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13 trophies, alle bronze:

A Reunion with Hanzo trophy_bronze.pngtrophy_hidden7.png
Completed "Yokai Country".

Awakened Ambition trophy_bronze.pngtrophy_hidden7.png
Completed "The One-Eyed Dragon's Castle".

The Smoldering Flames of War trophy_bronze.pngtrophy_hidden7.png
Completed "Spriti Stone Huntress".

Oshu Explorer trophy_bronze.png
Completed all Tohoku region missions.

Destroyer of Demons trophy_bronze.png
Completed all "Way of the Demon" missions.

Oshu Guide trophy_bronze.png
Collected all Kodama in the Tohoku region.

Odachi Master trophy_bronze.png
Acquired mystic art for the odachi.

The Chosen One trophy_bronze.png
Equipped +15 divine equipment in all slots. (Excludes accessories.)

Hot Spring Enthusiast trophy_bronze.png
Bathed in every hot spring in the Tohoku region.

Female Impersonator trophy_bronze.png
Completed any mission while transformed into a woman.

Eluding the Dragon trophy_bronze.pngtrophy_hidden7.png
Completed "Hands of the Dragon".

Conqueror of Aoba Castle trophy_bronze.pngtrophy_hidden7.png
Siezed all of Aoba Castle's three-storied keeps in "The One-Eyed Dragon's Castle".

Good Listener trophy_bronze.pngtrophy_hidden7.png
Listened to Katakura Shigenaga's entire introduction in "The One-Eyed Dragon's Castle".


Ich vermute sie sind gleich schwer wie im Hauptspiel, bzw. muss man auch nur das DLC durchspielen.

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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