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hi, bin bei der mission reach a city armor of 2. habe ik aber schon vor der mission gehabt u kann sie daher nich abschliessen. hab mittlerweile schon armor stufe 3 aber die story geht einfach nich weiter. kann wer helfen ? mfg

edit: hat sich erledigt.


Hat jemand ne Liste mit den Missionen?

Habe die Japaner Version und komme nicht weiter



Mission: 1 Strike in Kimberley

Mission: Accept one Dandelion docking

Mission: Develop Missile
Mission: build 3 of them in Kimberley


Mission: 1 Strike in Kimberley
Mission: Defeat 10 Tictic

Mission: Develop the Bulwark E
Mission: Build 3 of them

Chapter03: (from here on out, two of the same buildings merge automatically when in a row)

Mission: Destroy 5 Antrion
after you destroyed the 5 Antrion, you will get the auto ability to merge 3 buildings of the same type when they are in a row

Mission: Destroy 5 Antrion (again)
Mission: Raise happiness to 80
Mission: Reach armor level 2

Mission: Destroy 1 Echinops (boss)
can show up once alt density goes over 800; will show up once density is over 1200 at start of mission at latest


Mission: 1 Strike in Kimberley
Mission: Develop Repair Drone B
Mission: Build 1 Repair Drone B

Mission: Deveop Blaster Cannon

Mission: Develop Shield Wall E
Mission: Build 2 Shield Wall E
Mission: Defeat 1 Echinops (boss)


Mission: Upgrade Chicca to lvl 2
Mission: 1 strike in Medina

Mission: Destroy 10 Pygma
Mission: Accept 2 Dandelion in Medina

Mission: Deleop the Rex Laser
Mission: Build 2 Rex Lasers in Medina


Mission: 1 Strike with Hikachi
Mission: Defeat 15 Tictic with Rex Laser

Mission: 1 strike with Penrose
Mission: Defeat 20 Pygma with Rex Laser

Mission: Fight Bardola (boss) with Penrose


Mission: 1 strike with Turing
Mission: Reach commander level 12

Mission: Accept 2 Dandelion in Medina
Mission: Happiness 90 in Medina

Mission: 1 strike with Penrosa AND Hikachi
Mission: Destroy 5 Blapp
Mission: Destroy 3 Bron


Mission: 1 strike with Marybell AND Randall
Mission: Develop Megalon Cyclone

Mission: Fulfill the Tantera (boss) order in Medina


Mission: Build 3 Rex Cannon in Norilsk
Mission: Build 3 Rex Missile in Norilsk

Mission: 1 strike with Berry
Mission: 1 strike with Norilsk
Mission: Destroy 5 Antrion


Mission: Develop Heavy Tank B
Mission: Build 1 Heavy Tank B in Norilsk

Mission: 1 strike with Ashlee AND Berry
Mission: Destroy 20 Tictic


Mission: 2 special reqests (in red) in Norilsk

Mission: Accept 2 Dandelion in Norilsk
Mission: 100 happiness in Norilsk


Mission: 1 strike with Weatherall in Norilsk
Mission: Destroy 5 Blapp

Mission: 1 strike with Weatherall AND Chisa
Mission: Weatherall to level 16

Mission: Fight Ramadillo with Weatherall


Mission: 1 Strike in Mitaka

Mission: 1 strike with Shino AND Mitaka

Mission: 1 strike with Shino AND Tycho in Mitaka


Mission: 1 strike with Towa in Kimberley

Mission: 1 strike with Tarkov in Kimberley
Mission: 50 happiness in Kimberley


Mission: 1 strike with Gernsback
Mission: Defeat 5 Bronn

Mission: 1 strike with Gernsback AND Lovelock
Mission: 1 Request (any)


Mission: 3 special requests (in red) in Medina

Mission: 1 strike with Randall AND Shino in Mitaka

Mission: Defeat 1 Belitta (boss)


Mission: 3 Nova Cannon in DC

Mission: 1 Strike with Gernsback AND Ashlee in DC
Mission: Armor level 14 in DC

Mission: 3 USWs in DC


Mission: 2 dandelions in Kimberley
Mission: 2 dandelions in Medina

Mission: 2 dandelions in Norilsk
Mission: 2 dandelions in Mitaka

Mission: 90 happiness in DC
Mission: 3 dandelions in DC
Mission: 1 strike in DC


Mission: Commander level 38
Mission: 3 sol cannons in DC

Mission: Defeat Volcanon (boss) in DC


Mission: Develop Big Bang

Mission: Build 1 Big Bang in each city


Mission: 1 strike in Medina
Mission: Destroy 5 Antrion

Mission: Fulfill Altenian request (red) in Medina

Mission: Fulfill 3 requests (red) in Norilsk


Mission: Fulfill Altenian request (red) in Mitaka

Mission: A2 railgun in Kimberley
Mission: 1 dandelion in Kimberley


Mission: 1 strike in Kimberley
Mission: Destroy 3 Graid
Mission: Destroy 5 Blapp

Mission: 2 strikes with Randall AND Shino
Mission: 1 strike with Penrose and Hikachi
Mission: 2 strikes in Kimberley

Mission: Fulfill Altenian request (red)


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