menu Users can now Mark All As Seen in the Customize Characters menu to clear the ‘new’ indicator Several projectile attacks have been changed to interact correctly with projectile affecting special moves (such as Captain Cold’s The Wall MeterBurn). These moves are: Batman – Sky Grapple Black Adam – Power of Aton Gear Ability Captain Cold – Upward Cold Blast Gear Ability Cyborg – Up Nova Blast MeterBurn Deadshot – Bullet Barrage Green Lantern – Air Battery Blast Green Lantern – Air Oa’s Rocket Gear Ability Red Hood – Air Akimbo Blaze MeterBurn Stage Specific Fixes Bomb interactions now have 3 active frames (down from 5) Atlantis - Statue jump interaction can only be performed as a cancel once per combo Atlantis - Console slam interaction can only be performed once per combo Arkham Asylum - Fixed visual problem when killing an opponent with the toilet interaction Batcave - Fixed character facing issue when killing opponent with hanging light interaction Batcave - Console slam interaction can only be performed once per combo Batcave - Brother Eye interaction can only be performed once per combo and has increased damage scaling Slaughter Swamp - reduced the range in which the truck Environmental Interaction can be used Character Specific Fixes Atrocitus – Fixed a bug which allowed for Dex-Starr Character Power attacks to sometimes be used in situations where you were in a throw state Atrocitus – additional damage added after Napalm Vomit attacks inside of a combo will now use the correct combo damage scaling. (This does not apply in Competitive / Tournament Mode) Batman - Fixed a bug which allowed for the Mechanical Bats Character Power to sometimes be able to attack in situations where you were in a throw state Batman - Pressing a button not bound to any attacks during Glide will no longer prevent further inputs Black Adam - Fixed a bug which allowed for the Seth Strike Gear Ability to sometimes be able to attack in situations where you were in a throw state Black Adam – Adjusted Air Boot Stomp ability to be able to cross up when an opponent was in the corner (This does not apply in competitive / Tournament Mode) Black Canary - Fixed bug in which online match rollback could cause the Canary Cry audio effect to persist for the rest of the match Black Canary - Canary Cry character power attacks no longer interacts with projectile affecting special moves Brainiac - If a Beta Strike Character Power is active when a throw escape occurs, it is destroyed (This does not apply in Completive / Tournament Mode) Captain Cold - No longer continues to gain Character Power meter if transitioned while holding Cyclotron Charge (This does not apply in Completive / Tournament Mode) Cheetah - Fixed camera issue that could occur when an online rollback happens during Savage Ambush MeterBurn Cheetah – After landing a jump attack during her Jungle Jump Gear Ability she can now combo into standing attacks Cyborg - Fixed audio issue with Techno Tackle MeterBurn being interrupted Cyborg - Fixed issue with Repair Circuit Gear Ability causing the Character Power UI to not display correct information if cancelled Cyborg - Fixed a bug that prevented the Directed Arm Blaster Gear Ability from dropping from Mother Boxes Cyborg - Fixed bugs with Target Acquired while under the effects of some Multiverse Modifiers Darkseid – Adjusted Low Omega Beam’s hit region to collide more consistently Darkseid - Fixed a bug which allowed for the Parademon Character Power to sometimes be able to attack in situations where you were in a throw state Darkseid - Fixed bug where Explosive Demon could be summoned in the background if used immediately following a Background Bounce Interaction Darkseid - Fixed bug causing a summoned Charging Parademon to perform Demon Charge attack in the wrong direction in certain circumstances Dr Fate - Fixed a bug which allowed for the Final Judgement or Final Punishment to sometimes be able to attack in situations where you were in a throw state Firestorm - Fixed bug where Firestorm's character model could become invisible in certain circumstances during online modes Flash - Fixed bug that would cause the Sonic Lift MeterBurn