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Trophäen-Leitfaden - Madden NFL 17
1x platin.png  2x gold.png  23x silber.png  9x bronze.png  = 35 | Gesamtpunkte: 1185

Allgemeine Infos:
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 Ultimate Post Season
Make the playoffs in Ultimate Team Seasons.

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 Wheel & Deal
Win a MUT auction.

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 Going Solo
Win a MUT Solo Challenge.

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 Alshon Jeffrey Legacy Award
Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 1,150.

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 Julio Jones Legacy Award
Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 2,150.

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 Rob Gronkowski Legacy Award
Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 4,500.

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 Dan Rooney Legacy Award
Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 6,075.

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 JJ Watt Legacy Award
Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 7,500.

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 Value Play
Draft a player with an OVR at least 15 points higher than the player he replaces in Draft Champions.

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 Budding Playmaker
Earn at least one bronze medal in all Basic Offense drills inside of Skills Trainer.

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 Budding Game Wrecker
Earn at least one bronze medal in all Basic Defense drills inside of Skills Trainer.

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 Basic Concept
Earn at least one bronze medal in all Football Concept drills inside of Skills Trainer.

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 Skillfully Executed
Earn at least one bronze medal in all Advanced Offensive Drills inside of Skills Trainer.

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 Outwit the Competition
Earn at least one bronze medal in all Strategy Drills inside of Skills Trainer.

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 Double Trouble
Score a rushing and passing TD with a QB in a single game (No SuperSim or Co-Op).

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 So Many Options
Score a TD on an option play (No SuperSim, Skill Trainer, Practice or Co-Op).

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 Master Tactician
Make a Coach Adjustment (No SuperSim, Practice or Co-Op).

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 Chess not Checkers
Run a play that has been set up (No SuperSim, Practice or Co-Op).

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 Next Stop GM
Complete your first Draft Champions event.

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 Winning Draft Day
Draft a team with an OVR greater than 82 in Draft Champions.

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 Stylin' & Profilin'
Draft a Team Style (5 players of a particular team style) in Draft Champions.

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Complete a Draft Champions event undefeated.

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Execute a Successful Fake Punt for a First Down (No SuperSim, Practice or Co-Op).

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 Go to the Beach
Earn a first round bye in Ultimate Team Seasons.

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 The Biggest Stage
Make it to a MUT Seasons Super Bowl.

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 Game, SET, Match
Complete a MUT set.

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 Aaron Rodgers Legacy Award
Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 8,000.

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 John Madden Legacy Award
Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 10,100.

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 Tom Brady Legacy Award
Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 25,000.

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 Triple Crown
Record a sack, forced fumble and fumble recovery on a single play (No SuperSim, Practice or Co-Op).

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 Online Next?
Complete a Single-Player Draft Champions event.

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 Seasoned Vet
Complete 5 Draft Champions Events.

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 The Gold Standard
Earn gold from a drill inside the Skills Trainer.

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 Little Giants
Execute a Fake FG for a TD (No SuperSim, Practice or Co-Op).

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 Madden NFL 17 Master
Congratulations on earning every Madden NFL 17 trophy!

Erhält man automatisch nach Erhalt aller Trophäen (ohne DLCs).
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du kannst nun die Schwierigkeit und den Zeitaufwand bewerten.

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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