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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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Hallo Community,

es ist für dieses Spiel leider noch kein Leitfaden vorhanden.
Wer einen dazu erstellen möchte, bitte vorher unsere Regeln lesen Leitfäden - Regeln, Übersicht und Rangliste.

Da wir unsere Leitfäden einheitlich gestalten, haben wir euch hier ein Tutorial erstellt, wie ein Leitfaden regelkonform aufzubauen ist → Leitfaden-Tutorial.


Nach der Zuteilung des Leitfadens, der Fertigstellung, dem Ablauf der jeweiligen Frist und der Einarbeitung aller wichtigen Tipps und Tricks, kannst du hier im Thread Bescheid geben, damit dieser geschlossen und für die Startseite fertig bearbeitet werden kann.

Vielen Dank

Das Team unterstützen

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


zur freien Verfügung..



1x platin.png  2x gold.png  10x silber.png  38x bronze.png  = 51 | Gesamtpunkte: 1230

Allgemeine Infos:
  • Text Text Text Text Text
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 Crown of Fortitude
Completed the game on hard or nightmare difficulty.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 International Bank of Rean
Acquired over a million mira.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Trails in the Couch
Played for over 100 hours.

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 Flawless Jewel
Raised a master quartz to level 5.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 The Cutting Edge
Acquired the strongest weapon for any character.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Frequent Fighter
Won 100 battles.

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 Advanced Beatonomics
Won 500 battles.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Neithardt Would Be Proud
Won 1000 battles.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Quick as a Flash
Initiated 300 advantage encounters (including double and triple advantage).

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 Breakout Performance
Used 100 S-Breaks in battle.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Can't Touch This!
Canceled enemy arts and crafts 100 times.

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 Tactical Thinker
Won a battle with a tactical bonus of x2.0 or greater.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Eightfold Obliteration
Defeated 8 enemies at once.

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 Link Master
Raised any two characters to Link Level 5.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Follow-Up Master
Used over 500 follow-up attacks in battle.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Rush Master
Used Rush in battle 100 times.

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 Burst Master
Used Burst in battle 50 times.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Making the Grade
Earned an S-Rank on any chapter.

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 Heart of a Lion
Received the Lionheart Medal of Heroism from Principal Vandyck.

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 Class Act
Completed all quests, both extra-curricular and during field studies.

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 Field Guide to Erebonian Wildlife
Completely filled the monster guide.

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 Cafeteria Commando
Obtained all recipes.

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 Lake Lord
Caught all varieties of fish.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Social Note-working
Completed all of the character profiles in the notebook.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Honorary Literature Club Member
Completely filled the book section of the notebook.

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 Chest Grabber
Opened every treasure chest in a single playthrough.

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 More Like Rean QUARTZ-er
Gathered all 28 varieties of master quartz.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Crown of Nightmares
Completed the game on nightmare difficulty.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

Achieved student rank A0.

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 Cold Steel Conqueror
Mastered Trails of Cold Steel and earned every trophy.

Erhält man automatisch nach Erhalt aller Trophäen (ohne DLCs).
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du kannst nun die Schwierigkeit und den Zeitaufwand bewerten.


 R is for Romance
Forged a strong bond with Alisa.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Music to My Ears
Forged a strong bond with Elliot.

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 Here With You To Knight
Forged a strong bond with Laura.

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 Equal Opportunity
Forged a strong bond with Machias.

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 Magic Moment
Forged a strong bond with Emma.

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 Noblesse Oblige
Forged a strong bond with Jusis.

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 More Than a Fie-ling
Forged a strong bond with Fie.

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 Wind Beneath My Wings
Forged a strong bond with Gaius.

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 The Young and the Reckless
Forged a strong bond with Millium.

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 Bad Crowmance
Forged a strong bond with Crow.

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 Hot for Teacher
Forged a strong bond with Sara.

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Forged a strong bond with Towa.

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 Freshman Orientation
Arrived in Trista for the first day of school.

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 The Way to Thors
Completed the prologue.

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 Unconventional Studies
Completed Chapter 1.

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 The Verdant City
Completed Chapter 2.

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 Beyond the Railways
Completed Chapter 3.

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 A Midsummer's Revels
Completed Chapter 4.

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 Signs and Omens
Completed Chapter 5.

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 Progressive Chaos
Completed Chapter 6.

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 Put to the Test
Completed the final chapter.

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

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