to sometimes miss if the first hit connected directly above Flash's head Flash - On Your Mark now requires a more precise input when buffered Green Lantern - Battery Blast’s visual effects now always play correctly when on done from the right side Harley Quinn - Fixed a bug with Hungry Hyenas Character Power which could cause only one hyena to appear when two have been summoned Joker - Fixed a bug that prevented the Gasser Gear Ability from dropping from Mother Boxes Poison Ivy - Fixed a loss of control issue when Thistle Hurt (Away+Medium, Down+Medium, Light+Hard/Throw) misses when an opponent tech rolls on the first frame possible after a large combo Poison Ivy - Fixed a camera issue when Nightshade's projectile interrupted Batman's throw on Poison Ivy Red Hood - Hammer Fury (Hard, Hard, Medium while Electric Hammers is active) starts up 1 frame later Red Hood - Fixed bug that could sometimes cause Supermove to auto-correct after the cinematic Red Hood - When Low Spin Parry is active Red Hood is now considered to be ducking Red Hood - Quick Shot Character Power can now be clashed Red Hood - Shrapnel Blast Gear Ability can now be clashed Red Hood - Shrapnel Blast damage decreased to 6% base damage (from 10%) Red Hood - Shrapnel Blast MeterBurn damage has increased to 10% base damage (from 6%) Red Hood - Akimbo Blaze MeterBurn Gear Ability is now recovers 23 frames faster Red Hood - Gutted MeterBurn Gear Ability is now +8 on hit (from -14) Red Hood - Ground Mine and Ground Mine MeterBurn can now only be parried by low projectile parries, and not all projectile parries Superman - Air Heat Vision follow up from Rising Grab is now a hard knockdown to prevent it from being punishable on hit in certain circumstances (This does not apply in Completive / Tournament Mode) Swamp Thing - Fixed camera issue when Swamp Thing is interrupted during the startup of Sinking Slough Gear Ability with an Away + Hard attack Wonder Woman - Fixed a bug could cause Down + Medium to have a misaligned hit region if done when right after an opponent has jumped over you or switched sides Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 20. Juli 2017 Geschrieben 20. Juli 2017 vor 8 Stunden schrieb Mercer1992: Was bringt mir wenn ich Injustice 2 auf mein Mobil Gerät mit der Konsole verbinde? abgesehn vom Cyborg skin und diamant motherbox die die einmalig waren, kriegt man da noch irgendwas anderes? Du bekommst jeden Tag eine Motherbox geschenkt. Die bekommst du automatisch beim starten der Konsolen Version sofort angezeigt. Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 1. August 2017 Geschrieben 1. August 2017 Update 1.07 soll draußen sein. Quelle: Hier das Englische Changelog dazu: Zitat AUGUST UPDATE General Gameplay fixes General stability improvements Many move list corrections Fixed some currency/mother box exploits Many improvements to the stability of King of the Hill Improvements to AI logic Attacks that collide with a Roll Escape's invulnerability now act as if they have missed (previously this acted as a block) Flip Stance button can no longer activate a roll when you are knocked down Medium Attack and Heavy Attack can no longer activate a roll when you are knocked down with Button Shortcuts On in controller settings Fixed a one frame window in which diagonals could be used for specials when performing a cancel or wakeup attack with Input Shortcuts set to Off Holding directions no longer stores that direction in the buffer for dashing with Alternate Controls set to On Fixed some rare occurrences of a match extension that would not cause both players to be reset to neutral Fix for a one frame window that could cause a dash in the wrong direction if the opponent has just performed a teleport Fixed issues with visual effects not disappearing correctly after being evaded by a projectile immune move Fixed bug causing some non-projectile attacks being able to be avoided by projectile immune moves in rare circumstances Improved hotfix data application to apply right after boot when available There is now an Overflow Warning which notifies the player when their overflow is full Added icons to show when playing with Competitive