Dragarock Geschrieben 9. Januar 2011 Geschrieben 9. Januar 2011 Hallo Community, hier könnt ihr allgemein über das Spiel diskutieren. Euer Trophies.de-Team Das Team unterstützen?
ddcso Geschrieben 22. April 2016 Geschrieben 22. April 2016 hi, bin bei der mission reach a city armor of 2. habe ik aber schon vor der mission gehabt u kann sie daher nich abschliessen. hab mittlerweile schon armor stufe 3 aber die story geht einfach nich weiter. kann wer helfen ? mfg edit: hat sich erledigt.
lucksi Geschrieben 6. Juli 2016 Geschrieben 6. Juli 2016 Hat jemand ne Ahnung welche Regionen es gibt wegen der Doppelplatin?
ohlsen99 Geschrieben 11. Februar 2018 Geschrieben 11. Februar 2018 Hat jemand ne Liste mit den Missionen? Habe die Japaner Version und komme nicht weiter Chapter01: Mission: 1 Strike in Kimberley Mission: Accept one Dandelion docking Mission: Develop Missile Mission: build 3 of them in Kimberley Chapter02: Mission: 1 Strike in Kimberley Mission: Defeat 10 Tictic Mission: Develop the Bulwark E Mission: Build 3 of them Chapter03: (from here on out, two of the same buildings merge automatically when in a row) Mission: Destroy 5 Antrion after you destroyed the 5 Antrion, you will get the auto ability to merge 3 buildings of the same type when they are in a row Mission: Destroy 5 Antrion (again) Mission: Raise happiness to 80 Mission: Reach armor level 2 Mission: Destroy 1 Echinops (boss) can show up once alt density goes over 800; will show up once density is over 1200 at start of mission at latest Chapter04: Mission: 1 Strike in Kimberley Mission: Develop Repair Drone B Mission: Build 1 Repair Drone B Mission: Deveop Blaster Cannon Mission: Develop Shield Wall E Mission: Build 2 Shield Wall E Mission: Defeat 1 Echinops (boss) Chapter05: Mission: Upgrade Chicca to lvl 2 Mission: 1 strike in Medina Mission: Destroy 10 Pygma Mission: Accept 2 Dandelion in Medina Mission: Deleop the Rex Laser Mission: Build 2 Rex Lasers in Medina Chapter06: Mission: 1 Strike with Hikachi Mission: Defeat 15 Tictic with Rex Laser Mission: 1 strike with Penrose Mission: Defeat 20 Pygma with Rex Laser Mission: Fight Bardola (boss) with Penrose Chapter07: Mission: 1 strike with Turing Mission: Reach commander level 12 Mission: Accept 2 Dandelion in Medina Mission: Happiness 90 in Medina Mission: 1 strike with Penrosa AND Hikachi Mission: Destroy 5 Blapp Mission: Destroy 3 Bron Chapter08: Mission: 1 strike with Marybell AND Randall Mission: Develop Megalon Cyclone Mission: Fulfill the Tantera (boss) order in Medina Chapter09: Mission: Build 3 Rex Cannon in Norilsk Mission: Build 3 Rex Missile in Norilsk Mission: 1 strike with Berry Mission: 1 strike with Norilsk Mission: Destroy 5 Antrion Chapter10: Mission: Develop Heavy Tank B Mission: Build 1 Heavy Tank B in Norilsk Mission: 1 strike with Ashlee AND Berry Mission: Destroy 20 Tictic Chapter11: Mission: 2 special reqests (in red) in Norilsk Mission: Accept 2 Dandelion in Norilsk Mission: 100 happiness in Norilsk Chapter12: Mission: 1 strike with Weatherall in Norilsk Mission: Destroy 5 Blapp Mission: 1 strike with Weatherall AND Chisa Mission: Weatherall to level 16 Mission: Fight Ramadillo with Weatherall Chapter13: Mission: 1 Strike in Mitaka Mission: 1 strike with Shino AND Mitaka Mission: 1 strike with Shino AND Tycho in Mitaka Chapter14: Mission: 1 strike with Towa in Kimberley Mission: 1 strike with Tarkov in Kimberley Mission: 50 happiness in Kimberley Chapter15: Mission: 1 strike with Gernsback Mission: Defeat 5 Bronn Mission: 1 strike with Gernsback AND Lovelock Mission: 1 Request (any) Chapter16: Mission: 3 special requests (in red) in Medina Mission: 1 strike with Randall AND Shino in Mitaka Mission: Defeat 1 Belitta (boss) Chapter17: Mission: 3 Nova Cannon in DC Mission: 1 Strike with Gernsback AND Ashlee in DC Mission: Armor level 14 in DC Mission: 3 USWs in DC Chapter18: Mission: 2 dandelions in Kimberley Mission: 2 dandelions in Medina Mission: 2 dandelions in Norilsk Mission: 2 dandelions in Mitaka Mission: 90 happiness in DC Mission: 3 dandelions in DC Mission: 1 strike in DC Chapter19: Mission: Commander level 38 Mission: 3 sol cannons in DC Mission: Defeat Volcanon (boss) in DC Chapter20: Mission: Develop Big Bang Mission: Build 1 Big Bang in each city Chapter21: Mission: 1 strike in Medina Mission: Destroy 5 Antrion Mission: Fulfill Altenian request (red) in Medina Mission: Fulfill 3 requests (red) in Norilsk Chapter22: Mission: Fulfill Altenian request (red) in Mitaka Mission: A2 railgun in Kimberley Mission: 1 dandelion in Kimberley Chapter23: Mission: 1 strike in Kimberley Mission: Destroy 3 Graid Mission: Destroy 5 Blapp Mission: 2 strikes with Randall AND Shino Mission: 1 strike with Penrose and Hikachi Mission: 2 strikes in Kimberley Mission: Fulfill Altenian request (red) __________________
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