Mode On or in Tournament Mode to the gameplay HUD Improved display of Daily Challenges in the Main Menu The following changes previously disabled in Competitive/Tournament mode are now enabled for all modes: Atrocitus - additional damage added after Napalm Vomit attacks inside of a combo will now use the correct combo damage scaling Bane - Mercenary’s Elbow when meter-burned will no longer do unscaled damage Black Adam - Adjusted Air Boot Stomp ability to be able to cross up when an opponent was in the corner Brainiac - If a Beta Strike Character Power is active when a throw escape occurs, it is destroyed Captain Cold - No longer continues to gain Character Power meter if transitioned while holding Cyclotron Charge Superman - Air Heat Vision follow up from Rising Grab is now a hard knockdown to prevent it from being punishable on hit in certain circumstances Stage Specific Fixes Batcave - Fixed rare issue where players could use the chain swing interaction to move outside the boundaries of the stage Brainiac Ship - Drone interaction respawn timer is now 4 seconds (from 2) Fortress of Solitude - Wall punch interaction cooldown is now 4 seconds (from 3) Metropolis - Fixed bug that could cause the camera to move away from the fighters when valve interaction was used Kahndaq - Wall punch interaction cooldown is now 4 seconds (from 3) Red Sun Prison - Drone summon interaction cooldown is now 4 seconds (from 2) Character Specific Fixes Aquaman - Huzzah (Away + Light, Medium, Hard) has 3 more recovery frames Aquaman - Rising Trident (Down + Medium) has 1 more startup frame and 3 less active frames Aquaman - Trident Rush & Trident Rush MeterBurn do less damage for each hit Aquaman - Tentacle Strike MeterBurn now does an additional hit that causes a hard knockdown Aquaman - From The Deep MeterBurn Gear Ability base damage reduced from 6 to 4 Atroticus - Slightly Increased the amount of character power meter drained from Atrocitus when push-blocked while Dex-Starr is out Atroticus - Slightly increased the amount of Character Power Meter drained for using Blood Ball, Hate Pounce, or Regurgitate Rage Gear Ability while Dex-Starr is active Atroticus - Significantly increased the amount of Character Power Meter drained for using Blood Wall while Dex-Starr is active Atroticus - Reduced the cancel advantage of the second to last hit of Blood Ritual (Towards + Medium, Medium, Hard) by 3 Atroticus - Napalm Vomit has 5 less active frames and 3 more frames of recovery on miss Atroticus - Napalm Vomit block advantage properties adjusted to be more consistent between close and long ranges Bane - base stats adjusted to have 50 less strength, 50 less health, and 100 more defense Bane - base damage of most normal attacks and special moves have been increased by 1 Bane - Brutal Jab (Light) now has 7 startup frames (down from 9) Bane - Brutal Hammerfist (Medium) base damage increased to 5 (from 3) Bane - Spine Buster MeterBurn (Towards + Medium, Down, Light + Hard MeterBurn) base damage increased to 8 (from 3) Bane - Knightfall (Away + Medium, Light) base damage increased to 9 (from 6) Bane - Bane Bomb MeterBurn base damage increased to 16 (from 13) Bane - Body Press MeterBurn Gear Ability base damage increased to 18.8 (from 15.8) Batman - Fixed bug preventing the use of negative edge to perform Bat Swarm with Release Check On in controller settings Batman - Pressing a button not bound to any attacks after performing Air Scatter Bombs MB will no longer prevent further inputs Batman - slightly increased combo damage scaling after Mechanical Bats Character Power and it is now consistent regardless of how many bats hit Batman - Batarang MB and Up Batarang MB damage scaling increased Batman - Batarang MeterBurn now has 8 active frames (from 9) and has 6 more recovery frames on hit/block Batman - Up Batarang MeterBurn now has 8 active frames (from 9) and has 6 more recovery frames on hit/block Batman - Fixed bug which was preventing the AK Battle Armor 5U89R (Alternate) Shader from dropping from Mother-Boxes and end of match rewards Black Adam - Riddle of The Sphinx (Towards + Light, Medium, Light + Hard) base damage reduced to 10 (from 13) Black Adam - Orbs of Seth Character Power base damage reduced to 2.5 (from 3) on each orb and now increase combo damage scaling Black Adam - Boot Dive and Boot Dive MeterBurn base damage has been reduced to 8 (from 10) and has increased combo damage scaling Black Adam - Black Magic hit advantage has been reduced to 24 (from 47) and now triggers auto-block on a grounded opponent Black Adam - Black Magic has increased gravity against an airborne opponent Black Adam - Black Magic Meter burn has decreased combo damage scaling Black Canary - No Turning Back (Light, Light, Medium) had 7 less recovery frames, 5 more frames of blockstun and increased pushback on block Black Canary - New Wings (Light, Light, Medium, Light + Hard) is now a throw attack and has base damage increased by 1 Black Canary - Soaring High (Away + Light, Medium) base damage increased to 7 (from 3), 5 more frames of blockstun and increased pushback on block Black Canary - High Heel (Hard) has 5 more frames of blockstun and increased pushback on block Black Canary - Holding Back (Hard, Hard) has 1 less recovery frame, 10 more frames of blockstun Black Canary - Front/Back Handspring into Flying Scissor Kick now recovers 3 frames faster with increased pushback on block Black Canary - Front/Back Handspring into Thrust Kick now recovers 4 frames faster and has 15 more frames more blockstun Brainiac - Coluan Form (Light, Light) base damage increased to 3 (from 2) Brainiac - Collector of Worlds (Light, Medium) base damage increased to 3 (from 2) Brainiac - Dual Strike (Away + Medium) base damage increased to 5 (from 4) Brainiac - Tendril Swarm (Hard) base damage increased to 7 (from 5) and has increased combo damage scaling Brainiac - The delaying of Beta Strike and Beta Bomb no longer gets cancelled when Brainiac is hit or blocks Brainiac - Beta Strike can no longer be parried by low projectile parries Captain Cold - Fixed bug with Upward Cold Blast Gear Ability not aligning properly when done from some 2in1 cancels Captain Cold - Big Freeze MB now ignores projectile immunity Captain Cold - Adjusted hit regions on several normal attacks Captain Cold - Freeze (Medium, Light, Hard) has 4 less recovery on hit/Miss, 7 less recovery on block, and causes 5 less frames of blockstun Captain Cold - Prison Break (Away + Medium, Hard, Medium) has decreased combo damage scaling Captain Cold - Grip Hit (Hard) now has 10 startup frames (from 12), active frames increased to 5 (from 3), 5 less recovery, and has 6 more blockstun frames Captain Cold - Fixed bug that caused Glacier Grenade to have higher input priority then Cryogenic Blast when performed as a cancel Captain Cold - Absolute Zero Supermove and Cryogenic Blast can no longer get destroyed by some Background Interactions Captain Cold - Force Field now activates 5 frames faster and has 5 less recovery frames Captain Cold - The Wall has reduced pushback on block, 9 less blockstun frames, and 9 less recovery on block Captain Cold - The Wall MB startup is now 6 frames (from 14) and recovery increased by 2 frames and now ignores projectile immunity Captain Cold - Reduced the gap between The Wall missing and The Wall MeterBurn active frames to 1 (down from 6) Catwoman - Tail Spin (Away + Hard) has pushback on block reduced and victim regions slightly increased during the active and recovery frames Catwoman - Whip Strike (Jump + Medium Attack) has its hit region angle slightly adjusted Catwoman - Cat-Lateral Damage character power damage on each hit changed (overall reduced) Catwoman - Cat-Lateral Damage character power no longer has invulnerability on wakeup Catwoman - Cat Stance Cat-Wheel has 13 more frames of recovery on block, 8 more frames of recovery on miss, and increased combo damage scaling Catwoman - Cat Dash MeterBurn no longer has armor, has increased damage scaling when hitting airborne opponents, and decreased damage scaling when hitting grounded opponents Catwoman - Cat's Tail and Up Cat's Tail damage scaling increased Cheetah - Fixed issue with Graceful Hunter (Away + Medium, Light + Hard) input window which made it difficult to perform follow ups with Input Shortcuts Off in controller settings Cheetah - Fixed bug that could cause her tail to no longer animate after losing a clash to Red Hood Cheetah - Silent Stalker (Medium, Medium, Hard) has 25 less recovery frames Cheetah - Blood Ritual (Hard, Hard, Medium) recovers 3 frames faster on hit, 6 frames faster on block/miss, has 5 more frames of blockstun, and increased pushback on block Cheetah - Last hit of Blood Ritual (Hard, Hard, Medium) now causes a splat reaction instead of a juggle state when hitting airborne opponents Cheetah Auto-block is enabled after a 2nd Blood Lunge in the same combo Darkseid - Fixed bug that caused Boss Darkseid Supermove to get destroyed by some interactables Deadshot - Ops Strike (Towards + Light) now has 7 startup frames (up from 6) Deadshot - Low Burst (Down + Light) now has 7 startup frames (down from 8) , 5 less hit/miss recovery frames, 3 less block recovery frames, and blockstun increased by 2 frames Deadshot - Knee Burst (Away + Light) now has 14 startup frames (up from 13) and 3 more recovery frames Deadshot - Triggered (Away + Light, Medium) has 5 more recovery frames Deadshot - Hammer Slam (Towards + Medium) now has 16 startup frames (up from 15) Dr Fate - Can no longer spend meter trying to Meter Burn Displacer Orb after it has been projectile parried Dr Fate - After Displacer Orb is Meter Burned, it will ignore projectile immunity and cannot be projectile parried Dr Fate - Fixed issue with his win screen being obstructed by foreground objects on some backgrounds Dr Fate - Fixed issue with some Displacer Orb effects lingering on screen during clash Dr Fate - Evoking The Gods (Medium, Light, Light) and Blood Price (Medium, Light, Light, Hard) had their hit regions adjusted Dr Fate - Summoned Force (Away + Medium) now has a growing hit region instead of a static one and has 9 startup frames (down from 10) and 3 more recovery frames Dr Fate - Glyph of Osiris and Glyph of Anubis recover 1 frame faster on block Dr Fate - Glyph of Anubis MB has decreased combo damage scaling Dr Fate - The Pillar of Magic after connecting with 3 Ankhs of Final Judgment has decreased combo damage scaling Firestorm - Fixed bug causing Energy Shield effects to persist during the win screen Flash - Quantum Tunneling and Sonic Parry Gear Ability can now be selected in Wakeup Mode and Reversal Mode in Practice Mode > AI Options Flash - Lightning Punches now has 10 startup frames (down from 12) Flash - Speed Zone Character Power has increased damage scaling Flash - On Your Mark into Sonic Pound has its hit region adjusted, blockstun increased by 10 frames, has increased pushback on block, and hit advantage has increased to 30 or 49 (from 39) if the last hit only or both hits connect Flash - On Your Mark into Charge now has a different reaction and has 30 hit advantage (down from 39) Flash - Freeze Tank interaction on Red Sun Prison now works correctly if Flash uses it while Speed Zone Character Power is active Gorilla Grodd - base stats adjusted to have 50 less Ability, 50 less health, and 100 more defense Gorilla Grodd - Slaughtering Humans (Light, Light), Cutthroat King (Medium, Medium), Salvation Run (Away + Medium, Light + Hard) base damage increased by 1 Gorilla Grodd - Low Bash (Away + Light) has 5 more frames of blockstun and 6 more hit advantage Gorilla Grodd - Bloodthirsty Ruler (Away + Light, Light + Hard) and (Away + Light, Light + Hard Meter Burn) base damage increased by 1 Gorilla Grodd - Hyper-Intelligence (Towards + Medium, Light) base damage increased to 7 (from 5) Gorilla Grodd - Carnivore Sweep (Down + Hard) has 2 more hit advantage, recovers 4 frames faster on block/miss, and has 3 more frames of blockstun Gorilla Grodd - Secret Sweep (Down + Towards + Hard) has more 10 more blockstun Gorilla Grodd - After using Leap 3 times during a combo Savage Kick (Jump + Hard) will cause a splat knockdown Gorilla Grodd - Fixed bug that prevented meter build from occurring when exiting Psionic Lift then canceling into Primal Lunge, Savage Strength, or Mind Control Gorilla Grodd - The window for canceling into Psionic Push or Savage Strength from Telekinesis now starts 14 frames sooner Gorilla Grodd - Telekinesis recovery reduced by 4 frames Gorilla Grodd - Stampede base damage increased to 9 (from 5) Gorilla Grodd - Stampede Meter Burn base damage increased to 18 (from 10) Gorilla Grodd - Stampede Carcass Toss Gear Ability Meter Burn base damage increased to 25 (from 18) Gorilla Grodd - Primal Lunge into Head Bash damage increased to 11 (from 10) Harley Quinn - Fixed visual bug that caused her mallet to instantly disappear if she is hit by a freeze attack while performing Mallet Slap (Away + Hard) Joker - Fixed bug that caused Side Order of Pie Gear Ability Supermove to get destroyed by some interactables Poison Ivy - Rhytidome Skin, Thistle Coat Gear Ability, and Datura Hammer now requires a more precise input when buffered Poison Ivy - Up Rooted (Down + Medium) now has a growing hit region instead of a static one, has 16 startup frames (down from 20), has 7 active frames (up from 3), and recovers 3 frames faster Poison Ivy - Quick Bloom (Away + Hard) now has a growing hit region instead of a static one, has 26 startup frames (down from 29) and has 10 active frames (up from 4) Poison Ivy - Straight Datura and Up Datura have increased combo damage scaling Poison Ivy - Swinging Datura has greatly reduced combo damage scaling Red Hood - Fixed bug causing Ground Mine explosion to have interactable properties Red Hood - Battle-Chain MB now has 20 advantage on hit (from 39) Red Hood - Lethal Lunge now has 9 startup frames (up from 8) Robin - Haunting Legacy (Light, Medium) has 2 less recovery on hit / miss, 3 more recovery on block, and 5 more blockstun Robin - Fighting Authority (Light, Medium, Hard) has 20 startup frames (up from 16) Robin - Family Secrets (Light, Medium, Down + Hard) has 2 less recovery and 5 more blockstun Robin - Quick Draw (Away + Light) has its hit region adjusted Robin - Skill And Training (Away + Light, Medium, Up + Hard) has increased pushback on block Robin - Deep Laceration (Medium) hit region adjusted, has 5 less recovery, blockstun reduced by 5, and 3 less cancel advantage Robin - Blades And Blood (Medium, Light) has its hit region adjusted and 1 more active frame Robin - Inner Darkness (Towards + Medium, Light) has its hit region adjusted Robin - Never Lose (Away + Medium, Light, Hard) has 1 more active frame and 12 less recovery frames Robin - Flip Kick (Towards + Hard) can now be directed closer or further by holding Towards or Away Robin - Flip Kick (Towards + Hard) recovers 3 frames faster on hit, 8 frames faster on block, 13 frames faster on miss and has 10 less frames of blockstun Robin - Low Cutter (Down + Hard) now recovers 5 frames faster on block Robin - Assassin Strike cancel input can now be buffered Robin - Swoop has its hit region adjusted Robin - Swoop MB now auto faces the opponent, has 8 startup frames (down from 16), the projectile travels faster with improved initial tracking Supergirl - Elseworld's Finest (Light, Light, Up + Hard) has 10 more frames of blockstun Supergirl - Last Daughter of Krypton (Away + Light, Medium, Hard) has its hit region adjusted and 5 less recovery on block and miss Supergirl - Face Smash (Medium) has its hit region adjusted, starts up in 10 frames (up from 8), and is a mid attack Supergirl - Forbidden Fortress (Medium, Light) has increased pushback on block, 5 less blockstun, and 3 less recovery frames Supergirl - Crossroads of Time (Medium, Light, Medium) now has 16 startup frames (down from 18) Supergirl - Matrix (Away + Medium, Light + Hard) has 5 less blockstun, 20 less recovery on block, 15 less recovery on miss Supergirl - Frost breath MB base damage increased to 2 (from 0) and combo damage scaling reduced Supergirl - Kryptonian Force now recovers 4 frames faster Supergirl - Fixed bug that caused the hit region of Kryptonian Force MB to be offset when done on right side of the opponent Supergirl - (Air) Power Slam MB can now be Air Escaped Supergirl - Adjusted the stat distribution on her Epic Set Items to be more in line with similar items. Superman - Fixed bug preventing superman from canceling Steel Fist (Jump + Light) or Double Strike (Jump + Medium) into Ankle Breaker (Down + Hard) or Flying Low (Down + Towards + Hard) Superman - Flying Punch is now a high attack and has had its repel proximity adjusted Superman - Flying Punch MB no longer has armor and has its hit region adjusted Superman - Rising Grab has 4 more frames of recovery on block and 9 more frames of recovery on miss Superman - Super Breath base damage decreased to 9 (from 10) Superman - Super Breath MB base damage decreased to 6 (from 10) Superman - Fixed bug preventing combo damage scaling from applying to (Air) Flying Smash when used as an OTG in certain circumstances Swamp Thing - base stats adjusted to have 50 less Ability, 50 less health, and 100 more defense Swamp Thing - Log Slam (Towards + Hard) and Log Smack (Away + Hard) have their hit regions adjusted Swamp Thing – increased base damage of most special moves by 1 Swamp Thing - Abigail's Garden recovery has been reduced by 9 frames Swamp Thing - If Swamp Thing has Abigail's Garden character power active, hitting an opponent with Vine Grab or Green Thumb causes Swamp Thing to gain armor for a short duration Swamp Thing - Abigail's Garden will no longer stop growing when Swamp Thing blocks an attack, attacks with Healing The Breach (Towards + Medium, Light), hits with Bio-Fission MB, or does a dash Wonder Woman - Eyes of The Gorgon (Towards + Medium, Hard) has 5 less frames of recovery and 10 more frames of blockstun Wonder Woman - Challenge of The Gods (Away + Medium, Hard) now has 21 startup frames (down from 24), 10 more frames of blockstun with increased pushback, and recovers 15 frames faster on block / miss Wonder Woman - Upward Shield Toss is now a high attack, recovers 17 frames faster and has increased hit advantage Wonder Woman - Upward Shield Toss MB has its hit region adjusted and has increased hit advantage Wonder Woman - Air Shield Toss is now a high attack Wonder Woman - Air Shield Toss MB is now a high attack, has 2 more active frames, recovers 12 frames faster, and no longer triggers autoblock on a grounded opponent Wonder Woman - Air Downward Shield Toss MB now recovers 9 frames faster and no longer triggers autoblock on a grounded opponent Wonder Woman - Hippolyta's Light character power recovers 9 frames faster Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 3. August 2017 Geschrieben 3. August 2017 Es scheint so, das der Offline Savegame Trick gepacht wurden ist. Denn ich ziehe jedesmal das gleiche aus den Boxen. Wer also den Offline Savegame Trick anwenden will, um seine Credits für Boxen zu investieren, damit er die Catwomen Fähigkeit bekommt, sollte nicht auf 1.07 updaten. Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 5. August 2017 Geschrieben 5. August 2017 Der Glich mit dem 150K Multiverse Event funktionert aber noch. Aus den Boxen die man als Belohnung bekommt (Diamond) kommen zwar immer wieder die gleichen Sachen, aber die Zufällige Fähigkeit ist meist immer eine andere. Gestern abend habe ich 20 Matches gegen Cheetah gemacht, aber kein Glück mit der Catwoman Fähigkeit gehabt. Zitieren
StheelX Geschrieben 5. August 2017 Geschrieben 5. August 2017 Wenn ein 150K Event da ist, gehst du wie folgt vor. - Du kannst und musst Online bleiben. - Bezahl die 150K, aber spiele es noch nicht. - Sichere dein Savegame vom Spiel. - Geh wieder ins Spiel und gewinne das 150K Event. - warte ca 5 bis 10 Sekunden. - Stell dein altes Savegame wieder her. - Starte das Spiel und geh in Einzelspieler Multiversum zur Portal Auswahl. Das Event ist nun leider noch nicht spielbar. - Stell wieder dein altes Savegame her, eventuell musst du das ganze mehrmals machen, bis das Event wieder spielbar ist, und gewinne es wieder. - das ganze kannst du beliebig oft machen, solange das Event Portal da ist. Bei mir waren immer alle gewonnen Fähigkeiten und Diamant Boxen zum Schluß, wenn ich keine Lust mehr hatte oder das Portal Event zuende war, alle in Brothereye da. Zwar kommt aus allen Diamant Boxen von der Session immer das gleiche raus, aber diese Sachen lassen sich alle Prima verkaufen für Credits. Gestern abend habe ich nach 20 gewonnen 150K Matches, meine 150K locker wieder rein bekommen. Sogar 500K mehr als vorher gehabt. Ich hoffe ich konnte dir damit helfen. Zitieren
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